Half elves fall in love chapter 587

Chapter 587: Welcome to Paradise 7 [Naris Tetes]

The eyes see the dark green of coniferous trees, the blue of the sky and the white of the clouds. The smell of the steam and the green grass and trees. The pleasant heat of the hot spring water as it trickles over the skin of your entire body. And what pleases the ears?

“Hau, n, a, nnn……ku, huuu……♪”

The hot springs are a great place to relax and enjoy the warmth of the hot springs and the soothing heat of the hot springs. It’s funny how Naris says things like she’s keeping her distance with her mouth, but when it comes time to do this, she holds on to me more tightly than anyone else and tries to have hot sex with me. Even though she is willing to let other people watch her having sex, she is embarrassed to make a charming noise and just moans quietly, as if she is trying to stifle her own voice. It’s not that she’s ashamed to make a sound, but it’s just a small gasp.

“It’s been a long time……since I’ve had sex with you, too…….”

“Not really……well……huuh……n, huu……♪”

“Actually……like Tetes and the others, don’t you want to do it every day……?”

“Don’t be silly……and don’t think that all women are uterine brains who are always losing to your dick……!”

“Considering that, you’re pretty enthusiastic……”

“If we’re going to do it……n, nhuuu……it, it can’t be helped if we have sex that doesn’t feel good……right……?”

“Don’t act like you had no choice but to have sex. You came here yourself”

“That’s true, but……come on, don’t be mean after you stick your dick in me”

“Naris-chan, you’re the sadist when you have Master´s dick inside you?”

“I know, but!”

You know what I mean? No, that’s what bothers me when you answer so quickly and say something like, 「I’m only a prick when it comes to sex」.

“Then……how often do you want to have sex, in your opinion?”

“A, Anyway, 10-man captain Smithson……will soon start some weird adventure and the plan will be forgotten……!”

“I’ve decided to focus on sex from now on……in case you were wondering”

Well, I have to go through the formalities of retirement and I have my duties as a dragon rider. I don’t think it’s going to be easy to live a life where I can actually have sex all day long like the female slaves want. Naris was worrying for a little while, though, with her chin resting against my shoulder and her hips swinging somewhat slowly.

“……Only once every three days or so……? Oh, if you’re a big dawdler and it’s once every two days”

“……Eh. Why are you giving up and increasing the frequency?”

Tetes tutted at Naris’s surprisingly greedy request.

“I, I don’t like it when it happens so often!”

“Don’t worry, with the current master, his dick doesn’t even have time to dry off. I don’t think he’d call Naris-chan over and have sex with her”


“Don’t be so sure, Tetes. I like it when I fuck Naris’s pussy”

“Don’t act like you like it in some weird way!”

“……So should I just say that cumming in Naris’ pussy is boring?”

“That’s a nasty choice!”

Only Naris would argue like this while putting my dick in and shaking her hips.

“……I, I know, but……I don’t have big boobs like Knight Chief Sharon’s……Irina-san seems to enjoy it more, so there’s no point in doing it with me so often……!”

“You idiot”

I whispered into Naris’s ear.

“If I had been satisfied with just one top-notch woman, I wouldn’t have made so many slaves”

“……Y, You bastard……”

“If that’s what you want, I’ll do it a lot. Even every day”

“I, I said once every two days……nuuu♪”

I hugged and kissed Naris, bridging my hips up and down in waves. Naris takes it and slides off her feet, which had been biting the ground and is now at my mercy.

“Ho. You’ve told every female slave that you would fuck her every day, but you haven’t been able to do it”

“That’s right, isn’t it?”

“I’m not saying don’t lie to me, but I wish you’d try”

I hear Laila, Tetes and Irina booing, but I ignore them. I mean, I’m trying. Right now. Then, while intertwining with Naris to melt into each other, I shake my hips and……thrusts my cock deep inside of her and ejaculate.

“N, Nnnn……n, hunnn……♪”

“KKu……ha, aaa……Naris……”

“Hua, aa……hoo……please don’t attack me every day, okay?”

“I know. Once every two days”


Naris blushes and looks away.

“That basically makes her a female slave, doesn’t it?”

“No, that’s not true!”

“That’s a hard thing to judge

“Even the average female slave doesn’t get to have sex every day”

Savory and Oregano joined in on Naris teasing. I look up at the sky with the lingering effects of my ejaculation and breathe heavily.

Then I get out of the hot spring (I was almost passed out) and fuck Tetes in the ass.

“Huaa, a, aaaa, gu, auu♪”


Tetes screams charmingly. The girl’s voice is loud as if to say that she is enjoying the cock, sticking her ass out at a good angle for Beatrice to see. Beatrice is half overwhelmed and can’t take her eyes off it.

“Ah……you do that……with your ass……?”

“Ho. Well, it’s a little more advanced than that”

“The other two are Anzeros and Selenium. And Hilda”

The two dragons answered Beatrice’s question and Beatrice glanced at her lower abdomen to compare it with Tetes’ charming appearance.

“……It’s weird outside after all……”

“Well……I don’t think it’s a matter of outside or inside”

Neia laughs awkwardly at Beatrice’s muttering.

“……Would you do that sort of thing……if asked?”


“……Quick answer……”

“Ah, no, I’m……emm, butt that’s more morally correct”

As I listened to Neia reveal her strange sexual history, I enjoyed Tetes’s asshole to the fullest and she enjoyed my cock in her ass……and I spewed semen into her intestines.


“O, Oo……kku, Tetes, you’re too tight…….”

“I, I’m just……Master’s ass digging, it’s too nice……♪”

Tetes looks ecstatic as she crawls over to the nicely polished rocks. Her asshole, where my cock had been pulled out, was still flapping open, exposing her slick innards to the open air. I get aroused again at the sight of that hole and start the second round by plunging my cock in again.

“Haaaaa……a, again……♪”

“Once more”

“I, I want you to fuck me in the front too……♪”

“I’ll get to that later”

I can fuck who I want, how I want, how many times I want. It is also the master’s privilege of the female slaves.

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