Fourth Prince 193 | Science/Magic 64 + April’s Announcement!


Hey guys, a new month is starting!

A lot of things have happened last month. The COVID-19 has affected many people, myself included. I have not left my home in almost 15 days!

Fortunately, the situation in my country is still manageable with just a few deaths. I have seen in the news that many people are dying in a lot of places.

Anyway, some new patrons and some others gone. I’m a bit sad due to that, but I know that some of you need the money due to the situation. In the end, your wellbeing is first, so I can understand it.

As for the releases.

Fourth Prince – 9 chapters weekly.

Science/Magic – 7 chapters weekly.

Of course, if the patreon surpasses the goal again, it will return to 10 and 8 so don’t worry.

Oh right, I’m still working on the cover of Science/Magic. Unfortunately, I have been short of time lately, so I have not finished it. It’s almost done, I only need to finish the shadows and the background. I’ll try to finish it this week (I don’t promise anything).

The characters in the cover are Bloed and Regina.

It’s everything for this month, so stay well, follow the prevention measures and see you later.

Aidka :p


Fourth Prince 193!


Science/Magic 64!