Half elves fall in love chapter 617

Chapter 617: The future of medicine and female slaves

After the dental treatment by Hilda, the air in the barracks was slightly brighter. In any case, nearly 30 people’s mouths had been completely healed in no time at all. Even though they knew of the existence of magic doctors as Celestians, the ogres, dwarves and human soldiers who had not been able to take advantage of them must have thought that they would have to live with rattled teeth for the rest of their lives. If all of them were to recover at once, they would feel as if they had sprouted wings. Their exuberance was similar to that of sick people whose chronic illnesses were cured at the sacred spring in Polka.

“If there were more magic doctors in the north, I don’t think we would be so inconvenienced……”

Hilda was not tired despite all the work she had to do. 

“I mean, I’ve never seen a magic doctor with dental skills like Hilda, even in Renfangas or the Southern Plains. Even in St. Garde, where magic is more commonplace, they can rebuild broken teeth with a special piece of wood”

“I’ve heard that even in Arcas, the commoners do that. The glorious ones have their own highly respected doctor to do it for them……but they still have to wait for months for dental care because they don’t have to rush so much”

“Hmm, it seems like there aren’t many places that research dental medical magic. There are quite a few good people around Talc, though. And isn’t Aurora’s family good at that sort of thing too?”

Aurora, who had just returned from the guard platoon training with Anzeros, nodded.

“The medical arts in Klaves are mostly derived from the northern forest, but I have heard that some of them are more advanced than those in the northern forest. I am not so familiar with them, though, since I spent most of my life practicing swordsmanship”

“I wonder if Irina-chan knows much about it”

Hilda looks for Irina with her eyes. Irina, on the other hand, was looking for a place to sit with Fennel, who was holding a tray for lunch.

“Hey, Irina. Don’t use Fennel too much as a servant. I don’t care how powerful you are in the forest……”

I tried to warn her, but she laughed.

“That’s not true, Master. Irina-sama fell over twice today……I’m holding it because it’s dangerous”

“It’s not my fault. The flooring here is not well paved. The planks are lifting in odd places from all the years of ogres and dwarves running around”

Irina is sulking. Well, it’s hard to say that the planks are very clean, this floor. Fennel places a tray on the table, one in each hand, like a waiter in a tavern. Even without her maid’s uniform, her gesture is truly understated and graceful.

“So, what kind of dental skills do you have in the forest or in Klaves? Is there anyone as good as Hilda?”

“There are many techniques that have been handed down, but I don’t know anyone who can match Hilda’s skill. I hear that the skills of the southern forest Klaves surpass those of cherry blossom and purple clan when it comes to dealing with substitutes”

“Is this the clan that excels in medical magic?”

“The chief’s impression is generally correct. The clans that are particularly good at transmitting magic are the white, cherry blossom and purple clans. Orange and red excel in martial arts, gold, silver and blue in practical life skills. The green clan is the middle of the pack. But there are so many of us that it’s hard to narrow down our tendencies”

“Are the Aurora clan a branch of the Blue clan?”

“That’s what I’ve been told, but it’s a little complicated when you look at……Vois-sama”

“The division was made a long time ago. The temperament must have changed. I hear that some members of other clans have joined the sky blue clan after being excommunicated from the north”

The blue clan is now engaged in fishing and processing in the forest. Because the clan leader, Old Vois, is a muscle-brained……I mean, because he has a rather bold temperament, he gives the impression of being the least noble of the nine clans of the forest. It’s quite ironic that the sky blue clan, which rules Klaves, has a royal temperament that is obsessed with nobility.

“Teeth are not lethal. If it hurts, pulling it out is the best treatment for the time being. So, I guess there are no specialists anywhere. In that sense, it is understandable that the dark elves’ technology is the best on the continent”

“It’s a pity, isn’t it? There are few things in life as fulfilling as the inside of a person’s mouth”

Hilda sighs. Certainly, if you look at the people who are happy now……there should be more and more doctors dealing with this technology.

“Why don’t you write a book on witchcraft and spread the word? Unlike other technologies, there are few things that can’t be spread”

“It takes a lot of time and effort to write a book in a proper format……”

Irina and Hilda munched down the meal for the squad. The white clan chief, who seems to be the furthest away from the dark elves among all the elves and Hilda, who is by far the most worldly of the dark elves. It’s interesting that two people with completely different impressions can talk so well about magic.

“I wonder if Tetes is good at that kind of thing”

When Sharon looked at her, Tetes also raised her hand.

“Yes, yes. I think it’s a very useful technique, so I’d like to learn it sometime soon!”

“I don’t mind teaching it to you, but it takes a dark elf ten years to master it, don’t you think?”

“I’m confident that I’m a quick learner”

“Oh, how cheeky. Well, I guess I’ll teach you sometime. Even Dianne isn’t very good at dentistry, you know? Get ready☆”

“I’m rather happy to have a field where I can win against Dianne!”

Tetes says cheerfully, but I wonder if it is that easy to learn. ……But Tetes could, I think. She’s that Sir Buster’s sister, after all. Besides, if she could bring the art of dentistry back to Renfangas and spread it, it would be quite beneficial to the country. Wouldn’t Tetes miss out on that kind of technology?


After the meal, Hilda’s magic is cast on me.

“Andy-kun, your muscle strength will drop by about 20 percent. If your muscles lose strength, you’ll have to use that much energy for the same activity, so it might be hard for you to have sex because you’ll be out of breath before you cum”

“That’s something we can do if we move more”

“I also miss the cowgirl position”

Anzeros and Aurora said nonchalantly. During our first trip, I couldn’t move my hips in the second half. I couldn’t move one leg.


Beatrice looked like she didn’t quite understand what Neia was explaining to her. So far, Beatrice had only been the one to get fucked, so she couldn’t imagine being on top and moving on her own.

“If it’s only a 20 percent drop, it’s not that difficult to have sex with me mainly…….”

I tried to put a stop to it by saying so, but the latecomers, who didn’t have much experience with cowgirl position, showed interest in it and it was hard to stop the excited voices.

“The crossbowmen were impressed that you guys are such neat people, so don’t be too indecent here!”

I cautioned her further, but Irina patted me on the shoulder (she’s short, so it’s cute that she’s stretching a little) and shook her head, saying it was okay.

“I’ve cast an illusion on the others that makes it sound like they’re speaking in Elvish”

“You’re so thoughtful in a strange way……”

“I knew it when we decided to take care of your energy in a restaurant like this”

Maybe it’s because Dianne isn’t around, but Irina’s attention to detail has been getting more noticeable lately. If she was always this thoughtful, Christie would have less to worry about.

“Well, I don’t mind if you say out loud that I want to move my hips on you. I don’t mind if they find out”

“Anzeros said something similar, but don’t try to ruin yourself”

“I’ve accepted the name female slave and am content with it. I’d rather call it a decision than ruin. I look forward to the time when I’ll be living a decadent life where it’s rare to even wear clothes”

“What will become of the white clan if you live like that?”

“Once it’s known that I’m your lewd lapdog, power will shift to someone else. After that, I’ll only think about your dick……♪”

“No. Christie will die of exhaustion”

“Let Christie devote herself to being a toilet in the same way”


Hitting Irina on the head with the back of my hand. But when I turned around, the other female slaves were also looking enchanted by Irina’s proposal.

“That’d be nice……a human toilet life for Andy alone”

“It’s like our days in the barrier prison where all we do is copulate……♪ It’s what a female slave is really supposed to do”

“I’d be happy to be with you full time, sensei……I don’t mind doing it here right now☆”

Not to mention the old-timers.

“M, Me too, emm……I want to give birth to a grandchild for Marie-sama and let her hold it……and if I’m a pure-blood I have to devote myself to sex more than anyone else

“Haa……let’s get the affairs of the state settled as soon as possible and I’ll……♪”

“I want to have as many children as possible by Master♪”

“Tetes-chan, calm down. And the Knight Chief too. Your brother is going to die. Almeida-san……well, never mind”

The gauntlet knights, except for Naris, are very forward.

“Please be nice to the four of us sometimes too”

Fennel’s smile is the same as always. Maybe it’s because she always treats me in a similar way in Polka.

“Andy, you should live in the cat beast colony already”

“Is that colony……that one too……eh”

“What, What are you talking about?”

Beatrice blushed at Luna’s comment and asked Neia, who covered her mouth with her finger, to explain. Yes. There’s a huge lack of tsukkomi.

“I think we should at least be civilized and have some flirting and eroticism”

“Even if you spend all your time mating with a primitive vigor, your sperm will never run out, so there are plenty of outlets for it……♪”

Irina whispers to me and I think that’s certainly true. And they are all so much more in tune with my values that they all want sex full time. I may be adding too many female slaves to my life. ……No, I wasn’t really trying to increase them. Except for Neia. I’m not sure if I’m being too aggressive, but I don’t think it’s worth the effort.

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