Half elves fall in love chapter 593

Chapter 593: The small world of shopfronts

I actually don’t know much about the personalities of the cat beasts, including Cute, other than their appearance. I only know that Cute is as bright and young as she looks, while Marone and Miril are calm but also too humble and a bit sneaky. I don’t have to have a particularly deep relationship with them to know that after a few minutes of talking to them. They were once at a disadvantage where they had to give up half their lives and were so thrilled to have it lifted that they chose to become my female slaves, not a female slave contract that was the result of a slowly deepening relationship. In that sense, I had no choice, but now that I’ve stopped flying around on military duty, it’s only now that I’ve been able to face these girls……which, when I think about it, might be a bit terrible, I think. I’m taking on a person’s life, but months have passed without me getting to know their likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, past and dreams…….that’s pretty dishonest, isn’t it?


“Hey, Cute. Are you ready for work?”

“Savory will prepare for the night shift. In return, when Savory is invited, I’ll do it alone”

“Ah……I see”

They don’t get in each other’s way. They support each other when it comes to someone else’s sex opportunities. It was the result of a strange cooperation between those female slaves. I was hugging Cute’s shoulder and thinking about where to hide……to prank Cute and I suddenly thought that I could try to do 「Other」 things. Surely even Cute is expecting sex, so there would be no problem if I went on having sex in the shadows or in the cat beast house without hesitation. Cute has to go back to the tavern during night work and there isn’t much time. But all that sex is not enough to deepen my understanding of Cute. Satisfying sexual desires and procreating is very meaningful, but it would be a waste to continue a relationship that is only about the bottom half of the body, without understanding their personalities. It is only when I see the many sides of a girl that I can be moved to do what I want with that most embarrassing and important part of her. ……Well, in short, it’s just nice to change my mood on a date.

“Cute, since we’re here, let’s have a snack. Do you like Lyndon’s steamed buns?”

“Nya. I like it”

“Good. Then, let’s go eat”

I gently stroke Cute’s sandy-coloured head, hug her and turn our feet towards Lyndon. There’s a height difference between us, so it feels more like a parent-child relationship than a date. Cute’s innocent joy adds to that feeling. I wonder if one day Elenia, who was born of Selenium, will also spoil me like this. I wonder if I can become a father who is adored like this, I think as I walk very slowly.

The benches in front of the steamed bun shop were littered with foxes.

“Don’t see you often, Smithson”

“……How many napping places do you keep?”

“Not that many. I’ve got seven or so places to choose from, depending on my mood and the weather”

“No, there’s too many!”

“I feel bad about napping here if I don’t buy some buns. If I want to dry my tail after going to the hot springs, it’s better to be on the outskirts of town than walking around dripping wet. There are days when the direct sunlight feels nice and days when it’s too hot and there are different good places in the morning and evening, so it’s pretty much that way”

That’s what he says, but first of all, people don’t usually take naps in the city. ……As we were talking, Keel, who it felt like it’d been a while since he’d last done it, popped his head out of the shop. It seems that today is the town gatekeeper’s day off and he’s on duty at the store.

“Oh, Andy. Are you bringing Cute-chan with you?”

“Yeah. Give me four plain ones”

“Is four enough?”

“I’ll eat two each……what, are they smaller than before?”

I wonder if it’s normal to eat more and then I spot Neia and Beatrice in the shop. They are both holding a dozen or more.


“……Ah, emm, Smithson-san. Hello”

“Hey, isn’t that a bit too much? Doesn’t that guy seem a bit annoyed?”

“B, But, you know, once you start eating, you’ll run out of these. These pastries are really good”

“Even so……think about it calmly, Neia. In total, isn’t this about the size of two of your heads? What would happen if you put it on a plate?”

“I’d really eat it. Anyway, that’s fine. If you can’t finish it and there’s too much left over, I’ll take it”

……Yes. In this respect, it is Neia, not Beatrice, who has no sense of common sense or restraint.

“Hey Keel. Are you annoyed by the stock?”

“I was a bit surprised at first, but recently I’ve been calculating the amount Neia buys, so it’s not that bad. Well, the Celesta crossbow troops ate a lot too, so that’s what professional manual laborers are like, right?”

“……Yeah, that’s probably true”

Well, it’s not just Neia that’s out of the ordinary. If the ogres Goto or Boyd were to eat until they were satisfied, they would probably eat this much. But Neia, she doesn’t have a chance to go on a rampage that would consume so much nutrition right now…….

“Is it okay to be this extravagant? Eating as much as you want just because it’s delicious is a luxury that the people of Kalwin might only do once a year”

“We warriors never know what we will be fighting at any given moment. It’s better to eat good food to gain strength”

“I don’t know if that’s how it works……”

Beatrice and Neia’s exchange is in Kalwin language, so Keel will not understand what they are saying. They may just appear to be smiling and discussing taste. It’s a bit of a nasty gluttonous justification argument.

“Master, what are those people yelling about?”

“……Cute will understand if she studies. Polka will probably have more customers who speak that language soon, so you should think about learning from someone”


……I’m sure Jackie’s wife said that the miraculous spring won’t stop you from getting fat. For Neia’s sake, I need to think about going on adventures from time to time. If she stays here forever without going out, a tragedy will happen…….

“Here you go, pick up your order, Andy”

“Hey, Keel, don’t throw food at me!”

Keel threw a package of steamed buns, which was caught by a bouncing Cute. Keel whistled, but was scolded by his mother’s fist that reached out from behind him. Yeah. That’s not for sale.

“Can I eat it?”

“Sure. Give me one too”

Cute opens the package and immediately takes a bite. The sweet buns are very powerful for girls after all. She chews with a look of bliss. ……I didn’t even know that Cute was so happy to eat things. Suddenly I think that I want to see Cute and the other female slaves happy faces more. Of course they all want sex and children, but I want them to be happy with more things. Only when I know all kinds of smiles can I feel happy too, that I’m making love to such attractive girls. I feel like that.

“……Th, This is……certainly, a little……two or three might not be enough”

“You’re right

Beatrice saw Cute and me eating and decided to have a mouthful herself, but instead of a smile, she looked as if she was shivering. Instead of the joy of sweetness showing on her face, it seemed to be at the level of a taste she had not experienced in the first place. The reactions would be different.

“Uncle, give me some steamed buns!”

“Me too!”

As if to weave in and out of our feet, the children of the town also come to buy steamed buns. It was about time for the children’s class at the church temple to leave.

“Hey, you guys. I’m not old enough to be called an uncle yet, right? Say it again”



“No! It’s 『Big brother』! I mean, you, why are you calling me that? It’s not right!”

Keel was also teased by the children. However, it could be said that this is the kind of distance that only comes from the countryside, where everyone has known each other since they were babies.

“Hey, hey, fox brother, can I touch your tail?”

“Nn. Okay, but don’t pluck my hair”

Keron, who was taking a lazy nap, was also being teased by the children.

Peace. I felt that the happiness expressed by those two words was here…….

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