Half elves fall in love chapter 567

Chapter 567: Kalwin Rebirth 4 【Anzeros etc】

I heard that Selenium had given birth safely with the help of Jeanne, Grandma Belladonna and the members of the Baron’s family. However, she had been in danger of losing control of her emotions ever since she was informed that I had been taken prisoner in Kalwin at that critical time.

“Sometimes she would suddenly mumble something like, 『If I have a miscarriage, will I be able to go over there too?』”


“That’s why I wanted you to come back in good health”

“……Well, you have to understand that it would have been a tough fight”

“If it weren’t for the previous conviction, everyone would have fainted”

In fact, my mother came out of her house to the baron’s mansion when she heard the news of my return, but she had a stroke when she found out I had no arm. She is now resting in Apple’s bed. That Apple was stroking the child Selenium had given birth to (it was a girl) with a calm face.

“What are you going to name her, Selenium?”

“I was going to name her after Andy-san came back”

“If Apple hadn’t come back, we would have been given Apple´s name”


“It’s a funny story now”

Perhaps because her own child has settled down and she has more leeway, Jeanne is now the one taking care of Selenium. She seems to treat Fennel and the other elf girls with leadership and she seems to have grown spiritually even before I saw her.

“But what should we name her……Andy-san, do you have any ideas?”

“I’m not going to get my dad’s or mom’s name again……”

“We’re going to have a lot more people and at this rate we’ll run out of ideas soon”


I groaned, but it didn’t come out suddenly. The girl in Apple’s arms is still not sure of her gender unless she is told. I stared at her for a while to see if anything would come to mind if I stared at her, but still nothing came out.

“Maybe I should ask someone from the elf forest to come up with a name……I’m sure there’s someone in charge of that sort of thing over there, right?”

“Ah, let’s not do that”

Selenium immediately dismissed the idea.

“Eh, why?”

“If that’s the case, then let’s worry about it for a while. I think it’s fine if the child was born to pure-blooded elves, but this child is a mixed-blood child born to me”

“……A, Ah, yes”

The expression on Selenium’s face reveals her mixed feelings. Although things have improved due to my presence, half elves are still a 「Hated」 existence for purebloods. As Selenium who has been abhorred in this way, she does not want to follow the rules of those who treat her in such a way. Especially now, Polka is a place of rest that Selenium has finally arrived at. I don’t want to give the 「Elves」 the right to make decisions about a precious part of my child’s life. I don’t want to say it out loud in the presence of Irina, Christie and Fennel, but I have something like that kind of 「Willpower」……said Selenium. And in order to get it through, I just need to think more calmly and seriously.

“I get it. ……I’ll have Peter’s sister endure without a name for a few more days”


Selenium smiled and nodded.

So I got Fennel to give me a lift this time (Boyd had already gone to the hot spring) and headed for my own house. I feel like I’ve been away for a very long time, but the fight in Kalwin is not such a long story.

“We used to clean the house every day, all of us in our house”

“Thank you”

“No. We can’t fight and this is the least we can do for you”

“No, I really appreciate your help. ……I would hate to come home to a house full of dust”

When I was in the crossbow corps, it was always like that after an expedition. But since everyone in the squad cleaned it up, did I ever feel particularly lonely?

“I’d like to invite all of them to join me on the floor, if you like”

“No, my arm is like this, so I’m too limp for sex. Besides, I’m going to sleep well tonight. The bed and everything else was poor over there, so I’m going to appreciate Elmo’s skills”

We walk slowly, gently huddling together so we don’t trip over each other on the night streets. A peaceful nighttime walk in a peaceful town, where nothing happens. It was a very pleasant feeling.

“Let’s have fun again soon. After I get my arm fixed by Breakcore”

“It is a promise”

Fennel and I exchange a smile.

“We need you to fuck us until we are pregnant”

“Do you still want children?”

“I’m envious. ……I also think it’s kind of frustrating that as a woman, there are things I haven’t been able to do yet”

“I don’t want you to get pregnant in too much of a hurry”

“Then please don’t do anything that will make me feel rushed”

Fennel’s words were met with nothing but nods.

“Besides, it’s not easy to impregnate an elf if you’re in a hurry, so the only thing you can do is to have them patiently pour it in. ……It’s the same thing we’ll do”

“I’ll try as hard as I can”

“If you wait too long, we’ll just attack you the other way around”

“That’s good too……”

She’s half serious and half is doing it on purpose because she wants to enjoy the feeling of being loved by a beautiful woman. While continuing to talk like that, I went home and fell asleep like mud. As Dianne said, her heart may have been hurt and tense. My bed at home, which I haven’t seen in a long time, was more comfortable than I expected, like a paradise and I fell asleep like I was sinking into a sea of cotton.


The next morning.

“Andy. Wake up.”


“Andy. Andy”

It was the voice of Anzeros that brought me out of the depths of sleep. I open my eyes in a daze to find Anzeros sitting naked beside me.

“It’s morning. ……Arm today, you’re going to heal it”

“O, Oh……that? Did we do eh yesterday?”

“No we didn’t, but I’m going to sleep with Andy in this bed and I’m going to miss being dressed”

“……Are you taking your clothes off because you’re lonely?”

“We all do”

Anzeros smiles at me with a face that doesn’t even slightly think I’m saying anything strange. It was only when I heard the word everyone that I realized. Besides Anzeros, several other people are sleeping in the bed together. The female slaves who were doing something different from me going to the baron’s mansion, such as going to the hot springs or having a meal. Aurora, Luna, Tetes, Sharon and Almeida are also there. They were all naked, wearing sheets, sleeping around me or rubbing their eyes.

“Do you want to do the morning ritual?”

“……I kinda miss that too”

“Andy trained us so well, it’s terrible to leave us alone for days……♪”

Anzeros, pampering mode. With those words, she quickly moves on top of me, takes off my bottom and starts preparing for the 「Ritual」. A ritual in which the slaves offer their vaginas to my cock first thing in the morning, inserting it deep inside and reaffirming their awareness of their slavery.

“Ah……out of the way, that’s unfair…….”

“Tetes should get up too……nuu……♪”

Anzeros covers me and guides my cock into her labia, which she splits open with her fingers and then she giggles and thrusts her hips back and takes it into her lower mouth with hearty glee…….

“Andy……my favorite……Master´s cock……♪”

“I´m having fun……well, I know how you feel”

“……Actually, it’s natural for me to do this. Being a swordsman is already a side job”

While saying something that could hardly be called a rebuttal to Tetes, Anzeros shook her hips slightly as she took it deep into her lower mouth.

“Yes, yes. But if it’s a 『Morning ritual』, you’ll be replaced by the next girl after you’ve gone all the way in”

“I, I know……h, hey, Andy, don’t you want to ejaculate? If you want to, I’ll do all the work”

“Not good. No explicit selling is allowed. I’m next!”

Tetes gets up and angrily starts nipping at her secret place with her fingers. And all the female slaves hear the conversation and get up one after another.

“……Unfair, it should not have been decided that its Tetes”

“I will also be a candidate”

“Don’t fight, the ritual will go smoothly and soon it will come around”

“……I’m getting a weird feeling just from the smell”

All of the equally very beautiful girls are fighting for their turn to have sex with me, while looking naked and languid. Ah, this is it. This is my everyday life. This is the everyday life that I have been hoping to obtain and continue, a life that is better than being a royalty and a nobleman. Realizing this even after all this time, I feel the last bit of strength in my spirit loosen.

After the morning 「Ritual」, I walk around the town to say hello.

“Oh, Andy! I knew you were back!”

“Eh, you know Johnny? I didn’t know until just now”

“Neia-chan was passing by earlier. I’m sure Andy is home too……ah, what’s wrong with your right arm? Is it hanging inside your clothes?”

“No, I cut it off”



“No, I’ve never had my arm cut off before! Last time it was my leg!”

“It’s just like that”

The gatekeeper duo saw my injury and dismissed it with one word 「Again」. And then there was Aunt Lindsey at the drink stand.

“Ah, Andy. I’m so glad you’re okay. Dianne and the others looked so sad”

“Don’t tell me you thought I was dead!”

“No, no, no, I won’t say that”

“……I thought what then?”

She says very disturbing things. The master preparing to open the restaurant, for example.

“Yo Andy. ……I heard about it. You cut your own arm off? What’s that supposed to mean? I’ve heard of people slitting their wrists in suicides, but it’s not easy to slice off your own shoulder, is it?”

“That’s not why I cut it!?”

I don’t know where yesterday’s explanation to Selenium leaked from, but only the 「I cut myself」 part was conveyed halfway through or something.

Whatever the case, it was only the female slaves and cat beasts who were happy to see me again.

“I had expected a more fervent, encircling triumph”

“Ahaha……it was only a rumor that things weren’t going well over there, since Dianne didn’t tell everyone directly. Besides, it’s not like you were gone for very long”

“……That’s true, too”

Oregano comforts me. In the clothing store.

“And I heard from Savory. You brought in a lot of customers again. I think the rumors are getting louder there”

“……I heard that the source of this information is……, I see……Keiron and Naris went to the bar yesterday and talked”

“I heard they saw some people returning from the hot springs. I heard they didn’t understand a word they said”

“If you understand Valerie, you can have a conversation……”

Neia, who traveled with Sir Buster to Trot as well, can speak Northwestern, but the Kalwin people that Hilda picked up and brought with her (like the villagers in the craftsman village and Beatrice) may have never even heard of a foreign language in the first place. Kalwin is a language that can be heard in the range of a slight regional accent from the Valerie language around Renfangas, so I’ve been speaking in that language too……so I guess it’s possible that they don’t speak the language.

“I’ll have to tell Dianne about language education as well……”


“No, I’m thinking of building a new town in the south of town”

“What do you mean……?”

“It’s a long story……”

When I told Oregano everything from scratch, Oregano tentatively nodded with a look on her face that said she couldn’t quite get it.

“I’m surprised that humans……even think about such things”

“Even elves would think about emigration if they were to be excommunicated or become cramped, right?”

“There’s a difference between being kicked out and finding a place to go on your own and having a planned place guaranteed. It would be a little too grandiose to go to the trouble of designating a planned town and having them all relocate together”

“……I wonder if it’s that different”

I’m the one who can’t come up with what Oregano calls 「Grandiose」, perhaps because the scale of things has been too large lately.

“But it means that this area is going to be more crowded”

“Well, I wonder if it will……”

“I’m looking forward to it, but I’m a little nervous. The city is said to be interesting, but for us elves, the best thing is the laid-back atmosphere of Polka”

“Umm. Well, we won’t know until we try it. There’s also talk of it becoming a special district. If that happens, the laws will change from what they are now, for example……”

“Andy Smithson!”

I was startled when I was suddenly called from behind, yelling from the entrance of a clothing store. I turned around to see Beatrice and Neia.

“Eh……ah, you two. Did you sleep well last night?”

“Yes, I did……ah, but Beatrice”

“Andy Smithson, You, you’re going to fix my arm!? Hurry up!”


“That……I heard from Hilda that, aside from other people’s injuries and illnesses, if you lose a limb or organ……the hot springs alone won’t heal it”


Well, I said, 「If you come here, I can heal you」, but I didn’t explain the details.

“You said you would heal me, so heal me right!”

Beatrice is prickly, but I guess she is anxious inside whether she can be cured or not. The young age of Beatrice makes me smile as I can read her feelings with a sense of ease. However, Tetes appeared further behind them.

“Is that how you ask someone for something?”

“You, you use that weird magic……!”

“Resurrection of an entire limb, even in the outside world, is an amazing and unorthodox thing to do.”

“Gunuu……I, I’m just confirming what he said!”

“You need to change your attitude. I’ll make you crawl again if you’re on a roll”

“Ku……which one of you is taking it easy just because you’re a little bit stronger?”

“You guys……shouldn’t be getting into these weird fights here”

I had no choice but to stand up and intervene. ……Well, I also want to heal my arm quickly.

“Let’s go. ……Oregano, can I ask you to guide me to the forest?”

“Ah, yes, please wait a moment”

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