Half elves fall in love chapter 576

Chapter 576: Emma’s culture shock

I don’t know when I fell asleep. That in itself has always been the case since I first learned to drink, but lately I think I’ve been too cautious about falling asleep while drinking. I guess it’s because I think that no matter how drunk I get, if Laila or Maia are around, I won’t end up falling asleep with a pickpocket in my bed. And dragons don’t get drunk.


But it’s true that good liquor doesn’t get you drunk, I think as I have more and more opportunities to drink pretty good liquor. I’ve heard it said that this is because people who drink bad sake cheat their dissatisfaction with the taste by drinking recklessly. Alcohol that is lovely in every stage of its life is blissful when enjoyed through the nose, blissful when tasted on the tongue, blissful when passed down the throat and blissful when immersed in the afterglow……certainly can’t be drunk recklessly, can it? It’s a waste. ……I slowly open my eyes, thinking back to yesterday’s feast.

“Ho. You´re awake?”

“Laila……you were resting my head on your lap?”

“It’s no big deal”

“I’m glad you’re here……”

Waking up in the morning with a woman who will continue to rest my head on her lap until I wake up. Well, normally it would be numb.

“Hoho. Isn’t waking up in the morning with the morning erection process?”

“Eroticism is not the only moment to feel affection……nn”

I stretched as I talked. Then I got up from Laila´s lap and a cloak slid off my shoulders. It belonged to Neia. I turned my head to see a figure moving like a shadow puppet against the bonfire in the blue darkness before sunrise. It is a landscape that fits the word mysterious well.

“……What about Neia and Emma?”

“Emma’s just changing her hair. Neia was worried about her sweat, so she wanted to take a bath”

“Ah……I mean, it hasn’t been that long since we left Polka to worry about it”

“Nonsense. It’s too late for them to think you stink. You don’t know the first thing about women”

“……I, Is that so?”

I thought I’d had some pretty weird experiences up until now, like forced marches and confinement, so I wouldn’t be so worried about it…but once I’d experienced that, I wouldn’t care anymore and that feeling is typical of a man who 「Doesn’t understand women’s hearts」.

“If you are in front of a man, you always want to be pleasing to him……is a good tendency. When I think back to the days when I was always killing for bravery and duty at every turn”

“Well, you know”

“Soon, I might wait without clothes on so I can be loved as a female slave whenever you want. Hahaha”

“……I hope you think carefully about the time and place”

It’s nice to know that if I ask for something like that, she’ll comply.

After a while, Emma changed into a new outfit.

“My Lord, you have awakened. We had already prepared your bed for you”

“I was just a little drunk, that’s all. I didn’t do anything tiring during the day and I wasn’t that sleepy”

“Still, why don’t you rest on a proper bed? You are not in a hurry anymore, are you?”

“Well, it’s certainly not urgent……”

Dianne would not be offended if I overslept for half a day or so. Besides, I didn’t tell her I was coming today anyway. However, I thought it would be a bit too much to rely on her and looked to Laila beside me for advice. Laila shrugged her shoulders.

“Do as you like. You can indulge in the feast for two or three more days. The palace is not so poor that you would be treated so unkindly for something like that”

“No, I don’t think I’ll be hanging out for days on end, though”

“This is……”

“The food and drink were good, but it’s not my principle to stay until I get bored. I’ll come back to it when I miss it”


Half of this is an excuse for being bitter. I’ve never had the opportunity to make such a statement before. But Emma didn’t seem to have any doubts, so she didn’t press the issue.

“But the bed……I think I’ll borrow it for a bit”

I was lying on a hard couch and my body ached a little. It was a pain I would have given up if I were on the march, but the temptation to sleep twice in a decent bunk while everyone else was so forgiving was irresistible.

“This way”

Emma happily stands and walks ahead of me.

“What about Laila?”

“Ho. I’m going to let you have it. It’s not polite to disturb the bed”

“I see”

I thought that was a strange thing to say, but I couldn’t resist the temptation to sleep in a nice bed, so I followed Emma, feeling a little dizzy. I thought I’d sobered up nicely, but it looks like there’s still a bit of liquor left in me.

She leads me to a stone house and points out a large bed in the back room.

“It’s a bed with good springs. We don’t use much of it in the village……”


I mean, sprung beds are something that rich people have, even in Trot´s capital. Most of the time, they use a bed with a hard base that is fooled with a mat or a wooden frame with a mesh. I couldn’t understand why anyone would go to the trouble of avoiding such a fine product.

“A dragon doesn’t sleep much to begin with. Even if they did, they would not need a special place to sleep unless they were sick. They can sleep standing up or even while flying”

“Hmm……that may be true, but if that’s the case……why do you have all this stuff here?”

“Not all……people visit. Besides……if heterosexuals sign a contract with each other, they may need such a floor…….”

Eh. That kind of……I mean, is this a sex room kind of place?

“……Did Rainer use this place too?”

I’m a little uncomfortable when I’m aware of that. No, it would be extravagant. But Emma shook her head.

“As far as I know, I don’t think so. No one has seen or heard of Rainer and Shario having sex in the village

“……Maybe they did it outside”

Well, I know a little bit how Rainer feels. It’s hard to have sex in a village surrounded by dragons with super-hearing, when everyone is listening. I noticed it thinly around here……. The meaning of Laila’s reticence earlier. It means that she had some idea of what was going on in this room with her hell ears. In other words, Emma doesn’t want me to sleep twice.

“Okay, Emma”


“Me and Emma are heterosexual and we’re about to sign a contract. ……You know what you’re going to do in these bunks and you’ve explained it all to me, right?”


Emma bows her head a little and goes bright red. So innocent. I’m completely sober and awake……no, I’m feeling a bit sadistic, so strictly speaking I might not be sober yet. Anyway, I treat Emma with a little bit of sadist in me.

“You’re not so young that you don’t know what I’m going to do to you, right?”

“……O, Of course…….”

“So you’ve been trying to get me in here in anticipation”


“On the contrary, from the moment I arrived at the palace, you’ve been imagining that you’d be getting fucked, haven’t you?”


“No? You wouldn’t have lied to me yesterday and today and said you’d go along with me, would you?”

“……U, Uh……emm, that……”


“……I was imagining it”



Emma’s eyes tear up a little at the words I throw at her as if to shove her away.  Ah, this is not good. This girl is so strong, so there’s a strange pleasure in bullying her. The female slaves who get all wet when I bully them are cute in their own way, but Emma, ​​who is still struggling with her own conflicts, really thinks I despise her.

“You heard I have sloppy sex with the female slaves every day and you knew you were going to get sloppy too……but you still wanted me to drag you here, didn’t you? Why don’t you take off those fine clothes quickly and show me your true nature?”

“Ugh……ah, m, my Lord……”

“Get on that bed, open your legs and say this……. 『I can’t wait to have sex with you and I can’t wait for you to fill my cunt with your cock』


“Can’t tell? Well, that’s okay. You can leave. I’m just going to bed”

“Yaa……, I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you……!”

Emma’s cheeks turned bright red with shame as she shrugged off the clothes she was wearing, lay down on the bed and…… very slowly opened her legs while tensing her still immature but slender body full of charm…….

“So that’s what you’re going to do when I tell you to spread your legs. Hahahahaa”


Emma does not spread her legs by standing up or holding them, but just opens them right to the side. Well, if you have never had sex before, you can’t help but take it as just spreading them open as the saying goes. But Emma, further embarrassed by my laughter, squeezes out a voice that sounds as if she is about to cry out, as if she has reached her limit.

“I……I want to have sex quickly……I can’t stand it……I couldn’t stand it, so……”

“Yes, no. I’ll rephrase that, Emma”

“K, Ku……y, yes……”

Emma, who is all stiff and even shaking, opens her mouth again.

“I was so eager……to have sex with you, I couldn’t stand it……”

Emma takes a deep breath and as she tries to continue, I suddenly pounce on her and cover her.


“……I’m going to smash you like this because you’re such a pain in the ass. I’m disappointed that you can’t even do this much”

“Hi, ii……y, yaaa……ah, my Lord……!”

Emma finally cried out.

“N, Noo……Lord, noo……! Noo……!!”

It was indeed too much. I thought that since she was a dragon, I could bully her a little more, but even though she was physically tough, she was not so transcendent mentally. I hurriedly tried to raise myself above Emma. Emma clung to me desperately to stop me.

“No……I, I’m going to do my best……I’m going to live up to your expectations……don’t abandon me, eh……!!”

“……E, Emma, hey……it’s not that, it’s that I got carried away, I’m sorry, hey, calm down!”


Emma was in shock for a while and did not stop crying.

After a while, Emma finally calmed down.

“Th, That’s……really, I’m not very nice to you……”

“No, I’m in a good mood……ah already, I’m like this as soon as I get drunk, so be careful Emma, okay? I lose my sanity pretty easily when I drink”

“No……well, it’s my fault for not doing as I was told……it wasn’t that difficult for me to do……but this is not satisfactory for the Lord”

“No, I’m really sorry. I just felt like it would be cute to tease you…….”

“……I, Is it cute……?”

“Sorry. There are some female slaves who like to tease me like this. I thought I was trying to accommodate them, but it seems like I have that kind of element in me too and sometimes I get out of control”

“……I, I understand……that, I was just a little surprised”

She was crying and clinging to me. I couldn’t take my eyes off Emma, ​​who was staring back at me seriously while holding me naked.

“Well……I don’t really have experience with being disappointed or belittled by others……I’m so shocked that I’m surprised myself……I’m sorry, once I calm down a bit……I’ll look so pathetic”

“……Okay. Sorry”

She must have been spoiled by her big brother.

“I, I’m your property from now on……so I’ll get over that. Therefore”

“You don’t need to be so nervous. ……Sorry. Let’s start with gentle sex, little by little”


I hugged Emma and kissed her, then fell asleep, our skin pressed together, stroking each other. That’s enough for today. The real thing will be another time.


When I woke up in the afternoon, everyone at the palace looked at me a little differently, but it seemed the same.

“You know. ……Smithson-san. I could hear you. Even me”

“……I, I see”

Neia gave me a dumbfounded look.

“How could you try something so intense out of the blue……?”

“I wasn’t sane……”

“Ugh, my problem is that I couldn’t fully accept it”

Emma rushes to follow me, but I think it’s useless to say such a thing since everyone already knows what I’m talking about.

“Hoho. It’s one of the ways to deal with dragons”

Laila was the only one who didn’t give a damn about the delicate atmosphere.

“You have a great way of controlling a dragon. Perhaps this is also a requirement for a great rider”

The elder looked at me distantly. She says that like it’s a plausible thing, but in fact she’s just saying that after the fact and not really thinking much about it. It reminded me a little of Old man Harry in Polka.

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