Half elves fall in love chapter 591

Chapter 591: Lewd new daily life 3 [Tetes, Naris, Sharon, Almeida]

An abandoned house on the outskirts of town……or rather a pavilion Azumaya made from it. The remodelling was done by the blue and gold clans with the Baron’s permission. And there are four exotic girls who are all together enjoying their tea time there.

“When it comes to old age or something like that……well, I do think about it a little bit. At least the people here don’t look like they’ll be the same when I’m old and tired”

Almeida, Sharon and Naris looked at Tetes seriously as Tetes said this while eating Lyndon’s steamed bun.

“What is it? What’s with that reaction?”

“You’re thinking about your old age……a bit”

“We long-lived species can be with our master for the rest of our lives as female slaves……and still make it work in our own way”

“Well, it’s not that I have a pleasant imagination……but, Tetes-chan, do you really think about what will happen to you in the future when you act so ephemerally in the life of 10-man captain Smithson long and erotic sex?”

“Hmm, well, I’m sure Master will never stop having sex with me as long as I’m still polishing my bellybutton in Polka, even if I become a bit of a mature woman…..well, maybe if I keep screwing at the rate I am now, I’ll have ten babies by the time I’m thirty or so”

“……I suppose that’s what will happen. I’m jealous, but it’s not that difficult if it’s between humans”

I don’t want to neglect the gift I’ve been given. And those children will have grandchildren when they’re older, but by the time I’m old enough, I wonder if we’ll have a big family like the beastmen? At the rate I’m going, it’s doubtful my older brother will be able to have kids and one of those kids might end up taking over the Renfangas Buster family, but……I think it’s probably less inconvenient for me to stay here”

“I see……I can see that you have a concrete vision for now”

“I mean, Tetes-chan, are you sure that’s what you want……? Isn’t it a bit harsh to make a decision at sixteen to get pregnant and give birth to the children of the perverted 10-man captain Smithson here? I mean, if you were normal, you wouldn’t be the next head of the Marquis family. No, I’m assuming that the tane of Grand Knight Buster has already become unworthy!”

“Yeah, well……”

“Beautiful, being the princess of a great noble family and a renowned magic swordsman is a super cool title and she’s in high demand not only from all over the country, but from all over the Valerie countries. I mean, I just realised that Tetes-chan is in that position!”

“I don’t want to deal with boring guys who come to me with that kind of title”

“Calm down, Tetes-chan. This guy is more boring, isn’t he? Look at that stupid face. His only special skills are blacksmithing and an indefatigable penis”

“Hey, Naris”

I had to say something too. Almeida and Sharon followed with slightly unpleasant looks on their faces.

“You may belittle him, but you know the magnitude of his accomplishments”

“That’s right. Besides, I’m sure you’ve enjoyed having sex with such a master countless times”

“I, well……I just haven’t met any other sex partners! I mean, it’s fine with me, I’m not a princess and I don’t have any big future prospects, so a handsome man of a higher rank than10-man captain Smithson is too much to ask!”

“Eh? I know there are a lot of people who are after you, Naris”

“Umm. I’ve heard that she’s a strong yet friendly elf, so she’s especially popular with other races”

“Well, there aren’t many elves in the Renfangas army to begin with”

Naris looks complicated when she hears this.

“Are you serious……no, well, there are certainly quite a few soldiers and such that I’ve become friends with……”

“If it’s just about being good-looking and strong, you can pretty much aim for anyone above Master”

“If you’re that dissatisfied with Andy, I’ll put you in touch with a suitable knight”

“That’d be nice. Naris, what are you going to do?”

The three others, except for Naris, corner Naris with a slightly nasty atmosphere.  Well, I don’t think they were serious, but….

“Wait a minute”

“Wait a minute”

Naris and I both stick out our hands at the same time, interrupting each other. Then we look each other in the eye.

……Naris looks away quickly, embarrassed. The three of them grin at that. Then Tetes coughs again.

“Eheh. Well, that’s what I mean, Naris-chan. ……It certainly feels good to be irresistible, but it doesn’t mean much if you like someone. Having a cool face or being an aristocrat or something like that might be an entry point to liking someone. But it still doesn’t matter. I’m not going to be someone else’s anymore”

“Th, That’s……understandable……how you feel, but it seems like……a waste……I don’t want to waste it……”

“It’s fine. Only Master can go out with sluts like me and Naris-chan, you know?”

“I don’t remember being slutty!”

“Huhuh. ……I heard that normal women are only disgusted by this kind of thing”

Tetes stands up and starts to take off her clothes, swaying gently in front of me. Sharon winks at me and starts to remove her bikini armor and Almeida, realizing the situation a little later, quickly removes the tie from her sleeveless shirt.

“Hey, what are you suddenly starting to do?”

“Ehehe. It’s fine, there are illusions around here”

“In advance”

“……Well, we knew that when Andy……Master, you know, mixed up here……”

Blue summer sky. The far-reaching pale green meadows. In the expansive field of vision, the bodies of a young girl, a voluptuous princess and a well-proportioned female knight are exposed like shadow puppets, with the shadows of the pillars supporting the gazebo as a backdrop.

“……You guys. ……Aren’t you excited, just a little bit?”

Tetes, who has completely undressed and thrown her underwear on the masonry ground, provokes Naris by shaking her ass from side to side in a loose rhythm towards me.

“In this bright……possibly nearby, people from the city might pass by. But I’m going to make love to my Master. Regardless of everything……”

“Master. Would you like to start with my body here?”

“It, It can be me……y, yes, I’m always ready to make Marie-dono’s grandchildren in this little womb……”

“Come on, Naris-chan. You have to mix or it will start?”


Gulp. I can hear Naris clearing her throat in front of her colleagues who are naked and entangled with me. Anytime. Everywhere. Just by my presence. All it takes is for one of these female slaves to start. That is the lewd, mutually confirming act of vows between me and the girls. I will fuck them any time. The girls are always waiting. And when that happens, Naris……a foreign body in unstoppable pleasure and lust, is just as well sought after and devoured. She wants to be a part of this. She, too, could be swallowed up in the vortex of this pleasure. ……I can see the envy and impatience in Naris’s eyes as I grin and stroke Tetes’s buttocks, hold Sharon’s waist, put my cheek against her ample breasts, kiss her nipples and……as her sultry breaths heighten the atmosphere. I can see the envy and impatience in Naris’s eyes. She has already adapted. To the feast of abnormal female flesh and male juices. Naris’s body has already learned the frenzied pleasure of being devoured by me with her friends in an environment that is a little too embarrassing for her to remain calm……and her womb is reacting to the prospect of the feast……knowing that much, I push Naris away and tease her. I think Tetes is a very mean woman.


“……Wh, What……is it?”

“Take it off. I’ll tell you when someone comes……”

“……Th, This is the place……really, you……are reckless, aren’t you?”

“You can’t tell from a distance who is bare-chested with whom anyway. If they do find out, Naris can put on her clothes while they admire Sharon and Tetes naked”

“Ah, me and the knight chief are decoys?”

“Huhu, that’s good. If you’re deeply in love with Master, it’s not a bad idea to show it to someone else”

“W, Well……they are probably putting up an illusion in the first place. The magic of Tetes should not be broken by anyone but the best of them”

Almeida then arrogantly kneels at my feet on the couch, opens my trousers, takes out my cock and without hesitation crawls on her tongue. Almeida, with a single collar, does 「The deed」 as if it were natural. The female knight who caused a stir in the countries with the name of the dancing spear now performs the actions of a complete female slave. What a sense of conquest that alone is. Well, if you put it that way, these two 「Gold-arm sisters」 are also begging for cock in the daytime, naked and wearing only a collar. And Naris finally breaks.

“……You’re really insane……I, I don’t know, it’s 10-man captain Smithson who’s the most embarrassing anyway!”

Saying this, Naris begins to take off her clothes as if she had taken the plunge. Tetes laughed.

“Huhuhuu……see? Naris-chan is a slut too”

“I’m much lower than you guys!”

“We’ll be even one day. ……Look, Naris-chan, I’ll give you the first one. You don’t want people to come while you’re waiting, do you?”

“Ho, you’re really putting up an illusion, aren’t you?”

Naris, scurrying around, straddles the couch and straddles me in a face-to-face sitting position.

The city where beautiful girls and beautiful women expose their nakedness in the daytime or outside and beg for an orgy with me. I enjoy the hot sensation of being buried in her vagina as I hold Naris in my arms, while smiling and saying that I’m really becoming too much of a wreck to make excuses for it. By the way, I don’t think Tetes probably has any illusions. The other three guys seem to be rather enjoying the thrill and preparedness.

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