Half elves fall in love chapter 604

Chapter 604: Porn Scroll 1

The women’s barracks of the crossbow corps are surprisingly large. At the moment, there are apparently only about 10 female members in total, even up to Mikagami, but in line with future prospects (and also due to the nature of the Celesta Army, which keeps a large account of everything), the women’s quarters have private rooms for about 50 people. However, most of the empty rooms are used for storage. There are only five or six rooms that are usually set up as guest rooms. In one of the rooms, my female slaves had brought in various beds and mats and gathered together, so Emma and I had to confess our behavior up until now. ……Or rather, we were simply asked where we were and what we were doing while hiding with illusions, but since we had made our first contact with the erotic picture scroll, it didn’t matter if we told them.

“That’s the erotic picture scrolls of those two……”

“Are they really that great?”

A bitter Anzeros and a slightly curious Aurora open the scrolls. Tetes and Naris look into it.

“This kind of thing is unique to Celesta, isn’t it? It’s like a waste of printing art”

“I’ve seen something similar in the Southern Great Plains. But it was treated as a work of art”

“Art? I feel like I’m seeing excuses for men”

“The word art is inseparable from eroticism. In all ages and all times, men want to see women’s bodies no matter what. If you call it art, you can be proud of it”

“I think that the Celesta culture, which produces pornography without that, as a complete obscenity, is more graceful”

“Hmm……honesty is a good thing. But when you think about the large number of people like Lantz-san and Goto-san that are being produced as a result of it”

“……Umm. It’s certainly a bit…..troubling”

“Because there’s not a lot of that sort of thing in Celesta, is there?”

……No, maybe there are quite a few I just don’t know about. Also, thanks to a culture in Celesta that is more open about sex than in other countries, there is a high percentage of men who are single. It is considered a lifestyle to remain single and enjoy only one-night stands with young girls without a specific partner. In many other countries, there is a value system that says 「If you don’t have a family, you’re half a man」, so inevitably this is looked down upon and as people get older, the number of such people declines. ……Well, it’s partly because Celesta is a place where polygamy is possible, even for the common people. Even if some men don’t take wives at that rate, some rich men take on a lot, so the final balance is achieved.

“But……hmm. I don’t see why you’d want to call it art”

Almeida nods deeply as she sloshes through one of the picture scrolls.

“It is inconceivable that such beautifully coloured pictures are available to the general public, at least on Afilm”

“They say the line drawings are printed, but the colouring is done by hand. So full-colour, natural-colour paintings are rare and expensive”

“Still, is this something a soldier could collect while in the countryside?”

“Well, yes”

“Soldiers risking their lives, not knowing what tomorrow will bring. It’s not hard to see why they get involved”

“……Well, it’s a rural unit, so it’s not quite so grim……”

Of course, it’s not without risk of life, but it’s not a workplace where you’re so conscious of the fact that you’re going to die. There’s Dianne’s presence and this is not a unit that has that many opportunities for real combat.

“This picture scroll I like. It’s a gentle picture”

“Oh, Sharon-chan, you’ve got a good eye☆ I hear that’s quite a bestseller”

“I think something a bit more fleshy would be more appealing to men”

“But it’s not that. I’ve heard that it’s like the difference between a woman you want to have sex with and a woman you want to kiss, and if it’s too explicit, it doesn’t sell well”

Hilda, who is explaining to Sharon, also seems to be quite a fierce maniac. Talc is the crucible of erotic culture and Carlos’ family is a merchant family, so naturally they must have an extraordinary amount of knowledge about erotic picture scrolls.

“……That’s quite a deep story”

Sharon made a subtly hurt face because she had a past where she had to go through a lot of trouble because of her overly revealing boobs?



And Neia and Beatrice read silently without uttering a word. I don’t think Beatrice can read, but it’s a picture scroll. The story is in the atmosphere. The difference between Beatrice, whose face is bright red and she can’t take her eyes off it and Neia, who continues reading with a calm look, as if she were reading some kind of academic book, is interesting. Perhaps Beatrice doesn’t understand this culture of sex as entertainment. Basically, she thought procreation was something more obligatory. I wonder if Neia’s a studious person……so she’s usually trying to absorb something. On the other hand, Luna and Fennel don’t seem to be interested in erotic picture scrolls. Luna seems to have had enough of looking at it for a while and has gone back to grooming her hair……in the corner of the room, while Fennel is diligently getting ready for bedtime. No, bedtime, or rather, sex tonight. Irina, Laila and Maia are also rather uninterested. The three of them are having a small drink together. I guess it’s a book that doesn’t usually make sense to them. Well, I’m not sure I’d be crazy about a book either if someone brought me the opposite.

“So,……which of these do you prefer Master?”

“Umm……honestly, it’s hard to say which one is my favourite. ……Elf Sweet Knight is the basic one, the pictures are very stable”

Mysterious hidden village sex situation. A dazzling one-night story of a man who washes ashore and is entertained by elven prostitutes. Most of the volumes are a story with a different hero and different heroines each time and even the location of the hiding place is set in a different place, such as in the middle of a desert, on an isolated island in the sea, beyond a lost forest or in a rocky cave. It is also a standard development that the characters repeatedly have sex with elven women who expose their naked bodies in a fantastic scene, fill their consciousness with pleasure and find themselves outside their hiding place…….

As well as the elf-women having sex, there is the divine appearance of the elf-girls in a thin cloth standing in the moonlit desert, the charming scene of the elf-girls waiting for the man in the lighted forest spring with their asses waving seductively, the somewhat sad atmosphere of the elfs spreading their naked bodies at the bottom of a rocky valley filled with a feeling of entrapment and other scenes that immerse the viewer’s mind together with the background. The pictures are wonderful, immersing the reader in the background. And in Volume 9, a different scenario turns from the setting of……where a man who once visited the hidden village a few volumes ago is able to visit the same village again. A man who has grown old during a blank decade. But the lecherous elves of the hidden village are so young that they don’t seem to have lost track of that time, and they welcome the man and squeeze his semen as if they had only left him yesterday. And the best part is the orgy with his daughters. As it turns out, time has passed, as it should and even the ethics of parent and child dissolve and disappear in this impossibly lewd world……a context that is depicted with a chillingly ethereal touch. It is clearly different compared to the previous volumes, but its reputation is further enhanced by the fact that, while faithfully following the basics of the series, it brings in a completely different emotion.

“I originally had this one, but now I recognise its greatness even more……yeah”

“I see……so it’s that one, then”


Tetes looked round at the female slaves present and pointed to Irina, Emma, Maia and Beatrice.

“Let’s go in the direction of them being daughters, shall we?”


She smiled and said something I didn’t understand.

“What do you mean?”

“What are you talking about?”


“Eh? Eh?”

The designated daughters were confused by the story.

“Tonight, please call Master 『Papa』. And the mother role is played by……hmmm, to look at……Beatrice is 『Mama』 by Laila-san. Irina-san is Knight Chief Sharon. And Emma-san, Fennel-san and Maia-san, call Al-san 『Mama』”

“Why do you call Glory Princess『Mama』 etc.!”

“It’s a play where you get raped by your father at the same time”


Irina is somehow convinced by Tetes’ clear explanation. Is that okay?

“Am I a mother……no, I know I will eventually, but a mother of a dragon……?”

“Because it doesn’t feel like that at all when it’s me or Naris-chan being the parent”

“You mean I look more deserving……I see……”

Almeida also has a complicated face. Fennel also starts to take off her clothes with a troubled look on her face.

“Do I look that much older to you……?”

“Well, you’re calm, you know”

“It’s complicated……”

Even though she said that, she didn’t hesitate to take off all her underwear and she naturally leaned in close to me to let me take off the last one. ……But even so.

“You know, Tetes. I want to say no, I just like this erotic picture scroll, it’s not like I have any desire to rape my own children or anything like that, okay?”

“Yes, yes, I know♪”

Tetes replies with a smile. I hope she understands.

“Well, no. You won’t know until they’re actually old enough”

“What are you talking about with a straight face?”

Laila didn’t seem to trust me. Why does she expect me to fuck my daughter?

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