Author: Pun
PLIC Chapter 62
I mean, seriously. Don’t read if you have a weak heart, but knowing that you’re already this far in the novel. You should be fine. I should be warning you on Nei’s past instead.
PLIC Chapter 61
PLIC Chapter 60
PLIC Chapter 59
This is the end of the current arc and next arc will be the talk about the past!
Get your tissues ready to wipe your tears.
PLIC Chapter 58
One more chapter and this arc will end.
Next arc will be answering a lot of questions you people have been asking for the past 59 chapters.
Next arc is also the must read for the people who didn’t want to read the novel after the first chapters.
PLIC Chapter 57
I got a RX460 now. Yay~ Pachipachipachi.
PLIC Chapter 56
Maybe a GTX 970 or R9 290 or something? Or a old card of yours that you don’t know where to throw away because Cyber monday.
PLIC Chapter 55
Can someone send me an RX480, or some other graphics card, like RX 470 460, or GTX 1050, 1060 or something. lol.
Another chapter for everyone, a compensation for yesterday. where there’s no release at all.