Eromobuseka Chapter 33 Uniform Beauties Commotion

The boys were giving off a restless mood in the morning.

That’s because the three idols of the class, Lina, Anastasia, and Mira were wearing sailor uniforms.

The boys know that Lina wears a blazer from the start and it looks good on her, even though it is an unfamiliar attire.

But, Anastasia suddenly changed her attire from the dress she had been wearing, and now Mira also changed. Looking at the three of them together wearing uniforms, something sprouted among the boys.

Yes, it’s the uniform moe.

Lina wears a gorgeous blazer it’s hard to believe that she’s from a countryside village.

Anastasia wears a ladylike Boléro, typical of a princess of a large estate.

Mira’s wearing a big swelling and cute sailor uniform.

The boys see the greatness of each uniform, and they have a heated discussion saying “This is the best,” “No, this is the ultimate,” and “No, they’re all the best!”

At the moment, the uniform beauties were causing commotion among the boys.

Then, it got smashed in an instant.

The boys returned to their room and threw themselves on the bed as if they were going to collapse.

They wanted to forget what they saw today.

During gym class, the boys challenged the zatsuryu boy.

「 We’re using this from today on 」

Saying that the boy took out a stick made out of golden magic matter.

The boys sensed the magic and immediately understood who made it. They know.

The Zatsuryu’s weapon is made out of Mira’s mana.

Wearing the same blazer uniform as Lina, the shirt Anastasia made, and also the weapon Mira made…

They’re going crazy.

They forgot the girls wearing uniforms were watching the mock battle.

They managed to accept the reality in front of them but their brain refused to understand.

They don’t remember what happened afterward. Before they knew it, the day ended, and they were back at the dorm.

The boys are stunned on the bed, and the attendant Zatsuryu appears in their vision.

The Zatsuryu had a serious injury last time, but they recovered from their injury and started looking after them again.

That boy is also a Zatsuryu. That idea makes them intensely angry.

Should they bring the pain here? Or take them to the duel grounds and make them feel pain to vent their anger?

The boy had been thinking about it, but when looking at the Zatsuryu accompanying them, they felt strange.

–He’s got a female face. His body is thin.

Most of the Zatsuryu caretakers have been castrated, and many had a small body or a female face. The zatsuryu accompanying them as an attendant was one.

The boys who were getting frustrated made a dress with their magic.

Sailor Uniforms.

It’s either a blazer, bolero, or sailor suit. Or maybe all of it.

Anyway, they handed the uniforms they produced to the Zatsuryu and said…

「 Put this on… 」

The Zatsuryu returned to the room after changing as they were told.

Seeing that they threw the pent-up stress that they accumulated on the Zatsuryu…