Half elves fall in love chapter 596

Chapter 596: Those who will not return

I go around telling everyone else about going south. This time there is no fear of conflict. To be precise, it’s hard to say for sure because we don’t know the situation there once we get to Lapal, but at least with Laila, Maia, Emma ​​and Bauz accompanying us, there’s very little anxiety on this journey. In fact, if there are four dragons, there are not many forces that can even stand in the way, let alone oppose them. The only thing that is important to me is that I am not worried about Rainer, who appears and disappears from the country at a moment’s notice and there is no safer way to travel.

“It’s not like it’s a mission this time and we have enough transport capacity, so even if a girl just wants to see……Celesta or Renfangas, we can take her sightseeing”

Selenium fidgeted as she said this, with the two children at the baron’s mansion and Fennel, who was also serving, by her side.

“Umm……what should I do……I’ve always wanted to visit the Lapal Islands at least once before I die”

“Oh. How about it then, Selenium too. Maybe you could leave Elenia with someone for a little while”

“Hmm……it’s a difficult point. I’d like to ask Apple if I could, but Apple isn’t producing breast milk yet……and I feel a bit hesitant to leave Jeanne and Peter’s milk to her”

“I have two breasts, so it should be enough”

“Yeah. I get quite a lot. It’s also thanks to the pills that Hilda gave me that increase milk production”

“What? There’s something like that”

“There’s even magic that makes your cock juice come out dozens of times more. There’s plenty of magic and pills to do something about breast milk”

“……That’s very convincing”

The development of magic in the erotic field by dark elves is said to be in response to the thriving sex industry in Talc. But if research is so agile that even such limited needs can be met, even the more pressing childcare-related convenience magic and pharmaceuticals are naturally covered. ……Well, I think the magic of a large semen increase was a secret of Dianne’s family.

“Umm……but Ele-chan, she hasn’t even been born for a day yet. I feel too guilty to make her feel lonely at such a young age”

“……Well, maybe”

Even if there are many girls who can act as wet nurses, it may be too early to just leave it to them. It’s not even counting the years, it’s only about two months. At such a time, it is no wonder that her birth mother, who is a special presence, is said to be too unsympathetic if she is away from her for a long time.

“Uh……I’d like to go, but maybe some other time. Not that it’s the last chance, right?”

“Of course. Bauz has promised to go back and forth a lot more times in the future and I’ll be there to see what’s going on”

“Then I’ll put up with it. If you neglect your time with Ele-chan……you’ll feel like she’s just a half elf who doesn’t know the love of her parents and that’s shameful”

“……Isn’t that a bit demeaning?”

“It’s a fact that we weren’t loved by our parents. But we can’t let Ele-chan inherit that”

Selenium squints a little, as if looking into the distance.

“I know it seems like a long time ago now, but……Andy-san, you said it. You said we shouldn’t let our children think……that. I want them to be able to say with pride that they are Andy Smithson’s children, Peter Smithson’s grandchildren……my children. ……I need to be good now so that my kids don’t think I’m a cut-throat mum”

“……I know”

Not that I needed to worry, Selenium’s motherhood had outstripped her curiosity.

“So please go and do my share, Fennel-san”


Fennel was taken aback by the sudden turn of events. Since the flow of the conversation so far had not been suitable for her, she continued her work while listening to a little. Then, all of a sudden, everyone’s attention was focused on her, and she started talking busily with her eyes wide open.

“Eh, ah, emm, I’m, in Lapal?”

“Well, the maid’s job isn’t so busy with all the young girls from the city who come here to apprentice their manners, is it?”

“Eh, Emm……but I’m in charge of Irina-sama and the others, Selenium-san and Jeanne-san, and……”

“Since the forest elves have gone all the way out of the forest, I don’t think it’s a good idea for them to normally stick to only their forest relatives. I’ll take this opportunity to get to know the other maids as well”

“E, Even if you say so……suddenly”

Fennel looks troubled. After all, she’s probably worried about not having experience being far from the forest.

“There’s no need to be so scared. Irina was once roaming in the middle of the Great Demon Invasion of Renfangas”

“Well, then again……I wouldn’t be much use to you”

“It doesn’t matter if you’re useful or not. We don’t need qualifications to see far together”


Fennel looks solemnly puzzled. ……I can’t help it. I sigh inwardly and put my mouth close to Fennel’s ear.

“……I want to have sex with you sometimes when we’re traveling”


Fennel reacts with a twitch and turns red as she watches. As a final push, I gently touch Fennel’s breasts and whisper to her once more.

“If you’re a female slave……you know that, don’t you?”

“Tss……y, yes……”

……Fennel nods honestly this time. Looking sideways at Selenium and Apple, they seem to have heard me after all and give me a bitter smile. Jeanne also seemed to understand the situation from the atmosphere and shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. Well, starting with Fennel, I’d like to make it possible for the four girls to see the wider world sooner or later. I think it’s a bit forced, though.


I also visit the inn where the men are staying and tell them that I will be returning to Celesta in the near future. No, it’s not even 「Where I’m going back to」anymore, as far as I’m concerned.

“Thank you. Sylvia-san, I hope she’s not being too careless”

Boyd looks like he wants to leave as soon as possible. The same goes for 100-man special duty commander Becker.

“My legs were pretty damaged by the big fight during the final battle, but they’re all better now. I’ll have to go home soon or she’ll cheat on me”

“Is it still bad? Your legs and feet”

“My full-on movements are especially hard on my knees and ankles. I can’t do anything about it. Well, I don’t need to move that much unless it’s really bad”


“When I was younger, if it hurt a little bit it didn’t bother me after a few days, but……you can’t work out to slow down the natural healing process. I hate to admit it, but age does help”

Sobering. Well, if you take a long, slow soak in the miraculous spring, you should be able to reduce that kind of age-related decline in capacity to some extent, but you can’t always use a hot-spring cure. ……Keiron and the Masturbation Brothers.

“I don’t have any reason to rush back to Celeste, so I’m going to take it easy”

“Ah, we’ve already identified this place as paradise”

“No problem”

All three of them gesture their refusal to interfere.

“Are you sure you guys are okay with that……?”

“Even if we go back, we’ll have to wait until after 100-man commander Dianne comes back before we can get any help with our lives or anything else”

“Even if you go back to Celesta, all you’ll find there will be a dreary barracks”

“And you’ll be in a different unit from your old colleagues. And you’re just in a daze until you get your next assignment. I can only say that it looks uncomfortable. Therefore, there’s no particular need to go back!’

“What are you going to do with your collection of erotic picture scrolls or something?”


“Excuse me, can you go and get them 10-man captain Smithson! There must be about 200 scrolls in our room!”

That’s a lot. I think we need a wheelchair.

“I don’t know. I mean, don’t use me as your errand boy”

“Gu, Gununu……”

“No, wait, mate. In some ways, you get to see far more wonderful things than picture scrolls every day”

“But an erotic picture scroll has the imagination of an erotic picture scroll!”

The Masturbation Brothers in a tussle. No, well, I have some sympathy too. Most impossible situations, if you ask them for a bit, the female slaves are surprisingly flippant about recreating them. And then, after they’ve debated for a while, they hand me a piece of parchment.

“I’ve narrowed it down to just the eleven masterpieces, so please, just those”

“You can disperse the rest to the rest of the squad. Please bring those. Please”

I feel a disgraceful lack of patience with the delicate number of volumes, eleven. Also, the problem is not the quantity.

“Well, you guys should go and get it yourself, right?”

“I asked for it!”

“It’s a real masterpiece! It’s fine to read it in the process of bringing it here! I’d rather you read it and share it!”

“You’re definitely not going to go then?”

……I end up rolling up the parchment and putting it away in my pocket. I wasn’t really interested in it.

And. Borrowing a corner of Jackie-san’s workshop, I take a light, deep breath and concentrate.

“Now……. Let’s polish it first”

I gently remove the blackened silver necklace from its cloth wrapper. I have a promise to keep. ……I’m going to fulfil it.

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