Half elves fall in love chapter 602

Chapter 602: Obscene material and dragon girls

I carried the 11 volumes of erotic picture scrolls (putting it in a bag just in case) and took it to the girls’ barracks. The Mikagami sisters seem to have been raising their children in Basson since then and there are not many female members of the squad……or rather a few unknown female members who have enlisted in the squad for a bit. I’ve already moved out of my room, so I don’t have to obsess about staying in the men’s barracks and I’ve decided to mix it up with everyone staying in the women’s barracks.

“Now……when do I check this?”

In the meantime, I only checked the title. The latest nine volumes of the immortal masterpiece 「Elf Sweet Night」. Well, this is a well-known work at a level that every dirty guy who enjoys erotic picture scrolls has, so it’s not rare, but it’s still a masterpiece that I can understand why you can’t miss it. The 「Night Orchard」 has a slightly austere design, but is well-known for its expression of boobs through free composition. I bought this one too. Thank you very much for your help. The third volume of the 「Hyakuhatsu Monogatari」 series, which is renowned for its painstaking use of colouring to show sex between multiple people. It is also a famous work and so far there are six volumes, but the artist changed after the third volume, so there is a premium on the earlier ones. I only had the later works and couldn’t get hold of the earlier ones (by the way, the publication pace is usually one volume every two or three years, so the earlier works are about 10 years old and don’t turn up easily). The masturbation brothers did quite well to have somehow managed to get hold of the final work of the first semester.

A more famous series is the five-volume 「Until the Moon Whisperer Disappears」. A milestone in the beastmen theme, volume 5 in particular is legendary for the popularity of the heroine, the fox beast Pipi-chan. There are several other characters in this volume, but it is rumoured that there were quite a few gentlemen who became addicted to Pipi-chan and couldn’t use any other wanker for years. And the 「Slave Prestige」 series is specified in volumes 1 and 4. This is a gang-rape story in which various heroines are exhibited at a fair as the title suggests and are judged on their appearance, erotic techniques and even the condition of their vaginas, until a price is set and they are sold off. There are a variety of stories, from hardcore to gag punchlines and the series is more highly regarded for its stories than for its artwork. Also unheard of are 「Pink Sanatorium」, 「Exotic Sex’」, 「Vagina Versus」, 「Real-life Brothel Travels 2」 and 「Bakunyu Kyokai」. I like a lot of them too, but there’s quite a few I haven’t heard of. Erotic picture scrolls are mass printed, but the scale of printing varies, merchants don’t bring them in too openly, so the way they circulate is unique and they’re not advertised, so information is hard to come by. There’s also……where only those who care about a particular publisher can finally find out about their existence through a peddler’s ear. I feel that if a cross-sectional catalogue was published, that alone would sell.

“I think my favourites would be 『Pink Sanatorium』 and 『Real-life Brothel Travels』……for the time being”

I haven’t read the contents, but I like the atmosphere of the pictures. I’ve been interested in 「Hyakuhatsu Monogatari」 vol. 3 and 「Slave Prestige」 vol. 1 for a long time. I have the other volumes of the series, but the reputation of Volume XX, which was even better……was well-known in that line of work. I don’t mind so much if it’s just a vague reputation (with different tastes and gossip), but if it’s a series and there’s a comparison, my feelings are specifically fuelled by the question 「Is it even better than this?」. ……Even though it’s……, it’s a cheap month’s wage for a gentry troglodyte soldier. No matter how passionate I am about erotica, it’s not easy to be unrestrained. The cost of alcohol was also ridiculous. However, Lantz and Goto, who were originally Celestians and didn’t drink much and whose wages were less diminishing, were different. The fact that they owned it jointly means that they could simply spend twice as much on erotic picture scrolls, which explains this extensive collection. It was a gratifying story to be able to see it, even if it was too late.

“Now then…………how shall I look at it carefully?”

I was suddenly at a loss. Once in the girls’ barracks, there is no room where I can slowly unfold the scrolls alone. The girls won’t blame me, but it’s very awkward. Also, I can’t get out of the erotic picture scrolls. It would be like saying that I could ejaculate on the female slaves as much as I want, but that’s not what I mean. It’s not like that. Can someone understand that? I want to ejaculate while being absorbed in the other person in the world of the work. It is a little different to ejaculate while being excited by something else. It’s not a bad experience to ejaculate luxuriously while moving my eyes to various elements, but it’s not the same.

“If possible, I’d like to take my time and have plenty of time to watch……”

As I stopped and pondered at the entrance to the girls’ barracks, Emma swooped down from out of nowhere.

“Can I help you, Lord?”

“Ah, no, it’s something that’s hard for Emma to solve, don’t worry about it”

“……Does that mean I’m immature?”

“No, that’s not what I meant, is it?”

“The other day, I was unable to accept the Lord’s kindness, but I am now ready. If it comes down to it, I’ll gladly serve you, even if I have to open my legs and have sex with you while being insulted in front of everyone”

“I’m not into that sort of thing, so let’s keep it mild, shall we?”

To be precise, I’m not averse to a little bit of that kind of thing, as long as the other person is happy.


“No, that’s not it”

Right. It’s not about having sex with Emma.

“Ah……what do you call it?”

I scratch my head and wonder how to explain it. I’ve only just met Emma, ​​so I wonder if she’ll understand that I like this kind of thing. ……No, I wonder if there’s no point in hiding it. She’ll understand eventually anyway and dragons are meant to embrace their riders and be close to them. If I told her now and she was disappointed, the relationship probably wouldn’t last in the first place. Thinking this, I decided to tell Emma.

“There’s something called an erotic picture scroll here”

“? Ha, Haa……”

“I don’t think you understand what it’s about, so have a look”

I gently pull out a copy of 「Elf Sweet Night」 and let Emma read it. Emma looked confused as she took the erotic scroll and opened it and as she unfolded the scroll, her expression gradually stiffened and she turned redder as she read the contents.

“Wh……wh, what is this?”

“So, an erotic picture scroll. The most wonderful thing in human culture produced by Celesta”

I say with a straight face.

“It’s a kind of report or instruction book on sexual intercourse, isn’t it……?”

“It’s an art form. It’s a thing of great imagination that stirs up people’s sex fantasies”

“……What on earth is the point of stirring them up? Is it to increase the success rate of mating by reading it and getting them in the mood for intercourse……?”

“Simply masturbate. You reenact and experience the creative situation in your mind”

“Isn’t that sterile?”

“It’s sterile! Yes, it’s sterile! But we live off that barren behaviour!”

“…..Umm, calm down, Lord. I don’t know what you mean by we, but……”

“You’re saying I don’t need it when I can take a bunch of girls with me and have sex anywhere, anytime I want? No, I don’t! No matter how wonderful reality is! There are some lovely fantasies!”

“Ha, Haa……”

I got a bit overexcited. ‘I’ll never be a stranger to the feelings of an unattractive crossbowman after two years or so,’ he said.

“So I’m trying to spend some quality time poring over these and hopefully masturbating too”

“……E, Emm……”

Emma is confused.

“So, Emma. Can you be of any help in this situation?”

I put on a bit of a winning face. There’s nothing to be afraid of if I blurt it out as best I can, even if it’s not cool. I know I’ll probably regret it after a while. ……Emma looked back and forth between the erotic picture scroll and me for a while……somewhat.

“Okay, I understand. ……Then I will help you”

“No, I don’t want your help. I want to masturbate”

“No, it’s fine. I won’t bother you”

Emma clenches her fists and makes a missionary face.


“A whole night would be suspicious, but a couple of hours here would be…….”

“Eh, here……?”

“We don’t have a free room indoors, so it’s……okay, I’ve put up an illusion, so we’re not visible from the outside”

Emma took me out to the roof of the girls’ barracks and, under the moonlight, she put up an illusion of me, including audio and also prepared a windproof, before sitting bolt upright looking at me.

“Here you go”

“Eh, no, that……I don’t masturbate while being watched”

“I’ve seen sex before. You shouldn’t be worried about masturbation now”

“I think masturbation is considerably more shameful……”

“But I have to stay here. If you go out of the illusion, you will be invisible to me. I can’t cope with the unforeseen”

“……E, Eh……”

“It’s alright. I am your dragon. I will not disappoint you in any form!”

I knew it would be a hassle, but I couldn’t deny Emma’s determination. Pushed through, I reluctantly unfolded the erotic picture scroll. The moonlight was bright, so I didn’t have any trouble reading the scroll. And there were many erotic pictures with a more wonderful finish than I expected. But.

“……Th, Then……I’ll masturbate”

“Yes! Go ahead!”

Masturbating while looking at erotic pictures in front of a girl who is sitting upright and staring at me with straight eyes. What a strange and embarrassing situation. ……I thought that the cock that reacts properly to the erotic pictures even at was my own quintessence.

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