Half elves fall in love chapter 584

Chapter 584: Welcome to Paradise 4

Once we broke up, we headed back home to regroup in the forest. ……If you think about it, we were coming back to Polka and going straight to the Baron’s mansion. I was greeted by Naris, Tetes and Beatrice, who were away from home.

“Oh, you’re back. Welcome back, 10-man captain Smithson”

“I thought you were living in an inn these days”

“No, I’m just wondering if it’s alright if I stay here if 10-man captain Smithson is going to vacate the room. And they don’t charge me for lodging”

“……Well, that’s fine”

Why not put the lodging fee into the Gauntlet Knights’ accounting instead of taking it out of their pocket? They’ve been officially appointed by Lord Buster and Polka is in the countryside, so lodging is pretty cheap anyway.

“Welcome back. How was 100-man commander Dianne?”

“Well, you can’t really say that……she was doing her best. I mean, being away from her for a bit doesn’t affect her at all”

“If anything, it would be better for her mental health to stay in the safety of Polka than to have Owner wander aimlessly on adventures”

Laila added. Tetes responds with an amiable smile, ah, I see.

“What’s changed……?”

Beatrice asks me shyly. In her hand she’s holding a tube of cloth that looks messy. ……In her other hand she’s holding something like a needle. Maybe she’s been sewing.

“It was different……or maybe it was different”

“How was it different! How did they all look like this!?”

“Don’t be absurd. The only thing that has changed is that I’ve told them to have dragons on patrol at all times so that they can be prepared for the absence of a hero and that the national government is now run by officials here, with High Priest Duke as the acting king at the center……. Things at the civic level are still a work in progress”

“I, I’m glad to hear that……but what if everything’s weird when I get back?”


“I mean, everything is so strange in this world……where do they keep so much food and there is such a surplus of cloth even though it is not a royal palace”

“I went to Oregano’s clothing store yesterday”

Tetes follows up. Oh, so that’s why she’s sewing.

“What are you sewing? I mean, Tetes, can you sew?”

“Well, I guess. Naris-chan is better at it”

“Huhuh. Don’t underestimate poor people”

Naris was unusually proud. ……Don’t be too proud of it.

“You know, I’m sewing. Stuffed animals……”

“Waa! Waaa!”

Suddenly Beatrice shouts and tries to give Tetes a hard hand, so Tetes calmly intercepts her by pointing the needle at her. The needle pierced her hand.


“Beatrice? If you are suddenly roughed up……I’m a knight in spite of what I look like, I’ll fight back in pain, won’t I?”

“Y, You……!”

“I know it’s embarrassing, but you shouldn’t think you can hide things from Master. At least here you’re the one with absolute power”

“No, it’s not like I want to know that much……ah, come on, Beatrice, just hold your hand. Let me see”

Beatrice suddenly attacked. I don’t think it’s right to be angry with Tetes, so I put it off for now and treated Beatrice’s hand.

“It’s going to hurt. Laila, can’t you do some kind of sensory hallucination?”

“Ho. That’s very kind of you”

“I don’t care. I mean, what’s your problem with Beatrice?”

“Something like this will heal if you soak it in the miraculous spring, so I’m saying you’re being lenient with treating it every time. It’s nothing compared to a sword wound”

“But don’t leave her in pain. ……But Laila is right. You should go to a hot spring or a fountainhead as soon as possible. You’ll be fine in no time”

“Th, That’s right……your weird kindness is suspicious and I don’t like it!”

Beatrice grabs my hand and hugs me to her chest.


“But isn’t this how Master is usually?”

“Well, he’s a bit pathetic and overly erotic, but he’s kind, yeah”

“Oh, dear. What a stray cat!”

Tetes, Naris and Laila commented on Beatrice’s impressions.

“Anyway, I don’t want to interrupt Beatrice’s work. So take your time. ……And Tetes and Naris. I’ll let you know where I am, but I’m going to the hot springs in the forest with Irina and the others”

“The hot springs in the forest?”

“What’s that? Isn’t it the one in the silver clan territory?”

I don’t remember the two of them having anything to do with it.

“……If you’re going there, take me with you. I’ve been there many times……I don’t want the women of the city to see my wounds like this”

Beatrice knows because I’ve taken her there a few times for treatment. And I don’t think it’s particularly embarrassing for her to be seen bathing by me.

“If you want, you two can come too. It’s a hot spring, so of course you have to undress”

Not just take our clothes off……I said, implying. Hearing this, Tetes smiled and nodded as if to say, 「I’d be happy to go」, while Naris, in contrast, glanced at Beatrice with a peculiar look on her face.

“……Are you taking this girl, 10-man captain Smithson?”

“What’s wrong with you?”

Beatrice says with a miffed look. Naris tilts her head and says, 「Yeah? Why am I complaining? I mean, she’s not a slave, is she?」 making such a face. It’s a very difficult situation to explain, so I’m going to let her keep her doubts. Yes.

“Let’s go. ……I’m going to change my clothes before that. It’s after the trip, after all”

If I’m going to go to the hot springs, it would be a shame to ruin it by wearing stinky clothes after I get out.

“Do you need any help?”

“No, thanks. If you want to do something dirty, I’ll do it in the hot springs”


“It makes me sad to see Tetes-chan becoming a total bimbo slave”

“Ho. Then you can stay”

“……You know, eroticism is not always in full swing. I think it’s good to have a ride once in a while, not at full throttle all the time”


It’s kind of cute how Naris complains but refuses to leave.

The hot spring in the forest is steadily starting to be equipped with bathing facilities.

“The bathtub is bigger than it was at the beginning, isn’t it?”

“It was hard to get the water to drain. It was the blue dragons who did the work”

We had to dig a proper water channel and let the spring water flow out to the nearby river. The ground around the site was flooded in the beginning because they had not done so and the water from the spring was growing well, resulting in a dense, green smell. The stone bathtub is now much larger than before. In terms of size, it is not so large as a large public bath……but it is large enough to be called a public bathhouse. It is not so large that at least ten people or so can stretch out their arms and legs and soak in it, but it is not so large that they would bump into each other. The amount of hot water is plentiful enough to cover the entire bathtub area.

“In fact, it’s so large that it seems like it would be a pain to clean”

“As for the bathtub stains, there is a magic to remove them without having to go to the trouble of manual labor”

“Hee……that’s Christie”

“No, it’s not my original spelling, but it was handed down in the silver clan”

Christie, Irina, Oregano and the other four girls and Jeanne had already come and were bathing. And Neia, too.

“Was this built recently? It’s made of stone, like some old ruin”

“Isn’t it because the steam would rot them if they were made of wood?”

Naris and Tetes were curious about the large wall near the bathtub and the stone shelves built into it. They were built as a changing area and as a blindfold for those coming straight from outside the forest, but all the stones had a beautiful surface as if they had been carefully sanded.

“Were these also blue dragon’s work?”

“I asked them to roughly cut the stones and put them together, but I did the final surface finishing”

“……All this flooring and walls?”

“Yeah. If you do it nicely, everyone will be happy”

“That’s great, Jeanne”

“It’s only one wall. We’ll make it a big house in the future. Andy and all the female slaves will have a place to fuck, drink and stay”

Jeanne’s ambitions were great.

“Ho. That’s it, take it off. You won’t be a wallflower forever”

“Hyaa, stop it, please, I’ll take it off, I’ll take it off!”

“We’re all completely naked, so it doesn’t matter if you’re a little breasted Naris-chan”

“Shut up! How many times have I told you that’s normal for an elf!”

“I’ll go first”

Naris, who was subtly concerned about me and was reluctant to undress, Laila, who was so naturally naked that I didn’t know when she had already done so, Tetes, who was following me and undressing cutely and Beatrice, who was quickly and clerically undressing and heading for the bathtub without any hesitation.

“There’s at least ten of us here”

“Shall we gather everyone?”

“It’s a bit too small for everyone. We can fit in though”

Well, Selenium, Apple and Emma are not here.

“Where’s Selenium and Emma?

“I’ve left the kids with Selenium and the others. We have to breastfeed them, so we’ll take turns watching them at times like this”

“I see. I’m sure that’s possible……but are dwarves and half-elves’ tits safe for each other?”

“Hilda said it’s not poisonous”

Well, that’s true.

“Peter doesn’t care whose tits are on the floor, does he?”

Irina said in a low voice. Yes, I guess so. Though I don’t think there’s much chance that Irina will be chosen to suckle on her tits when there are so many other women with nice tits.

“Where’s Emma?”

“She stayed behind. She insisted that it wasn’t a good idea for all the dragons to leave the children unguarded”

“……I guess she’s still a little hip to sex”

I take off my clothes and think a little about what to do with Emma as I hug Tetes’ waist……next to me, or rather pat and rub her ass and put my feet in the hot springs. Even from here, if I call a little louder, I can probably reach her. ……But I think I’ll stop. I’ve already declared that she’ll become my dragon, so I won’t rush into anything erotic.

“Nnn……Master, your touch is really naughty

“You want a less sexual touch?”

“You can play with my hole and other parts of my body more sexually”

Tetes clung to me tightly and surrendered herself to me with a face of ecstasy. And the elves looked at me enviously. And Beatrice is a little grumpy. I don’t need Emma to be here, I’m not lacking in any way.

“So, let’s continue where we left off”

“Me too……”

Irina and Laurier come swimming in the bathtub, splashing about and bring their lips to my dick, which is already erect from the touch of Tetes’ ass and the naked bodies of everyone. Beatrice looks on with a strange look on her face.

“……What are you guys doing?”

“Well, don’t worry about it”

I have no intention of making Beatrice my female slave at the moment. But it’s just enough to get her to become a source of irritation as a spectator.

“We have this kind of agreement with Smithson-san”

Neia moves next to Beatrice and smiles a little bewitchingly.


“We’re going to have a baby. We’re all going to have……his”


Beatrice sounded a bit dumb.

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