Half elves fall in love chapter 568

Chapter 568: Kalwin Rebirth 5

“Why do you have to ask for a guide every time you go into the forest? It’s not like you’re going to get lost at your age”

“That’s true. I mean, you can’t enter the forest without the magic of the elves”

Beatrice, Neia and Oregano. And Hilda, who I picked up at the hot spring on the way. When I called for her, I entered the northern forest with Laila, who came flying straight away.

“If you’re going to be here for a while, you should remember that. You can go into this forest for a little while, but you can’t go deep into it. Basically, no one but the elves will let you in”

“You’re not an elf, are you?”

“I’m friends with the clan leaders, so it’s okay”

The truth is that there are more reasons attached to it, so it’s not accurate, but it’s the easiest to get through to Beatrice, who doesn’t know anything about it.

“I’ll let you know in a minute. ────!”

Oregano casts a small spell to open the barrier and we follow her into the forest. Inside it is a forest of everlasting spring, but since it is just spring in Polka too, the change in climate is imperceptible.

“This is the territory of the silver clan. Then we will move again by magic to the territory of the red clan and from there Laila will fly us to our destination”

“If I go there, will my hand grow back?”

“Besides the hand, most of your injuries will be restored. Some people have had old wounds from 400 years ago completely healed”

“Most of the time, does that mean there are cases where it doesn’t work?”

“I don’t know of any failures so far, but if you’re dead, it’s impossible”

“……What kind of a good doctor do you have?”

“Good doctor. Well, in a way she is a great doctor……”

It’s far beyond the concept of medicine, though.

“But still……it’s a great forest”

Beatrice put her hand on a tree close at hand and muttered.

“There shouldn’t be that many trees around here yet”

The silver clan is a clan that prefers the open land. The trees are not as widely cleared as in human towns, but they are not so dense that it is difficult to walk on them.

“Are there places thicker than here?”

“Of course there are……I mean, it’s the forest of the home of the northern elves under heaven, of course there are”

“I’ve never seen trees this big before”

Beatrice looked up at a huge tree.  It’s hard for trees to grow in areas that are overrun with demons. They get knocked down somewhat like an eight-forked tree.

“I wonder if it’s not kind of scary to be surrounded by all these amazing trees”


An unexpected opinion. As she tilts her head, Beatrice brushes her black hair with her right hand and gives an excuse.

“……Because trees are alive. Aren’t you afraid of being surrounded by such a big creature?”

“……You’re afraid of strange things for a hero, aren’t you?”

“The only thing a hero has to fight against is a rock doll at the most! If you break a joint like that, it’s a piece of cake, but if a tree like this falls on you, you won’t be able to support it even if you’re wearing the sea king ring!”

“……Seems to make sense, but it doesn’t”

“Trees don’t fall down unless something really bad happens, Beatrice”

“If something really bad happens, it’ll collapse!”

Umm. Well, when I first saw Isaac, I couldn’t help but be scared (because it was my first time seeing a 3-meter giant), but I guess it’s the same thing. I once heard that it’s instinctual to feel an irrational fear of big things.

“That……what are you saying?”

Oregano quietly ask me to translate for her. She doesn’t speak Valerian, I thought.

“She is afraid of the big tree. She wonders how the elves can live surrounded by such big creatures”

“……I don’t understand it. Trees shouldn’t do anything scary to people

“She lives in the middle of the demon territory, so she doesn’t know a forest. Forgive her”

“Well, I don’t understand her language, so I can neither forgive nor disapprove her”

One is a child who loves the forest, the other is a child of the world who does not know the forest. The difference in the way they feel about a single tree is quite interesting.

“Don’t you ever feel that way about trees, Neia?”

“I was moved by the idea of a big tree that has lived for hundreds of years, but not by fear……”

“Maybe that’s because you’re an elf?”

“Half though. ……I wonder if I have elvish instincts to that extent”

Neia ponders. Hilda muttered in a small voice, 「Well, I think it’s just a personal feeling」. That seems to be the way it is.

“But for a girl who says she is afraid of big things, she is not afraid of anything. My owner is adored by dozens of creatures larger than those trees”

Laila shrugged her shoulders, half in disgust.

“And this is different! It’s no joke that you’re flattering me just because I’m scared!”

She admits that she is scared but doesn’t change her attitude, it seems it’s a matter of policy. Is it a good thing, or is she a pain in the ass?

“In a sense, she might be a girl worth nudging”

“Don’t get any ideas, okay? She’s a very important person for the future of Kalwin”

Since it’s about Laila, she probably know it even if I don’t say it.

Oregano led us straight to the Red Clan Village. It was the same in the Silver Clan Manor, but Beatrice had a confused look on her face when she saw the neatness of the elves walking around in red and the old yet elegant-looking houses.

“It’s like your first time in a foreign country, huh?”

Let’s leave Polka aside because it’s a country town.

“It looks so rich……everyone is dressed so well, like royalty and aristocrats. I can’t believe there’s such a comfortable world out there”

“Don’t you agree?”

“……I heard that the king was deliberately doing strange things, but I don’t know……yes. I’m not convinced”

“From now on, you’re going to make that valley like this”

“You can’t……do that. It can’t be this rich”

“It can”

“……I’ll say it

“Dozens of dragons and several nations will help protect and enrich that place. How could they not?”

“I know the dragons are strong, but we can’t build a world like this. I can’t imagine it”

“If you have two hands, you can make most things. If you have a mouth, you can communicate most things. If you have two legs, you can go anywhere. If you don’t forget that, there’s nothing you can’t do”

……Ah, I’m talking about 100-man commander Grants again, aren’t I? That said, it’s wrong for that person to say something that has implications…….

“……You, quite……”

As I expected, Beatrice looks a little impressed. 

“Well, let’s go get two for that. Both of us”

“……Y, Yeah”

So, we took off from the Red Clan Village and soon arrived at the Holy Beast Labyrinth.

“Andy, you’ve come to the right place!”

This time, Breakcore is in adult mode. She ran up to me as I slowly climbed down from Laila’s hand and when she hugged me, she stiffened and realized I didn’t have an arm.

“……This arm is what you want?”

“N, yeah, there’s something else”

“Alright. I’ll fix it right away. Hilda, Laila, I need your help”

“Yes, yes☆”

“Ho. Wait a moment”

Laila’s shadow suddenly disappears and a naked human body lands nearby.

“Now, let’s go”

“Put some clothes on, will you? I don’t need to tell you”

“Ho. Not many people will be watching us anyway”

“But you’ve got to be a little more careful!”

“Well, I don’t care if I’m naked. ……By the way, Hilda, I’ve been thinking lately that I might be able to make some improvements to the technique and I wanted to get your opinion”

“Umm? What do you mean?”

“I’m wondering if I could create the organ first, surgically connect it and then use it as a template to convert it to self-tissue later. It would be minimally painful in the direction of magic and the risk of overflow would be greatly……”

“Eh, wait a minute, that might have been a blind spot. I guess there’s no need to force yourself to grow up, right? Ah, sorry, Andy-kun. Let me just have a meeting with you. But isn’t that method scary, like an organ hijacking your definition of self-existence?”

“I think the risk is low as long as we don’t wait too long before the magic of tissue transformation takes place. We have experimented on animals many times”

“First of all, the concept of magic. That’s what it is, right? As for the direction……”

Hilda and Breakcore started a debate. I, Neia, Beatrice and Oregano could not follow it and we were a bit pouty. I can’t hold it in for long, so I turn to Laila for now.

“Emm, does the improved……mean that it will be able to regenerate without my intervention?

“It looks like it, but it’s still in the theoretical stage. ……Hey Hilda, Breakcore. More importantly”

Laila joined the discussion. She glances at them and tells them something in a quiet voice and then they nod at each other.

“I understand. Let’s talk about this another time”

“This time, we need to heal Andy-kun and Beatrice-chan first☆”

……Well, the two of them are settling down as if they’ve forgotten how excited they were just now. What did you say, Laila?

“Then, both of you, let’s begin treatment immediately. Please go to the temple

“Yes, yes, Beatrice-chan, you too”

We are being pulled tightly.

……And then.

“Then take off your clothes, both of you”

“It’s to heal your arm☆”

Inside the room, Breakcore and Hilda took off their clothes beautifully. And Beatrice and I were standing next to each other, looking confused. ……Ah, no, that’s right. It would be bad if you didn’t control it through me.

“Why, nu, do I have to take my clothes off…at least let this guy out!”

“Not good. Andy-kun, you’re an important part of this”

“That’s right. It’s for an arm, so there’s nothing wrong with being naked, right?”

“……It, It seems like these guys are suddenly gaining momentum……hey, what do you mean?”

“……No, thats it……w, well, to be honest, it’s a very painless and beautiful treatment if you do it with magic that includes having sex with me”


They should have devised a way to do that without making it even more erotic……no, maybe.

“Laila, you……”

“Kukuku. Now, how long can you keep bouncing back and forth? If it lasts, so be it, or you’ll wake up to the courtesy of owner”

Hey. ……Is she going to stop technological innovation for that reason?

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