Half elves fall in love chapter 564

Chapter 564: Kalwin Rebirth 1

The knights who had gathered in the detached palace returned to the royal palace in the valley and also sent a messenger to call Apple and Hilda, who were in the upstream camp. All is over. The rulers of this valley have been removed, and three hundred years of death and ignorance, poverty and stagnation, are over today. ……It sounds good to say.

“From a different perspective, it’s just invasion and conquest, right?”

“……Yes it is”

I was wondering if it could have ended a little better and Irina gave me a clear answer. Yes, this is by no means an amicable and gentle end. It is a forceful ending of history that will be discussed with hostility someday.

“But this is a cruel box garden created with evil intentions. If we carelessly care for its vested interests and cannot stand firm even when our lives are threatened, we are not worthy of power……”


“Well, it may be an unreasonable order to say……but the significance of an event or an era is something that keeps changing. It is not something that can be evaluated forever”

“……May be true, but”

“Don’t turn your back. Don’t look back. Don’t be ashamed of your victories”

Irina looks me in the eye.

“The present is only here, where you are and the future is only ahead of you. If you think that what you have sought and obtained is not worthless, then take heart. For those you have protected will live proudly. No one can be proud of their life if they are kept alive by your mistake. ……But if you are proud that you have chosen to preserve your life, even if it means destroying the old, then let us all strive for a better tomorrow to repay you”

“……Is that so. That’s what……”

“That’s what it means to be a hero”

I still can’t believe I’m that good.

“Is that not enough to make you look up?”

“……No. It’s enough”

I protected Neia and everyone she cared about. I’m not ashamed of it, even if posterity will call it tyranny. And if those women will look at me and live proudly, then……if Irina is right, I’ll carry my fight now without hesitation.


For now, let the assembled silver dragons know the current situation of Shario and the others. I then asks them not to meddle any further.

“But these are the ones who have laid their hands on you, knowing that they will become evil dragons”

“They may eventually seek revenge. That is how it is when the bond with the rider surpasses the pact”

They keep saying, 「It’s dangerous to leave Shario and Leyla alone」, but I try to convince them. However.

“And Corti can’t be left out of the loop, can she?”

“Thats right. Dragons are strong and free beings, but they must be strict about the few things they must not do”

Because of their strong sense of kinship, they show no mercy to those who deviate from their rules. Like excommunication by the elves, being called an 「Evil dragon」 is a fatal charge. It is a characteristic of dragons that they are inherently overpowered and will go to any length if they erupt in savagery. Even I, the one who was almost killed, could not easily defend myself. The power of the word 「Evil dragon」 has such an impact that other races refuse to understand it. But I don’t want any more quarrels with them.

“Please, just leave them alone. Enough dragons have died already

“Just because we didn’t kill them doesn’t mean they are no longer our friends. They have nowhere to go. Someone could take their life away from them at any time and now they have to wait for intervention”

“That is what an evil dragon is. Shario and the others should know that”

“You guys……”

In other words, a evil dragon is not counted as a living dragon. I wanted to scream out loud, thinking that just a moment ago, those guys were also half-sympathizing, but I swallowed. That’s how far the line they have crossed is 「Different」 in the value system of the dragons.

“That’s enough, Andy Smithson”

Corti pulls my shoulder as if giving up.

“That’s the way it is. We’re finished when Rainer-sama is dead. Even if my sister survives that long, I don’t think she has any future prospects”

“So you’re saying it’s okay for you to die?”

“We bet on Rainer-sama and lost. That’s all, in your words. Besides”

Corti stared at me.

“Even if we were saved, my sister won’t forgive you. She won’t be grateful to you”


“Do you understand? You want to be liked, so you don’t want to see a beautiful woman die……but we’ve already sworn to give our soul to Rainer-sama. I will never forgive you for being the cause of Rainer’s death”

Then, as if in desperation, she turned away and spat.

“Just get it done. Me, Shario, and my sister. From this world, we will be together with Reiner-sama. That is the last loyalty we can show as defeated dragons”

One of the silver dragons affirms it gravely.

“In other words, this is also a mercy. I would like you to see them off”



“……Then let’s put it this way. You three are my dragons.  I’m trying to convince them to make a power contract, so please wait until that’s over”


“A dragon, once it has made a contract of power, does not relinquish it even if its master dies”

“Still. If you haven’t done it before, I’ll be the first to do it

“Smithson-dono. You are insane”

“Are you crazy? I’m saying I won’t forgive you. Not just my sister, but me and Shario as well”

“Even so, I’m not going to let you talk me out of it. I’ll come to you as many times as I need to convince you. So, please”

……I don’t think that Shario and the others are going to be under my command now either. However, I thought it would be nice to at least have some time to think about it. Everyone wants to get this over with. The obvious answer is that the curtain should be drawn and the girls should be done with it. But there’s no need to be so hasty. And even if they were to die……I’d rather allow them to die quietly with Rainer by their side. Waiting for them to die of starvation might be more cruel.


……To my plea, the silver dragons looked at each other.

“I understand”


“Guys, if you’ve let the rider go this far, you might as well wait. Killing is always a good idea”



Lado soothed the other dragons and gradually my opinion permeated. Thus, the deaths of Shario, Leyla and Corti were spared for now.


And night.

“Not so much a feast……as a celebration, but since we’re here”

“The food we brought with us was for the long haul. The craftsmen have been returned to their original villages, so they may indulge in a little extravagance”

Sir Bonaparte, Ulysses the First and others organized an outdoor party in the large courtyard of the royal palace. It was a little too small a party to be called a party, however, as it consisted only of slightly cooked preserved food and wine.

“Bon appétit!”

“I’m so sorry”

“I’m tired today”

“Naris did a good job for once today”

The four gauntlet girls were the first to start cooking and then everyone began to help themselves to the food.

“I need to take Andy-kun to Breakcore-chan’s place quickly. Yes, aaah☆”

“We’re also going to have to carry all the injured members of the other hero squads. Ah, thanks”

Since I only have one hand, once I hold the cup, I can’t hold anything else. Hilda-san chooses the food one after another and hands it to me and I feel a little sorry for Apple, who is trying to do the same thing but is having a hard time. In the middle of such a party, High Priest Duke came into the party.

“Excuse me. ……Oh dear, there really is no king or princess left, is there?”

“High Priest Duke!”

“Brian, are you alright?”

The Duke clapped his hands on Brian’s shoulders as he ran up to him and after confirming that he was safe and sound, the Duke turned to the former king Ulysses.

“I am here at your invitation. My name is Duke, high priest of the Goddess Altres’ teachings”

“We are from the Trot Kingdom and we are from the rescue team of Andy Smithson. I am sorry, but we have eliminated the bandit who claims to be the leader of your kingdom”


“I wish I could have met the king. All we had was a disturbed woman claiming to be the queen and a few miscreants. I am sorry to be so direct, but I have heard that you are the most knowledgeable person outside the palace. Are you not willing to carry the banner of this land?”

“……Ask me to take the king’s place”

“Yes. It was recommended by Brian Luo-san and Neia Grans-san”

“Brian. In that case, I’d rather you take my place……”

“I still have a lot to learn. Let me be your assistant. Besides you, there is no one else who can lead the 30,000 people of Kalwin at this time”

“Festivals are not my area of expertise either. The only thing I can do is read holy verses and be rude to the men”

“Please, High Priest!”

At Brian’s earnest request, High Priest Duke repeatedly declined several times, and finally relented after a while. Then he straightened his collar and turned to Ulysses.

“……If it is something I can do. However, it’s not like you’re going to be negotiating with me, an uninitiated person”

“You are right. ……Study from now on. The country is too far away from study. Whatever we start, everyone will have to study”

King Ulysses sat down in the chair Ector had prepared for him and breathed a sigh of relief.

“……Also, we’re recruiting immigrants”


“This country is too poor. If we improve the farmland, we will become a little richer, but at the same time, we should encourage people to move abroad. People should live a more normal life”

“……Do you think the people of Kalwin, who know nothing and can do nothing, have anywhere to go?”

“Of course. I say it because they do”

……Eh? Is there……? I was surprised to hear him say this, but Ulysses traced the air with his wrinkled hands and said.

“Thirty thousand, if you want me to take them all, I can take them”

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