Jobless Chapter 50 Otherworld Meeting. Some presidents go home after tearing up the site…

When we left the mansion, a carriage was ready for us. We entered the carriage and headed for the castle.

「Listen. I’ll repeat it…」

「I know. I have to stay quiet. I don’t like making a mess so I’ll just stay behind you」

「Good. Once the meeting is over, I’ll educate you about the seventh-rank office and the nobles」


Well, Erinabelle’s being considerate of me. Besides, in this world, she’s my guarantor and also my employer.

I’m still unfamiliar with the common practices in this other world. If the time allows, then I should receive her teachings.

While we were having that brief conversation, the carriage arrived at the castle. Then, I finally entered the castle following behind Erinabelle.


Inside the castle was much more cluttered than expected. There are a lot of people and a lot of items at the end of the hallway.

But this seems to be a usual thing since Erinabelle isn’t saying anything and just continues walking. People pass each other and give way to Erinabelle.

「That’s amazing. They’re opening a path to you」

「Obviously. Here, up those stairs is our meeting room」

We headed up the stairs and moved to the fourth floor. You know, do you guys not have any magic elevators?

In front of Erinabelle is a massive door. Standing in front were two soldiers.

「Erinabelle-sama. We’ve been waiting for you」

「Who’s the other person…」

The soldier looked at me. Well, he’s making sure…

「He’s my attendant」



「N-No, my apologies. Please come in」

The soldier opens the door. Then, Erinabelle and I stepped into the room.

「Oh, Erinabelle-dono. It’s unusual for you to be the last one」

A long oval table was placed in the center of the room and people were sitting around it. One of them is the big boobs lady with purple hair I met the other day.

Erinabelle looked at the man who called her out.

「Does that matter? There’s no rule where I can’t come last, is there?

「That’s true. By the way, who is that?」

「My attendant」


Erinabelle introduced me, then the men looked at me. Huh, what?

But not everyone showed a reaction. Some weren’t moving at all, others were sending a glance while pretending not to care. The reactions were varied.

Erinabelle ignores the reaction and sits on an empty chair. I stood a little further from her back.

「It’s a little late, so let’s start the meeting. The first agenda…」

A fantasy meeting. I wonder what they’ll talk about.

I was curious at first, but… I got bored halfway through. The meeting is easy to listen to, but you get sleepy if you’re not interested.

「…And so…」


「…Where will you get the budget…」

To summarize, the soldiers aren’t enough, but where will they grab more? That’s the gist of it. The country is in a rough spot…It shows gaps.

Then, the agenda moved to another.

「Okay, next… The rebel army. Especially Yugdovan’s force. We’ve found Alchrom as he had infiltrated the capital the other day, but his whereabouts have been unknown since then」

Ugh. They haven’t caught that guy yet? I wonder if he’s still in the capital?

『I believe someone with the power of foresight has predicted the terrible future Alchrom would cause』

Oh yeah, Erinabelle mentioned that before. Seems like the predictions had never missed before.

「The security of the capital is under Erinabelle-dono and Anberta-dono’s jurisdiction. Is there any progress in arresting the rebels, including Alchrom?」

「We haven’t found Alchrom yet」

「Yes. We’re strengthening our patrols」

「That’s a problem. If you don’t find him as soon as possible, our soldiers will be sacrificed again. The number of our soldiers is worryingly already」

The mustache old man is speaking like he’s the boss. Erinabelle immediately reacted.

「Huh? Isn’t it the Knight’s duty to crush the rebellion? You can’t take down the rebels, and so they’re heading to the capital using guerrilla tactics」

「Wha? Are you trying to blame the knights?」

「Did I say that? I don’t care who gets the responsibility. But I crushed the gate of the Ragad Castle a year ago. Now I wonder why the Knights haven’t taken back the territory the rebels have captured.」

「That’s why we’re appropriating supplies and funds…」

That’s not really a retort, but… Erinabelle’s like that. She sure will retort when told like that.

From a boss’s point of view, he seems to be complaining, but he’s also the type who wouldn’t do the troublesome jobs.

By the way, I’m a Yes-man so I get a lot of tasks to do.

「Besides, the security of the capital compared to before…」

「The rebel forces…」

「The knights…」

This is too long. I wanted this to end soon…yet as soon as I thought of that. The corridor got a little noisy. Then, the door opens with a loud bang.

「Yo! You guys sure are noisy!! Hahahahaha!!」


It was a man in his mid-thirties entering the room. He’s drunk, a red face staggering steps. He’s got an unshaven face and ruffled blonde hair, he doesn’t feel clean.

Furthermore, he’s accompanied by beautiful women wearing light clothing on both sides and stretching his arm on each shoulder. No matter how you look at it, he’s not fit for the meeting

I was thinking “Who could this frivolous noble be?” But I immediately figured it out.

「Your Majexty Aranx」

Huh? Your Majesty? This old man who looks like a drunk salaryman in the morning?

『I see. So this is the current emperor of the Kainzbern Empire. I see. He’s quite the womanizer it seems. I sense a good vibe from him』

What do you mean by that? You almost sound like someone from manga or games, except it’s called “Spirit”

I get that the Emperor would come to the meeting, but why come here looking drunk and with two beauties?

Everyone seems to be thinking the same thing.

「That’s rare. To think that you’d attend the morning meetings」

「Huh? Hey, Zepenbar! I’m not here for the meeting. Hic! I’m not here to participate!」

「…What do you say?」

「I woke up early in a long while! Hic! I came here to see if you guys are doing your best for me! I’m glad to see that you’re not slacking off! Hahahaha!!!」

Woah. In short, it’s like the president who went on a patrol on a whim.

That’s just annoying. For the employees, you have to respond if they’re suddenly here, and since they’re the president, you can’t show indifference.

The site stops working and those who aren’t used to talking to the president are too nervous to perform as normal.

Ugh, the memories of my auto dealership work. The flashbacks.

「How is it going, Zeppanbar? Is my empire doing well?」

「Yes. We’re still exchanging our opinions」

「You got this. Don’t stay afraid of Yugdovan forever, will you? Hic! Oh? My knight, Anberta, and…」

The old man called Zeppanbar was speaking in a small volume.

「Yes, you, Erinabelle. I’m glad you’re doing well!」

Did you forget her name? Isn’t she one of the twelve generals who serve the Emperor?

But Erinabelle seemed to be so used to it that she just bowed along with Anberta-oneesan.

「The Capital is safe with you two around! Well, as long as there’s one Cerialis around, the 12 other generals don’t matter. Hehehe」

Old man. I mean, His Majesty is staring at Anberta-oneesan’s tits in plain sight.

Well, this is inevitable. I’ve been glancing at them too! The old men in the meeting are doing the same as well.

Men are creatures whose gazes are drawn to the cleavage of big breasts. Surely those spots are black holes, gravitating the men’s gaze to them.

「Okay, I’ll head back to my room and go to sleep again. Get to work! U-Ugh! Ughhhh」

Seriously?! He’s going to throw up here? This room is closed off so this is going to stink.

「Ugh. Ah, I feel refreshed now. See you guys later」

After that, His Majesty left the room with the beauties.

『I see. So that’s the Emperor?』

This is quite an amusing empire, don’t you think?!