Jobless Chapter 75 Steak at Home! And a new Oni.
Jobless Chapter 77 Minato-chan's Reward. Amari-chan's Infiltration Investigation.
I woke up to the sound of the alarm. After checking the time, I quickly changed my clothes and did my hair.
「Okay. Let’s go to the family restaurant!」
I walked out of the entrance and locked it. I descended the stairs making clanking sounds and then Cui flew from the sky to my head.
「Woah. Hey, Cui. Don’t surprise me like that」
『You say while you’re not even surprised. Let’s go』
「You’re coming too?」
I still don’t understand what makes Cui move. No, it’s easy to figure out.
『You’re meeting Kokuryoin Minato, aren’t you? I want to see how you capture that woman』
「Don’t make it weird」
I mean, I want to fuck Minato…She’s a Japanese-style beauty, but still…
「K-Kurumi’s my girlfriend here…」
『If your lover is Kurumi, you could still have sex with Minato, right?』
「That’s right but also wrong!」
Dammit! I’ve been moving sloppy so far so I can’t refute Cui upfront.
Besides, from Cui’s viewpoint, there’s no point in abstaining from sex because you had a lover.
No, I’m also a bit like that. I’m having sex with Erinabelle and others in the other world.
It’s hard to use my lewd skills in Japan, and also hard to make a move on Minato. In the end, it’s just a problem in my thoughts.
If this was the other world, I would be much more aggressive. I get to split it by thinking that I can enjoy my fantasy sex life on the other side.
『Hmm. You can force her to be in heat』
「Look, you can’t just do as you please with Minato」
I’m even taking my time in here. Cui probably just wants to see Minato cum as soon as possible.
『Not just Minato. I’m also into Kurumi. Besides, the other side also has Anberta and Cerialis. Bang the two of them already』
「What an evil bird」
But I’m the one using the bird’s lewd skills and enjoying my sex life. I guess I can’t stop this life now! Double Sensitivity! Tentacle Summon! Those seem fun too.
Blood rushed to my lower half but I arrived at the family restaurant. It’s a restaurant famous for its first hamburger, making it a renowned chain.
「Cui. It’s a restaurant, stay in my bag」
『Hmm. Bothersome』
Cui obediently hid in my shoulder bag. Then, I took my seat and pulled out my phone.
I opened my messaging app and sent a message to Minato that I arrived, but then…
「You’re earlier than scheduled. I’m impressed」
「Hey, been a while」
Minato’s already standing next to me. No, when was she standing there?
「Back. Can you scoot over?」
I moved as I was told and Minato sat beside me instead of the front.
「No, why? Isn’t it common to sit in front of me in this situation?」
「It’s up to me where I sit, don’t you think? If you don’t like it then move」
「Not that I hate it」
What a stubborn young lady! Not that I mind.
Minato seems to have gone back home after school. She’s in plain clothes. Below is a slightly short mini-skirt, and it’s cute. Both her clothes and shoes are expensive.
(Oh, she also has a sword)
Like that brat from the other time, she’s also covering it in a long and thin red cloth bag. That’s definitely a sword.
「I’ll pay for the meal. You can order whatever you want」
Hell yeah.
A younger girl’s treating me, so I ignored pride and ordered the famous double fist burger. Minato ordered a tempura soba.
「Oh yeah. Here. The stones I brought back from my trip.
I took out a wooden box and handed it to Minato. Minato immediately checked the contents.
「This is brilliant. How can you find stones with special powers in it?」
「W-Well, I have my ways」
「Very well. I’ll transfer the rewards」
Saying that Minato took out her phone. She pressed a few buttons and then showed me the screen.
「That’s 150K yen transferred」
「Thanks, that helps」
Now I have 450K Yen I can use as I wish! The meal’s a company expense, and Minato-chan’s cute too! It’s a white company!
Our meals have been brought over as we make our exchange. While I was enjoying the special fist burger, I speak up remembering something.
「Oh yeah, someone from Tenyoushuu attacked me last time. He said, “Why is someone like you selected as Minato-sama’s attendant”」
「I know. The eldest son of the Mahara house was a selfish one」
As expected, Minato already knew about it. Minato eats the tempura soba with grace.
「I just want to check. The sword Mahara used…」
「Oh, I have it. I thought about selling it somewhere to get some money, but…」
「Your skills and thoughts sure are non-standard. I mean, where do you even plan to sell it?」
Really? Either way, Japanese swords are too early to be a toy for brats like him.
「Come to the Rishinkan in two days, that’s the Tenyoushuu clan gathering. Can you bring the sword there? Have the Mahara house buy it back from you」
「That helps. If they come after me again, I’ll just take their swords. I can make unlimited money!」
I don’t have enough money no matter how much I have! I want to move house too, then I also need it to free up Cui’s lewd skills.
「Actually, how do you see the eldest of the Mahara house?」
「How? Whether he’s strong or not?」
I recall the events last night. It didn’t feel much like there was vigor.
「Hmm, if you ask me, I can say that he’s strong. But his body movements were monotonous, and his sword-wielding speed was simple. It made me wonder if he’s telling me to counter that」
「I see. As expected…」
My body moved almost reflexively back then. Maybe that’s another benefit of my contract with Cui.
「How can someone who can’t use Kyoushinki, be so strong? I’m interested」
「Thanks for the compliment」
「I have to tell you. The eldest of the Mahara house was a national kendo champion」
「Oh. I see…」
Well, Kendo and actual combat with a sword would be different.
After finishing our meal, Minato went to the main subject.
「It’s time to get a full-fledged night patrol and training. But first, you need to get some basic knowledge about the Oni」
Saying that she handed me a thick book. I have a bad feeling about this.
「This is the book that ranks the Oni and their Kigan Techniques. It also has some basic information about the Oni Qi. Get it crammed in your head as much as you can in two days. Also. Don’t let anyone else see that」
I knew it. When I heard about the Oni ranks before, I thought it was none of my business.
Well, I get paid well so this is the least I could do I guess?
「Hey. How many are you fighting in a month usually?」
「There’s hardly a fight with a real Oni like Harakara. Usually, we deal with those who aren’t an Oni yet, those who had their spirit eroded by the Oni」
Minato explains the detail we discussed before.
People have emotions such as desire, anger, regret, grudges, and such. The Oni Qi loves such emotions and uses those to gradually erode people. However, there’s an individual difference in their susceptibility to erosion.
「Then as they begin to gain strength as an Oni, they’re assigned one of the eight ranks, depending on their power and degree of erosion. Starting from the lowest, Ice Oni, Drum Oni, Kyuu Oni, Swallow Oni, White Oni, Roaring Oni, Base Oni, and Tatsu Oni Starting from the White Oni, they can use Kigan techniques, and if they’re eroded that far, they can no longer return to human」
And so, the White Oni class or higher are the so-called real Oni. If you’ve reached the White Oni stage, then your life span as a person is already transcended.
「On the other hand, no matter how much power they have, they can still return to human if they’re a Swallow Oni or below」
「Even though they’re eroded by the Oni Qi?」
「Yes. It depends on the degree of erosion, but if they’re unconscious, we can purify them using Resonant Mind Arts.
「Purifying the Oni Qi using Oni QI」
「Indeed. How Tenyoushuu fights the Oni has a long history. It’s an organization that has polished itself」
Well, I’m not involved in that. I can’t even use Resonant Mind Arts. If Minato says so, then it must be like that.
「But, I get the gist of it. In short, my role is to get the people eroded by the Oni to be unconscious」
「Yes. Then, I will purify it. It’s not that complicated, is it?」
It’s actually simple. Then that action leads to the preservation of peace, I guess?
Seems like Tenyoushuu also works as a bodyguards for VIPs. It’s said that they can act a lot because they have a deep connection with the country.
After that, Minato taught me basic knowledge about Tenyoushuu and the Oni. Most of it was something I heard for the first time so it was tiring to listen.
Then, when I looked out of the window… It’s already dark outside.
Jobless Chapter 75 Steak at Home! And a new Oni.
Jobless Chapter 77 Minato-chan's Reward. Amari-chan's Infiltration Investigation.