Half elves fall in love chapter 581

Chapter 581: Welcome to Paradise 1

We return to Polka, with the next visit set for a month from now. The distance from Polka to Kalwin is, in a straight line, only slightly farther than the distance to Rennesto. According to the dragons, it is easier to return to Polka than to head south because of the air currents (as they had learned from the dragons at Crystal Palace).

『But if you ride on the back, you’ll have a rough ride over the mountains』

“Eh, really?”

『The heights you normally fly at aren’t that great. I don’t go up without necessity, but only the small snake has to go up to a great height. I can use magic to trap the air when I carry you in a carriage like this, but an ordinary person would fall down and roll his eyes if he had to climb up to that height so quickly』

“I hear that people can get sick and die when they climb high mountains”

『Umm. I’ve heard that beastmen and dwarves can withstand it relatively well, but I don’t bother to try it』

When Chibi Laila told me that, I realized once again that I am protected in many ways. From a dragon’s point of view, human beings are so weak and dangerous that if you are not always careful, you never know what could go wrong and you could die.

“If it’s harm caused by thin air, though, I can deal with it by casting a spell on the human body beforehand”

Emma adds. Is that one of those things?

“There are many other types of magic that can protect the rider, such as those that make him or her immune to cold and those that protect against extreme heat”

“As I recall, that kind of magic is not very well developed in Celesta……if it were transmitted, it would be greatly appreciated, wouldn’t it?”

『Ho. I don’t think there is anything that works very well. It’s not so much that it’s not very effective, but the more effective it is, the more difficult it is to make it work』

“And there is a limit to how much it can protect against cold and heat”

……I see. In the end, it’s a question of basic magic ability.

『The contract magic I gave to Anzeros can ignore most heat. There’s no point in spreading that kind of thing』

“That’s assuming the dragons will go along with it”

So, technological revolution is not so easy. No, I’m making revolutions here and there. Like agricultural magic with Kalwin, or the regenerative grant of Breakcore.


“I’m home”

I landed in Polka near noon one night later. I was a little sad to see that no one had appeared except Maia, but I headed to the baron’s mansion anyway and met Lantz and Goto at the entrance.

“Ah, 10-man captain Smithson. You were quick this time. Didn’t you get involved in anything?”

“No, I’m just like I’m always getting myself into trouble”


“Don’t look at me like you’re surprised! And the two of you together!”

I mean.

“What do you guys want with the Baron in the first place?”

I’m sure these guys are good friends with the Baron as peeping buddies at the hot springs, but they didn’t have the kind of relationship that would allow them to be invited to his mansion. ……Maybe I’m just forgetting something, but is there some kind of event going on?

“We’ve come to the conclusion that this is where we want to be in life”

“We thought we’d retire when this mission was over and get him to take care of our work here”

“I think you guys are coming to the conclusion of your life a little too soon”

They’re only 23 or 24, right? ……I mean, if they’re going to move here, they’re going to have a hard time getting their family registration. No, maybe that’ll be loosened with the talk of autonomous districts coming soon.

“It’s a little cold, but the people are friendly and laid-back and even I, an ogre, don’t get chased away”

“There aren’t many young men, are there? No, there aren’t that many girls either, as long as they’re human”

“Above all, the hot springs”

“Ah, open-air hot springs. Nothing could be better”

“If you keep talking like that, you guys are going to make the women’s baths covered”

I mean, really……these guys need to stop peeking and start thinking about getting a girlfriend or a wife.

“Huu. Well, that’s why I’m going to make a direct appeal to the baron”

“For our future!”

“I think you should go back to Celesta, calm down and think about your future”

“10-man captain Smithson´s family have suddenly become too popular for their common sense. Just because there are plenty of masturbation material at hand to show us how much you want to show us!”

“Think about how we feel! Look, there are hot springs where elves and cat-eared beauties frolic in the distance! There are also a good number of beautiful women who sometimes come into the men’s bath without hesitation, this Polka! How can you, as a masturbator, stay away from it?”

“That’s what Talc does too”


“Oh, calm down, Goto. Talc is a bit dangerous”

“I, I know. I was a little upset”

I think Talc has a higher rate of showing us things at close range. No, that’s not it.

“I mean, if you get a wife in your home country, you can have sex all over the place, not just masturbate……”

“I’m not the eldest son. The countryside is cold towards men who don’t inherit the family business”

“I know”

No, you guys, even without the family and stuff, you’re pretty hardworking and skilled and I think you’d be in high demand. If only those guys would refrain from masturbating in public like this. I’m not going to say it……because it’s too creepy to praise them honestly.

“Even Boyd has a girlfriend……”

“Strangers are strangers. We go our own way”

“A surer paradise than an uncertain wife!”

“Ou! That’s right!”

Goto and Lantz, fists clashing, ride into the baron’s mansion once again. ……Their backs are dazzling. They’re absolutely wrong, though.

So, I’m here to see Selenium and Irina and the others, not the baron.

“Oh, welcome back, Andy”

“How was Dianne?”

Selenium and Apple took turns holding my daughter in their arms while calling out to me. The first time I saw her, she was no longer in a postpartum mood and was walking around as usual. Perhaps it was because the miraculous spring had such a strong recovery effect.

“Dianne was working as hard as ever. If I had left her alone, she would have taken charge of everything herself, so Laila admonished her”

“Hoho. I hope she’ll be like you and put Owner first”

“Oh, by the way, Andy. I think it’s time we decided on a name for this little girl”

“What do you think? The Baron’s wife said I should talk to Lindsey about it”

“Why Aunt Lindsey?”

“She said she has good taste in names because she reads a lot of books while working at the miraculous spring water drink stand. She said she’s been a godmother to quite a few kids”

“Umm……well, I’ll save that for last. At the very least, I want to name my first daughter after someone in the family”

“Do you have any ideas?”

“Let’s see……I guess. Selenium’s daughter……Selena, perhaps?”

“Isn’t that too easy indeed……?”

Apple said with a troubled look on her face. Yeah. I thought it was painful to say it out loud too.

“Cat beasts are pretty much like that. I don’t think it’s a problem if they have similar names”

Jeanne was carrying Peter on her back and protecting him.

“Laila, Maia, do you have anything?”

“Ho. You’re asking me to give it to you now”

“……That kind of thing is heavy”

Neither of them was willing to take the initiative. The atmosphere was almost at a standstill when Neia, who had remained silent until now, raised her hand lightly.

“I’m new here, so I don’t want to be a stranger”

“No, don’t worry about it. So, what is it?”

“Well, instead of Selena……why don’t we just take the S and separate them, like Elena or something like that”


It was a word that felt right.

“Selenium. I don’t know, something like that”

“Elena……is that it?”

Selenium thought about it for a moment.

“If you take out the E, it’s like the cat beasts are sisters……”

“I guess so”

“……But then it’ll be closer to Irina-dono”


If you ask me, that’s true. ……As I was thinking, Irina came rattling into the room.

“I’ve heard your story”

“You don’t have to make such a tame appearance…….”

“S, Shut up. ……What’s with that, the name is similar to mine. How about this?”

Irina wrote it down smoothly on a piece of parchment.


“Umm. I’ve put my I in a different place. That’s a good compromise”

Irina praised herself. Selenium and I exchanged a wry smile, but I didn’t think her idea was so bad.

“Well, is that okay?”

“Let’s go with that. ……You’re Elenia, baby……no, Elenia-chan♪”

“Oh, you’re accepted!”

Irina raises her hands in joy. 

“Ho, oh dear. I wonder how many people will have to worry like this from now on

“I’m sure many of them would want that. They are all names that we carry with us for ten months and then carry for hundreds of years. We shouldn’t be careless with it. It’s a rather pleasant problem”

“I was at a loss for ideas. If you are at a loss for ideas and are muddying the waters with cheap trivia, that’s a good thing, isn’t it?”


Everyone laughed. And after all the laughter was over, Apple said quietly.

“What about the next child, then?”



Apple looks down with a shy face. Irina pushes her side.

“Good grief. I’m about to make my next move. You know what I mean”

“Ah, no, but I didn’t think Apple would be the next one…….”

“No one cares about such details. You have been so busy with Kalwin and all that other stuff lately, you haven’t had enough female slave partners”

Irina snapped her fingers and the door opened, revealing Fennel, Oregano, Savory, Laurier and even Christie, all in maid outfits.

“You won’t be punished for working hard at sowing seeds♪”

“……Wa, Waa”

Emma let out a small exclamation.

“There are really……so many of them”

Y, Yes. ……Wait, are we starting the orgy already and Emma hasn’t even been introduced yet?

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