Half elves fall in love chapter 579

Chapter 579: Visit to the former royal palace 3 【Dianne】

While Laila began to drink from a glass of wine, Neia and Emma watched intently and Dianne slipped off the last of her underwear and beckoned me to join her.

“Have you been holding back for a while?”

“Of course. Since you were captured by Kalwin, I haven’t had a chance to hold you in my arms”

“That’s……for sure”

“Should I be considerate of the other girls today? If you’re going to bring them to bed, now’s the time. If we start alone like this, I might not let you go once I’ve taken you in my mouth. I’m not sure I can control myself”

“This is an example. Don’t be shy, show the relationship between Dianne and me”

“……I see. Then, I’ll show you……the stubbornness of being your oldest woman♪”

Dianne smiled mischievously, accepted me as I got closer to her and kissed me as if inserting a wooden block into its place. After nearly ten seconds of enjoying the sweet kiss of tasting lips on lips, as if on cue, we push our mouths open to each other and move into a deep kiss where we insert our tongues into each other’s mouths. Meanwhile, Dianne’s fingers greedily caress and embrace my cheeks and neck to feel me and her caresses extend from my shoulders to my back. I, on the other hand, am at ease laying my hands on her tits and squeezing them. The chains of her necklace clink on her chest. The warmth of the bracelet grazes my neck and ear.

“Nn……nmuu, hu, u”

As Dianne pulls away slightly, a sigh of a moan escapes from her mouth. Then, with our foreheads pressed together, she whispers.

“Sorry……I’ve just come a little”

“Eh, already?”

“I felt your lips fill me to the depths of my head……and when you teased me with your tongue, I could feel the pleasure echoing directly to my womb……”


No, this woman is so hungry.

“If I hold you like this……what will happen……♪”

“……Please don’t pass out or something, okay?”

“I’ll do my best”

It’s hard to imagine her making such a big mistake, but it’s rare to have to wait this long. I gently push her down on the bed and touch her hairless private parts, and her genitals and ass are already dripping with love juice as if she’s incontinent.

“Ahuu, aa……hiuu”

Dianne’s shoulders were twitching, sensitive to even the contact of my hand. The love juice lightly spurts out, making her even more moist. 

“She was not at the stage of being greedy……”

“I’m sorry……for being so stingy……but when you said you’d make love to me, I couldn’t resist”

“But I don’t mind that kind of lowly Dianne”

I whispered in a slightly lower voice. That was all it took for Dianne to clear her throat as if overcome with emotion and she responded as if she had climaxed again.


“I’m going to hold you”

I couldn’t back out, so I held her down in a slightly sadistic tone and pushed my dick in.

“Huya……a, aaaa……hyaa, a, nnaa……♪ A, uuuu♪”

Dianne reached the stage where my cock split the labia and she lightly reached it. By the time it reached the stage of poking her uterus, her face was already melting away, with no trace of dignity left.

“Ha, aaa……a, a…..ki, taaa……♪”

“Can I move it?”

“W, Wait……this, this much……Andy’s dick……was so evil….I don’t know……”

“I guess I need to remind you”

I whispered in her ear as if breathing on her and I made a strong, big stroke back and forth with my hips.

“Aaa, kuaa♪”

With that, her body responded sensitively and her big tits bounced lightly in the air as she reached the point of orgasm. The inside of her vagina squeezes and squeezes, but because it has been a long time since Dianne’s last molestation and because Emma, who has yet to experience intercourse, is watching with great interest, my cock is harder and more furious than usual. The excessive amount of slick slickness from the lewd fluid does nothing to impede my movements as I devour the pleasure. I give Dianne a nasty smile as she looks up at me with pleasure-stained eyes. It is a silent declaration. It is a declaration of carnal desire that from this point on, I will thoroughly humiliate Dianne with my rod and white meat. Then, Dianne looks up at me and smiles……just a little. I accept the moment of surrender to the swamp of pleasure. In those few seconds, when all we can do is sigh, we are surely in contact with each other and……we are now enjoying a beastly communion.

“Ua, aaaa, ahiaa, a, hiauaaaaa♪”

“Haaa, haaa……o, ooooo!!”

“Haaah, nu, uunn, ngu, nnnnnnn……ha, haaaaa, ahiii♪”

“Kuoooo……hha, nnmuuu!”

Both Dianne and I, in the midst of the repetition of the charming, wordless cries and the deep kisses we instinctively exchange from time to time, are shaking our hips as if we don’t know whether to stop or leave each other. Even if we sometimes slip out of each other’s bodies while engaging in too intense a sexual exchange, we reach out to each other as if in a struggle and are quickly fucked again. We change positions, top down, side to side, but it is still the same. We fuck and slam our hips against each other. As if that is the only rule, without a word, just shaking our hips against each other, a little deeper, a little harder. We even ejaculate in the process. But we don’t stop, even though our brains are burning with pleasure. I spew white fluid inside Dianne’s vagina over and over again and the mucus, which even feels semi-solid like a coagulated soup, stains and swells Dianne’s womb and she leaks white fluid while making a vigorous and vulgar sound as she is being thrust around by my cock, but she never stops shaking her hips. I can see that she is fading from pleasure. I could see that she was dazed from the pleasure and that she was losing consciousness from time to time. Even so, I am still fixated on her vagina and I do not stop devouring pleasure from each and every fold, each and every unevenness. I will not stop making her squeal as I slam my glans against her womb. Dianne wants it. As long as she can breathe, she wants to claw me even when she loses consciousness. There is no doubt about it, she and I are in consensus. I start to ejaculate all over Dianne, forgetting that Neia and Emma are even watching. I watch as she receives the ejaculation with her hips raised and the white cloud that overflows with flamboyance runs down her lower belly like molten iron and we spread it with our hands for no reason, smiling vaguely at each other. Then we would resume our thrusting movements, mingling our meaningless, animalistic sounds with each other.

I wonder how many hours we had been having sex like that. Before I knew it, both Dianne and I had gone limp and before I knew it, the frenzy was over.


“Ah……Andy. That was pretty intense…….♪”

“Was I wrong……?”

“No, not at all. It was great”

Dianne says this and kisses me over and over. After the usual act, necklaces, bracelets, ankles and hair accessories add a little accent. The metallic luster reflects off the light.


“Do you do that kind of……act……?”

“Are you not very familiar with dragons?”

“No……th, though there are some in the palace that like to mingle with these things. Dragons are not so high spirited with each other, it’s more like a game”

“Have you ever been involved, Emma?”

“Ah, no”

Emma had been watching closely, even falling asleep and now she spoke her mind. I mean……she really had been watching the whole time. So obedient.

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