Half elves fall in love chapter 616

Chapter 616: The work of a magic doctor

In the morning, we had breakfast in the mess hall of the barracks. Because the women were more energetic than I was, they finished their meals before I did, and I woke up a little late, accompanied by Hilda. She had already woken up, but she was waiting for me.

“Andy-kun, you can’t rely on the healing power of the fountain right now. I’m going to have to get a little creative if we’re going to enjoy the trip with this many people”


“I see. For now, it’s okay to magically reallocate some of the body’s functions to energy restoration, right?”

“Aah……I thought the dark elves were good at that kind of magic medicine”

I miss it. I’m sure Dianne taught me that when I first started traveling. The dark elves, or rather Talc, when it comes to healing with magic, the most common treatment is a procedure such as……which improves recovery performance instead of reducing one of the functions such as motor skills. The most common way to get rid of the problem is to use a new method. It is a bit sloppy compared to the 「Full recovery from a serious injury in a few days after soaking in a sacred spring」, but it is still a miracle that recovery can be accelerated by a percentage or even several times. It seems to be possible to use it in combination with medicines.

“But it will make your muscles a little weaker”

“How much?”

“It depends on the degree of acceleration of the recovery of energy, but I’d say about 20%. For now, I think it’s better to leave the running and carrying heavy things to Maia or Emma”

“……W, Well, I don’t think I’ll need that much during this trip”

Twenty percent. I’m not a model soldier, but I think I’ve trained my body to a healthy level, so even if I get a little weaker, I’ll be about the same size as an old townsman……right? But even if I weaken, it won’t be enough to be assisted and considering that I’ve had arms fly off and legs fly off in the past, it’s not really a handicap.

“So, will it be like you’re fully recovered every night?”

“Umm……that’s the hard part. I think you’ll be able to stay healthy without collapsing……but if you do it the same way as you did in Polka, you’ll probably run out of ammo. I think it’s better to think of it as recovering about 60%”

“……I’ve realized how amazing the miraculous spring is”

“That’s true. If it existed everywhere, the profession of doctor would be gone……ah, but it would be difficult to recover from missing teeth or limbs”

“But in Polka, I’ve never heard of tooth decay……”

“No, but if you get hit and your teeth break. Doctor can fix that too☆”


That’s true, it’s difficult in the miraculous spring. Magic has its own advantages. And an ogre soldier (who seemed to be a newcomer and didn’t recognize me) who was listening to this nearby timidly joined in the conversation.

“Is it possible to heal a tooth? I’ve had cavities pulled out and broken in fights, and now I’m in this condition”

But, the ogre opened his mouth. ……Even though he was young, he had a lot of teeth. It looked like six or seven were missing.

“This……that’s terrible……”

Hilda raised her eyebrows and instructed the ogre to lie on the floor and chew on a thick stick as a stumbling block to keep his mouth closed.

“Andy-kun, you’re going to have to wait a while”

“Ah, yes”

Hilda put her hand inside the ogre’s mouth, rubbed the gums and chanted a spell……and produced a large tooth to be pulled out of the gum.


“Here’s the first one. I’m going to go on and on. The first one is the stick. As you can imagine, even the doctor doesn’t want it to hurt☆”

In the same process, the teeth are grown out and the teeth are aligned again with the fingers. Since he was biting without teeth to begin with, the crooked teeth seemed to be interfering with the new teeth, but Hilda seemed to be correcting them directly with her fingers while constantly chanting spells. I think that magic doctors are amazing when I see this kind of technique……. I wonder how Hilda must remember hundreds, no, thousands of these minute techniques. Before I knew it, the soldiers of the unit had formed a crowd to watch over the process, and the ogre’s dental treatment was finished in about 15 minutes.

“Yes, that’s it. There were quite a few cavities, so I fixed them on the side☆”

“Ah, my God……it’s been years since I’ve had all of my teeth……great!”

The ogre soldier was overjoyed to see his own mouth in the hand mirror offered by his comrades.

“C, Can I have one too?”

“I have front teeth too……these are dentures.”

“I have bad teeth, so it’s hard for me to open my mouth in public”

The team members rushed to the door, but Isaac was the one who stopped them.

“Now, now, don’t ask for too much, you idiot. Hilda-sensei is not all that busy. She’s doing us a favor and she’s only going to start with the ones who are desperate. The rest will be drawn by lot. And I hope you have at least a gratuity in mind. Free is a little excessive”

“It’s okay, Isaac-kun. ……Andy-kun, I’m a little bit busy. I’m going to finish by noon, so we’ll continue our conversation later”

Hilda said and rolled up her arms to begin the next treatment. With a sigh, Isaac turns to the others.

“……Hey, Miles, you better bring something with you, okay? Even if Hilda-sensei says she doesn’t want it, I won’t allow it to be for free. Courtesy, courtesy. ……Sorry Smithson. You guys don’t have much time, do you?”

“Well……I’m not busy enough to stay”

It’s not a very urgent itinerary, but I have to go back to Kalwin in a month. And I’m pressing Leyla and Corti for answers.

“The guys who’ve been here before have been seeing Hilda-sensei for a lot of things from time to time, but a lot of the new guys don’t know what Hilda-sensei can fix for them in the first place. They think that the Polka Fountain cures most injuries and chronic illnesses and that doctors can’t do anything for them if they can’t be cured there”

“Ah……well, that’s what I think, isn’t it?”

I was thinking about that too. Hilda’s health care skills shine on the road where you can’t rely on the spring.

“Uhuhu, well. When I’m in Polka, I sometimes wonder what my own skills are……☆”

While saying this, Hilda has already started treating the third patient. As usual, while appearing cheerful and lighthearted, her actions as a doctor are frighteningly quick and precise. As I watch her professionalism with admiration, a member of the team who did not join the dental treatment line sits down next to me and whispers in a whisper.

“By the way, 10-man captain Smithson”


“That……is before we talk about teeth. I mean, what about your energy?”


“Are you really having a nightly orgy with all those beauties……? No, we only know about it from what we’ve heard. There are a lot of people who are very neat and tidy. I can’t get close to the girls’ barracks, so I can’t imagine what it’s like to be with those people”

“……I see. Now that I think about it, it’s true……there aren’t many who seem like they’d do anything erotic”

Starting with Anzeros and Aurora, most of the accompanying female slaves have acquired the behavior of a dignified knight or noble. Even Beatrice, who is not a female slave but is the youngest and has the least combat experience, gives the impression of a full-fledged warrior from a general perspective. It’s probably hard for new recruits to imagine them naked, lined up with their butts, panting.

“I wonder……which one of them is the easiest to imagine getting fucked?”

“Naris-san, followed by Hilda-sensei”

“……I see. So that’s how they look to me

“And then those big-breasted gauntlets”

“Sharon. She’s certainly been soft lately”

“Her tits?”

“I’m talking about the attitude! ……Not at all, she used to be very pugnacious. Like……she’d look down, like she was looking at a bug.”

While we were talking like that, Naris and Sharon came briskly into the dining hall, as if they had heard from somewhere. Then Naris put her hand down in front of the visibly embarrassed new recruit.

“I’ll tell you, I’m the most reserved when it comes to that sort of thing!”

“But Naris, if you put it in a comparative way, it’s like you’re admitting that you do what you have to do, isn’t it?”

“S, Shut up!”

Naris seemed to have noticed that I had pointed it out and she blushed and started snapping at me in a rage. And as for Sharon.

“I didn’t mean to be that rude”

“No, I think Sharon was pretty rude”

“What did the knight chief do from that point on?”

She immediately counterattacked me and Naris and put her hands on her cheeks with a troubled expression. She certainly looked more like a woman than a warrior.

“But now……I’m at your mercy, Smithson-san……huhuu”

Sharon stated her position with a somewhat seductive smile. It was almost summer and we were heading to a warmer region, so her body equipped with bikini armor must have looked extremely erotic to the recruits.

“Uh……well, that’s it”

The recruits bent over and quickly ran away. As expected, they didn’t have the guts to continue gossiping in front of the people involved. After seeing them off, Naris folded her arms and sighed.

“I knew I was seen as a member of the harem, but I’m shocked that they think of me like that”

“Well, your attitude doesn’t seem pompous, so I guess that means you seem balanced, right?”

Also, female slave or not, I think there’s already very little denial factor about being part of a harem. I ended up getting laid a lot yesterday.

“I don’t mean to sound pompous either”

“Sharon’s attitude is friendly, but she has a certain elegance about her behavior that makes it hard for a Celesta commoner to imagine her having sex with me”

“When I was in Arcas, people used to talk about me behind my back for my vulgar appearance”

I felt a contradiction in the fact that the elves can hear the behind-the-scenes talk even if it’s from a considerable distance away. Naris and Sharon had heard it from outside the dining hall. And Arcas is an old elven country, so it was just a pretense and it might have been hard to argue with something that wasn’t being said to my face. Then Tetes appeared. She looked very dissatisfied.

“Why do you seem to be more interested in Master than I am, Naris-chan? I don’t know if I should say this myself, but I don’t have much of a personality and I don’t mean to be difficult to get along with”

“……Well, hey”

“I’m not that charming”

Naris and I shrugged our shoulders. Tetes puffed out her cheeks and pressed me.

“What do you mean by 『Well』!?”

“Because, you see”

“Well, Tetes-chan. Normally, you’d think that a young girl like Tetes-chan wouldn’t be the type to flirt with you”

“You’re a little elf yourself!”

“I don’t think this is the place to get mad!”

While we were talking about strange things, Hilda-san’s treatment continued briskly and by noon, nearly 30 members of the team looked as if they had been reborn and were satisfied with their treatment. Teeth are important, right? Yes, they are.

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