Half elves fall in love chapter 487

Chapter 487: Female Slave Democracy [Tetes]

“Hey, Miss Nord. Aren’t you going to get off?”

“I, I know……Jose should rest in his room first or go out for a drink in town!”

“No no no, what are you going to do with the escorts neglecting their escort work? As expected, I can’t just leave without confirmation of your arrival”

The courtyard of Talc’s mansion. The carriage on Maia´s side has already been discharged, including some souvenirs and Jose and Almeida, who were riding in that carriage, are outside looking up at the carriage on the other side. Inside the carriage, we were busy cleaning up the sex party, or rather, the tragedy, that had been going on until just before landing……. No, I don’t mean that there were any atrocities, but when I have sex, it is inevitably dirty and smelly (due to the amount of liquid) and not very elegant. The white liquid spewed by me in my excitement without thinking about it contaminates not only the women’s pubic region but also their faces, floors, walls and sometimes even the ceiling. In such a situation, it is essential to lightly clean the clothes that Neia has put together before putting them on in order to wear them neatly. 

“Uh……take the responsibility of getting me to my room, little brother”

“If you don’t get dressed properly and Carlos-san sees you, there will be hell of harrassment for me again”

“Y, You impregnated me, so please allow me that much”

“Come on, Nord-chan, you’re getting ahead of yourself”

“You’re right. If I had been impregnated after that much time, I would have had one and then a second one a long time ago”

As if it’s only natural, Dianne says that, but when I hear that, I feel unconsciously tingling. No, I was doing it just now, so I think I’ll do it again after takeoff.

“Anyway, little brother is responsible for carrying me to my room!”

“……I hope they don’t find me”

But it is always a good feeling to have a beautiful woman depend on you. In a narrow carriage where she can’t even stand up, there’s no time for other people to dress her, so I wrap her in her cloak and take her down from the carriage.

“……Surprisingly, you have strong arms. I’m still tall and busty, so I think I’m on the heavier side for a woman”

“I’m still a blacksmith”

Handkerchief though. Or rather, I’m a bit surprised that I was able to carry Nord-san while walking. Putting aside the leg and loin due to marching training, I wonder if I’m also surprisingly strong in my arms. ……Maybe the winter in Polka is definitely working. Including sex.


And finally, I said goodbye to Jose-san.

“Nsha, that was fun. It’s been a while since I retired and I’ve been involved in some big mountains”

“Big mountain?”

“Ah, aren’t we talking about it often? It’s Sitar. It may not matter to dragon users, but it will be engraved in local history, such an incident”

“……Ah, so that’s what you’re talking about……”

I had heard that Laila had helped, but in the end I didn’t ask what happened. Let’s hear the details later.

“You can’t retire comfortably in the future if you’re involved with nobles and royal families all over the place and if you’re going to be running something like that. You don’t look like an ambitious man who wants to take over the world, not to mention the greed of humans……are you okay?”

“D, Don’t worry”

It is true that it may be a risky path to drink without ambition. But I am sure that there will be a lot of troubles in the future, but I can handle it because I have my women, who are the best of the best. That much I can be sure of.

And then, we flew off……no, is it fast? We took off for Polka.

“I’m sure it would have been a shame to leave like this, wouldn’t you have liked to see Timbales, Naris-chan?”

Hilda says apologetically. Timbales is the only gateway between the western continent and Celesta. Because of this, it is known as the most prosperous town in the western fox beasts’ sphere of influence. Although it is not as populous as the capital city of Quika, it is a cultural center of Celesta, along with Talc in the south, Harmonium in the east and Klaves in the forest.

“Hmm, well, it doesn’t mean that if we don’t go now, we will perish. As long as we continue to be associated with 10-man captain Smithson, I don’t think it’s a town too far away to be disappointed”

Naris replied with a thoughtful answer. Originally, she would have wanted to go because she was the type to jump at chances.

“Also, I´m not interested into the sea for the time being. The past few days have reaffirmed for me that I am a land person”

Naris gave a thumbs-up with a somewhat reluctant look on her face.

“Ah, indeed……”

“I miss the forests and the mountains and the rivers that aren’t sticky……”

Almeida and Tetes agree. It seemed like both of them were having a lot of fun, but I wonder if they could endure the difference in atmosphere.

“I too was a little concerned about my hair getting dry from the sea breeze……”

“That’s all I have. I didn’t even have a good hair cleanser……”

“Oh, I wish you had told me. I had a good one in Talc”

“Oh, really?”

“Onyx Trading Company has a strong reputation in the soap and detergent business. It’s reasonably priced and the dwarf’s beard is smooth☆”

Dwarves are the kind of people who take care of their beards, but because they are not familiar with the bathing culture, their hair and beards tend to be rough and unkempt. Well, in some cases, it’s fashionable to include them. ……That reminds me, Jeanne has beautiful hair for a dwarf. Is it because she was loved by Laila, who loves bathing?

“How was Luna? Do you hate the sea?”

“N……it’s true that my hair was a little dry, but the food over there was quite delicious”

“……Is that the first?”

“It is said that cat beasts can live anywhere as long as the food is good. They are not as picky about where they live as elves are”

“……I see”

Well, I remember there were quite a few beastmen in Farahl as well. Captain Theo and Galatia are also cat beasts. I wonder if cat beasts are particularly adaptable to their environment, as Luna and others born in the desert and from the cat beast colony have adapted quite well to Polka, which is a completely opposite environment. ……It may be that they just don’t care about things that much.


And then suddenly Chibi Maia appears on Luna’s shoulder and enters the conversation.

“O, Ou?”

『Banana was delicious』

“Yes. It was delicious”

They both folded their arms in the same way and nodded.

“That’s Sitar’s food……”

“It’s about the same. Near the sea”

『If we ever go back, we’ll have to eat a full meal, right?』


I think the fruits from the south are very sweet and tasty. I had promised Oskar-san that I would treat him to some other kind of fruit, too.

“I’ve got this thing……so maybe next time I go, I’ll go with you guys again”

I took out Galatia’s silver necklace from my pocket and looked out the window at the southern sky, where the sea was long gone.

“What’s that?”

“It’s a necklace. Galatia asked me to make something better than this”

“……I’m sure Andy can make a lot more than this, right?”

“That being said, it’s still a pretty good thing. The workmanship is fine, though……the color is dark”

Silver will darken quickly if it is not touched and polished. Galatia didn’t seem to have taken much care of it……or perhaps she wouldn’t have had the chance to walk around wearing it, so it’s no wonder. 

“Hou. That’s what you were talking about yesterday. ……That’s a show of skill, Andy”

Dianne was amused.

“I’m sure if you really made something better than that, you’d be a hit with Gala-chan☆”

“I don’t know……I, I’ve taken care of those pirates and I want to make a good one to improve our relationship”

“Are you going to make more female slaves……?”

“No, Neia, don’t give up like that. I don’t have any ulterior motives, I just do it when asked. If you ask a craftsman to make something good for you, you will not instantly fall in love with him. Craftsmen are not such a popular job”

“Is that so?”

Dianne looked at me strangely.

“I don’t think so”

Aurora nodded her head.

“Maybe that kind of opportunity isn’t a bad thing”

Sharon said with a straight face. ……I mean, I wonder why they were all virgins until they met me.

“Master’s profile, especially when he’s making something, is a woman killer. I think I get a thrill when I get a chance to see him in person”

Tetes expresses her opinion.

“That’s what the people who fell in love with said so, so I guess it’s true……it was a reputation that even if you tried to look cool, you couldn’t decide, since the time of the crossbow corps”

“I think that’s what a man sees. When a woman sees a strangely flattering woman, she laughs”

“I wonder if it’s……something like that”

Stroking ny own face. In the first place, even if the face when not looking at a girl is said to be a woman killer……umm. It’s hard to use. Well, if I think about it, from the time I was flirting with Apple until I met Dianne, I never tried to be popular. I was talking super extravagant based on the appearance of an elf. ……And now there are a lot of girls who fit that criteria, admiring me. Huh, when I think about it like that, is it okay if I don’t think about making use of my popular face? But since I’m called a sexy man, I want to make a girl fall in love with my own will.


“I’m worried about something

“Ah, it’s probably nothing serious”

“Do you know 10-man captain Anzeros?”

“I’m just going with the flow of the story. Maybe he wants to be more aggressive and popular”

It is very obvious.

“You’re an extravagant person, aren’t you? An elf clan chief, a princess, a dark elf lady´s sister, a dragon……who are you going to devour any more? Even though you’re a blacksmith from the countryside”

I was a little upset by Naris’s cold words.

“Ku, don’t say things like eating up. What’s wrong with wanting to be cool once in a while, since you keep getting favors from people you don’t even know, for reasons you don’t even know?”

“That’s why people say that if you look cool, you’re not cool”

“Oh, I like it when Master comes on to me with a little reluctance, Naris”

“You see, the Knight Chief only likes what 10-man captain Smithson does”

“What’s wrong with it, Naris?”

“I don’t care if he’s cool or not”

“Hey, isn’t that the same as the Knight Chief after all?”

“Umm. Naris has forgiven her body anyway……”

“No, it’s completely different! Why can’t you guys understand the difference!”

In the end, Naris is teased by the entire gauntlet knights. The carriage was filled with laughter.

Since we had spent several hours crossing the sea in the morning and reaching Talc, it was not possible to go to Polka in a single breath from there……so we camped near Basson around evening. Going through the air is good for a dragon, but the rider needs a break. Especially if the time is not critical, we would like to relax on the ground at least to sleep. We had thought of stopping at Basson and staying at the barracks, but we were too nervous to stay at the barracks. We were no longer a part of the corps and we had to move out of our rooms. We also didn’t want to burden Isaac and the others too many times. The main reason for this was that I was concerned about erotic things.

“It’s true that if no one is watching, I’m not watching and even in Talc we were having an orgy, so it’s too late now. ……When they see a woman bathing, I wonder if they will break in!”

Naris got angry. Right, when I started preparing the bonfire, the women started bathing in a stream (even though it’s called a stream, it’s knee-deep) that flows near the camp, so I immediately spawned and took off my clothes. Mixed with I hugged Tetes, but Tetes herself didn’t seem to mind at all and even though I was happy to say something like that, Naris was angry with me for some reason.

“If I refrained from bathing, I’d rather be booed!”

“Who in what world would boo you!?”


Tetes held up her hands cheerfully while being held back and having my cock pressed against the crack of her buttocks.

“Andy-san is essentially in heat all day long and he doesn’t have enough time to do it. A female slave has to be fucked every single day”

“I don’t think it’s necessary to do it every day……but I think it kills two birds with one stone to please Andy when you are bathing”

“U, Umm. It’s not worth it if you’re reserved in front of an undressed female slave”

“I agree. Almeida, you and I are on the same page after all”

All the knight girls turned against Naris. Naris covered her chest and crotch, her teeth chattering in frustration.

“U, Umm, I think there should be a good contrast”

Neia boldly defended Naris.

“That’s right!”

“E, Eh……well, looking at everyone these days, I’m starting to lose confidence……well, when it comes to the relationship of being a slave”

“No, you’re right Neia-san! Hold on tight! Don’t let the perverted world swallow you!”

“Ah. Naris-chan is treating us as perverts”

Tetes is holding my cock between her legs and wiggling her hips in disapproval.

“No, I think Tetes is a pervert”

“Tetes can’t help it”

“Recently, Tetes has a bit of an idea”

“I can’t deny that”

“……E, eh, everyone!?”

This time, Tetes was the target. Yes. But I also think Tetes is a pervert.

“Even though Master is the pervert!”

“That’s a given. No one would turn a woman into a female slave unless he was a pervert!”

The knight girls nodded in unison as I affirmed emphatically that I would put it in either Tetes’ ass or her vagina, while I was unsure whether to smear the glans between her two holes.

“Andy is fine”

“I need you to be perverted”

“I don’t want Master who isn’t a pervert”


“U, Uuu!”

Tetes got a little teary-eyed.

“Well, well. I’m a pervert, that’s all right. I love a good, aggressively erotic Tetes”

“……M, Master”

I whispered my love to Tetes as I poked my cock between her labia. Tetes blushes.

“Do it, but not too much, okay?”

“You’re going to be late for dinner”

The dark elf sisters are bathing a little further away from each other. By the way, Laila, Maia and Luna are hunting nearby.

“I understand. Then Tetes, let’s go”

“Y, Yess……♪

I’m mating with a girl on a stream, in the evening darkness, as if it was natural.

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