Half elves fall in love chapter 615

Chapter 615: Midnight Talking [Anzeros]

After leaving the bar at midnight, we all go back to the barracks and have a light debriefing of the day……with everyone, touching and sucking mainly the girls who were neglected yesterday. I’m rubbing Luna’s tits and letting Anzeros and Aurora take turns licking my dick.

“Basson is a nice town to live in. It’s surrounded by open fields and a large market and the nearby forest is healthy”

“Did Irina continue touring with Anzeros and the others?”

“Umm. Polka is now a place where the crossbowmen have no ties. I thought it would be a good idea to use this, the base of the crossbow corps, as a stopover point for the time being”

“What kind of stopover point……?”

“Trade, of course. Polka is a Trot town, but it is too far into the countryside to serve as a window. However, with the wings of a dragon, we could continually place trade outside of the city, as long as it is not too bulky”

“I think it would be fine within the countryside of Trot……n, rero……reroo……nchuu. My mother would connect us there and we need a……human exchange center……”

“No, don’t suck me off, explain it to me properly, Anzeros”

“……Can’t I just lick it until you ejaculate?”

“Do you really want to cover yourself in semen that badly……?”

“I don’t get a chance to drink Andy’s semen directly and I miss it……I’d lick it a lot if it was in someone else’s cunt”

“I wonder what would happen if the guys in the squad saw you making that statement with a serious face……”

“……They’d be disillusioned, but it’s my job to lick Andy’s dick now, so I guess I can’t help it”

“No, no, no, no”

She’s clearly showing his desire for social ruin. No, that’s not it.

“I’ll leave the dick-licking business aside for the moment. Tell me more about your business plan”

“Leave the licking to me…….♪”

“No. I’ll do it after Aurora drinks. Besides, Irina knows everything I think, so it’s okay for me to lick it”

“You don’t have to go that far to stick to sucking dick……”

Anzeros sucks on my cock while making a gesture of folding and plugging her ears. What’s with servicing the dick even while ignoring its owner? Cute, though.

“……I’ll explain it to you. Human interaction is exactly what it sounds like. We will set up a small village of elves and cat beasts near here as a social learning area to familiarize them with the outside world. It will also serve as a window for those who need medical treatment in Polka, or even for those who wish to emigrate to Polka itself”

“Emigration applications……? That’s a very high level of commitment”

“That’s right. But on the other hand, it is not inappropriate for someone of such a high status……to conceive of it”

“That’s true, but”

“The people of Polka are generous, but that is not enough. In the future, the immigrants from Kalwin will become our neighbors in droves. Our elves, with their rigid values, will not be able to help Polka’s people in their clash with the overwhelming majority of different cultures that await them. But if we can send a moderate number of immigrants from here, the values of the people of Celesta will serve as a buffer between the two.

“……And leave such things to the half elves via Folklore”

“Of course, we expect them to help us, but it’s not enough to rely on them to do it for us. Cultural differences are sometimes violent. We can’t let them go with just one strategy”

“So, the idea of such a policy is still only in Irina’s mind?”

“The Baron has agreed to it. Letters have been written and sent to Trot´s royal capital and Ashton of Celesta. Well, I’m sure Ulysses will help us”

……It had progressed that far, and I didn’t know anything about it.

“Even if it was a small country, trying to scoop up the entire population is a huge undertaking that should never have been done before. We all knew that we would need a countermeasure here, even if it hadn’t been put into concrete form. The barony has a lot of unused land. It wouldn’t be that difficult”

“U, Umm……is that so? But is it……okay to move the people without permission?”

“If you say it’s not possible, I’ll beg you for a counterproposal”


She’s a little kid, but hse’s still a clan leader. She’s subtly ruthless.

“But the winters in Polka are harsh. It’s not easy for the people of Celesta to settle here, so I don’t think there will be a large number of immigrants”

I put my hand on Anzeros’ head as I listen to Irina say this. It was a sign that I was about to ejaculate. Anzeros, as if she knew what was going on, sucked hard and fast. Aurora, who is waiting for her turn, gulps as she lightly strokes her own lips at the vulgar sound she makes.


“Ah, I’m sorry”

I had unconsciously put strength into my hands as I grabbed Luna’s breasts. Topless, Luna had let me massage her, but now she glared at me with a pout.

“I’m sorry”

“……Nipples, squeezing them”

The other hand is on the head of Anzeros and it goes up and down with the violent movements of the other hand. Then I ejaculated with a small moan.

“Uuu……ha, aaa……!”

The feeling of release as something in my lower back rushes through my prostate and is released. A sweet shiver of pleasure runs up and down my spine as the white spurts come out. And the immoral feeling of having the inside of the mouth of Anzeros, who had been a member of the public morals committee for many years in this garrison of Basson, soiled with a cloud of white fluid. I was immersed for a moment while feeling these things and when I looked at Irina’s face again, I saw an indescribable expression on her face.

“……You know, it’s a little funny to see your face when you’re climaxing like this”

“……I kinda get it, so please don’t say too much”

“Well……when you smell so nasty, it makes me, well, tingle”

Irina squeezed the fabric of her robe around her waist, glancing at me sideways.

“……I, I……shouldn’t get mixed in”

Anzeros tried to drink it, but couldn’t finish it, so she spilled some on her plate, and Aurora immediately started drinking it, her forehead wet. Seeing this, I wondered what to do…….

“No. I’m not going to let Andy do unlimited hard work. So I’ll have to manage the number of times he works out for a while☆”

Hilda was disappointed and Irina was disappointed. 

“Uh……i, is it something that you have to regret so much……?”

“I’m sorry. It seems Andy was partly to blame, so it’s not like I did anything wrong……but I guess we can’t get mixed in. So let’s watch☆”


By the way, as a result of our discussion, the people who are allowed to have sex with me tonight are……Anzeros, Aurora, Luna and Neia, Tetes and Naris. It’s rather extravagant when I have six partners, but still, the current situation of saving semen might be a bit crazy.

“Naris-chan, you’re free to join in, so you don’t have to mix with the others”

“Ugh, shut up……you worked so hard today, why don’t you let 10-man captain Smithson reward you a little bit?”


Tetes is grinning and Naris is looking uncomfortable but does not want to run away. They are both wearing only their tops and underpants. The consensus among the female slaves is to leave the bottom because I want to take it off…… by the way, what Naris did well was hunting and she worked with Luna and Boyd to kill a boar that was the size of a demon. She was chasing it with a bow, but for some reason she ended up smashing its head with her fist to knock it down, an unscheduled act that is typical of Naris.

“I hope you don’t mind if I start with that……but I haven’t done anything to deserve the praise”

“It’s just Naris’s excuse to herself, so don’t worry about it”

I removed Neia’s underwear with a sticky hand and I let her straddle me on my cock, which had stopped ejaculating. Tonight was going to be another long night.

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