Half elves fall in love chapter 582

Chapter 582: Welcome to Paradise 2 [Christie, Fennel, Savory]

Lined up behind Irina are the four elf girls, Laurier, Savory, Fennel and Oregano, and Christie all dressed as maids.

“Emm……what do you mean?”

I was at a loss for a response because it was a bit abrupt and asked Irina to explain. Irina nodded and began to explain in her best manner.

“Recently, it’s only the newbies and veterans that you’ve been paying attention to. Oregano said that we, who are neither of those, needed to be more creative in attracting attention”

“But the maid uniforms themselves are also quite fashionable……”

She must have shown them off a few times before. Besides, everyone except Laurier is wearing their work uniforms.

“By insisting that that’s the plan, you’re making Christie look older than her age”

“So that’s the reason!”

Christie turned red.

“I’m not doing this just to make fun of you. It’s to show your sincerity that you are willing to force yourself to wear something that you know doesn’t fit”

“You dare to deceive me?”

“You’re not even ashamed of being naked anymore. In the prison, you were naked from morning till night under the sun”

“I don’t mean that! I’m just saying that I’m not old enough to be called that and I don’t mind it!”

No, you see, Christie. Maid’s uniforms are not originally for young girls, you know? Irina is teasing you, but even old ladies wear them, you know. And Christie is 400 years old, but by human standards she looks young enough that she doesn’t look old enough to be a concern.

“I’m still going to take it off. I can’t go out with you knowing you’re a laughingstock”

“Christie. No”

I restrained Christie and pointed to the floor.

“Since you’re dressed like that, you should serve me……Fennel, teach her to serve as her day job”


Fennel kneels down, neatly approaching and snuggling into my waist. Christie is a little lost and shaking with shame, but she aligns her knees next to Fennel’s.

“Well, I don’t think it’s the maid’s main job to serve your penis”

Selenium laughs bitterly. Yeah. That’s right, if anything, it makes her more like a prostitute. I thought……but Fennel, who opened my pants and pulled out my cock, smiles up at me, loving my cock with her lips without hesitation.

“I wouldn’t mind being Master’s cock-only maid……?”

“……O, Ou”

“I’d like to be your maid, always standing by Master’s side every day, squatting at his feet every time he takes a break from his work and drinking his sperm every chance I get……would you let me do that?”

“……Th, That might be kind of nice”


Fennel smiled enchantingly as she rubbed her cheek against the saliva-soaked cock. But the rest of the maids behind her, or rather, Savory and Oregano, booed at that.

“It’s not fair, Fennel-san! You’re not sneaking out!”

“I, I want to be Master’s cum-teaser too!”

“……I’d rather be made to drink it from my bottom mouth”

Laurier, who blurted out while lightly pulling on her skirt, had a subtle, old man-like sense of humor. Then, with a hand on her cheek, Apple said sullenly.

“Andy-san, that’s a lot of food. Seriously, I don’t think I could drink it all”

Jeanne nodded her head.

“In Andy’s case, the frequency of drinking is hard, too”

You guys don’t have to be so calm and point out strange things.

“I guess……we’ll just have to take turns then”

Christie, at Fennel’s urging, gently flicks her tongue over the saliva-soaked cock. The tongue is not a fearful flicking, but a sexually hungry, spit-soaked tongue that strokes the glans from side to side from the underside. Fennel joins in. Tongues are offered to each other to take it from both sides and the cock is jostled with two tongues and two pairs of lips. They are breathing and saliva is running down their chins. Teaching is not even a building block and soon the two maids are just devouring and licking my cock.

“……Christie. It’s good……for a man to use a beautiful, well-placed woman like you as a cock-sucking maid……is irresistible”

“Hahu, n, rero……n, nn……that……♪”

“When I get my dick kissed like this, I’m glad I came back to Polka”

“I’m not surprised. I’d rather you concentrate on using your penis from now on”

Irina says something outrageous and plausible.

“There are dozens of women waiting for you who have sworn an oath to devote themselves to your cum at any time. You’ll have to indulge them for all the work you’ve been slacking off on”

“Then let’s have another naked village in the barrier prison”

“I’d even go so far as to ask the clan council to give me that barrier prison. You can settle down there and live every day and every night with your penis in a woman’s vagina. I’ll be with you for ten years♪”

“No, Irina……that place, rero……hamu, nchuu……I’m lending it to the yellow dragon now……n, chuu……”

“Is that so? Well, it’s not going so well”

“I mean, don’t try to tempt me into abandoning my newly built home. ……I’d like to try that kind of life once”

When I told her my true feelings, the three dragons looked at each other and shrugged.

“Ho. wWth us, we can do it anytime”

“If Andy-sama wants to do it, he can leave his penis in there for as long as he wants”

“That……why don’t you?”

Emma seems to be rather serious about the question. Well, it might be too modest for a dragon rider’s ambition. ……It’s an idea that all the girls would probably agree with.

“I always thought……I’d be able to do it when I was done. I’ve done all my duty as a special forces officer……so I think it’s time to get out of here……”

“Don’t waste your shots, Smithson-dono. If you’re going to let it out, do it so that it makes someone pregnant”

“E, Emm……to whom?”

“Ah, I’ll take……”

“I, I’m ready to go in anytime you are”

Savory and Oregano raise their hands in a struggle. When I asked them to lift their skirts for proof, they complied, their cheeks tinting a little and their underwear soaking wet.

“How about Irina, are you sure you’re okay to shove it in now?”

“Mm, that’s unreasonable……if you tell me to stick my ass out, I’ll do it”

Even as she said that, Irina loosened her cheeks and untied her obi, not seeming to mind. However, the feeling of ejaculation was building up considerably and even if I was going to let it out like this, there was no time to hesitate if I was going to impregnate someone. I had to think about it, I could have Fennel and Christie stop the tongue, but I didn’t think that far ahead and pulled my hand away from Savory’s. I was so happy to be able to do this, but I didn’t know what to do.

“I’m fine with you……”


I pulled my hips back to get out of the restraints of Christie´s and Fennel’s tongues and in my haste, I roughly pulled down on Savory’s underwear, raising her skirt on the butt side (it was shredded with more force than I expected), grabbed her ass, which was tilted forward and thrust out and screwed it quite forcefully into her vaginal hole……I start ejaculating around the point where it scrapes through the labia and enters the vaginal canal.


“Hannn……ku, aa, out……its coming out, but just like that……♪”

Savory pulls on her skirt and thrusts her hips out, her throat arched and she screams with delight. Even as I ejaculated, I continued to thrust into Savory’s vagina, pushing toward the cervix while making the slippery liquid slippery. Of course, my semen spurted out of the gap in her vagina, making a vulgar sound, and Savory’s thighs and the floor were covered in mucus.

“H, Haa……haa, haa……is this what you want, right……?”

“Ahaa……th, thank you……♪ I haven’t had Master’s seed in a long time …… ♪”

Savory happily thanked me despite the fact that I had just……cum inside of her without even feeling pleasure. And Oregano, who was not chosen after showing off her soggy crotch, looks at her with a bit of resentment.

“Savory doesn’t get pregnant and yet……”

“……Oh, what?”

“You’re still under the contraceptive spell, Savory”

I looked at Savory as I moved my cock back and forth in the back of her vagina, and she looked away a little uncomfortably.


“A, Ahahaa……emm”

“Not at all……well, it felt good, though”

“R, Right?”

As Savory was starting to get a little 「I’m glad」 vibe, the half-naked Irina chopped her down.

“That was a waste of time

“I, I mean……”

“Don’t be so hard on me, Irina. I don’t like sex for the sole purpose of procreation. I don’t enjoy being restricted in the details of my sex life”


“You’ve got plenty of time and opportunity. The elf is in no hurry to get pregnant anyway, so just take your time”

“A leisurely pregnancy……that’s a ridiculous sounding word to use”

I make Christie and Fennel lick the penis I pulled out of Savory again. And at that point, Selenium and the others start to get interested.

“……Hey, now that you mention it, this kind of thing shouldn’t be shown to babies”

“Eh, why not?”

“It’s good that Daddy gets along with everyone”

“No, it’s not good to end on that note”

Selenium and Apple said that everything seemed fine, but from what I hear, it’s not good for children to witness sex in a number of ways. Especially if it’s intense, it can look like violence. It also makes the act look dirty, which could lead to an undue aversion to eroticism in the future.

“The baby won’t remember it anyway”

“Jeanne, why don’t you treat your son with more love?”

“That’s not right”

I think we need to pay more attention to children who already speak a little.

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