Half elves fall in love chapter 588

Chapter 588: This cup is a memory

By the time I had enjoyed ourselves with everyone, it was already evening. Beatrice, who didn’t leave the place even though she looked uncomfortable until the end, had of course completely healed the puncture wound on her hand.

“We can’t stay long unless we learn to cook our own meals here”

“Umm. The hot springs are warm, but you can’t just sleep in the bathtub……”

“We need to make sure the toilets and other facilities are well-maintained. We need to build it as if we were going to build an inn in the future”

Jeanne, Irina and Christie are discussing this while looking back at the 「Wall」. It seems that they are going to complete it in earnest as a recreational facility exclusively for me……no, one of the orgy places so that it is not crippled. I’m looking forward to that, but I have quite a few 「Such」 places, including my home and the cat beast colony. I’m sure it will be like that in the Renfangas fortress from now on.

“It’s all very well for everyone to be erotic, but if I keep building erotic bases all over the place, I have a feeling someone is going to get mad at me soon”

“Hoho. Isn’t it modest for a dragon rider’s territory?”

“I wonder if it is……?”

“All the places where you can do as you please combined would not amount to half of Polka at best. The dragon rider has the power to raise a nation. I don’t think it’s too flashy for a king’s ego”

“I think such a thing is the privilege of the real heroes……I’m sure there are many dragon riders who do it quietly, too”

“That’s true, but no one thinks you’re a small fry who has to hide and keep an eye on the world anymore. That’s not true. The power to save people and move nations will eventually be called a true hero. ……The fact that he has that kind of influence and yet has no plans is rather eerie, I think”

“Ah……well, I was once tangled up with the former king, wasn’t I?”

“Umm. It’s better to be doing something stupid than nothing at all, so that the viewer can relax”

“Yes……that makes sense”

“Well, whatever it is, don’t worry about it. No one will be unhappy because of it anyway”


It would be too much of a cliché to make someone put up with a big loss and then go to…….

“Oh dear. I’m not sure I’ll ever get rid of my lowly mindset. In the first place, haven’t you forgotten? There are many female slaves who have the power to adjust their behavior if things get a little out of hand. Don’t deny those who think it is much better to enjoy their time with you, whether by paying for it or by dictating to you, than to put up with it in secret. It’s love, too”


That’s what I’ve been told. I’m not going to deny those who think it’s much better to spend their time enjoying themselves and not worry about it. Does it also mean that I am disrespecting that consideration?

“It, It is not arrogant to be arrogant. It’s just a matter of being different”


As Laila strokes my head as if I were her little brother, I put on my clothes.

Dinner is at a tavern. Anzeros and Aurora were actually going to make dinner at home, but it was obvious that they didn’t have enough preparations because it was so sudden, so I convinced them at the tavern that they would do it for today.

“Cute-chan beer! And a sausage set!”


Naris raised her hand to order as soon as she entered the tavern and Cute was still responding with nyaa and the like. And in the back of the restaurant, Hilda, Sharon and Almeida were drinking.

“Oh, Andy-kun”

“Welcome back”

“Selenium told me you were back”

Three women, beautiful elves and a dark elf, were seated. The old men of the town (especially Sharon’s boobs in bikini armor) are looking at them with enthusiasm. I mean, even though it’s about to be summer, it’s a little too cool for them in their bikinis. Sharon is my favorite.

“I’m home. ……I went to play in the hot springs in the forest for a bit”

“Ah, that place”

“I would have come if you’d asked me to”

“I’ve been playing……umm, I played at the hot spring……so”

Almeida is subtly late in chewing out the meaning and blushing all by herself. 

I heard that you took the people from the Baron’s mansion and Tetes and the others with you”

“They left us alone. I am so jealous of you”

Anzeros and Aurora looked a little disgruntled. 

“Ah, isn’t that a pretty good wine, Knight Chief? I like it”

“I heard that it recently arrived from Trot´s royal capital. The merchants have been coming and going recently, thanks to the efforts of Anzeros’s mother, so there is a lot of good wine”

“Can I have a cup of alcohol too?”

“Not until you empty your own cup”

“Naris, let’s drink it all in one gulp!”

Naris suddenly stood up and began to drink from a ceramic mug of beer. The old men around her quickly clapped their hands together to get the crowd going. It was a great combination.

“Puhaaa! Come on, Knight Chief! Come on, come on, come on!”

“No need to rush, the liquor won’t run away”

“But Laila’s here, isn’t she? She’s a heavy drinker!”

“……Don’t put me in the same category as a snake

Laila is Laila and she drinks her own alcohol straight out of the jar. She’s bringing her own and it’s not from the tavern, but she hasn’t been caught or scolded……well, maybe it’s because this is a country tavern and because it’s Laila.

“Savory-san. Bring me a sausage set too

“……Right, Neia. Let me bring something”

“You should also practice your Northwestern language. Because from now on, this is also the land where you will be deeply involved with Kalwin”

Neia and Beatrice are also whispering to each other. It is smiling. Then the door opens and Luna, Marone and Miril also appear through the entrance.



“Welcome home!”

The appearance of the three cat beasts makes the tavern even more colorful. The girls have already occupied several tables, except for Irina and Christie, who have returned to the baron’s mansion and Jeanne, who is following me.

“When Andy comes home, this scruffy mess suddenly becomes more feminine”

A red-faced old man chills out. Hearing this, Hilda retorts.

“Oh dear, you’re acting all scruffy even though I come here every night

“No, no, no. Hilda is certainly beautiful, but she’s a grown-up, you know? She’s beautiful, but she’s not like the other girls”

“I’m still young, even though I look like this☆”

“Anyway, when Andy comes, all the girls rush in and I feel, what do you call it? I feel young again”

“I know, I know”

“The atmosphere changes when there’s a lot of girls around”

The old men nodded to each other, smiling and laughing.

“They’re all mine and if you touch them, Laila won’t like it”

“I know!”

“Good grief, you’re doing a good job of that, aren’t you? You’re Peter’s son”

“Yeah, yeah. He would fall for any sexy girl right away, but Marie would kick him out”

He smiled and looked a little nostalgic.

“How many years has it been since then? He died over something so stupid”

“And of all people, this Polka. ……If he was still alive, he could have had a drink with his son here instead of us”

“I wonder what kind of face he would have when he welcomed his son, a spoiled perverted son like this”

A little bit saddened, the old men raised their cups as if in unison. It seemed as if they were silently dedicating the glass to my late father.

“……What are you talking about, huh?”

Beatrice muttered as she looked at the old men, whose air had suddenly turned somber. I took a small breath after a glass of Sharon’s wine and then.

“……That’s my dad’s story. ……He was good-natured, sloppy, gullible and dirty, ……a lot of people liked him”

“You mean your……old……father”

“Yes. ……I only got to spend time with him when I was a kid. I wish……I could have had a drink with him”

“What was he like……?”


I laugh, feeling a little like crying.

“This is going to be a bit long though”

I then began to tell Beatrice, Neia and the other female slaves about my father’s memories.

Sometimes a night like this is good.

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