Half elves fall in love chapter 605

Chapter 605: Porn Scroll 2

Irina says in a disgusted tone of voice as she undresses.

“But to bring two generations of parents and children to their knees with a single cock is……truly a man’s desire for conquest is shallow, isn’t it?”

“No, that’s……the setting of this erotic picture scroll”

“I’m not accusing you of anything. There are many people who drew this picture scroll and there are many people who bought it. Doesn’t that mean it was well received?”

“Umm……Elf Sweet Knight is also supported simply because of its design, so I’m not necessarily saying that the situation alone was accepted”

Me, in case you’re wondering, I’ll give you a rebuttal. But if you ask whether the shallowness that Irina points out is unique to men in general……well, I don’t think it’s that unique. Of course, it’s not every day that someone actually does it. However, if there are parents and children who are able to match beautifully without any problems, I still have a desire to compare them. Comparing the tastes of parent and child is also a very good thing and above all, the context of 「A daughter who compares her own genitals with the hole she was born with」 and 「A woman’s lust for her own body and even her own child to the rod she fell in love with」, which should not exist in the first place, gives a tantalising sense of immorality.

“I’m acting like a sensible person, but. Master, if in another decade or so Elenia-chan and Selenium-san both asked you out in bed together, you would definitely get very excited, wouldn’t you?”

“Tetes……that. For example, let’s say I’m happy about something like that”

I sighed and admonished Tetes as I peeled her underwear off. Tetes was twisting her hips, enjoying the task of me taking it off, but behind her the other three Gauntlet Knights were also starting to take off their clothes. Only Naris looked as if she was saying, 「Ugh, that’s disgusting……」.

“But if Elenia falls in love with some other man……say, General Lucas, has a baby and then raises……her grandchildren in my eyes as Lucas’s cock-handlers from the start, I’ll die of rage in the future. I’d be outraged”

‘Ah, sure, that would be a bit nauseating”

Tetes makes a straight face. No, I don’t think I have such a great impression of General Lucas. He’s amazing, you know? He’s a white elf with a very high sex drive, he’s got several wives and he’ll even take half-elves if they’re good-looking, and now that I think about it……he’s really an unbelievable elf. The reason why I used him as an example is that he was the only man I could think of……who would be in service until my grandchildren’s generation and who would be able to play with women. See, elves are basically less sexually active. Dark elf men are not very well acquainted with each other.

“If you want, let’s crush the other one while we’re at it”

Aurora, who is in her underwear waiting to be taken off, also suggests with a straight face. The other one?

“No, it’s just an example, okay? It’s not that I want to mutilate General Lucas, okay?”

“I think it would be more harmless to destroy him”

“You’re really hard on your brother!”

I’m scared. Why does she want to sexually terminate her brother so much? He was one of the fine reinforcements that helped us out during the last Kalwin operation, after all.

“Yeah……but I certainly didn’t have that idea……”

“I think Andy-san will fall in love with her because she’s Selenium-san’s daughter……”

“No, you guys need to calm down, okay? I just meant that General Lucas is the most popular and womanising of the long-lived species I know and it’s extremely healthy to have a love interest outside of the family, you know?”

In fact, if Lucas had a more mature personality, there’s no reason why women wouldn’t fall in love with him. His face, strength and family background are perfect. That’s why I can see him being loved to the point of near worship. That’s not the main point of the story.

“It’s just a story that makes me happy when I imagine the object as me, but it still shouldn’t happen, parent-child incest! It’s okay because it’s fiction!”

“Hmm……but I don’t think I wouldn’t fuck Master if I had a daughter of my own……”

“Pull yourself together, Tetes!”

Don’t give her such a weird education.

“Well, anyway, then……cough”

Irina gave a small cough. Then she brought her face closer to me and whispered in a subdued voice.

“Papa. ……Fuck me……”


She sounded quite embarrassed, but when she whispered 「Papa」 to me while exposing her delicate and immature body as always, it had a destructive power. Father, fuck me. Just that one word. How immoral and stimulating.

“……Father. My womb is exclusively for you”


“I was born of your seed and only you can defile……me. The hole is there for the purpose of loving you. Let me be filial to you tonight……♪”

Irina is not my daughter. I know that. But the words spoken to me still shake that perception. Even though I know it’s just a game, when that childish voice and childish body whisper that to me, I can feel the father making mistakes with his daughter every night. A daughter who offers her body in the name of filial piety. There is no way that such a thing should exist. And yet.

“……Huhu. It’s lonely to be so busy with your daughter, my dear”

And when Irina opens up, Sharon starts to get into the groove.

“Please love my body too……and I’ll give you many more cock-loving, disgusting daughters like this one……♪”

“Hey, hey…….”

Sharon also incites with statements that dare to transgress the taboo. If she wants to show off her motherly big tits by forcing them on me all the more and do it as per the erotic picture scroll……like a whore rather than a wife, then that’s fine?

“Mother, I am first. Wait and watch me get impregnated. ……Then you can make a sister”

“Oh, dear. If you have a daughter, will I be called grandmother or stepmother?”

“My sister, who is being made tonight, will be in a complicated position, so I guess we’re even”

Sharon invites me to lay down her mature naked body and open her legs while we have a crazy conversation. And Irina, thrusting her childlike buttocks up to show off her pubes to me.

“Come on, Father”

“Play with your favourite hole……♪”

The two noble elves took the initiative in playing 「Mother and child meat slave」. Seeing this, the other nominated faces also begin to take a wait-and-see attitude towards me.

“……M, Master. This one……me too, you promised to impregnate me a lot, didn’t you? I’ve only given birth to one, my boy”

“Father……I want you to stick your cock in me, too”

Almeida and Maia competitively tease their crotches with groping appeals. Their clumsy yet aggressive display of lewdness is strangely convincing as mother and child, even though they don’t look alike.

“Emm……ah, umm, I haven’t had any experience yet, but if you mean here, then so be it”

“You don’t have to force it. I’m sure Father wants to give you a memorable first experience”

Emma and Fennel 「Mother and child」 share a modest positioning and, yet, a strong will that seems to be willing to take on any play. And.

“I don’t know what’s so exciting about being called……daddy or mummy.’

“Hoho. Well, it doesn’t diminish it. You can call them that”

Laila and Beatrice, two dark-haired girls. Beatrice is still reluctant to join the harem play, but while everyone around her is naked, she no longer resists being urged by Laila, Hilda and Neia to take off her clothes. Or rather, she seems to still be undecided about her stance on sex. However, unlike the other female slaves, she doesn’t openly ask for it, so her reaction is refreshing.

“Come on, say it”

“……Pa, Papa……is going to impregnate me……?”

Beatrice says with a shy, upturned look, covering her breasts with her arms. The confusion of acting suddenly and the confusion of Kalwin, who are cut off from their parents in the first place, coincidentally became a composition of 「A daughter who does not feel that she is receiving her father’s sexual desire」, which is very powerful for me, who have been emotionally invested in the scum father perspective from a while ago.



“Let’s start with Beatrice”

“Eh, eh……w, wait, I’ll do it later……”

“No. Beatrice”

I caught Beatrice from behind as she tried to rush away and held her in a tight embrace.

“Let me fuck you”

I whispers in a very 「Lousy father」 tone of voice. Beatrice gasps, forgetting to do so, even though she could easily shake me off if she wanted to.

……This is fiction. So I’m not actually the one who wants to do this. Definitely.

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