Half elves fall in love chapter 583

Chapter 583: Welcome to Paradise 3 [Irina, Laurier, Maia, Jeanne】

Put my cock, covered with plenty of saliva, into Irina, who beckons me to come. Or rather, let her ride on a shallow chair.

“Ku……n, uu……long time, burijya……♪”

Irina slowly put her hands behind my back on my waist and welcomed my erect dick into her hairless labia.

“Master is being too lenient with Irina”

“Well, don’t be so hasty, Christie”

“Huuhuuhuu. My insides are just too good. I can’t help wanting to put Smithson-dono in too. It may go against equal treatment, but we are slaves. Isn’t it rude to force Master to have sex with you?”

“That is……true, but”

I think their 「Female Slave Modesty」 has helped me a lot. I’m a very lewd person and I want them to be lewd too, but even so, I can’t just laugh if they come and try to force me to have sex with them. After all, there are over 20 of them. If they are actively engaged in sex without restraint, no matter how lewd I am, there is no way I can handle that many. Besides, I believe that sensation and desire are important in eroticism. In short, when I feel horny, I am free to fuck the person I feel horny for. Even if it’s a little favoritism, I want a relationship where I can do what I want when I want to do it. As expected, the female slaves seem to be well aware of this (I guess the rules are more important for those who wait than for me, who just fuck as I please) and they have made various rules for the new girls, such as 「Don’t press them like that」 and 「You should respond when approached but not push people away to make an appeal」. There is an indication that they are making manners and making them follow them. Selenium’s concern about whether the relationship is a 「Temporary relationship」 or whether I intend to make her my female slave may be partly because I´m trying to determine whether I should give her an education in the shadows, to teach her these things and make her observe them.

“While I’m being selfish……Laurier. Come here”


“And Maia. And Jeanne, leave Peter with Selenium”


“You want to indulge in a little ass?”

“That’s good, right?”

I got all the loli pairs in the room to turn their butts to each other and they all obeyed me. Although their flesh is thin, they all have beautiful skin for their race and their butts are well-polished by visiting the miraculous springs, so their skin is soft and squishy, ​​making them irresistible to stroke. While Irina bounces on my hips, I stroke and knead the gathered loli butts as much as I want and sometimes I lightly insert my fingers into their assholes and vaginas to assert my ownership.

“Which ass shall I use next……?”

“W, Why don’t you focus on me?”

“Master. My uterus has been waiting to get pregnant for a long time……”

“Andy-sama, can I put my finger deeper……?”

I’ll be in big trouble if I have a second baby before everyone else who hasn’t conceived yet. ……Of course, I’m not saying you shouldn’t do it, okay?”

The loli slaves lift their skirts, pull their pants down to their knees and stick out their small asses in their hands and shake them from side to side, repeatedly teasing me. And Irina moves her hips up and down violently in opposition to the three of them, trying to draw my attention to herself.

“You extravagant……little bodies, how much do you want me to serve you?”

“It’s all mine. All of these asses are here for my cock. Right?”


“You want me to do it in your asshole ……? Okay”

“This is my pussy, Andy’s pussy. That sounds good……♪”

“Oh, no pussy is more suited to this dick than mine”

The little girls all say lewd things to me, inviting me in and out. Irina’s brave grinding stirs up my sexual excitement and while I’m lost between the attractive young asses, I get excited in Irina’s vagina, building up towards ejaculation. I trace and spread Laurier’s buttocks from the inside. Two fingers stir Maia’s holes to check them out. I stick three fingers into Jeanne’s vagina and turn my wrist with force to pull and spread it from the inside, making it very squishy. I ejaculate using Irina while enjoying those demands.

“Huii, hiuaaaaaaa……a, aguu……if you´re going to cum……I told you I´ll cum……♪”

Yes, 「Using」 Irina. It’s as if I was wanking to an erotic picture scroll and I let Irina’s vagina squeeze me while my consciousness was focused on the young asses.

“……C, Came out……s, splendid”

“……How’s that, you cheater? You’ve probably been admiring them with your eyes, but the best feeling is inside me, you know?”

“Well, what do you think? I haven’t used their cunts for a while, so they may have changed”

“……You’re trying to compare tastes”

“If it’s still the most comfortable, I’ll use it again. My very own perverted pussy clan chief”

I give her a quick kiss on the ear and pull out my dick. I’m not sure which was a reaction to the ear kiss or the cock, but Irina shuddered and fell to the side. Laila gently picks Irina up and moves her to Selenium’s bed. Selenium wiped her crotch with a wet cloth……and scooped up a little of the overflowing cum with her finger to taste it. Then I moved over and held the three of them by the shoulders as I pulled their asses together with my erect cock plastered to the floor. I had them line up with their hands on the table and I grabbed their asses one by one as I lifted them up and stuck my cock in them.

“Higuuu……a, aaa…..Master, good, Master, sex with Master, great……♪”

“If you get pregnant, it will be a good sex education, Laurier-sensei”

“……A, Are you going to show me……?”

“Ah, no, you don’t have to be naked in the temple, but you can watch your belly get bigger and bigger in the hot springs, right?”

“……If Master wants to use me to sex-educate those girls……then……”

Laurier mutters, somehow managing to withstand the thrusts with her thin arms.

“……I can do it……”

“N, No……”

I thought about reprimanding her, but it’s no good thinking about small details and discussing them during sex, so I cut her off vaguely.

“……Next is this hole”


I fooled around by sticking my cock into Maia next. Laurier looks a little sad that she didn’t get ejaculated on. But, well, I’m going to ask her to bear with it here. Yes, I’m going to do what I want. To make a female slave obey me and act honestly with my cock, I am not obligated to ejaculate into the hole once I have penetrated it. I can use any hole I want and ejaculate at any time I want. That’s what I’m allowed to do and that’s what I mean by……I’m not their slave, I’ve made them my slaves. Even though they are all beautiful and loving partners, it is important for me to be allowed to respect their wishes in order to love sex with them forever. I’m sure.

“Maia……I’ll use your ass, too……!”

“I’m a dragon for Andy-sama’s cock……”

“Good girl……!”

After enjoying the detailed stimulation deep inside, I moved from Maia’s vagina to her asshole. Reveling in the feeling of her sphincter squeezing me tightly, I pushed my finger into the last young ass a little forcefully, moving it back and forth violently to make her squirt her love juices.

“Huguaa……Andy, thats so mean……♪”

“You like it bad, don’t you?”

“……I love it♪”

I play hard with Jeanne’s vagina and dig into Maia’s ass, making her squirt all over the place. Then I pull out to thrust my dick into Jeanne’s slutty pussy.


“Higuuu……a, always……Andy´s dick is so tight……♪”

“This pussy……is the finishing touch to my cock!”

Then I lift the lightest Jeanne’s hips completely and use her like a tool to ejaculate.

“Iuu……a, a……a, and it came out……♪ You’re making me pregnant again……♪”


I selfishly ejaculated inside Jeanne, pulled out my cock and let go of her waist as if to throw it away. Jeanne collapsed. Seems satisfied. Laurier, who staggered to her feet, cleans my penis, which is still dripping with semen, with her tongue.

“Chupu……chupu, amu……nnnn”

“……Good Laurier”


The sight of Laurier’s young appearance licking and sucking my cock so hard makes me feel like something wicked. The dwarfs and dragons are sturdy and psychologically secure and the cat beasts are painful if you let them lick your dick without any magic. The really criminal look is still limited to the service of a slender young elf.

“Andy-san, please leave it at that for now! If you continue too much, the baronesses will feel sorry for you”

When Irina also starts to cling to my penis, making it a double young elf, Selenium stops me from continuing.

“N, yes……”

“Instead……look, Irina-sama, you see that place over there?”

“Nchu……n, thats right……”

Irina stood up, wiping the cum from her cheeks with her hand.

“Well, let’s wrap things up for now and get moving”

“Where to? My place?”

“No. ……The other day at the hot springs in the forest”

Ah. I remember that place. I was going to let Bauz use it, but his partner went into the barrier prison……so the place is still floating around.

“If we stay at home, we’ll have customers. It would be better to have our orgies there from now on”

Christie nodded at Irina’s words. ……I think it’s a good idea to have unlimited sex for hours and on top of that, a hot spring. That might be nice.

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