Half elves fall in love chapter 559

Chapter 559: Royal Villa Decisive Battle 3

“Neia Grans!”

“Rainer! I will defeat you!!”

Rainer Exceliza, a man who wields his courage for the world. Neia Grans, a woman who wields her courage to save her hometown. The power to go outward without limit and the power to look inward without end. The opposites of the hero vs hero clash. The battle is fierce and brilliant and even those who are not warriors find it beautiful to behold. Anzeros, perhaps sensing Neia’s enthusiasm, did not advance herself, but instead switched to a position where she would weave in and out of the gaps in Neia’s position. Anzeros was originally the captain of the escort infantry. Unlike the Gauntlet Knights and Neia, who were used to fighting alone, Anzeros knew how to combine with others.

“When you join hands so deviously……!”

Rainer has lost his sword and is using the iron sheath left at his waist. Even though it is an iron scabbard, due to the effect of the bracelet, it has now turned into a uniquely strong sword, and its slashing attacks are just like Almeida’s spear attacks. A great offensive using the power of the bracelet. If this were any other guy, there would be an opening, but as expected of someone of Neia’s caliber, there is no way he is that naive. It seemed like he was simply adding maximum power to his original smart swordsmanship, achieving a power-up without any inconvenience.

“You think you can beat me!!”

Rainer repelled the flash sword wielded by Neia with overwhelming power and the subsequent fireball from Anzeros was blasted away with the returning sword. He used his shockwave precisely and was not bothered by the flame attack that Anzeros had mastered. But.

“That’s right, that’s what you said, you damn kid!!”

General Amatsushima, unarmed and unprovoked, stepped in to the three of them as they struck each other. He takes a swinging blow from Rainer on the shoulder, dips his foot into the ground, but takes the next step and slams his fist into Rainer.

“……!? What are you doing……”

“I´m Overknight, Ryo Amatsushima-sama of Steel!”

Starting with that blow, General Amatsushima was closing in on Rainer, countering with fists and kicks while taking his hard blows to the shoulder, chest, and face. Rainer is unable to hide his expression of bewilderment as he slams the attack in. Although General Amatsushima’s attacks reached him, they didn’t do much damage thanks to his high-performance suit armor. ……Even so, General Amatsushima ignored blows that would have broken his entire torso if taken normally by a frail civilian like me. But General Amatsushima ignored the blows. The blows of the iron sheath certainly entered, striking flesh and making sounds as they hit bone. But although General Amatsushima staggered and his legs dug in, he did not seem to cower or fall.

“Wh……What, What the hell……!?”

“I’m not like that, hero. The first time you talk big, you’re going to have to defeat me, right?”

With a gulp, a thud, a gulp, a thud……General Amatsushima continues to advance despite being battered to pieces. Neia and Anzeros, breathing on their shoulders, are stunned by his advance.

You can say things like you are the strongest only after you have achieved that

“He’s a……monster!”

“That’s right. It’s a monster. You’ve sold a fight to such a monster. Don’t get too comfortable carrying a dragon on your back, okay?”


“…….To. Is this how it’s going to be?”

General Amatsushima suddenly stopped. Then, Rainer was startled by the words that were uttered behind him and turned around in a panic. Dianne-san was standing there with a nightmarish smile on her face.

“Well done, Iron. ……Well done for surviving, Rainer Exeliza”


“I’ve always wanted to punch you as hard as I can. ……The enemy who laid hands on Andy. At times like this, I always miss the opportunity”

Dianne throws the sword on her hip at the foot of Rainer with a clang.


“It’s sad to have such a poor sheath as a weapon, isn’t it? It’s yours. Take it”

“……What do you mean?”

“I’ll give you the right to resist. As a reward for outwitting me this time, if only for a moment”

……Ah. Dianne’s anger is transmitted a few dozen meters away. General Amatsushima forced some distance between me and Rainer. Then, after ensuring my safety……Dianne caught up with me and confronted Rainer. Needless to say, from here on out.

“Come on, let’s dance”

While Rainer stepped on the sword, leapt up and picked it up, Dianne-san took a deep stance with the same shape of sword in her hand.

“Stand for as long as possible, even for a second!!”

It turned into a black gust of wind. Rainer parried Dianne’s first blow with the strength of his right arm and tried to catch Dianne with a counter blow……but the speed was as if it was different. The back of the suit armor bounces off in a crisscross pattern. As Rainer tries to stand up, rolling on the ground without defying him, Dianne hits him with two or three kicks as if kicking a ball and without even making a stance to stand up, he bounces on the ground with his whole body with a zdon, zdan.

“Come on, get up. Don’t fall asleep so soon, kid. You thought you were the best, didn’t you? If you don’t want the weapon, I’ll take it back”

Picking up the sword he had let go of when he fell, Dianne-san returned to her twin-sword style.

“You’ve been played around with by Anzeros and Amatsushima for a bit and you’re already heckled? I’m not kidding. Don’t let me down. I’m going to have to put a thousand more rounds in you before I’m satisfied”

“Gu……Y, You little bitch……!!”

“Andy’s one arm’s worth of suffering is still not enough to pay for a hundred lifetimes. Come on, stand up. I’ll stay with you for as many days as you want. You’ll suffer so much that you’ll die without the strength to cough up even a single drop of blood”

I’m scared. No, I know she loves me that much, but I’m scared of Dianne.

“……Think up, naa……!!”

Rainer spat and stood up. He gave up on taking the weapon and headed towards Dianne-san with empty fists. However, Leyla, who has returned to her human form, jumps in and stops him.

“That’s all, Rainer-sama! Are you planning on dying in a place like this!?”


Corti was winning the wrestling match with Maia and seemed to have slipped out of it, aiming for the moment when Leyla’s eyes moved to join in the fight.


“Out of my way, silver dragon. It’s too much trouble to mess with dragons. I’m going to kill you”

Dianne-san looked at Leyla in a terribly boring way.  That’s it.

“Stop it, Dianne-san! I’m indebted to her……!”


As expected, I can’t stand killing someone. When I raise my voice, Dianne-san twitches her ears. The moment her attention is thus distracted, Leyla throws Rainer up into the sky with a tomoe throw and she herself rolls away……and Corti, who is being held down by Maia and Laila and Shario, who is being beaten up by Grand Knight Chief Lister, spits his breath indiscriminately at almost the same time.

“Oh no……!”

“Everyone, take coverーーー!!!”

The problem is that Corti’s breath was stopped by Laila and the others in a hurry with wings and so on, but the problem is that Shario’s breath is the same. The problem is the amount of vomit from Shario, which would have been on us, King Ulysses and Irina. There was no dragon that could stop it directly. Faced with the oncoming frost, Naris and I cowered. But at that moment, a roar sounded and in an instant, our vision went completely dark.


“What is……eh, happening!?”

The voices of Naris and I echo in the darkness. ……After a few moments, the darkness cracked in only one direction.

“Are you alright!”


I can see the blue of the sky outside. I checked with the light and it seems that Naris and I were instantly covered by the ground like a hole in the ground…….

“Wh, What is this? Is it the work of Knight Chief Sharon!?”

“Yes. Everyone else was well covered, too”

Oh, come on. Preventing dragon breath in an instant with an……earth drive, that’s amazing. It’s true that if you use the ground, you may be able to cut off both freezing air and heat…….

“But Great Knight Chief Lister, General Amatsushima and 100-man commander Dianne couldn’t get there in time……”

“I’m safe. I ran out of breath range”

Dianne-san shows her face. And from the other side, Anzeros’s voice was saying things like, 「Where is everyone?」 she probably destroyed the hole between Neia and the two of them by herself.

“Amatsushima will be fine. I don’t think he’ll die from the degree of freezing”

“……Rainer´s group!?”

“……They used that as a smokescreen and managed to escape. The only thing left is the dragon that Laila and Maia are holding back”

……Oh my.

“I mean, Diane-san, it would be no good if you acted like that!?”

“I’m sorry. But if only that dragon Leyla could have been dismembered, we would have been left in the lurch……

“You can’t even tear her apart! Thanks to her, I’ve been saved a little bit since I came here”

“……No, 10-man captain Smithson. It’s good to be loyal, but isn’t that someone in the position of Maia-chan or Laila-san in 10-man captain Smithson? She clearly knows that she will absolutely protect her master in case of an emergency. But if you say things like that, you won’t be able to settle the matter”

“U……th, that’s right, but……”

People with many sympathizers would be troublesome, so I was thinking of making Rainer Exceliza physically unable to resist before surrendering, but……it was better to kill him at once, wasn’t it?”

Dianne says so matter-of-factly, but I’m not so sure about that either. If I were to actually kill him and end it, there would probably be another uproar……”

“Now that you’ve come this far, the final part has been haphazard, isn’t it? 10-man captain Smithson……”

Naris is disappointed. ……Yes. Thinking about it this way, I have to say that I certainly expected it to flow somewhat well together. While I was reflecting, Irina, King Ulysses, Luna, Ector and Brian, who seemed to have been taken out of the hole by Sharon, gathered.

“In any case, why don’t you go into the palace, Smithson-dono? Even if that man escapes, the Queen will still be there. Her political appearance will be better that way”

“I can’t stand the cold. My old bones cant handle it”

At any rate, at the urging of Irina and the previous king, we decide to fulfill our original goal of getting into the detached palace.


In the audience chamber of the detached palace, Princess Stana, who had become queen and several heroes who appeared to be her guards, were tied up. Richard and Beatrice were among them.

“Untie these ropes. Who do you think I am, you bastards?”

Perhaps because Rainer was not with her, Princess Stana’s defiance at the time was nowhere to be seen and she was bluffing with 100-man special duty commander Becker. Then, the former king and Irina went out.

“Who are you? This kind of disrespect toward me is unacceptable”

You are Stana, the self-proclaimed queen of the Kalwin Kingdom, is that correct?”


Former king Ulysses asked slowly and Princess Stana’s face turned red.

“How rude!”

“Having said that, it is not functioning properly as a nation. Most of the people still think that a man named Jeddha is the king. Moreover, we have heard that the throne was usurped by assassination. We have no choice but to call you that”

“Nu……who are you! What are you so proud of!”

“I am the descendant of a man who was once, long ago, in the care of a country called Kalwin. ……I bear no resemblance to the man today”

King Ulysses said, thrusting his staff in front of Princess Stana and looking into her eyes.

“If it was a national setting, we could have gotten along in the form of diplomatic relations, but the group here……it doesn’t seem to be worth it. It’s a shame”

“……It’s so disrespectful”

“You are like a child just learning to speak. Rude is the only word I can think of”


Now then, I heard that there is a kingdom in an unexplored region and when I arrived there, I saw someone dressed as a princess and a group of thieves. ……White clan leader of the elf forest. What should we do with this land?”

“There are those who are starving. The bandits are roaming the land, terrorizing and exploiting the people. ……If that’s the case, why should there be any hesitation in doing justice?” 

“Yes, that’s right. So that’s about it”

“The Renfungas envoy and Celesta envoy are both good”

Sir Buster and General Vincent nodded in agreement.

“……What……what are you guys planning to do?”

“This land is important. However, there is no one to protect and guide the people. Then we will become one. That’s all”

“……This is my place……”

King Ulysses looked down at Princess Stana with emotionless eyes as she tried to refute him. It was also a chillingly cruel look.

“You are mistaken, my dear self-proclaimed queen. A nobleman cannot stand alone. A king, a noble blood, is only meaningful when he is recognized by many people and known throughout the land……. A person who forgets even about the people in a place where no one knows him, who just wears flimsy clothes and repeats rude and disrespectful things is no different from a clown. ……You don’t even know what a clown is”


You are a clown and a thief. You’re a nuisance. Above all else, you’ve done something that makes us think of you as such. In this case, we don’t care about trivial matters such as whose seed you were born and whose belly you were born. That’s all. You’ve turned us into your enemy”

“……Y, You insolent……!”

“Hmm. I’ve had enough of this. Take her away”

King Ulysses waved his hand dismissively and the Sword Saints took the Princess Stana out of the audience chamber. And that was the end of her. Unlike Rainer, no one really submits to her. If she were to be executed at this point, there would be no problem.

“……Poor woman”

I muttered to myself, but Brian shook his head.

“I’m a little surprised you can still say that”

“……That’s right, though”

To make reality work, you can’t be sympathetic to everyone. Sometimes you can dare to throw out sympathy. Maybe that’s the real qualification of a 「King」, if you will.



Brian approaches Beatrice, who is slumped in the corner of the room. She was not in a coma. She was unconscious.

“……She’s been hit hard”

Brian’s eyes narrowed a little painfully. Beatrice’s left wrist was missing, and her wound had been tied up with a red-black cloth.

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