Eromobuseka Chapter 43 Epilogue

Ceres was reminded as she was looking around the lounge.

Fourth-year students are wearing the same clothing design as Lina and the girls are surrounded by other students. Ceres happened to overhear it, but apparently, it was that cute boy’s idea.

「 As expected of him. I think he could make it big as a designer in the future. 」

Ceres is happy to see that he’s blessed with artistic talent as well as being a cute and nice boy.

「 If I put one on, would he be happy too? 」

Ceres, who always spends her time in a plain white dress, would like to wear the clothes the boy came up with–and so she decided to order the design.

While she was sorting out the papers with skilled hands, wondering which uniform would be the best, her eyes fell on a sheet of paper.

「 Emily-san is taking a leave? She’s been working hard on commissions for a while, but does she want to become a free knight in the future? 」

It’s a request document from the Free Knights guild.

It’s written that the third-year students of the Upper Dragon school were excused from classes because they were working on a request in the south.

South of the Kingdom.

「 Geez, where is this place? I don’t like this! Mimi wants to go home! 」

A girl’s throwing a tantrum in the cave dug out of the earth and hardened with some kind of chemical.

It’s a girl with shiny black hair in side tails and a bright pink dress. If she wasn’t screaming, she’d be cute.

「 Princess, just a bit more… 」

「 You keep saying “just a bit more!” since earlier! When will we get there! 」

「 T-That’s…well… 」

The brown-haired boy was trying to appease her, but he had no idea how long it would take to get to their destination.

「 Hey, the princess is saying that you should get on finding the destination 」

「 Geez, you have nothing but detection, but you can’t find it? Go apologize by dying 」

「 Shut it. You guys are too noisy and distracting 」

The red, blue, and green boys glared at each other, and then the dark-haired girl and the brown-haired boy desperately tried to mend the situation.

As if to ridicule their efforts, a large army of reddish-brown metallic luster creatures collapsed the walls of the passageway that had appeared.

「 Red Metal Ants?! This is bad! 」

In panic, the brown-haired boy tried to beat the swarm of ants, but he was a step too late.

「 I hate you all!! Go away! Idiots! 」

The powers released by the dark-haired girl weren’t well-controlled and kicked up the huge army of ants, hitting the passageway, and the ceiling. And the impact, the ant nest…began to collapse from the inside.

「 I don’t want this, I’m going home now! I’m not coming here again!! 」

Emily, the only girl in her third year at the Upper Dragon Academy, is a dark-haired girl who blows away massive amounts of earth and sand from above.

「 Haa, another failed request… 」

「 If that’s how it was going to be, I should’ve burned the whole nest in fire from the start. Don’t you feel sorry for the princess for wasting all that time? 」

「 The stupid who can’t learn should just die. If we burn them in the dark, the Queen Ant would just run away 」

「 You’re all annoying. Everyone but the princess should get buried alive 」

And Emily’s bodyguards, the Kiryu boys of four attributes, fire, water, wind, and earth. They blew away the overhead sentiment and everyone survived the collapsed ant nest unscathed.

But, the Gold class adventurer’s “Princess Mimi and the Knights of Love” failed to capture the nest of the giant ant monster. They were on their way back to the school with a broken heart after a failed expedition to the south.

「 I knew I wouldn’t be satisfied unless it was the dorm’s hot spring. Hurry 」

「 If the princess asks, then I’d gladly do it! 」

The wind Kiryu boy returned with Emily to the school like a taxi. The fire and water boy didn’t care about the failed request. To be precise, only the worldly-wise earth attribute boy was the one discouraged by the failure

Men’s dorm.

「 Dammit, those freshmen!! 」

A Kiryu boy was shedding tears in frustration. The boys currently in their second year in the school are 47.

「 Why do they have three girls just in their year! We don’t even have a single girl in ours!!

Surprisingly, the school was all boys and none of the girls. The probability of female Kiryus born is lower than that of males, so the chances are one-sided.

Naturally, they lamented the misfortune of having no women in their school year that they once tried to go after a girl a grade above them, but there was no way a senior would play along with a junior.

Not long after the bloodshed over a single princess, the forty-seven warriors were beaten to a pulp by Emily’s bodyguards.

The current sophomore boys are interested in the new girls who entered a year below them. The first-year boys were greatly inferior to the 47 boys in number, strength, and experience in battle. It’s possible to beat them head-on, one-sidedly, with no need for a surprise attack.

The women-hungry 47 naturally tried to kidnap the girls by attacking them as they entered the school.

「 Why would you get in the way! There’s no such thing as public… 」

Putting juniors challenging seniors aside, but seniors attacking freshmen is a violation. Even when approaching girls, it’s outrageous to have a lot of seniors approaching at once.

And so, the homeroom teacher of the second-year class, and Buono-sensei, the teacher of the first year guarded the girls tightly so nobody could come in contact with them.

Lina and the girls returned to the women’s dorm and Ceres was there. The second-year Kiryu men can come in thousands or ten thousand but they’re facing the strongest dorm head.

「 I won’t give up! Dammit! 」

The forty-seven men were fired up, wanting to take the Kiryu women theirs. Their sense of unity was hard. But if someone takes them as their girlfriend, they’ll collapse in an instant.

Still, they were saving their strength for an opportunity to make contact.

A boy and a group of girls are sleeping on the bed quietly.

The girls’ lewd crest sparkled, and the three rings on the boys’ necklace did the same.

Nobody was aware of it but at that moment…