Half elves fall in love chapter 607

Chapter 607: Porn Scroll 4 [Laila, Beatrice]

Although she is physically strong enough, Beatrice, who is not used to sex, is already out of breath. Laila, who captures Beatrice, is not a rough hand, but she is originally a dragon with outsized physical strength. Even if she wanted to escape, there is no way she could.

“Laila, don’t make her do anything reckless. Beatrice is still a beginner”

“Hoho, yes, I know. But she’s not trying to escape”

“She may not have that much strength left”

Beatrice’s arms were trembling from the shoulders to support her and her breathing was clearly rough. Even though it was only a single blow, the feeling of being screwed directly inside her body and the fatigue that came with it were undoubtedly weakening her body significantly.

“……Beatrice. That……somehow got me into this weird game, but you don’t have to go along with it. Everyone around me is used to this sort of thing. I’m happy to do it because I can afford to have fun, not because I’m trying to do it even though it’s hard……”

“……It’s not like……there’s nothing worth worrying about……”

Beatrice looked a little flustered.

“……Neia and Tetes are fine with it, it’s not like I can’t do it……and, you know, the sex itself is nothing to be concerned about……. It’s not that I hate it that much……”

“Don’t be a pussy, just ask to join us”

“P, Part of the group…no, that’s not enough……”

Beatrice is flustered. Tetes peeks out from the side and whispers in a mischievous manner.

“It’s no good to be half-hearted, right?”

“You know, Tetes……”

“Even Selenium-san will get angry. Come on, come on, do it right here”

“I’m not going along with it. I mean, there aren’t many people like you who can redesign their lives just because they had a good feeling once or twice and there shouldn’t be”

“Eh……b, but the reality is, Master is a great place to get a permanent job”

“Just sit down. If you say any more, no sex tonight”

“Uh……th, that’s terrible”

That must be heartbreaking, being naked and ready to go. Tetes retreated.

“So what are you going to do about it, Master? If you don’t want her to strain herself, you can let her rest”

“I think it’s better that way……because if I fuck her now, she’s really going to pass out……”

Even without the daughter act and so on, Beatrice is a pretty good girl, so it’s hard to stop her. Even if I try to be gentle, if she gets into it, I might end up going all out. But.

“It, It’s okay……it’s okay, that’s why……”

“……Why did you go that far?”


Beatrice turned her face away in embarrassment, with her sludgy bottom and crotch facing away.

“……Something, it was so much better than before and……”

“That’s because……you don’t even know what sex is like at first”

“Yeah. ……And I was a little……excited when I called you papa”


Parent-child and family relationships are tenuous in Kalwin. The part about people being born through sex is indeed not so questionable. Fathers and mothers are also not so much in the wrong sense of the word as in the wrong sense of the word. But that does not mean that they are partners to be relied upon or obeyed. As soon as a child is born, it is taken in and brought up in a village-based care home and even after it grows up, it is not allowed to have a special relationship with anyone. This is due to the wisdom of the land where cannibalism is a frequent emergency……or perhaps because of the bad taste of King Jeddha, who encouraged this to happen. Anyway, Kalwin people are not supposed to have the feelings towards the word Papa that we think they do. And yet, what does it mean that she was excited……to call me that while being raped?


“I kind of know what kind of role a dad plays over here……and what kind of role a mum plays over here…….I know that one day, when I have a child, I’m not going to leave it to the childcare role, I’m going to raise it in an outside way, that’s all I know”


“So……when I thought it was you, it felt……pretty good and I think it’s probably terrible to be raped by that……but, but, it’s just so……nice”

Beatrice turns her gaze just a little. The look was definitely one of anticipation and ecstasy, almost euphoria.

“I thought……that kind of thing……would be okay with you……”

“No, it’s not good at all, generally speaking”

How about the normal excitement of seeing me as a parent anyway? I’m still in my twenties. No, is it possible for Kalwin to be……? I’m getting more and more confused.

“……So, just a little longer……continue. I want to dream of being made with a dick like yours……and having a child made with your dick……everything being conquered by that……terrible dick……♪”

“……Ho. She’s got a lot of potential, too”

Beatrice talks somewhat entranced and Laila shows off her pussy by shaking it lightly from under Beatrice´s cum-soaked crotch. ……I wonder if Beatrice is able to project everything onto one man because she doesn’t have a sneaky image of her father. I hear that some men are the type to project more than one thing onto one woman, such as a mother, a lover and a daughter. My preference……or should I say my preference to give the image of father, lover and everything else to the person I can allow myself to be anyway, may be possible because I have not been in contact with real parents! . In the meantime, she seems to know that it’s just image play, so……I stop pursuing it further.

“Okay……then, Beatrice. And Laila”

I challenge them to a crotch-hole showdown with me.

“I’ll fuck the both of you together”


“Hoho. Compare them carefully. Your partner’s womb or your daughter’s womb……which one loves your dick more♪”

“……Papa……play with my womb and my cock again……♪”

Each of them inciting me with their expectant voices. Laila’s waist, which is voluptuous while maintaining her nipples and Beatrice’s waist, which is inexperienced and linear but makes me imagine the lingering effects of her earlier mastery. I’m thrilled by these temptations and I’m eager to take up the challenge and……fuck Laila for starters, thrusting a few times and then into Beatrice with the same momentum and when Beatrice squeals moderately, I hit Laila’s cervix and then I’m ready for her to be fucked……and then I’ll fuck her around, changing holes impatiently.

“Huaa……ah, umm……ya, yaaa, don’t pull it out yet……♪”

“Hohoo……so, let’s compare our food at will……♪ I’ll go out with you as much as you want……♪”

“……Both of you, you two uterus, you’re so  eager to get going……!”

“B……Because……I’ve already been made to drink daddy’s semen and I’ve already been turned on……”

“My……kku……♪ Has there ever been a time when my sac didn’t come with you……♪”

Giggle, giggle, giggle. Sizzling. Bubbling love juice splashes feverishly. The two hips are chasing after my cock as if they are fighting for semen. They continue to offer their lower halves to me as if they were really mother and daughter, sometimes jealous, sometimes showing each other, sometimes loving each other, holding each other’s bodies together. I taste their vaginas alternately and enjoy the different coloured pleasures……and eventually, driven by the desire to ejaculate next, I get lost between their vaginas and then decide.

“……Lets go, Laila……!”

“Ho……you can always spray me……♪”

“Ya, Yaaa……I want another one too……!”

“I just gave it to you……!”

“But I want……it again, I want it for me too……!”

I’m happy to see Beatrice shaking her ass desperately to appeal to me and I aim for Laila’s vagina and give it one last spurt. Both of their bodies shake with my grind. Both of them dance hungrily, wanting semen in their wombs. I see a vision of 「Elf Sweet Night」 there. I taste the fantasy night with the beautiful whore and the daughter she gave birth to. The lust of a passionate woman, which is the very essence of a man’s fantasy, intertwines and hits me. Imagination and reality. The two extravagances that have become one in all, encourage me to ejaculate without a sense of reality.


I spit out plenty of it into Laila’s vagina as well. It floods in and out. Then I slowly plunge in and out a few times, as if using Beatrice’s vagina to wipe away the semen she hasn’t fully expelled.

“It’s like……m, my vagina……is cleaning up the semen……♪”

“Hoho……good for you, my daughter♪”

Sweaty Beatrice and still-ready Laila. The two white naked bodies slowly relax and get along well, staining their crotches with a white stain. Though I can’t help but think that I’ll try harder…….

“We are still……here too, father♪”

Irina and Sharon turn their hips towards us and invite me to join them. Yes. I’m not done yet.

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