Half elves fall in love chapter 565

Chapter 565: Kalwin Rebirth 2

“Is there such a place in Trot……?”

“Well, there would be many obstacles to a sudden and complete relocation. Realistically, it would have to be done in parallel with a ten-year plan to cultivate the land”

“Still……30,000 people?”

“Do you think I’ve lost my ability, young man?”


The former king looked at my puzzled face and grinned. The first time I saw him, I thought he was a very good man and I was very surprised to see him.

“Well, Afilm’s dancing spear. I’m going to talk about it together with your long-cherished wish”


Almeida was suddenly called and choked as she tried to say something in a hurry. Naris hastily pours wine into her cup and hands it to her and Almeida takes a quick gulp and is relieved. And again.

“What is the meaning of this?”

“You have made a deal with Gardner. It’s about a hidden village for half elves”

“……Did you know?”

“He’s not very talkative with me. You should be careful”


“I was once guiding half elves to the mountains of Gardner’s domain as you suggested……but having a place where you cannot be killed will eventually corrupt your ambitions. Gardner offered to do more than that. ……Let us give them a job. A job that both Trot and the Northern Forest can be proud of”

“……If you say that here now, that means……”

“Yes. A job that involves the people of Kalwin. You are suitable for a job that is close to them”

“You would not allow a wandering half elf with nowhere else to go to work here, would you?”

“……Should I explain it again from the beginning?”

“P, Please wait a moment. Hey, Tetes. Lets talk”

“……Yes. Just give me an ear”

While Almeida was listening to Tetes’s explanation, the former king turned his attention back to me.

“There are too many special people these days. You have to bring them all together”


“Begin exchange with the elf territory. The people of Kalwin and the influx of halfelves. And dragon riders. All of these are great causes, but beyond the reach of the average man……and with all of this, we can convince the nobles and the bureaucrats of Celesta that the rules of Trot are no longer sufficient”

“……I’m sorry, I’m not a learned man, so I’m not going to be far……”

“Use Baron Guto. It will solve all of that. In the Guto family’s territory, which is vast compared to the title, there are only two or three villages, including Polka. Of course, because of the Small Snake Mountains……there should be enough space for three or four towns of any size”

“……The plains south of Polka!? But that area is covered in snow for half the year, and farming is……”

“Compared to the land in this small valley, we can expect much more. Regarding farming methods, I have received an offer from Irina-dono who has wisdom”

Irina took over and opened her mouth.

“The Green and Cherry clans have a wealth of knowledge about agriculture, including magic. Do not worry, I am sure you will be surprised at the results. Besides, if a new town is established in the region, there will be more people crossing the Small Snake Mountains. The more logistics, the richer you will be”

“……Did you have that in mind from the beginning?”

“We are not in charge of killing each other. I thought I told you we were here for what comes after”

Apparently, the grand plan is to host the entire Kalwin community in the wilderness south of Polka.

“And until they can fend for themselves, there will be many things that will not be governed by domestic law. We must also make it possible for you to move unnoticed in the future……including the movement of your dragons”

“If so many exceptions are gathered in one place, the region itself can become an exception……”

Irina and the previous king grinned and laughed at each other and even the Sword Saints nodded their heads in understanding.

“In other words……let’s make the current special region of Polka as a 『Window to the elven territory』 completely official by law, shall we?”

“Wouldn’t that kill two or three birds with one stone?”

Irina nodded in response to Dianne’s question.

“The elf territory can feel secure in opening the forest boundary by having a flexible region between them instead of Trot where there are still frictions and conflicts. With few outsiders, the people of Kalwin will be able to slowly become accustomed to a more fruitful land without fear of conflict. On the Trot side, they can escape sudden tensions by separating responsibilities. And it is not without merit for Smithson-dono……”

“……Ah, I mean, if we change the law to make it a special district……”

“I’m sure you’re right. It’s a small price to pay for all the heroism that went into it”

Dianne and Irina are nodding at each other. I don’t know what’s going on. As I watched the conversation, Sir Buster entered the conversation.

“But if you take everything in Trot, Renfangas will be in no position to take it all”

General Vincent follows suit.

“Celesta will not go quietly. We can’t let Trot and the elves be the only ones talking”

“The details of immigration can be worked out at a later date. The people’s will is the most important thing. We are not going to just snatch them away”

“……Well, that’s true”

“We are prepared to do that. And we have the reasons to push for it. That is all I am saying”

Neither Sir Buster nor General Vincent were able to resist the king’s composure.

“That’s why, acting king. We have prepared a way out for the people who want to know what is out there. Even if the number of your people is reduced as a result, this valley is still an important place for us humans. I promise you that your homeland will not be neglected”


High Priest Duke, the acting king, had no choice but to nod to the former king.

“You’re going to be busy, from now on. ……Umm, I’m more excited than I’ve been in a long time”

“Former king. You do not intend to stay here and take command?”

“I’m not so grumpy, Grants. Your dying old bones would be more valuable here than left to rot in the depths of the castle”

“I am not joking. The presence of the previous king here must have been a surprise to the center of Celesta. If you get too carried away, King Ruth will be bullied”

“Don’t you think it’s enough to say loose-loose for everything?”

“He’s the king, after all. I can’t let him put his position aside and do whatever he wants”

“However, among the members of the Sword Saint Brigade, there is no one other than you who is suitable for civil servants. Renfangas and Celesta are also not the best people to be selling oil here. Who else but I, with the new acting king, will lead this valley……”

“There is no need to force yourself to care about your current appearance. All you have to do is select the governor in the capital and dispatch him”

“How many days do you think it will take to reach this faraway land?”

“If it’s dragon wings, it will take three days”

“You cannot rely so heavily on having a dragon on your side”

“10-man captain Smithson. Is that enough?”

With a Zui, 100-man commander Grants came closer.

“Y, Yes, of course”

“I hear so”


“You’re in trouble, former king. Besides, if you try to take the initiative on immigration, you’ll have to cede control of local policy to another country. It’s frowned upon to be too intrusive”

“You just don’t want the trouble”

“Of course. How many important lectures do you think you’ve missed? Please don’t be selfish with me or Randall any more”

“A man who lacks loyalty”

“This body is for the future of the king and Trot. Please do the same for the former king”


Great. 100-man commander Grants, you’ve got the former king down. Sir Bonaparte, impressed, folded his arms and nodded.

“You’re good, Gilbert. You really don’t want to lead the Sword Saint Brigade, do you?”

“Absolutely not”

“……He’s a boring guy”

The Sword Saints around him burst into laughter as Sor Bonaparte shrugs his shoulders. Then, Almeida, who seemed to have finally swallowed the story properly, stepped forward again.

“The half elves who relied on Duke Gardner to take care of the matter are, in other words, the ones who are in charge”

“……You could call them teachers and officials. As people who lead immigrant people, there is no one better suited to the role than these people, who know the pain of being oppressed”

“I see. I understand. ……And I agree with you”


Almeida salutes and steps back. Then.

“Now, I don’t want to continue this troublesome conversation forever.Let’s celebrate. To today’s victory and to the future of Kalwin”

Dianne led the toast and raised the cup. The other participants also raise their glasses.



As I raised my cup with my only arm, I thought about what had happened up to today and the new era that would begin tomorrow. This was not the end. History is already beginning to be woven, with Polka involved and many allies united. I am very happy, even though I cannot fully grasp all of it.

“Well, well, you don’t seem to understand it very well, but congratulations Master♪”

“Eh, what”

When Tetes suddenly congratulated me, my slightly dazed eyes widened. Tetes smiled broadly.

“You don’t realize that 100-man commander Dianne and the others were nodding at each other just now, do you?”

“……Does she want to thank me somehow?”

“Can I have your ear for a second?”

Tetes put her mouth to my ear.

“What’s the one thing in Trot’s law that seems to be the least convenient for Master?”

“Eh……no, there’s……I guess

‘Monogamy. ……Right?”

“A. ……Aaaaaaaa”

“In other words, that’s what it means, Master♪”

I was told that by Tetes, I stared and thought for a while and finally understood what she meant. ……Emm. I’m going to stay here in……Polka and not be afraid of anyone.

“……M, Maybe……emm, Jeanne and Selenium too”

“Apple, 100-man commander Dianne, Anzeros, Aurora, Irina-sama and of course Laila and others and me and Naris, too……we are all proudly brides♪”

“……O, Oooo!!”

“No, wait a minute! Tetes-chan just said something that I shouldn’t ignore!”

“Mou, let’s just give up and become a bride together, Naris-chan♪”

I don’t remember much about what happened after that day. The only thing I vaguely remember was that I got so happy that I started dousing myself with alcohol.

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