Half elves fall in love chapter 603

Chapter 603: Cum wall girl

“Hey, can’t we do it indoors……even if it’s more like just a shed over there?”

“Why indoors?”

“Because……that’s right, I like to masturbate in a place where people can’t see me”

“It’s fine, Lord. Thanks to the illusion, I’m the only one who can see you and I’ve seen you having sex with many women”

“Masturbation is a bit of a different standard!”

I mean, the way you’re canvassing a beautiful girl can make you feel a little bit superior in an embarrassing way when others see you, but to be seen frantically squeezing your own dick……is just plain miserable, isn’t it? .

“Those two guys we left behind in Polka didn’t seem particularly bothered where or by whom they were seen……”

“They’re basically special creatures who’ve gone through the motions, so don’t refer to them as such”

Well, it’s not like there weren’t other guys besides Lantz and Goto who secretly shagged when they saw Dianne, but there aren’t many guys who are as honest about their desire to masturbate as those guys are. There might be, but I don’t want to meet them. And if they’re bolder than that, it’s probably some kind of mental illness that makes them unrecognisable to other people. Anyway.

“Masturbation is something I like to do alone, in peace and quiet, in abundance”

“Ha, haa……”

“I’d like to do this……if I could, for example. For example, you are practising your greeting to someone in front of a mirror. What would you do if someone suddenly interrupted you and said, 『Don’t worry about what you’re seeing, just carry on』……?”

“……It could certainly be a bit distracting”

It was a somewhat subtle analogy that may or may not be understood by a dragon, but Emma agreed with a slight frown. I guess she’d had something similar done to her by Ray or someone else.

“Is masturbation similar to that kind of thing?”

“The act of developing an image based on a picture is difficult when there is another person in front of you. I think it is……that I get aroused by situations that are convenient for me and by the dreamy, glamorous figure of a woman”

“I see……that means my figure should not be visible in the present situation”

“……W, Well, that’s the way it is”

“Leave it to me”

Emma nodded vigorously and used her magic again and this time she was invisible, even to me.

“I’m not actually gone. But even though this place is as close to safe as possible, I would feel bad if I were to take my eyes off the Lord and you get hurt” “Please, please, if you could remove me from your consciousness at this point”

“……Y, Yes. This would be……”

Fundamentally, the situation of having to masturbate outdoors in the moonlight is a bad idea and that is not being conveyed. However, it is only a matter of mood, because I am actually magically hiding. Hiding somewhere indoors doesn’t make it any safer and I feel that if I complain further to Emma, she will say, 「Well, I’ll just tweak the illusion further to make it look like this place is indoors」.


I’ve been given a lot of care to make it look like there’s no audience……so I don’t need to be any more extravagant than that. Maybe a compromise from me is necessary. With that in mind, I take one deep breath, swallow my complaint and decide to choose my first wank from the erotic picture scroll at hand. That’s right, I’m going to have to go and have a look at the picture scrolls. It’s more important to pull it out than to create the perfect environment anyway. The more time I take, the closer I get to the limit where Laila and Maia become suspicious. They would have left me alone without excessive escort because Emma is with me. Spending time on lavishing on Emma will only call Laila and the others into action and create an extra audience. Instead, pull out five minutes, or even one minute, without wasting it. That is the constructive use of time. Yeah. It’s not that I don’t want to have sex with Laila and the other female slaves. I just want to genuinely enjoy the process of pulling out with a superior erotic picture scroll I’m seeing for the first time. So my first wanker was the third volume of 「Hyakuhatsu Monogatari」. If I exclude the ones I already own and have nudged (I had 「Elf Sweet Night 9」 and 「The Night Orchard」), this was the one I could call stable. Anyway, there are a lot of nudes in each picture and yet each female body is not neglected. There are many background nudes that only appear in one picture, but the characters who appear in several pictures in the story are also well drawn and even if they are hidden from the neck up, if I look patiently I can delicately read which character’s nude body I am looking at. While almost no two drawings have the same composition, the artist’s obsessive separation of characters without relying on clothes, distinctive hair colour and hairstyle, or deformed body shape, is said to challenge the limits of printing technology. His attention to detail as an artist does not overstep the mark and the storyline flows without being obnoxious, as harem-life entertainment. The story is a harem completed in volumes 1 and 2, which is savoured again in volume 3, which is not something I’m a stranger to and the brilliance of the situation I’m in is described to the hilt, making it a gorgeous 「Ero-e court banquet」. This is also a premiere. The touch is a little different from the later painters and the later painters can’t draw so delicately, or there are a few characters here and there who rely on symbols, which is controversial. …… Thinking such things, I unfold the picture scroll little by little, fold it over softly and rub my cock while opening up the next erotic picture scroll. I masturbate to my heart’s content while reading. To be honest, I think it looks very uncool as Emma watching from the side. However, this moment of rubbing my cock like clapping my hands to an erotic picture scroll that overflows with libido and comes to my soul is also a satisfying time. The painter has put his heart and soul into it! The painter’s passion is met honestly with the lower half of the body. A serious competition between the painter and the reader, or a passionate cheek dance. The more beautiful the erotic picture scroll is, the more enthusiastic it is instinctively and the more the lower half of the body applauds it. I think this is the best contact and courtesy with a good ero-emaki. And this erotic picture scroll was a gem that deserved it. Soon I’m on my knees, rubbing my cock and trying to reach the pinnacle of pleasure……and suddenly realise the dreadful fact that if I ejaculate with the erotic picture scroll spread out too long in front of me, my too enhanced ejaculation volume will not leave the picture scroll untainted. I would realise.

“Sh, Shma……!!”

I can’t stop. I can’t stop my hand. Quality fantasies produce quality pleasure, which creates a disconnect with the perception that the hand must be stopped and the pleasure brought to an abrupt halt. It’s my hand, but I can’t control it. I move my hand with the pleasure that rushes through me as instinct demands, and I unleash my semen……with the despair that I will ruin this wonderful erotic picture scroll!

“Aaa……ga, aaaaa……!!”

A jet of white fluid. The time it takes for it to fly through the air, splashing down onto the picture scroll, feels awfully long. …………That?

“A……a, aa……”

My cum is released into the night air as I moan in the back of my throat and my prostate pulses repeatedly. But they all stop in mid-air, including……losing momentum and dripping at the end. Or rather, they hit something invisible and stay in the air…….

“E, Emm……?”


“M, Maybe it’s Emma!”

After a while, the illusion dissolves and the image of Emma, who has made it possible for her body to prevent the picture scroll from being soiled, emerges. The whole chest, face, hands and knees……were covered with juice and the area around the nose was covered with seminal fluid.

“Th, Thank you…..but why like this?”

“I, I know it’s important to you and when I saw the Lord’s panic before ejaculating……I thought this is a good idea……ugh”

She said she jumped up and intercepted me. What a good girl.

“Are you alright……?”

“Y, Yes……don’t worry, I have a change of clothes……”

“But, I see……I must have increased my semen volume so much”

Normal ejaculation would be limited if you held it back a little with your hand at the moment of ejaculation. But mine was so much that it was completely mistaken for pee. Probably at a level where I could write my name on the snow surface with semen. I hadn’t masturbated to erotic picture scrolls since they’d been enhanced to this level, so I didn’t think I was in a position where I couldn’t protect them on the spur of the moment when I masturbated while following them on my knees.

“Acha……this might make it tough to masturbate while keeping the erotic picture scroll clean……”

I’m a bit disappointed. Without measures such as preparing a high writing table or using a leather bag to catch the semen so that it doesn’t splatter, I won’t be able to masturbate without any concern. This is ……yeah. I guess I’ll have to leave it with me. I’ve only read half of the three volumes of 「Hyakuhatsu Monogatari」 and there are eight more volumes that I haven’t seen yet. ……It’s boring to read inside for the first time when it’s impossible to masturbate. There is no emotion. No serious competition. Seeing me disappointed like that, Emma wipes her face with a hand towel and looks missionary.

“D, Don’t worry! I’ll be fine!”

“Eh, ah, no……it’s not that, it’s just that I’m finding it difficult to enjoy these things……”

“I’ll take care of it the way I just did, so you can enjoy them without any further worries”

“Eh, Emma?”

“I’ll continue to hide behind my illusion……and it’s the dragon’s duty to fulfil the Lord’s wishes!”

“……Ah, that……y, yes, if I can ask you to do so”

As for me, my immediate desire to properly enjoy the continuation of the erotic picture scroll won out.

Thus began a ridiculous masturbation night where I used a silver dragon as a semen dodger for erotic picture scroll masturbation. From the middle of the night, Emma took off her clothes and continued to bathe naked in semen, but of course I didn’t see her, so I genuinely enjoyed the erotic picture scrolls and successfully completed all the erotic picture scrolls. And.

“Even if you don’t want to do such a foolish thing, I can do a bit of magic. I can make a picture scroll like a water-repellent material, or clean up the dirt and wrinkles that are already on it”

Irina says with a look of dismay when she hears how it all happened. Emma, who had been subjected to my massive ejaculation for a total of nearly 20 times, was almost completely covered in sludge on the front side of her body by the end. Even so, she kept on trying without saying a word, which is too good for her.

“But she’s a bit of an idiot, isn’t she?”

“Naa……is, is that an insult, blue dragon!”

“You should be able to use magic like Irina says”

“……That’s……but in the first place, I feel like it’s disrespectful of a servant to do something unnecessary just because I don’t want to be covered in my master’s semen……”

Irina sighed as Emma mumbled.

“You are an idiot”

“Even you!”

Yeah. I thought it was a bit silly, but I can’t deny that I continued because it was cute.

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