Half elves fall in love chapter 600

Chapter 600: Arrival in Basson

The first place we fly to is Basson. It’s a bit tricky to say which is closer to Rennesto, where we should take Tetes and the others, but we have to drop Boyd off first. Or maybe we should scatter where the dragons are going after we get to Basson for now. It’s not like they all need to go to Rennesto, or the cat beasts colony, or towns like Talc or Sitar. Especially the narcotics patients and Bauz, there should be little reason to go there.

“I don’t know what we should do……maybe we should split up the squads at Talc and split them up into two groups, one going towards Rennesto and the other towards Sitar and Lapal”

“What are you babbling about?”

Anzeros peers at me from the side. Her hair is much shorter than before, but thanks to that, she can now wear it in a cute hairstyle, now in a neat side ponytail.

“No, given the route, we’re going to have to make a lot of stops for the drug patients and Bauz before we get to our final destination, Lapal, aren’t we? I’d only planned to go around the south……where there was more to do, so I hadn’t really thought it through”

“Ah……well, I always left that kind of travel planning to Dianne”

“She always said it as if it was just a passing thought, but I imagine she was always thinking ahead”

“That’s just because Andy doesn’t think too much……?”

“Eh, is that so?”

“When you’re a 100-man commander, you’re running a group, so it’s essential to make arrangements for food and communication. It is not enough to have plans for the day after tomorrow. At the very least, you have to think about how far you’re going to go, how many people you’re going to move and who you’re going to rely on when you get there……”

“Well……you’re right”

“Maybe Andy’s lucky he wasn’t suddenly made a 100-man commander. The good thing about Andy is that he doesn’t think ahead, he just does what he thinks is right”

“Is that a compliment……?”

“People who hesitate when they have the best in front of them are usually the ones who have a stack of incalculable cases. Andy has to be someone who can ignore all that and just take it in hand”


I feel like I’m being told in a roundabout way that I’m a dickhead.

“It’s okay for you to be a dickhead”

……Irina told me directly, not in a roundabout way.

“There are plenty of people who can do that kind of detailed work. Let others do what they can do. It is an important role of the chief to hand over the work”

“So, then……what would Irina do afterwards?”

“Nothing. There is no place for dragons in the city we are about to visit. Take everyone with you and have a sightseeing trip at best. It’s a journey that would take dozens of days without dragon wings anyway and no one would complain about a sightseeing detour”

“I doubt it”

“The women drug addicts don’t have to return to Lapal at all costs. If they find a place where they feel comfortable, they can talk to the local people about a place to live or a job. You can find a place anywhere”

“Well, that’s……true, but”

Irina is very flexible or easy-going. Or maybe I’m just being low-minded? I think I’m the type to think of pretty crazy things, but my imagination isn’t really useful in these situations.

“I don’t think I’m bound by common sense, but it’s frustrating that I can’t think of anything like that”

“It’s not a matter of common sense or nonsense. You’re just too idealistic”

“Compromise is a fine art of thinking”

“Compromise……I see”

Instead of making fundamental changes, try compromising a little on the main points and see if that doesn’t work. It’s true that I’m a bit lacking in this way of thinking. Maybe it’s a necessary way of thinking.

“So are we all coming to Renfangas after all? As expected, wouldn’t four dragons draw even Grand Knight Chief Buster?”

Naris blurted out as she propped her elbows against the wall. But Tetes quickly denied it.

“In case you’re wondering, everyone’s face is through, including Bauz’s. ……Oh, wasn’t that Emma?”

“It wouldn’t be much of a problem. You know that a lot of silver dragons fell on Andy and it’s hard to tell one individual from another. They should be compared to other dragons and judged as 『One of Andy’s dragons』”

“I think Almeida is right”

“Well, even if we give in and say that, if four of them come, that would mean the end of Renfangus. Won’t it become a national emergency just by getting close?”

‘Eh. But I don’t understand the logic behind why it’s okay if there are two, but not if there are four”


“Either way, if Master is in charge, I think we have no choice but to trust him, my brother too”

“Let’s see if we can’t go to war. Well, we can fight dragons, our Grand Knight Chief, for a start. I think the balance has always been maintained thanks to the good negotiator 100-man commander Dianne”

“They have no way to fly, so I don’t think they can really compete without being prepared”

“If we attacked them maturely with breath, Rennesto would be destroyed. ……I don’t think they’d overreact by committing the folly of that provocation”

“Now that you mention it, I knew it wasn’t terrible, this force!”

Naris fusses. Well, I have a sneaking suspicion of that too, but I want to believe that as long as Dianne is mediating well, it will be fine.

“If 10-man captain Smithson wasn’t so bad, they could have conquered Celesta and Trot. ……It’s still strange that we would sneak into the capital with that kind of force”

“Why don’t you just give up? I’m being picked up and dropped off by that dragon”

“It’s not like I wanted a lift that badly……I could have stuck it out a bit longer……”

“It’s a pain in the ass. I just need to get my affairs in order and then go back to Polka in another month”

“Well, Tetes-chan, you might be able to retire from the army, but I still have to work diligently. If it’s no longer my job to wait around in Polka, I’ll have to spend my days killing monsters again”

“Naris-chan is rather brazen in declaring that she’s a wage thief, isn’t she?”

I still don’t understand Naris’s standards, which say that salary theft is okay but suspending repayment is not. Either way, Sharon is her creditor, so I think she can wait as long as she wants.

“I’ll be right back, please wait for me, Master♪”

Sharon whispers to me. Please don’t tear up the side of the paper by forcing me to sort out my personal affairs. I’m afraid of what will happen later.

I land all four of them on the playground of Basson’s squadron. And send Boyd out on the spot.

“Should I send you off to Basson city?”

“It’s fine. If I get in there, we might get found out and cause a commotion. I’ll run”

“I see. ……Well, good luck”


Boyd runs straight out of the barracks. Well, it’s more like a zudadadada. Even though he’s not particularly big for an ogre, his footsteps are still heavy. And after seeing him off, I greet Isaac who comes out of the barracks.

“Hello Smithson. Where’s 100-man commander Dianne?”

“She’s not here this time. We have to go round on our own now. I’m staying here for the night, if that’s alright?”

“Well, we’ve got room. I’ll have to get them to clean it”

“Oh and you haven’t done anything with the Masturbation Brothers’ room, have you?”

“What, their room’s a complete shambles?”

“They asked me to sort out their stuff. They told me to collect a few erotic scrolls and distribute the rest to everyone. Apparently there are 200 volumes”

“Smithson, who is listening to that, is, well……a little too friendly, or maybe a little too lenient……?”

“Yes, that’s fine”

I’m really curious about those 11 carefully selected volumes. ……Behind me, Beatrice, Fennel and the drug addicts are gazing curiously at the lush forests and grasslands of Basson. The vegetation is different from that around Polka. It will be a fresh sight for the elf Fennel and Beatrice will be surprised to find such lush greenery elsewhere. As for the drug addicts……if you like the climate around here, maybe I can help you find work in Basson.

“There’s a lot of unfamiliar women again. Are those all……yours?”

“No, not all of them. As expected”

Isaac, who raises his pinky finger at me, replies with a wry smile.

Thus began a moment of rest and relaxation in the old Basson.

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