Can I vent a bit? Don’t worry, it’s nothing about you. You all are great and support me always.
Today is the seventh day I’m in quarantine, without leaving my house. How to describe it? Stressful! I live with my parents and siblings and staying in a closed space with other people for seven days is tiring. God, even sleeping is becoming a chore.
I’m a relatively sociable person, so I’m used to visiting my friends, playing soccer, going to the mall, etc. However, I can’t even go jogging in the mornings now!
I hope this ends soon. Good luck to you is you are in this situation too…
Sorry for the short hiatus, guys. I left an announcement about it in Patreon, but as most of you didn’t see it, I’ll explain it here.
My grandma was diagnosed with breast cancer, and due to some situations, I’m the one that is helping her in this process. The last two days, (mainly yesterday) I was accompanying her in some check-ups she must do before the surgery.
Those check-ups take the whole day, and when I was back home I was very tired to write.
Don’t worry, here I post all the chapters I owe…