Half elves fall in love chapter 578

Chapter 578: Visit to the former royal palace 2

The palace is being used while being renovated as needed to make it easier to use. Dianne was assigned one of the guest rooms. As a guest room in the royal palace of a country, it is cramped and simple and a little disappointing. However, considering the uniqueness of the country of Kalwin, I felt that this was about as good as it gets.

“For now, we urgently need to temporarily reduce or exempt taxes and spread agricultural magic. The Altres Church is being used for this, but it has not yet taken shape. Only a quarter of the priests could handle magic properly. It will be a long time before we see any tangible results as a steady increase in production”

“Can’t we just stop the taxation altogether?”

“It is pathetic that innocent people are mistreated for their ignorance, but that does not mean that the obligation can be erased. That would be an act of abolishing Kalwin as a community”

“……I guess that’s true”

“The fundamental meaning of community is for the many to join forces, to protect and help each other. To reduce or even completely eliminate the obligation to some extent would be to make people forget how it functions as a community. If they become accustomed to this, then it is not a community, no matter how many thousands of people there are in it. It will be a herd of something less than livestock, merely protected, that does not even know the laws of exchange between obligations and rights”

“You mean it’s not in their best interest to pamper them in the future……?”

“Of course, we will do our best to guarantee the livelihood of the poor. But in the future, this should be a new 『Starting place』 and build a prosperity that history can be proud of. If we do not work toward that goal, we will not be 『Liberators』 but 『Plunderers』 in future generations and our descendants will be ashamed of us”

“……A little too selfless and service-oriented for me and others, though, I’d think it was empty”

I don’t think I’m in a position to say such a thing, but I can’t deny that the logic seems a bit too neat. But Dianne shrugged her shoulders and laughed.

“Of course, it is natural to think so. This is not an idea for me, nor is it an idea for Andy. It’s a big order to unite all the collaborators from different countries, Duke and Brian and other heroes……who want to run the new Kalwin in this land. We will not let greed get in the way of each other”

“……I see”

If there is only one decision maker, it is easier and more trustworthy to push for profit and loss rather than fluffy ideals. But if a number of people are sitting in a room like this, it is better to put up a beautiful idea in order to check individual calculations. It would be better to mortgage the future and say that dirty tricks would be embarrassing to each other’s 「Offspring」, thereby eliminating any unwholesomeness.

“Well, as far as I’m concerned, it’s not a particularly empty construct. I don’t have anything to gain from this Kalwin for me. I am not happy that Andy will be called 『A vicious dragon rider who disturbed his country with his personal greed』 in decades and centuries to come. That’s the only reason I’m here”

“I don’t think the Lord is what you would call a vicious person in any way, shape, or form”

Emma contradicts Dianne. Dianne shakes her head.

“To the dragons, perhaps, but humans imagine what they don’t see. If the times move in the direction of disrespecting what Andy has done, a conspiratorial 『Truth of history』 can be created……that portrays the Mad King Jedhha and Rainer as good and that Andy hated them and got rid of them”

“That is a delusion that ignores the truth”

“Even if it is. ……There are times when delusion takes precedence over truth. It is sad to say. The only way to prevent it, even a little, is to make this a good country. When everyone has access to a good life and higher knowledge, they will be more aware of the greedy hand that distorts the truth. ……Though there may not yet be a country in the world with such high standards of living and education”

“……Is that also a pipe dream?”

“It is an ideal. ……If people can continue to improve little by little with time, it should happen someday, you know. I would like to draw a roadmap to such a country in this valley as well”

Dianne said strongly. Neia nodded many times as if she felt it, but Laila sighed and said.

“It’s fine to say nice things. It’s not the job for you. And as I hear it, it is good even if you don’t do it. You are restraining them from doing what they want to do”

“……I’ll be happy to say so, but if it’s for Andy’s benefit, I’ll be happy to……”

“The most important quality of the Owner is being able to get people who are good at anything on their side and rely on them. You’re just capable of doing something, but you’re not good at it, so don’t try too hard on your own. If you keep going like that, you’ll never have a baby”

“Ugh……th, that is……”

Dianne drooped her ears. She seemed worried.

“Or do you not want a child? Anzeros is indiscriminately smitten with other people’s children……and doesn’t seem to be obsessed with having a child in her belly, but are you satisfied with that?”

“Not at all. I want to be pregnant with Andy’s child and feel it grow in my belly……but”

“If that’s the case, then you can’t just sit around and do nothing but migrate. The owner has finally made up his mind to enjoy the promiscuous life in Polka. At this rate, not only the cat beasts and Tetes, but also Naris and your sisters will beat you to it”

“My sisters……”

“Hilda is not the only one. There are others who would not hesitate to have their wombs slurped with the seed of Owner”

“I’d like to think that I’ll conceive sooner than my sister Nord…….”

“Eh, wait a minute, am I confirmed to impregnate Nord-san?”

Neither Dianne nor Laila seemed to have any particular doubts about that, so I plunged in. Both of them looked at me curiously.

“Isn’t that so?”

“You’d be furious if she was impregnated by another man, wouldn’t you?”


That might well……be very frustrating.

“That woman said, if you could get her pregnant, go ahead and do it. Dianne, if you go out too much, it won’t be a joke anymore, you know?”


“Even I can’t resist if Owner gets the urge and asks me to go find her because he wants to rape her. You were the first of the sisters to spit on, so it would be embarrassing if you ended up being the last to get pregnant”


Dianne looked troubled, with a bitter look on her face.

“But, apart from the military, I don’t know many Celesta bureaucrats who are good at this sort of thing……”

“There are plenty of family members who would be good at this kind of thing”

“……Well, that’s not to say there aren’t any. But what do you ask me to do……”

“Many would not expect you to stay and do this kind of work. What is so difficult about simply asking the right person?”

……Dianne is weakened. But I can understand why it would be unacceptable for her to suddenly turn her attention to procreation after having worked so hard to get this far.

“Well well. I think that neither Laila nor Dianne should be so hasty in reaching a conclusion”

I couldn’t bear to look at her, so I intervened. In the end, there’s no point in getting too excited about a debate about whether to have children or work. At least if it’s a choice between 「Raising children and working」. When I was thinking about that……Laila sighed.

“That’s true, but I’ll do that in the future……. But before that, I want to show Emma real sex first”


“My sex naturally becomes a little one-sided. I’m sure Neia is still embarrassed to spread her pussy wide and demonstrate to a beginner. I think that having a baby with Dianne is the best way to teach her”

“There’s no need to rush into that either, is there?”

“What do you mean? Don’t you see that Emma is feeling awkward after her failure earlier? I’ll set a good example and lead her to a good first experience. That is your responsibility as a pet owner”

“P, Please take care of me……”

“Emma, don’t let Laila get to you too much, okay?”


Ah, I thought Emma hadn’t been getting hard for a while……so I thought I had to clear my name in that way. That’s not true. I’ll do it again when she’s calmed down. But Dianne looked relieved, as if to say, 「What was that all about?」.

“……I see. Laila, don’t be so roundabout. ……I wouldn’t mind a demonstration of how to make a baby. I’d like to get pregnant, after all”

Then she hurriedly undressed and walked over to the bed. I hadn’t even closed the door properly yet.

“Andy. Come on”

“No, it’s a little strange that you’d agree to that so lightly”

“Do you have any idea how many orgies I’ve been a part of?”

‘I’m sorry…………”

It was hopeless to count.

“Don’t apologize. I’m not averse to that kind of thing either”

Dianne said and tried to remove her hair ornament, necklace and bracelet.

“Ah, please leave those on”

“……I see. Yes, is this also quaint?”

Dianne-san said and took her hands off the accessories and sat down on the bed, inviting me to join her. Both Emma and Neia are watching attentively. I check it with a sideways glance and point to Laila, who seems to be the only one who can afford it and give her instructions.

“Close the door. Also, use magic to disguise our voices”

“Right. I think it’s okay to let the people outside take a peek. Make no mistake, Dianne belongs to you”

“It’s fine!”

……Please consider Dianne’s position and mine, even if only a little.

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