Tuesday, June 20, 2017
Morning, I realized that I will have a light fever when I woke up so I grabbed myself some meds to have it cured early. I even tried to make a chapter for my readers. However, my body can’t stand(and I do stand when I translate because my table is a permanent standing table) so I lied down, waiting for my fever to go away. I mostly slept the whole day.
Night, I felt really cold and my fingers and feet going numb, had to go to the doctor at 10 in the night coz my guardians were in panic. Doc diagnosed me and gave me some prescriptions.
Wednesday, June 21, 2017
I slept the whole day, with a few intervals of sleep, pee, eat drink. The amount of food I eat however has been reduced drastically that I lost 2kg in just one day.
Thursday, June 22, 2017
I slept the whole day, Near recovery. At night I felt my body lighter than the previous days.
Friday, June 23, 2017
This is the day I’m writing this, I’m still under recovery so I can’t have a very long exposure to anything that would bring back my fever, no strenuous activities. I’ve lost 2kg again. Total of 4kg in 4 days, and that’s bad. I won’t say I’m sorry for not being able to dish out new chapters but I will still continue to translate at my usual pace as I intended once I have recovered to full health.
Long story short: