Half elves fall in love chapter 609

Chapter 609: Porn Scroll 6 [Emma]

Almeida is a single-minded person and when she puts her mind on one thing, she easily forgets about other things. I think she has a very soldier-like personality in the sense that she doesn’t get distracted when she is told to do something.

“Hamuu……n, chuu……nbuu, rero……”

“Hey, that’s not fair. Let me lick it too”

Crawling at my feet, sucking my crotch with just her mouth, licking away the mixture of semen and love juice with gusto, she doesn’t look like the dignified, beautiful knight that was so famous in Afilm. Of course, she probably wasn’t proud of being praised like that.

“I mean, how long are you going to keep licking me?”

“……N, Nchuu……ngu, nnn……”

“『Mother』, that’s enough”

Maia pushes Almeida’s forehead away.

“Nku……w, why?”

“If you don’t, father won’t be able to resist”

“Of course I’ll drink it”

“He’s already been shooting a lot, so don’t let him waste his time”

……Yeah, I thought I was getting tired considering I haven’t done many people, but now that I think about it, I was cumming a lot just from masturbating.

“You look normal, but if you push yourself too hard like usual, it might be a bit dangerous. Andy, you use up a lot of energy in one go……”

Hilda nodded.

“We can make up for it a little with magic, but if everyone gets too cocky and does two laps, we might have to rush you to Polka☆”

“Eh, no, that”

“You think it probably still feels like you can handle it, but don’t trust your physical sensations too much. Think calmly about how much you’re urinating in weight☆”


Emm……I wouldn’t say a mug full……but if I’m not careful, how many times do I have to pee……over twenty so far? If I make up this amount in three meals……I have to make up a few kilos of food per meal and I have to make it into flesh and blood without wasting it completely……. But I don’t eat that much.

“……O, Oh? I’m not eating that much”

“In Polka, the miraculous spring compensates for the lack of food, so I was doing well enough on a normal diet. But maybe it’s best not to get too cocky when you’re on a trip. I’ll give you some medicine or magic to help you out”

“Th, Thank you very much……”

I once again realized the amazing effectiveness of the springs. I was really straining my body. Now that she mentions it, when I went on trips to places other than Polka, I was pretty busy and even though I was living a sexy life, the intervals between each were long.

“Actually, it’s better to adjust the amount of ejaculation to less, but Andy’s body is already used to the amount now……I’m afraid that the extra stress will be put on the wrong places”

But why……now, I wonder, is it because masturbation doesn’t use as much physical energy as sex? The right hand is the only part of the body that is overworked when masturbating. In a sense, this is the first time I’ve ever done something with such an imbalance of endurance and stamina.

“Th, That’s why……Almeida, I’m not going to cum tonight. Right?””

“……Okay……I, I want it in my womb too, if only once”

Almeida stroked her own tight lower abdomen with an involuntary gesture while smearing her mouth with lewd fluid.

“Dear. Then please pour it into this girl as soon as possible”

Smiling smugly, Fennel gently strokes Emma on her knees.

“…………P, Please, Father”

Emma is a little nervous. There are more reasons to get hard……than just the fact that she’s playing with a weird image.

“Come to think of it, you’re still……a virgin, aren’t you?”

“Oh. I envy you for giving your virginity to your father”

Fennel, with a giggle and a little bit of leeway. Emma shudders a little. U, Umm……no, wait a minute. It’s a little pitiful that it’s the first time for her to be in such a……chaotic situation. At least it could have been a regular orgy, but a parent-child role-play after a lot of wasted semen play is not. I mean, Fennel, who is currently holding Emma, lost her virginity together with another girl at a hot spring without a second thought and then specialized in playing a supporting role in orgies for a long time.

“……U, Umm”

“You must be worried about losing your virginity at this timing”

Tetes came up to her quietly.

“Well, I guess”

“It would be better to make it a little more memorable. ……So it’s settled, Master♪”


“Today it’s anal, anal♪”


Emma’s expression stiffened as she was a little frightened after hearing Tetes’ advice.

“Th, That kind of consideration is not necessary……!”

“This is more about Master’s feelings than Emma’s problem. If you cut off the virginity of a high-quality female slave that you have worked so hard to obtain while playing with other things, you won’t be able to enjoy it properly, right? This is the only chance in your life that you will have to enjoy the hymen with your body, so is it okay to make Master feel so disappointed?”


“It’s okay, anal feels good too……I would rather be violated in the ass than anything else♪”

“No, that’s just for Tetes-chan, right? Basically, there is no anal, right?”

Naris finally interjects, but, well, Tetes’s distorted perception aside, she is a virgin, so I’ll pass on it today……but I don’t think the surprisingly stubborn Emma would be convinced. Umm, let’s rephrase it as an image play.

“……Emma. As your father, I can’t take your virginity so easily……you understand?”

With that, I gently stroked Emma’s naked body and had Fennel pull Emma’s knees up and thrust her asshole up. Hilda, with her face out of the side of the room, has prepared a spell to prevent her ass from being cut, but Emma remains with a hard expression on her face.

“I, I don’t need your consideration, Father……I, I’ll offer it to you if you really want to taste it, but I have no intention of letting anyone other than Father defile my womb for the rest of my life……!”


It’s a little bit touching. I think Emma was just showing how she felt as a collared dragon, while still following the rule of calling me 「Father」. If such a dignified, healthy and beautiful daughter said to me like this, 「I am only a womb for father’s sperm」, I might not be able to stand it either.

“Emma……is so pretty, you……make me want to cherish you more and more”

“Th, That……”

Even though she’s bent over, Emma is a little embarrassed.

“……So, let me enjoy you from the ass”

“……Y, Yes……”

I spit on Emma’s asshole and press my cock against it. Finally, I’m going to carve……my sexuality inside her body.

“F, Father……”

Emma murmurs quietly and meditates tightly. I find even that gesture endearing as I penetrate her asshole.

“Hiuu……gu, uu……”

“I’m sure you’re in a lot of pain……because the sensation of being penetrated is very unique”

“Now that I think about it, Irina-san was also in an anal alliance”

“I don’t know of any such alliance”

While Emma is enduring the foreign sensation of being penetrated, the outsiders are saying whatever they want. It was a forceful insertion with a lot of strength, but it still went in smoothly, thanks to Hilda’s magic.

“S, Still……not yet, can it go in yet……?”

“Just a little more……more, just a little……”

“KKu, uuu……!!”

Slide in. And I felt the last bit of intestinal wall being pushed aside and the tight fit with Emma’s ass. Emma was in tears from the foreign body sensation, but I……was on edge from the sense of accomplishment of having thrust my throbbing cock into this girl’s body and the pleasure of her thick flesh. Connecting like this made me think again. She was beautiful, delicate, fragile, and noble……and had a different kind of charm to Maia’s, so I felt a sense of immorality in defilement with my filthy sexual desire. Unlike Maia, who shows a blind, animalistic love, she is rational and noble, but still craves to be subjugated by me. She is not very skillful, but she is passionately devoted to me. She is different from the female slaves I have had so far. How sweet it is to receive her love and to have the privilege of enjoying her body. I want to conquer her previous hole right away, but I focus on enjoying her asshole. It would be a waste to just violate her and throw her away.

“Nku, hu, uu……ku, ahu, nnn……”

“Relax. Don’t go against your senses and……leave it all to Andy-kun☆”

Emma suppresses her moans as she listens to Hilda’s whispered advice. Her silver hair is wet with greasy sweat, which is also glamorous. I shake my hips more and more rhythmically. Emma’s body, which tends to stiffen, is supported by Fennel. Emma’s nasal voice soon takes on a different color than the pain she is experiencing and I am able to move more easily thanks to the extra strength I have lost, allowing me to focus more and more on the pleasure I am experiencing. Before I knew it, my hips were spanking the asshole of the girl who was giving her body to a man for the first time without any hesitation. Before I knew it, Emma was reaching for me with sad eyes and drooling. I taste her anus to the fullest and it heightens. My body is starting to get tired in some places other than my muscles from taking too much, but my instincts are screaming that I still want to give this girl proof of the pleasure I’m giving her. And then.

“Ku……Emma……Emma, I´m going to release it, release it!!”

“Father……Father, ……Master……!!”

Pleasure bursts through me like a flash that takes away my vision and I slam my hips as deeply as I can into Emma’s ass and ejaculate.

“Guuu……ga, huu……!!”

Emma moans, a little pained.

“I drank all of it in my ass……ass is pretty much all the way in”

“Your tummy must be rumbling……”

“Hey, don’t underestimate a dragon. That much won’t hurt”

An outsider explained. After the spasms subsided, I pulled my dick out of her asshole and took a breather.

“Good job……look, Emma, you owe me a thank you”

“……F, Father……thank you for the seed……thank you……”

…… Just a little bit. I’d like to keep it a secret that the moment I came, I became 「Master」 and it felt like the moment my daughter surrendered to my dick and became subservient, which made me even more excited.

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