Take Up the Cross – Chapter 150: Bizarre, Furious Heart-To-Heart ☆

“Apples! Final treat!”


The hanging walkway squeals with each leap. Fruit heaped up, smelling so wonderfully of permanent growth and fertility, rolls off the edges from the shaking. Adris’ balance has been in the realm of the ascended since his youth, yet; he finds himself reaching out to balance as his eyes are drawn away.

Following a wild white flicker that swirls in front of him. It connects via silver to the tight butt his eyes trail hungrily to, before the owner leaps to turn around.


“Boss? Kakaka, so slow!? Still slow!?” Kol’s furry hand lifts to cover her mouth after the kobold finishes cackling. Despite only ever wanting meat, the red-faced idiot tears into a chunk of orange and munches happily on it.

A new flavor of citrus in the air mixes with the murky one Adris fixates on.


(A waddling water tub calls… me slow?)


It’s another bone-cracking taunt, for Adris flexes his neck to pop it and then strides past another dropped orange clinging to the catwalk. Haphazardly placed boards tied to the iron poles are already dangerous enough without slippery obstacles.


(What’s with this fucking overgrown dog’s constant bitching!?)


Kol ducks lower as he approaches, flicking furry ears as she grins. She sniffs noisily, then smiles hard when her ears move back.

Sloooow. Why, Kol faster?”

No weight of Kol’s usually stocky stance is left to settle until her predatory dance ends with Adris close to grasp her. Kol’s sweaty upper body glistens in the sunlight that peeks through the trees. The two face off in a totally unnatural meetup, with Adris’ hands ready to dart at her should she give ground.


(That… is looking for weakness…! She thinks I’m weak!?)


They are stuck in silence for a moment as the walkway squeals, Adris unsure how to insult her for a gross slander and Kol apparently too lost in sizing him up to continue her escalating barrage of abuse.


(It… that look is… right, hateful…?)


Adris licks his lips, an action that Kol flinches at before tensing.

When Adris also tenses, the girl mysteriously draws back and shifts her hips, a thick hand rubbing over the point where her deliciously tan skin meets the top of her annoying pants.

“A… few fruits would be ideal, not the entire grove.”

Washted!” Her tail whips, then she turns to show her butt to him again and continues chewing. “Nom… grove, belongsh to us!”

“You’re going to carry it all back?”

Mmmm? Meh, Boss not carry, too much? Impossible, carry Kol~!”

Because both are too short to reach the purposefully-gathered branches that tempt them with fruit overhead, and neither trusts the swinging walkway enough to leap upon branches that also creak when handled, one has used the other as a ladder with care that should have been careful.

In a ring around the circular, enclosed greenhouse node, they’ve ransacked a bunch of mind-numbingly sweet tastes. Ever more “samples” of diverse flavors get stuffed into Adris’ mouth from above.


(Stop patting my head when you get on my shoulders!)


Kol’s sturdy thighs are hotter each time. Her furry lower legs locked under his armpits tickle.

With her fooling him with words while he grinds his teeth, all of his wits suddenly missing?

“Plenty for…” The monkey gulps noisily, then moans. “Nnah!? Us, kaka, plenty for us! Why, Boss, BIG RULE, ‘take what can get, get it all if no danger’, but not now?” Kol tosses the uneaten rind at Adris’ feet. “Why, then, run away soooo fast~?”

Why it should be Kol to climb up onto him hasn’t made too much sense, but the argument sounded right to Adris at the start before she eagerly mounted him.




Boss has best dancing legs, Kol has best grip! If Kol grabs onto Boss and then the branches, they get pulled down while we don’t get pulled off!”




He huffs in silent indignation, still sure of his decision, though also ignoring that the haze hanging around seems to be closing ever more.

It’s difficult to follow this logic now, but a rebuttal isn’t found. So far, it’s worked.


(Doesn’t it work great? Kol is finally doing something for… someone else…

Who was it…?)


While Adris tries to unite their lost original intention with their current goal and methods, Kol marches up while he lifts his shaking hands to inspect them. She leans in to sniff them, then sticks out her tongue.

“Booooss, change mind?”

He can’t recall anything ever after when she slaps his shoulder so hard that he hisses.


(Why shouldn’t I do it?)


Such a beautiful face should never grow so punchable with sarcasm the way Kol’s does while sneering. Bowing up on him, then backing down to lean sideways like she’s unsure about his shivering. “Impossible, Boss always right, first time! So, Boss wants more fruits for Elf, more food, so: disciple will get! Lift disciple up, Boss~.


(Sure: I’ll lift you way up so the huge eagles can carry you of—OOF!?)


“Yes! More fruit!”

When Adris only lifts his fist to throttle her, Kol leaps at him and clings to his arm, too!

Kol!? Wrong wa—!?


Any logic vanishes from the problem at hand when a moron’s crotch grinds over his eyes.


(Strong…! Wrong! And…!?)


“Don’t fall over, Shorty Boss!”


Adris nearly tumbles backward, but his feet ignore everything to find quick balance. He throws his hands up over her, clinging to hard muscle that flexes with and burns his grip.


(SHORT!? What is wrong with this idiot…!?)


“G-G-Get off my…!?”

“So slow, this way fine! Move forward! To edge, then turn!”

Before Adris can reply, he’s forced to breathe in…


(… Hah…!



The haze is all around him, still, even though his face is shrouded.


“Hoh? Boss, almost there! Couple more, don’t be scared~!”


(SCARED!? Who… the fuck are you to taunt me about…!?)


A disciple should never call their master scared.

Nor climb his face.

Nor reek…!


Adris usually never needs to breathe so much for an exertion this small.

Kol’s tight body has more weight per pound than other girls, but this delicious package of alien offerings is still just a female’s. No real weight.


She’s super easy to lift once Adris commits to centering their balance so that he can lock in his grip on her waist.


Something smacks his right shin when he does, hard!


(Guh!? Are we… being…?)


“Huh, Boss, scared… again…? Kakaka!”


Kol starts to thrash in his grip, this time bloody-red apples of a delirious shine being what shuddering branches yield to them.

There’s no sweetness in the air when one splashes onto his leg after a rough impact.


(Wet… there… and… wet…?)


Adris’ nostrils bake in an inferno of both heat and scents.

A single point at the end of his nose is growing wet where it had once been red hot.


“Lean back, a bit!” Again, something smacks Adris’ hip, causing him to unsteadily hop with the weight of two!

Kol! Quit!? What is with this this insubordination!?

“Boss, waste big words, kakaka!”


Big words require oxygen, though.

Oxygen is found outside.

And when he inhales once more after yelling…




(… Ahhh… you… absolutely reek…)


The travels of a day shouldn’t produce this strong of a scent from a girl. Even if Kol sweats, it’s not a production like this. She’s strong, but not overly sour. The salty sweetness of something else creeps like a killer into Adris’ thoughts.

Its delicate shape opens before his mind’s eye when he wills to peer deeper, to enjoy the strands of liquid hanging in the dark hole beyond.

His mind recognizes what no light can reveal.

“Hnn…” Kol’s thighs squeeze harder when he rasps openly.


(Where are my thoughts going…? I… no, we had things we’re doing. I’m learning, adapting to what… I need to do with them?)


A victory just happened, but now it seems far away.

This was just a task he agreed to because he was asked…?

Asked by his student to rew—?




“… Hah… Shitty Boss…! Unbalanced…!”

Says who?

Adris’ grip digs in, prompting the owner of this bitch’s scent to squirm. That overly rich voice that seems mushy at first, but barks louder. “Always get smaller, too, right at important job~?”

Kol’s hips grind her back and forth against his head.

“Oh, maybe Boss, want more reward for being ladder~? Too bad… can’t eat like this… Shorty Boss~?”

“You… dare?”




Kakaka! Secrets, Kol learns! Hmmm, hmmm…” She sways again in his grip, testing the limits of his balance. “Nnnah… ah, Cute! Told Kol, ‘tasty apple called Cute’ offered bite! Boss, too coward!”



(That was not something she should’ve offered me!

I… don’t remember why… but…!?)


“Don’t eat everything put before you, you idiot disciple!” Adris screams this for no real reason, earning only a cackle in return.

But Boss, usually eat everything Kol…? Like little baby birdie, always, mmmm!?

Adris’ breathing is wild, all sorts of thoughts raging when he twists his head.




Cast her to hell, it’s only ten feet down.”

Piledrive her into the catwalk to test its sturdiness.”

Gift her by flight to the nearest tree trunk.”


Kol’s sheer audacity is enough to melt Adris to the floor if the haze doesn’t.




He’d just accepted her as worth instructing, even if it was a loose half-promise. Hours later, she’s cackling and hooting about his inadequacies like she’s never, ever done after the last time he went all out to crack her spine!






“Boss… always… short…?”

That annoying monkey tail keeps slapping him, begging him to grab on and tear it off! Adris hisses at its impudence!

Short!? SHORT! Haaah! Kakaka!

She settles on that pointless slander after testing it. The stench that suffocates him thickens…!


Boss, fruit, can’t eat, too stupid!

I am… the smartest being you’ve ever blundered in—GHK!?” Adris can no longer tell who is struggling to breathe, but when his air is cut off by a wet fabric smashing against him…




All fruit… Kol’s…!” She moans this with an evil glee. “Boss… can’t even watch Kol eat it all, kakaka!”





The stench is inside now.

It’s all flooding from just outside of his lips.


In his daze, all mental faculties crumbling, Adris recalls that the last time she dared to backtalk him, he’d solved that by cornering her against a door!


Those delectable moments of total supremacy ignite into a firestorm of realization.




(If this bitch won’t shut up when asked…!



Something already tight within snaps, and Adris rears back to bump up against the shit-spouting moron who always tries to kill him with random incompetence!












A flap that’s already sodden opens by touch to slap his face. The stench becomes a cloud rubbing against his cheeks and lips.





There’s no revealing radiance needed to dive in past the loose flap.

Adris sinks into a salty sweetness that no bug-riddled tree can offer!

Deep… deep in Kol already!?” Soft outer peel, already slit open by a blade, parts to reveal the softest wriggling flesh. “Boss… tongue, long~!




Something hits Adris’ rabbit boot and bounces off, but the world outside of “dinner” has faded.

His hands lock onto her front, while his armpits tighten over her legs. After sinking his tongue as deeply as he can, he pulls out to gulp the first juices claimed.

“AAAH! Haaah… naaah!?”

Once seized, this fruit that is almost ripened to rotting in outrageous bitch flavor coats the entirety of Adris’ face when he continues to slurp it.


(Stupid… fucking wannabe disciple… give me more of this nectar!)


YESH…! M-More! Aaahhh…!

The terrible offering gyrates upon him, breathing like a tiger would when gored by a spear.


(The taste is sweet and just… a bit ugly, like it’s perverse to soak in it! This is my stench! It’s been around me the whole time, coming only from here…!)


Adris presses in to bathe in the wet warmth flooding out. A ridiculous balance needed to keep his honeypot upright sends Adris swinging on the faulty catwalk.

Only he could manage this ride!

It’s his skill alone that lets him savor a tight hole that’s softening with every pass along its lips, tugging at the inner folds until these shy petals come out boldly.


Ngah! ‘B-Boring’!”

No time for enjoyment is permitted, for something thwacks Adris’ front hard. A furry hammer coaxes his own flap to pop.

Soft, hairless skin snares the hard member that flops free.


(Wrapped around it!?)


A hard squeeze jolts Adris’ nose into the soppy lips he’s working. The creature riding his shoulders also jumps, then the strangling pressure relaxes on his member.

Rough, rhythmic motions ride from the base of his dick to the head one after another.


(Kol’s tail! Ahh… she’s jerking me off!)


“Kol… can do… better…!”

The idea of being bested is a blade into his gut again, a rage he was satisfying with dank nectar flaring.

Adris’ tongue slides up her cleft to climb over the entrance. A nub that’s a bit larger than others’ earns a brutal flick over it!

NAAH!? Attack too hard!


(You’re being punished! You’re just a treat for me!)


His balance is sorely tested by the jerks that tug him forward, but Adris stands on this old platform eating the softest flesh of a brick-hard body and drinking the fluids the efforts earn. No tail can match the tool of an orator. When he “sings” into her melting place with all of his gusto, she kicks out in fulfillment that he chooses to gift.

This is his pleasure to bestow.


(I’ve trained… you in everything! Learn your place.)


“… There…! Best… feeling…!”

Whining no more, Kol’s pants become a low howl when he sucks on her clit. The tree she was plundering shakes noisily with her constant raking of it with her claws.

A never-ending series of slaps with his tongue sends her slit throbbing against his chin. Juices smearing over his lips and cheeks.


(This pussy has learned to submit!)


A mushy inferno is solely for his pleasure. Kol’s is incidental, only a reaction to his taking for now.


There’s no goading on by Adris to play her up, service her. All his muscles work to lock in the body he’s claimed.

Her tail resists, but it can’t do more than tickle his growing satisfaction. Bumping at the head to almost scale over the frenulum. Kol has no real skill with her attack scaled tail, though it feels oddly sleek on his length.


And when he sinks his face into her again she can only howl ever more surrender.


(Who was making a dish for who, Kol!?)


Adris eats healthily and greedily.

This treat wasn’t permitted to him during their life and death struggle against living dolls. Before he despoiled this flower, it’d been his first on Zennia that was a living one.

“No, no, no! Kol… eeeaaah!? Boss… weak, not…!?”

It’s still the easiest flower to suckle at until it bursts. Kol’s bravado is so faked. Her wound up muscles become jittery.

Adris easily recognizes a thunderbolt riding through this just-collared pet!


(My tongue cannot be beaten by ANYONE!)


“NYOOOAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!” Kol’s cry is also a splash that tastes salty.

With each jerk that comes from his deep sucking of her clit during this orgasm, Adris’ proud son aches because of the strangling that matches the timing. He rides through her climax with his mouth not separating even when she jerks away, ready to plummet in ecstasy.

The air stinks of her sex, the concentration of it so vibrant that Adris’ own senses cannot parse the world except for Kol’s presence.


“Mmph…! Y-You… obey your body… it obeys… me!” Adris’ victory shout from between her thighs is muffled, but Kol squeezes with an annoyed whine.


(Call out now! How much you need a man like only I am to give this kind of thrill!)


Kol’s recovery is fast, clamping harder onto his sides with conviction.


“Nnnneah…! Shitty… Boss…!” Kol only pants, no longer offering sounds of submission.




His best service usually earns whispers of love. Abuse comes instead with a laugh and a whistle. “… All Kol… has to do… to get Shorty to do Echo’s licky job… is climb up?” Being compared is an extra sin added onto not being thanked with sweet moans.

The kobold’s tail is what whips to slap him on the ass, jolting Adris into almost losing his balance.

“Kakaka, then, when Shorty Boss lays down to sleep after doing nothing…!”




Strong legs lift up and pull away to goad him, with the target he just licked still sloppy. Only barely can Adris make out the inviting depths that suck like a mouth on nothing.

Kol will squat on Boss’ face to get… ah, ‘tribute’!” That annoying tail slams into him repeatedly, making him shiver in rage. “Yes, Kol, always accept… mmmm, tribute!”

Kol’s moans come now at this dream, not of Adris’ making but at his expense. “Kol deserves even MORE than this, THREE TIMES A DAY, for putting up with weakling Boss who… um, what did Boss do…?

His hands on her clench tighter, but Kol only shifts in tone while thinking of an answer.


“Right, big coward! Boss, runs from crab after falling asleep~! Carried by Puddle, always carried!









That pink slit is now red in Adris’ eyes.

Then, it’s gone when he pulls away to thrust his hands between her thighs and his head.


Kol cries out when losing her perch to a sudden wedge that pops her off!

Tree branches crack and rustle. Adris’ body twirls under her on the unsteady catwalk to dart for the retard’s legs upon rising.




For the one who went down first and contributed the least to demean HIS victory deserves the chatty bitch’s legs to be pulled wide.

“GYAH! Ow!?” His hands lock under her thighs and pull wide. Adris’ timing is perfect to leave Kol’s legs wrenched open into a horizontal V. Hard core muscles just healed are tight with Kol’s effort to keep from sagging. Holding onto the limbs she pulls down and leaving them straining, should Adris let go she’ll be at their mercy or gravity’s.

This untrained brick stays up with only thighs and core bulging with strength.


Apologize, you ingracious worm.



But he has no intention of letting go of the body he’s put into prime position.

Limbs above them are set at such a useful height, the tension placed on them setting Kol up for her punishment.

Most of Kol’s body is over the edge, but the dripping hole leaving the catwalk glistening at Adris’ feet is primed for abuse. The kobold’s ears flick around sensing danger, but when the idiot turns back to look at the spectacle she’s stuck in, she seems wide-eyed, red-faced, and… anticipating.

Only for a moment, then she sneers with a big, drooling smile when they lock sight of each other.


You’ve gone crazy. Lost your mind. Forgotten how… weak you are!” Kol’s pupils narrow, and Adris’ low voice becomes more beastly. “Beg your master for forgiveness. I’ll forgive you, even though I should obliterate a betrayal of our pact.”




You’re mine… Kol. To do with as I please. And you will apologize.”

Totally at Adris’ mercy, the idiot that dragged him out into the unknown, in search for fruits that he must nudge aside not to smash them, doesn’t seem like she can stop panting. But she does buck up, her tanned skin and rippling muscles once flexed letting her sway in mid-air despite Adris’ lock on her legs.


“Words, lame~! Make…!” The bumbling, white midget wolf sings while winding up her silverish tail.

Adris’ cheek stings with the end’s impact on it. An unwholesome smell lingers on it after the tip flicks away, familiar and currently all-infuriating.


“… Kol, to apologize~!”


Sweat pooling at her brow aside, even while deserving to be murdered it’s Kol’s swarthy beauty that grows Adris’ twitching dick beyond its normal limits.

Refusal coats her, stains her with sin.


(Only… only one way. She deserves it…!)


Sinning possessions cannot be allowed to…!


He yanks her forcefully into position, earning a gasp from the rest that is attached to the oozing hole he lines up against.

Sneer, smile, and mock their…!



One last scream is all she can manage before he rears back and hammers in.






“How short… am I now…!”


Kol’s tail flicks ramrod straight when he bottoms out. Seconds only pass as both suffer the war between their sexual tools!

How she makes sufficient room in her depths for him is a mystery, for Kol has never practiced dealing with this sort of play. Kol’s eyes turn white for a moment when they roll up, her ears twitch, and she shakes from her bottom up her spine; but, then the sneer returns to spite her burning cheeks.

“… Lame!”

“You little white bitch!?”

“… Kaah…!? Super… sh-shorty…!” Her pink tongue slides out as absolute mockery.










Nothing registers anymore but the piston.

The slapping of skin, both muscular, yet the slave’s butt still quite soft.



A long tail tries to buffer between each thrust. It fails, sliding into his chest only to pop away with the drill that knocks deep.


“OOOH!” One slap earns a howl, followed by more! “NAHAA!?” And MORE!

“AAAH! GUH, Boss… W-WEAK!?”


With legs locked, a howling idiot’s hole is a clenching masturbatory aid.

Adris’ hips become a flurry with his dedication to trying it out for the first time under his control.


(You always fight back! BUT NOT NOW, NOW…!)


“You’re MINE!”


The meaty squelch of her lips proves another lie false. And a lie deserves to be punished!

“Scream! Lemme hear more lies! AAAHAH! A tight, squishy pussy… tells the truth!”


His thick head slashes through her tight insides with each slam. Walls that can strangle to death try and fail to lock him inside.

He’s too furious for a naive child to pin down!



“Harder!? GLADLY!”


With a racket above them as a tree is shaken wildly, and objects hitting the ground below after each slap against her tanned ass, Adris savors the absolute justice of leaving a fearless idiot finally screaming for mercy within enemy grounds.

Outrageous incompetence earns its punishment now!

It matters to Adris only that he gets to derive pleasure from her velvety walls when delivering it.


“… A hole! You’re now… my hole…!”


A hole tightens when called on, buttery walls swishing as they widen and constrict with his stabbing through.

“… If you rebel! You’re just a hole!”

“Not… hole…!?”

I’m your… aaaah, master! WHAT I WANT IS LAW!




Red hot is how his dick has become, baking in the depths of his favorite pussy.

Its taste was already comforting as it was tangy before this. Like a favorite sauce so rare that it has to be sparingly used! But the passage that creates that miraculous flavor is one that no longer receives kind treatment and instead inflicts back a new set of sensations when bullied!




“Ooh! Backtalk me, with my dick…!

“Hyaah! Hard…!”

“Hollowing you out! COME OOOON!”


Into a manic rush Adris descends. He leans over this female hound and lifts up on his toes.

Rummaging inside of her with a slight gyration to the work.

Even when punishing he can’t deprive himself of the roar of satisfaction he steals by playing to her tastes.


In the Castillo, Kol’s body learned what truly rutting like a dog amounted to.

So pleased at first that he’d chosen that position, she’d later only been able to howl. History of course repeats when an incensed master takes out his displeasure on an apprentice.





“Gaaah!? Nooooo!”

“I’ll forgive you… haah, when you cry out my name!”

Nevahr…! Aaah! Naah!

Despite how his victim drools, she finally tries to kick away. Powerful legs are hard to lock in even when mostly controlling her hips and keeping her elevated.

So like a dog himself Adris angles to stab into her walls toward her belly, scraping her!





Something terribly burdensome creeps into Adris’ muscles that wrench on her.

He sweats with satisfaction, for the energy he burns will lay a foundation for total obedience!

Before he is done, pleasure shall break what nothing else has!





“Bad disciples…! Get broken!”

Hard cock and delicious depths, neither part. No long thrusts are bothered with.

Only so that he can withdraw and smack her ass does he pull away before tasting the end of her.

Unending short thrusts scrape out the droplets that smell dankly of her!




Along the back of her spine Adris licks. Sweet, salty and gritty, a warrior’s back shouldn’t be shown to her enemy to be sampled.

“Get remade… uggh, as my…! Favorite… entertainment!”

“HYAAAAAAAAAAAH!?” A distraction from the pummeling of her womb sends Kol into a frenzy, her fury ears flicking then folding back. Kol thrashes more, but the cracking tree limbs don’t permit her any purchase. Her legs have none either when Adris folds her up.

Knees up, she’s now angled to be utilized.

Not a woman, comrade, or even a person…!


To be absolutely…!







Only if she breaks can she be his disciple!

She must give up everything to learn all he deigns to offer!

A dog mounts a bitch, hammering in until both can only gasp. As animals only. No humanity remains high up under and among the branches!



Adris’ balls are tight with the growing closure.


“NYAH! GRAAAH!?” Kol’s head goes back with his abuse, her walls sucking on his full length. The tip expands, knowing what’s about to pass through it!





“OOH!? KOL… KOL!?!?”


“KOL FEELS…!? COMING!? NAAAH, HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!” A wild tail whips, slapping off Adris’ chest!

His personal hole squeezes like a vice! Even when he tries to pull out, his member screams almost in pain over the pleasure.

“Scream…! SCREAM MY NAME!”

“KAAH! NAAAH!? AH!?” Something gives when she tries to arch her back and only produces a crunching sound.


“B-BOOOOOSH…!” The sweetest cry Adris has ever heard is finally taunted out of the fool.

“TAKE IT ALL! Guuh!? Gah! AAAAAAAAH!” Nothing else is permitted except to leave his “thanks”.

The first burst takes so long to get out, backed up and burning in his length as it tries to overcome the tension. When that pleasure is almost too much and Adris wants to scream himself, it finally blasts into the hole’s depths!

One rope, then another, the walls spasm without the delicacy of others’ trained passages. Greedy but also untrained.


Molten hot.

His own pleasure burns up inside of hers.


It’s a brain-frying exposure to feel like there’s a circuit of joy between his mind and her womb. It drains out the dark weights that have dragged on all of his thoughts.






A receiver and the one who mercifully marks her as his gift.

Two bodies, but only one has agency!

“Kol…! Simply… the best hole…!”

“AAAHHHHH!? COOMING…!” A guttural cry silences his cheer.

Her depths burn despite trying to quench them with what feels like a gallon of his own lesser heat. Into her now gooey core is where Adris’ darkest feelings go as he licks her back again.

His nerves are on fire with either pure pleasure of a male’s best release or the horrible pain of such a contorted position to support weight.


Ishould’ve broken you… aah, much sooner…!” So long as he bathes in this scent, the repercussions don’t even remotely matter. All that mattered was achieved the moment he came, even if she were to wash it out: this exhilarating thought forces him to grin with a deranged intensity.

Now… you’ll learn to please me…!

At the cusp of his punishment is when Adris feels truly enlightened.

No matter what occurs after, he punished wrongdoing and she was forced to accept her crime.

Their private world needs not be private any longer.

Now is the time to drag her before all the others out there in the expanding recognition Adris has of things other than themselves.


Once everyone sees Kol, how Adris’ sperm only barely leaks from her tight cunny when he spreads her legs to showcase his work…!



(Before, aaah, now, and always after… ooh… you were always mine, my most beloved little sex pe— AHH!?)




Two great cracks leave Adris acting by pure instinct.

With his own leverage lost the boy is forced to tuck up to crash onto his back onto the catwalk, instead of being thrown over the side.




Adris’ endangered manhood is almost impaled through something almost as important; but, a last second salvation hits with Kol’s hands slamming into the catwalk. Still growling with a climax of her own, Kol’s own fall is halted as the girl struggles to move.

“AAaahhh… gaaah…!”



(We almost… haaah… fell off the fucking thing…!



Adris’ clothing is completely drenched. More joins the gathered liquids when Kol’s own sweat starts pattering onto him. The huffing warrioress is still twitching, because…?




Now that Adris takes even a single moment to think, it seems strange to be stuck with Kol on top of himself.

For instance…?






Their original goal was to obtain fruit.

Instead, all that has been gained has been the violent mashing of Kol’s fruit and a cream filling being deposited in the center of it.

The charge he’s been given by Neesiette, his most stalwart defender, and the easiest girl on his team to fool is the target of a rampage of lust that demeaned her entirely.


(“Break so I can remake you”!?)


Even the memory of those words twists his insides.

The wheezing of the one who spoke it, demanded it before applying his “tinctures” to the task.

Sickness and near oblivion, when he’d tried to stand up for himself only once and been horrendously cut down…!


(I’m… sorry! Kol!? I’m… I didn’t mean to say that…)


Or to think it. Even consider the feelings that now boil inside with noxious presence.

Of wanting to hurt the girl wheezing on top of him. Her saliva so thick that she struggles to swallow it all, red and puffy cheeks from the out of character abuse inflicted by her master.


(What kind of… monster was I acting like, and…? Why!?)


Adris clears his thoughts, siphoning away the pleasure baking him. Only one shot was needed to make him repent. The need to be within her lessens…


“Kol…? Are you—Oof!?” Adris tries to sit up only to receive a paw weighing down on his chest. All he can really tell with the attempt is that Kol was hunched forward a bit and trying to pull off of his dick before she stopped him.


“… G-Good… round…! Uggaaah…!


White drops noisily spurt out when Adris’ member departs to leave a still somewhat opened space between sorely abused lips. She squats over him, panting. A firm butt is stark red against the normal white fur, serving as another spike in Adris’ finger about how much abuse he just dished out for no conceivable reason.


“Kol… good… ‘hole’, that time~?”




Adris grips his head, astonished by how easily he can think when his wad is no longer where it was lingering. Confusion is short-lived, at least for the cause of his stupid actions.

The devil that designed what they have invaded longs for these scenarios to play out for her amusement.

“Kol… want Kol to ‘break’? Kol… feels like… Kol been told that before…!”


(FUCKING CASTILLO! I didn’t watch my tongue!)


Something dark was latched onto by lust, and Adris just eagerly partook of the narcotic pleasure of it.

Another is damaged by these words.

With that damage delivered… a relationship he’d just sought to mend…!?


(I’m just… another monster like the ones in here to—?



But Adris’ body hairs are straight when the tension around him returns. Rather than an ambush of an enemy taking advantage of them, Adris’ nearest danger turns her messy, pretty head to reveal a jagged smile.

A palpable, enthusiastic energy from this beast turning on his lap to face him makes Adris swallow hard.


Haah… much fun, that was! Now…

Kol’s… nah… turn… let loose!


Kol’s eyes shine pink in the daylight.

The narrowed gaze of a predator filled with joy at finding a mark.




Adris’ body is moving even as his mouth opens, his legs kicking at the grate to slide away!


But a furry gag slams into his mouth and bolts his head to the catwalk!


Then a crash deafens, a white fist slamming to the left of his head to deform the metal.



No average human could leave an imprint when pulling away. Kol’s smile is callous, yet also childish. She shifts to lock her butt over his groin. Leans in to sniff at his chest while using the hand she slammed down to rip her bandage wrap off.



Breathing is almost impossible with Kol’s hand clamped like concrete on his chin, but then she pulls away.


Get it?

Adris only chokes at the question, but Kol nods to herself while lifting up on her legs.

The terrifying change in status quo grows even wilder with her peeling off his top clothes. Adris abandoned his lamellar armor at camp, and now that mistake leaves his chest mostly bare to match Kol’s.

Swinging breasts of small size for an adult, but quite filling for Kol’s smaller frame, invite hands to squeeze them that would be chewed off the moment he resisted to try.


Humans like… kick kobolds around.” Kol’s lips scrunch up, her eyes narrowing. Rolling her head around, she snorts at the one she’s trapping up. “Humans think… taller, better, a little height, then… own — kobolds.”

More than thirst burns when she looks Adris over. Fur bristles on her arms and her breathing becomes thick.


(I… I wasn’t doing that!)


Any civility Kol fronts during her daily chats erupts into a panting frenzy. Her naked teeth glisten when she smiles and grabs onto Adris’ head to pull close.

He stares into her, wide-opened in something like rage mixed with an unbelievable animal-lust, as the tip of his head pokes past gooey lips.


Kol, the one kobold… kicks back.


Adris shares her full facial report of his dick slamming back into her thoroughly tasted honeypot. Sticky gunk slides over his member while he exhales in equal parts ecstasy and misery.

He is braindead at the experience of Kol’s lips forming an “O” of shuddering excitement and her unfocused eyes briefly tilting up. He’s only stared up at her when she kept riding him to death in the Castillo’s guest room, that horrible night of never-ending sexual carnage a blur now.


“Humans…! Learn, one now…!” Kol recovers enough to move to slurp Adris’ cheek, no warm emotions clinging with her saliva. Only the act of someone tasting.

What feels like… when Kol, first time, rapes a human boy!” Adris’ sinks into the catwalk when she yells this at him. Her tail whips left and right behind her, with her tongue licking her bottom lips as she takes in Adris’ response of total withdrawal


(Rape…? Kol is… going to…? Ggaaah! Tight! VERY…!?)


Kol lifts ponderously up his whole length with her inner muscles grasping, and then slams back down when he tries to push away.

“NO RUN!” Kol releases his head and hauls back on his shoulders, firmly placing him back under her pressing bottom. Rough, meaty slaps prove just how rapidly she slams down with him in position.

Evil kobolds…! AAaaah!? Humans call us!


Adris becomes her bed as she pumps up and down on it like a mirthful little child.

Violent plops onto his full length, taken all the way up inside of her, sometimes also hit too hard at the end for Adris and become a sting!

But Kol’s pain as she scrunches up only drives her wilder. She becomes a drunken hooligan who needs to be thrown away, yet it’s Adris’ arms that she claws at when he tries to push.


BOY! Kol’s… MATING TOY! KYAKYAKAAA!” A completely new cackle makes her a madwoman to Adris, like she’s plagued and deranged! The inner fire of her pussy feels molten and spreading over his sore lap.

LOOK! WATCH KOL, STEAL WIN, HUMAN! BIGGEST! ‘Force human, breed kobold!’

With an inelegant change up, Kol slams down to the root and starts to gyrate on top of him. “Kol, have fun, gaaah, all Kol wants!

She slides forward and backwards without lifting, stooping over and drooling as she howls no longer even at Adris. Adris can feel his pelvis where her clit is being ground. Love, grind! GRIND MAKE… GROW, NAAAH!

She plants one hand on his chest to pin him, her other coming up to roll over her left tit and poke at the end. “Ahgg! Kol… pleasure! Steal pleasure from human!


Kol runs her clawed hand through her short, white hair and stares down at Adris to make sure he’s properly watching.

“Right! How, feel… BOY!?” A greater lexicon and usage of it decays now when Adris becomes her victim. The brave and boisterous knight is only a lie when a woman’s violent impulses over a man rage.


“KOL! WANT KNOW…!” Again she smiles in a horrible mockery of his situation. Adris’ stomach is so tight that he wants to throw up, but he can’t even force it.

HOW FEEL, RAPE BY STRONGEST!?” When she screams this, Adris finally lifts up his hands again.


(I… I’m being…?)


Kol’s hands wrap around his elbows and lock in his outstretched attempt to push her away!

Even trying to kick with his legs again earns her lifting up to slam back down so hard that his coccyx stings!



A long pink tongue lolls out as Kol talentlessly pistons on his burning dick.

One wrong misstep and she’ll wreck it. Adris barely feels this growing fear over the sheer pleasure of the torment ongoing.



(She’s… very strong…)


Kol hunches forward and bucks on him, drooling onto his chest.

An utterly despicable face full of solely selfishness and mockery what she stays with while claiming Adris. She lords over him as the strongest, with him a tiny runt that she can bully with only mild exertion. Even if he could whisper “stop”, this drunken beast taken by a primitive animus…?


Worship…! Naaah! GOOD!

“No” would only excite her further.

“KOL WON ALONE, others… only watch…!”

Half here with the nearly retching Adris, and half fancifully locked inside of some delusion sparked by her lust crazed mind, Kol sounds feverish yet continually hones her pistons.

In and out, forward and backward in oscillation, there’s only one conclusion that rape can end in!


(Help…! I… don’t, aaaah! Want to…!)


“Stupid… bragging… boy with cross…!

Kol beat! One against one, DECIDE ALL!



(Is she…!? Remembering…!?)


Adris pants louder, prompting Kol to halt her wild boast and sniff.

That face of hers was hidden behind a scrap helmet then, but her pink eyes are blazing with the same hope!


FINISH!? Kol’s mating toy, earned! CASTILLO, RULE!

Weaker male…!”


The wild beast upon him continues to jiggle her largish breasts, the only thing upon her that would jiggle. It’s too much to have them within arms’ reach and want to push off of them, rather than fondle.

Adris’ body feels total rejection from one half, while the other is growing tenser, and tighter, and longing as it lifts to meet her plunging butt!


(Weak… am I weak… I’m… being…!?)



Admit loss…! With… dick…!”

Lovingly now, if only for a brief respite, the wild white rapist leans down to lick both his cheeks under his eyes.

Wanted… see… boy cry, like other humans Kol watch get raped by family!



Adris moans too, again, despite his mind trying to shut out all the conflicting feelings.


(She… wants my child…!? As status…!?)


He just came, but he’s suffering like an aura stream has jumped its currents through his body.

The savage mirth mounting him almost seems familiar, but another’s was born of pure revelry. In this case, there is no care for the stage or an audience.




Adris is personally devoured solely for pleasure, like a mantis being consumed by its paramour!


“St-Stop…! Kol…! UGH!?”


Speaking is forbidden by a clawed hand trampling his face, pushing down!


Out of one eye, he takes in this total aggressor’s mad bemusement as she ramps up her riding and readies to steal from him the last of what he has!


Kol’s reddened face vanishes from sight when she clings to his chest, lifting up and down with sudden rocketing speed. Not riding his full length, but almost acting like a wolf at the end of its rut when it’s expecting to get stuck!



(Don’t… don’t make me feel…!

Don’t make me… AAAAH!)


Her tail swirls overhead as she hugs him, her face buried into his shoulder. That hand planted over his mouth pulls back to force a finger past his lips to be sucked on.

Both of them are breathless, though Adris now has to snort.


His dick is being peeled.

No pain in this, only the promise of a broken hip after.

This tormentor has become versed in making the most noise of the least movement, squelching of her overly tight and worked cunny spraying more juices upon him, and her pert ass slamming to slide back over his skin and up.

An animal-like fornication entirely. Insurmountable hunger for a mate, yet devoid of personal attraction beyond the meeting of lust organs.


Kol… smell!

Boy… scared…!


It’s not fear of her that swirls in him, though he does notice the rejection still boiling.

A dark part of his brain, unused until it was enticed to awaken by greed and evil, is thoroughly welcoming all of these experiences and conflicts and rarest of judgments about her.


She’s not just riding him.

How she does it masters Adris.

Can’t… win… know!

Male… heaaah!



A huntress that can fell a tiger with her bare hands screams for obedience.


(Am I!? I’m…!? Yours…!? Because you…!?)


The thickness of her scent, the unique one that he now realized trapped him out here in the wilds of the Castillo with his rapist, is what he finally succumbs to.




With the hoarse order of a beautiful, violent, and depraved warrioress, she follows with the most bizarre affection.

His tense muscles jolt when four pricks of pain sink into his shoulder!


(Ow, OW, OWWWW!)


Saliva coats it and through his chest, striking his heart, vibrates a guttural growl of ownership.


“… AHHHH!?”


Adris has witnessed many prey in this position, struggling their last against the jaws of death.


(Kol… Hyaah!?)


And exactly like them, without defiance only because the darkest enticement of succumbing to and the sweetest realization of being pursued both acknowledge the same female, Adris’ death rattle echoes out!

A surrender never allowed by the cross, he gives up the meekest version of it.


(… I don’t want to… escape…!)






She howls into her bite when feeling his semen spray against her oven of a womb.

Discharging ropes multiple times to pool up, Adris winces in overwhelming pain when Kol’s teeth tear just a bit with her own flinching orgasm.

Adris’ entire body is wrapped up in hers when she links her arms around his back and squeezes.



She screams as if she’s crying, a howling yawl after the words. A drenching heat washes over Adris’ lower self to pour droplets through the wooden grating.

Adris lies there helpless to act now that he’s surrendered, only staring up at the distant greenhouse sloped window rooftop.

He’s forced to listen to Kol’s rough breathing.

Gawking at how his also refuses to settle, even though he’s always ever in control of it and himself until, and only at, the point of his release.

All control was stripped away, first by her fierce grabbing, then when his clothing was stolen, and finally when…


It’s all a jumble, Adris is forced to realize when Kol finally hugs him softly instead of with enough force to jar his spine.

What just happened, Adris can’t even truly compel his mind to name it.

If he does…?


“… Gaaah… Naaah… Haaaaah, Boss…

Kol essentially collapses onto him with his violated dick still lodged into her hole. It refuses to shrink for fear that she might again start screaming demands.

But instead of more violence and threats, Kol lifts to lick his neck.



… best… ‘sparring’…!”




Adris opens his mouth to speak, but finds that no words come out.

There’s a fear inside him that he may squeak by mistake if he tries. The voice he needs to project to maintain “himself” can’t be found.


“Cute and Kol told by Muscle Birds, ‘angry, hot rape of comrades’ not real rape-rape, like Kol thought Boss did to Kol inside weird morphy place. Different!” Kol’s extreme mania is gone. Only the rasping voice of a tired girl of her size remains when the monster-woman vanishes from Adris’ sight.


“… Ah…” But, still, he can’t speak, only grunt understanding.

Boss understand Kol, right? Kol, not mate, weaker male.” She swirls her hands over his body, leaving him flinching from pleasure instead of fear of those claw tips raking. “Um… but… when Kol’s ‘spar turn’, Kol… thought of Boss when, mmmm, challenged us all. If Kol had won… Kol, probably liked the Boss that talked big, acted big, but was… kinda weak. So, Kol… would’ve really raped hard that kid.”

Kol’s tail lazily flicks up, then the wild kobold lifts up on her arms to stare past Adris with a quizzical expression.

The sounds of chewing can be heard, though Kol is no longer devouring the boy in her grasp.

“… Umu, Kol, thought something weird, nevermind, later…

So, Boss, Kol… um… really…?”

Kol licks at Adris’ shoulder wound, slurping up the minute drops of blood and grinning ear-to-ear at the taste.


Kol learned from Cute… Boss, like… be raped! Like flying black chicken that grabbed Boss, Boss liked time with! Oh, Kol also remember, Kindle, Chill, they say Boss enjoyed?”

“Wh… what?”


(Who… who the fuck decided that?)


Strange! Very strange, to have male try to do it to Kol, even if Kol try to stop…? But, Kol, always have… ‘strange’ excitement, where breath easy but chest tight when ‘battle’ gets… um, Boss knows? Suddenly, feel wet there, like ready to mate when not feel like, then become crazy, only really want to mate, not hack with axe!? Then… well, Boss, understand what Kol saying, maybe…?”

Instead of vindictive or abusive, Kol looks mildly sheepish about this similarity she claims. Red-faced still, she tries to change her dopey expression but fails to settle on a new one until turning stern.

Kol will learn how, best, to ‘spar’! Don’t… be around shitty thief corpse, anymore, to ‘surrender to cumming’ against anyone but Kol! Kol… get… angrier, if Boss does.

After that warning she ends with a throaty growl, Kol perks up and lets her ears relax when he nods and lethargically pats her head.

“… Why… did you think… to spar with me now?” Adris’ confusion demands this question that he chokes out, to which Kol brightens up considerably.

Kakakaka! Easy, Kol, figured out ‘smell’!” When Adris cannot respond, Kol pokes her own nose and then his. “All males in Castillo, eventually get same ‘scents’! All look at Kol, because Kol the ‘best’, and… want Kol.” For this, she lifts up her hips to point to where they’re connected.


(She… smelled me out?)


Kol’s clit is barely visible even at this angle past the thick lips that have blossomed. Adris’ cock is drenched in juices and left with white spunk dripping down it, his veins still engorged.


“… Females too, ‘scent’ tells Kol when they want… but, annoying.” Kol snaps her teeth, then spits out dismissively, turning her head to avoid looking below them toward the ground. “Males that want Kol, only want ‘best hole’, and never… strong want otherwise? Nah? Well…!?”

Again she does a double take, wincing like something is too tart in her mouth and squirming. “Stalker, want Kol, entire, but… Stalker, too ‘half-strong’, and… Kol, grew up with? Also, strange, really strange male!”


(… So… I’m… different…)


His thoughts seem to be telepathic, because Kol smiles whimsically and crushes her breasts against him again. All down her rough body muscles flex to be closer to him, and the way parts of her are scaled at the waist and counter the thick white fur running up from her feet makes Kol unique externally, too. Her heartbeat is a loud thud each time, but Adris wants to cry at how much he welcomes the embrace that he should reject now…!

Boss… only one… scent like Kol’s, Boss wants to… devour all of Kol.

Smirking and bragging about it, Kol again licks Adris’ neck and sends shivers down him.

Kol, recognized, remembered that scent, Boss, first ‘spar’ Kol! Kol, smelled it, entire way from big crab fight too!”


(… She knows when I’m under the total curse?)


Kol remembers lots of times, that scent!” Kol forcefully rolls Adris over, leaving him trying to scramble but stuck with fear of her response.

Onto his stomach he rolls to look over the side of the catwalk to the dark grounds below where things glow.

“Boss, need LOTS of ‘sparring’ to keep focused! Boy… umu, boy liked inside Kol, in Kol’s spar, so be ‘Boss’ when not boy!”

Kol’s hand on his head shifts his focus to a strangely postured figure hunched over and goring one of the lights.

“… Boss… maybe… want to spar that one~?”

A statue, or rather, a humanoid shape using stone as a covering lifts a glowing fruit up to its mouth. The feminine shape that is half within the fake covering of a stone woman in a robe regards the red apple shanked on a foot-long-fingernail. It matches the color of this gray-skinned monstress’ eyes.

Both watch as the strange, wiry and rootlike figure chews a huge chunk out of the fruit, savoring the juices that run down her cheeks. Tawny haired and resembling a stooped, gaunt peasant in health save for her broad bosom, Adris’ aura sight is not fooled by this illusion of weakness.

A statue is worn like a hermit-crab’s shell; claws that drip with more than fruit juices must be poison; and the plant-like composure of the fiend that stretches out to act, dragging its floppy fake-stone costume, is inhuman to the core.

But the attributes are nice, for she’s thick of hips, thin of waist, and has an apple-shaped face that one is invited to ignore the tattooed designs of root veins clinging onto it. Adris receives a fetching smile that contains all of the warmth of a giant pouncing lizard ready to leap when this one notices his attention.


(… Monsters…! We’ve been fucking… above these monsters!)


Dozens of false statue ambushers hunt the glowing fruits that lie on the ground. They’ve gathered under the catwalk to catch what fell during Adris’ torments, but only some of them pluck up the fallen apples.

Others with eyes of different hues stare hungrily at Kol if male, and of the few that are female, their sights drink in his capture with evil grins. As if the only element that is wrong to them is that they are not Kol in this equation.



… Red eyes, red apples. Orange eyes, purple eyes…)


The sagacity of completing sex, no matter how… enforced that moment was, allows Adris to note the pattern. Below is picked completely clean of the multitude of fruits they knocked loose and didn’t catch. A quick estimate makes it seem as if there’s a statue for every fruit that hit the ground, with more scratching sounds further from within the greenhouse coming.


(We need to leave…)


The one Kol pointed out is, however, quite figured.

With breasts that burst free of the leaf bindings she wears, a figure of slender allure with lips as red as the apple skins she covets.

Kol… likes that one, too.” A brutal warmonger whispers into Adris’ ear from behind him. “Want Kol, help… rape?









Kol screams when Adris slaps himself so hard that his jaw shakes, but it’s his sole method to drive away evil at this time.

His mind is… missing, or rebelling.


(I’m… not… like that…!)


“Haah… okay, we’re leaving. Let’s… go eat, Kol”

Nah? True~? Lame… but, Kol loves red meat as much as tan ‘meat’! Kakaka!

Kol’s humor is so out of place, leaving Adris unsure how to act aside from the threat at hand. Already he knows to grab more fruit to throw at them, to match their eyes and…


“Kol, looooves sparring!” Adris redresses while avoiding Kol’s grasp, shying from hugs that he’d have dove into before. “Elf… not like, so… other ways for Elf~.” Kol giggles at this remark, driving her shoulder merrily against Adris so that he’s off-balanced for a moment.

Ignore, rest, Moon… especially Puddle! That: rotten!


(Did… is that… how you and Ave… dealt with things…?)


“Boss, Kol deeply wants to say.”

Before Adris can flee into knocking down more fruits from the trees, he’s cornered by Kol. She marches up before him, grandly nude above her redressed pants and letting them hang when she formally bows.


“Kol… sorry, not understand Boss’ needs before, now. Tactics, obedience, learning, very bad at it before.”

“… Ugh…”

The worst part of her devotion, the way she smiles like an innocent, is that it’s unforced. Carefree. Fearless.

Like a disciple in totality.

Ugh! Also, Kol, not think ‘short’ bad, because Boss, same as Kol!” Up to him she steps, to put her face just below Adris’ and raise both hands to their heads to indicate their similarity. “Shitty humans think…! Born tall, better than ‘effort’! SLAYERS, ESPECIALLY, YELL ‘SHORT KOL!’ ALL THE TIME, ACT LIKE…! GRAAAH!”

Adris tries not to fall from her growl, board stiff as the kobold stomps her feet in frustration. Then, Kol huffs and droops her shoulders.

“Everyone, act like Moon, even though Moon, short too! So annoying~!”


(… Then why yell that at me?)


Kol, before Boss, never NEED-need… ‘spar’, really, either, so not know, how to be ‘woman’. Kol… strong mind. Keep away, far away, until leaving… most times.” After another bow, the stunning boyish beauty wraps herself around Adris and slinks her tail up to his neck to rub its end firmly.

A terribly alluring stench digs in…!


(… I need to run…! She’s… doing something…!)


Ignore rest about stupid things! Concentrate, make Kol strongest…

This open request is both rotten and lewd, for Adris earns another slurp of his cheek. Usually naive eyes are glinting a bit with humor that disguises a familiar wanton greed.

“… at sparring, Kol say~. Enjoy fun! Kakaka!”

Kol hefts Adris up and points him at the apple tree, his softened dick that was put back into its cage jumping again with this exhilarating change of direction and speed!


“Until Kol, strongest to win at ‘sparring’, Kol learn from best ‘male’!

All mating, come to Kol if need.

Adris hangs onto the nearest branch, panting as a deep voice orders him.


“Kol, Boss claim as ‘woman’!

Kol, busy? Not bad…”


The hungriest hiss Adris has heard, like the destitute wind itself blowing through to steal the leaves during the cold season, cannot be satiated easily anymore.


Anywhere: push Kol down, let Kol learn again with body, being female!” The hands on his legs to hold him on her shoulders clench tightly.

“Oh, but might struggle, Boss too. ‘Win’ not tasty without. Even flip, if can, kakaka~!”



NO!? What!? What is going on…!?)


“Very fun, right Boss!? Both short, Kol likes because work with Boss a lot if reaching! Ah, don’t fall, now Boss’ turn! KAKAKAKA!”


In a reverse loop, Adris balances on top of a mad kobold who runs down the swinging catwalks.

“Knock down sweet, then sour, then…!?”

Beneath them both a horde of fruit or fuck-hungry monsters chase!




A moment shared in confidence was a wicked experience like none other, a half-dark, half-mad encounter that Adris has no soul to share it with for aid in comprehending.


(… This… sex-crazed beast is… Kol…?)





Name: Adris fehl Dain, “Boss”, “Starr”

Titles: Lycia’s Little Brother, Slayer, Gigolo (Self-Admitted)

Race: Xin’El, Emperor’s Child (Human), ???

Sex: Male

Age: ?? – Young


Occupation: Crossbearer; “Star of Ruin, Cast Down from the Sky Upon a Dying World”, Slayer of Petripolis, [True False God]

Discipline: [Rule in Dark]



[Tool Savant] – “Adris is a tool-collecting-and-utilizing fanatic. Most men would consider him disgusting for loving tools more than his own partner. Has so many tools that it can be said to be his true power. What does he do when he has no tools left? He seeks to acquire more, obviously!”


[Rule in Dark – Wave of Darkness] – “Making victory possible? No, no, no. That thing isn’t that kind! There’s more than that!”

[Brainfry] – “You’re still with me, right buddy? Yeah, you’re still there.”

[Refuse to Kneel] – “Ah, even the Alchemaster can’t make me submit! This is the one that’s saved me all those times!?”

[Tongue of Air and Darkness] – “What’s the difference between this and the old one? Why ‘air’?”

[Conceptual Refusal] – “How the fuck does dominating people’s minds turn into a weird statement like this!?”

[Marital Arts – Self-taught] – “Hoh, even if it’s dangerous to use, it feels good to prove to myself that the body is still as willing as the mind! Even if I can’t call it aura, something is inside me now!”

[Verisimilitude] – “Stop giving weird names to what I do! But if my imaginative truths are more believable now, I’m not gonna complain.”

[A WONDERFUL CURSE] – “If that old corpse wasn’t already dead, I’d definitely kill him!”

[Authentic Fiction] – “All tales eventually gain sufficient truth if retold often enough, right? Why shouldn’t my fiction be better than ‘reality’?”




[The Mountain King] – “[Honor the gods, inheritor, and ever seek victory for their sake.]”

[Amethyst Oracle] “A present from this stuck up hoarder!? Am I gonna die if I use it!?”


Disposition: Resilient / Adaptable / Sinner

Alignment: Chaotic

Eyes: Black

Hair: Black, with strands of White

Skin: Tanned



Rantil Value – “Even after all of that, Master is still an idiot!”

Attributes by Grade:

Strength – E

Vitality – E

Dexterity – D

Agility – C

Intelligence – D

Mentality – C

Luck – F

Charisma – D


“If you want more, stop being mean to Rantil!”



Cethran Value – “Much the same as before, but isn’t the way you look at others a bit more dashing, now? Forced to open yourself to the world, perhaps the gentleman may grow? That is likely impossible, isn’t it, Adris?”

“Will you perhaps add Aurumia to your harem?”

“So you choose the rose-petal-laden, blood-spattered path?”

“Will you give yourself to the first girl who shared something troubling about herself with you?”



“A boy who is a bit out of place as far as features, he descended from the top of the Castillo to the bottom by pluck, luck, and outrageous lying. Reborn into the world of Zennia, what can be said other than ‘he’s still exactly the same, but different’?”

“Things lost, things gained, the two must be weighed to see if you are ahead or behind.”

“When did you decide to be a master lover?”

“Even a false god succumbs to the temptations that spring from within himself.”



“Oh no, I bet you hated that terribly.”



Name: “Kol” fehl Dain, “Pink”

Titles: Idiot, “Tyrant Knight”

Race: Kobold, ???

Sex: Female

Age: ???


Occupation: Delver, Frontliner, ???

Discipline: Tyrant Squire




[Invisible Edge] – “Axe goes through everything?”


[Full Contact] – “Wanna go!? Kol, let fists talk!”


[“Ride on Dread”] – “THE WORLD, BELONG KOL! KAKAKA!”






[ ?DARKNESS? ] – “▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒……!!!”




[“Dreadful Armor”] – “This is where Kol will live and die. When Kol roars, armor roars, too!”


[Halberd of the Whirlwind] – “GET OVER HERE!”


Disposition: Straightforward / Confrontational / Respectful

Alignment: Neutral

Eyes: Pink

Hair: White

Skin: Tanned



Rantil Value –

Attributes by Grade:

Strength – C-?!?

Vitality – C-?!?

Dexterity – E

Agility – F

Intelligence – F

Mentality – C




Cethran Value – “Are you attracted to rampaging metal? Though in your case, you appreciate the voice, don’t you? Do you long to see more? If she reminds you of a certain someone, then…?”

“Yet it’s the one that survives anything that you feel like you should protect?”

“Shouldn’t you be asking more questions before leaping?”

“Similarities are not always good things are they, Adris?’



“Brash and forthright, a warrior wielding an axe with two hands forsakes protection to deliver only harm. Contrary to this impression, she also seems interested in a straight up fight. If her words are any indication, she offers little thought to her actions.”

“Eager to show that she can achieve learning the important things. If only to become the boss.”

“Axe-mad and built like a tank.”

“Rape crazy and ready to pounce?”


“She was not in fact being generous.”