Author: Pun
April Fools!
Xray Chapter 57
PLIC Chapter 153
Thanks to our patrons specially:
Jahannum and Shadowshift.
Other 20$ patrons will be included in the thank you posts by April when they started paying.
X-ray Chapter 56
PLIC Chapter 152
PLIC Chapter 151
PLIC Will be a day ahead for 10$ patrons and higher.
X-ray will receive a 7 day chapter ahead for 20 Patrons and higher.
PLIC Chapter 150
Oh, and the chapter titles are included in the title of the page, this will make the next page and previous page show the title of the chapter.
PLIC Chapter 149
You can see the footnotes on his site too, yeah, I gave that to him. we had a good exchange of plugins.
PLIC Chapter 148
I’ve changed the next chapter and previous chapter using the plugin from lightnovel translations, I hope you like it.