Half elves fall in love chapter 586

Chapter 586: Welcome to Paradise 6 [Christie, Naris]

“Cum……Cum, Christie, get pregnant……!”

“Ha, aa, ann, kuro, kichya, a, aaa……nhaaaaaaaaa♪”

The ejaculation was plentiful in Christie’s vagina. With the restorative effects of the miraculous spring, I don’t have to think about the aftermath. When I am exhausted, I can slowly sink into the hot water and rest. And during intercourse, I can listen to the Polka and forest gossip that they tell as if they were coming back to life, as if the atmosphere is engulfing them and quieting them down.

“Huu……. I’m going to take a break……”

“You’re a little less energetic than you were before the Kalwin fiasco, aren’t you?”

“I’m not so sure”

I shrugged my shoulders at Irina and took a breather. After fucking Christie from behind, I pulled out my cock and beckoned Maia to suck it right away. Then, when I was mostly clean, I sat down in the water and took a rest.

“I think it’s rather natural that his physical strength should be elevated”

“Master seems to have a separate account for sex and normal physical strength. To be honest, if he’s this good, it’s not surprising that he’s at the Red Arm level in his everyday abilities”

I’ve seen and heard about the nightlife on the men’s side and it seems that it’s hard to find a normal person, let alone a well-heeled cat beast man, who can get laid with the same vigor as I can. I mean, even ace knights and master knights are not always intense in bed. In that sense, they may all be on separate accounts. ……I guess it’s not so easy to be extremely strong only in bed.

“Now. I guess Tetes and Naris are next”

“Naris-chan is being pretentious, so maybe we can put her off until later? Beatrice, let’s do it”

“Hey……why are you making the decision?”

“Eh, n, no”

Naris and Beatrice exclaimed in surprise and confusion at the same time.

“Beatrice is not a female slave……”

“But you did have sex with her, didn’t you?”

“Yeah, but……it was necessary”

Beatrice’s left hand has healed so beautifully that it’s hard to believe it was once cut off. As if remembering this, Beatrice opens and closes her left hand in the hot water.

“It’s not like we’re the kind of people who would have sex without that special need. ……Though, her naked body is a feast for the eyes”


The first time Beatrice noticed this, she hugged herself.

“Wh……Wh, What are you talking about!?”

“Ho. With all these women around, it’s no big deal if this girl’s petite body is too much for her to care about

The fact that Laila, who boasts of her tall, big-breasted and perfectly proportioned body, says things like that, no one can argue with her.

But I dare to deny it.

“Laila, you know what I mean. Big tits have their advantages, small tits have their advantages. It doesn’t mean that if you have the top, you don’t need the bottom”

“But then again, she’s not so much big as small, she’s poor, isn’t she?”

“She eats good food and her bad parts are getting better with the miraculous spring and she’s getting more and more beautiful”

“Not yet. With this Polka, a girl of the town would be much more manly than she is now”


Beatrice blushed but said nothing. She didn’t know what to do with her face, having been praised by me and criticized by Laila. Neia, who was standing next to her, patted her on the head as if to comfort her.

“Don’t be discouraged, you’re still growing……and you’re just getting started”

“Wh, What?”

“……You’re jealous, aren’t you?”

“Ugh, jealous!? Of course not……ah, being violated by such a man, with such a sloppy, pleasurable face……”

“……They all have beautiful bodies, don’t they?”


“When I first came here, I was covered in scars and it was not a pretty sight to see among the elves and dragons……”

Beatrice was half-sunken and had a terrible look on her face. She must have been embarrassed by her subtle misunderstanding. The only one who was grinning and worried about it was Tetes……no, if you look closely, Savory was grinning too. 

“So in the end, you want to hold me? Or not?”

Christie, who has finally recovered from the afterglow, whispers to me as she leans in close to me.

“I don’t feel the need to have sex at the moment, but I do love to see girls naked”

“Damn……you’re such a prick”

Beatrice glares at me while trying to hide in Neia’s shadow. Well, Neia, who is being used as a shield, has nice breasts and doesn’t hide them, so it’s still a feast for the eyes.

“If se were a real prick, he wouldn’t praise you, he’d just shut up and fuck you and then humiliate you”

“Stop imagining such depressing things, Tetes-chan……”

I think Tetes is right, which is a bit disconcerting. Well, that’s it, I’ll choose my next partner.

“Well, let’s see. Naris, come here”

“……Haa……well, that’s okay”


I asked Naris, who sighed oddly and she glanced at Beatrice out of the corner of her eye.

“If it was just the two of us or if there were only female slaves, then I’d be happy to have sex with you……but this is a private space and considering how Beatrice came along, I guess there’s no point in complaining. Well, even if you want to be shy, I’m already naked”

“It’s hard to get momentum going when you see that expression of slight resignation……”

“What the hell are you talking about when you let someone straddle you?”

Naris was already pressed against me in a face-to-face cowgirl position. She was trying to find the right position to insert my penis with her hips.

“Naris-chan is first……”

“What are you unhappy about? It’s fine!”

“Eh, don’t you feel like I go first in terms of sensation?”

“There’s no way I’m going to agree if you say sensation for no reason!”

Naris continues her comic dialogue with Tetes while my glans is stroking the area between the anus and the labia and I really think she is not a heroine of the story.

“Shut up now. I’m going to put it in


I hold my dick in place with my hand and push Naris’s hips down. Naris obediently follows my orders with her arms on my shoulders. As the air in her vagina is pushed out, her labia and vaginal folds stroke and bite into my glans. No matter how much she talks, her vagina still feels good.

“By the way, Naris”

“Wh……Wh, att……”

“Are you trying to get pregnant?”

“Wh……Wh, What the fuck are you asking me all of a sudden……!?”

“Get pregnant♪”

“Wait, wh, stop, stop, you’re trying to undo the spell with that hand, stop it, you idiot! Your dick’s in there!”

Tetes’ hands wiggle around Naris’s waist. I don’t know if this is a joke or not.

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