Half elves fall in love chapter 630

Chapter 630: Rennesto Walking

After the four gauntlet members finished modeling the nude paintings, they finally had no more reason to delay their return report, so they left the mansion that evening and returned to their respective lodgings.

“Tetes and Sharon have their own houses, but what are Almeida and Naris doing with their possessions?”

“I carry almost all of them with me. I don’t even have anything that could be called belongings in the first place! I’m an adventurer who believes that 『The journey is my home』!”

Naris proudly says.

“Well, to be precise, there are some things that are kept in the custody of the knighthood or money changers. If I carry everything, I might lose my money and have to give it up”

“Money. There’s nothing you can do about it”

In Celesta, a system called 「Standard Jewelry」 has been established among money changers, in which several thousand gold coins are exchanged for a single jewelry piece, so you don’t have to carry around a big bag of gold coins, but in a foreign country, even a not so big country like Renfangas, such a system does not work. In such a case, what to do with the money is either to buy small but valuable jewelry to make it more convenient to carry around, or to give up and carry around a large bag of gold coins. Although we casually say 1,000 coins or 10,000 coins, the weight of a single coin may not be a big deal, but in such numbers, it becomes rather unfashionable and in unsafe areas, you may be asked to 「Go for it」. If you are well paid, you have no choice but not to leave them with us.

“If we were to pull out of Rennesto, how would we settle all that stuff……?”

Tetes growled, her mouth agape. The risk is in converting them into treasures such as jewelry and artwork. The value of the goods can change dramatically from the time you buy them to the time you sell them. Even if the merchant is honest, the value may be completely different depending on his or her sense of value and appraisal. The standard gem is a system that reduces the difference as much as possible, but it is meaningless unless the moneychangers have established a relationship of trust with each other. If you live in one place, you can easily secure your property with real estate, but if you move to Polka, it will be difficult to take out the property you have……without loss.

“Since we have Laila, who is a very good carrier, we could take everything directly to the money changer and turn it into gold coins in Trot”

Sharon says so, though.

“……Sharon, with the knight chief class, wouldn’t she have assets in the million-piece class?”

“I think it’s about……that much”

“I don’t think even Laila-san could do that”

“I think it’s impossible to……imagine that”

I don’t think it’s impossible to have it and I don’t think there’s any need to carry everything in one go, but either way, if you’ve been with the Black Arms for years, you’ll have assets like that……it’s a bit mind-boggling.

“Once again……you’re rich, working for Gauntlet Knights”

“If your salary is so low that you can’t live comfortably, it’s not worth fighting in this country”

Tetes says so casually. Well, I understand. Incidentally, Almeida’s family fortune……seems to be similar since she is newer than Naris. 

And to all the ex-drug addicts that we have been dragging around for our convenience. Of course, they have the right to get off here. However, it is not easy to live here. I don’t recommend it at all. There are always threats from monsters and personal dangers from rough mercenaries whose identities are unknown. The people who live in this town are those who have the determination and resolve to live here, even if they are willing to take those risks.

“There is no one here who wants to make a fresh start in life, as one would expect……”

“If they were a skilled warrior, it might be a good place to start a new life, but it’s unlikely that someone like that would be captured by Rabbines and addicted to drugs……”

100-man commander Becker and Bauz commented on their movements. Although they explore the inside of the well-made 「Celesta Mansion」 and look out over the walls from the second floor, they don’t venture much further into the city of Rennesto.

“It’s just a sightseeing trip, so I think Bauz and the others should escort them and go eat at a food stall outside. Together with Yufa-san”

“I don’t know the area at all. I don’t know where to go to eat”

“100-man commander Becker should know”

“I’m not that knowledgeable about food either……I should have asked the locals about that while we were here”


Well, Tetes, Naris and the others would know the restaurant, of course. It was like a touch difference and they had already left for the headquarters of the Gauntlet knights.

“Speaking of which……Smithson, what are you going to do about the meal? The number of people has decreased considerably, but there will still be more than ten if you include the women from the other side. It would be tasteless to just eat the easy food”

“Th, That’s true”

I folded my arms at Bauz’ question. I always end up making arrangements like this when Dianne isn’t around. In case we have to camp somewhere, we have procured enough preserved food to last the current group for about three days. But that’s probably not possible in the middle of the city.

“We can’t get someone who knows the area……so we’re going to ask around to see if we can get a group of people to go into some of the stores”

“It’s a long, drawn-out process, isn’t it?”

100-man commander Becker, who looked at my idea with a pitiful face. Well, I admit that it’s not a good idea. But if you’re going to eat in a city you don’t know, you have no choice but to do so.

“I want 100-man commander Becker to cooperate. He must have a nose for good bars, like a spy’s intuition”

“You must have mistaken the secret agent for some kind of other race”

We can’t even call on Bauz for something like this. Well, we could rely on him, but he’s more like a customer. It’s more like we, the hosts, should be the ones running around.

“I don’t have a choice. Well, I’m off”

“I’ll meet you back here in a while”

It was already dusk. We couldn’t take much time. Becker and I split up and ran to check on the streets that we had each marked out.

We checked at several stores, but there were more than ten people, most of them women and some of them couldn’t speak the language.

“That sounds like a troublesome group. If you’re going to take up two or three tables for that, you should’ve told us earlier. As you can see, it’s crowded

“……It’s crowded”

“We don’t have a policy of kicking customers out by the time. We can’t leave that many tables free”

If it’s a group of guys, you can let them each slot in at the counter as they see fit, but you can’t do that when you have a group of girls coming to the bar. We have to make them sit in a tight group to avoid any trouble and we have to make the waitress take care of them so that drunken customers don’t touch them in a strange way. It was inevitable to take those conditions as 「Troublesome」. It is different from the tribal exclusivity of Harmonium.

“Sorry, I’ll get you another table”

“Please do that. Sorry”

I went to the next store. I’m really in a slump.

And this 「Unsafe town」 doesn’t leave me alone.

“Hey, there. Stop for a second”


I turned around and stopped and a thug suddenly came out and grabbed me by the chest.

“Can I borrow some money?”


“Yeah, I think it’s wise to let it out quietly. It’s not good for you if you keep it hidden”

“……It’s been a while since I’ve seen someone like you”

I mumbled fluently. No, I really should be scared, but this kind of lowbrow violence was actually scarce these days. The thug looked at me suspiciously, and then, perhaps still thinking he wouldn’t be bullied, raised his fist and tried to slam it into me before I could say a word. But his hand never left my hand.

“Stop it”

With a shaa sound, the tip of a sword appeared in front of his eyes. The thug’s movement stops with a snap. As expected of a man living in a city like this, he was not insensitive to the danger he was in. It was Emma who was there. Whose sword was she holding? In terms of length, it’s a short sword that Anzeros likes.

“Even with my slender arms, I could easily shave your nose off”

“What the hell, you little brat?”

“It would be wise to back off quietly. I am irritated”

As expected, she’s not as detached from the world as Maia or Laila and she acts like a normal human. If I act like a dragon here, it’ll just get complicated.

“Thank you, Emma”

“Laila-sama told me to watch out for you since you seem to be wandering off on your own……”

“Why doesn’t she come herself……?”

“You must have been looking out for me”

The thug still had a hold of me by the collar. I slapped his hand to signal him to let go, but he got angry and pulled me towards him, trying to use me as a shield……Emma sighed and swung her sword down. The sword pierced the top of the thug’s foot and pinned him to the ground.


The hand holding my chest loosens and slips out. I pull away, adjusting my collar.

“Don’t do that. This kid’s strong

“Agaa……y, you……”

“I could have cut off your arm, but I’m about to eat. Getting covered in blood is disgusting”

Emma said and turned her back as if she was no longer interested. The thug shakily pulls out the sword stuck in his leg and throws it at Emma as he falls on his buttocks. Emma takes the sword with a snap. Emma takes it naturally, as if it had been a trick from the beginning and even thanks him.

“Thank you. It’s a little dirty”

“D……Damn, gaa……”

The thug couldn’t follow.

“Please be careful. Everyone says that you are too reckless and get into danger”

“……Y, Yes”

“If anything happens to you……no, it’s probably been said too many times already, so it’s not for me to repeat”


I apologized and Emma stopped speaking with a huff. She thought it was strange to scold me when she was the one below me. Then, somewhat.

“……I just……I wish you’d remember me a little more”

“……It’s not that I forgot you”

“If you had let me stay by your side when you walked like that, I could have protected you without getting tangled up……”

……Emma says sadly.

“Do you still have little sense that I am your dragon……?”


I mean, it’s not like that, it wasn’t like I was running around with a girl on an errand……I can’t help but say.

“I’m sorry”

“……No offense”

“I knew it was a dangerous town and I shouldn’t have walked around alone. That’s for sure”

I gently stroked Emma’s head and hugged her shoulders, and she blushed.

“Thank you”

“……No, it was just my job……”

“I’ll thank you later”


Emma looks at me. I remembered that the Celesta Mansion had also built a workshop for me……I could make something there.

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