Half elves fall in love chapter 611

Chapter 611: Porn Scroll 8

After a long night, I show up at the mess hall in the barracks. The female slaves were much more composed than I was, and they were eating breakfast with cool faces. I feel as if it has been a long night, but it doesn’t seem that way to them. None of the girls looked tired. And that’s as it should be. From my point of view, we had sex in every direction, but for them, they were just waiting for their turn, and the burden was less than one-tenth of what it should have been. Well, I was exhausted from masturbation first. It’s also the case that many of the girls have unusually high stamina to begin with. As a result, there are few lingering effects of last night’s affair……which is a good thing from the perspective of outward defiance and wiggles to the guys in the squad.

“Hey Smithson. Did you have fun last night?”

“100-man special duty commander”

It’s the same Becker who calls out to me in the fresh morning air……ah, he looks like he has a little bit of liquor left in him.

“Your breath still reeks of alcohol”

“It’s been a while since I’ve been to a Celesta bar. There’s a lot of familiar alcohol around here, so I’m feeling a bit nostalgic

“Was the 100-man commander Becker from around here?”

“Western part of the country. The Great Armonica River Valley. But in terms of the drinking culture, this area is closer to the West than to the East”

“It’s closer to Trot though”

The majority of the center of Celesta is occupied by desert, so the western part (the jungle fox man area), the eastern part (the grassland man area) and the southern part (the lake and coastal dark elf/ogre area) are all distinctly different cultures, each with its own characteristics. Also, the southeastern elven territory is unique. If there were a northern division, Basson would be in it, but thanks to the extent of the desert and the pressure of the Trot border, there is not a very strong cultural population in these areas. Rather, the richer parts are usually occupied by the Trot. The area from Officlade to Basson is rather an exception, and in case of emergency, this area will be connected with the eastern part of the country and become a route for the Celesta’s march. When fighting Celesta, people from Trot must either capture this area or advance on Celesta by crossing the western area with its steep mountains and dense jungle and any attempt to take Celesta from any other position would quickly lead to a desert. There was no point in forcing them to stay in Trot’s territory, so the roads leading from the western region to Officlade were considered useless even by Trot and only cold villages remained as inns to complete the domestic transportation routes in Celesta.

Therefore, the term northern cultural area is not used to describe the region, as not much of a culture was formed there. Basson has become affluent in recent years, but since it was originally a cold village, it is a mixture of Trot culture and Celesta, which has also increased rapidly.

“I think the influence of the east is stronger……I guess it’s the west in terms of alcohol”

I’ve never stayed long enough in the East to compare drinks.

“The west has a lot of very Celestia-like peculiarities. The East is quite conservative. So, there are a lot of strong drinks in this area. Maybe it has something to do with the demand for exports to Trot”

“What do you mean?”

“Selling Trot-like sake to Trot is no good, right? The quality and production are greater over there. If you buy from Celesta, Celesta-like liquor is what Trot people often buy. And Basson is the window to bring it to them”

“I see……”

Liquor merchants drop liquor into Basson as they trade with Trot people. So that demand is fat for western liquor.

“The liquor from Elven territory and Polka is also good. But I want something with a kick”

“I understand”

“I understand”

Before I knew it, Naris had come over and nodded along to what I was saying.

“……Didn’t you say you preferred wine?”

“The same drink can be used for a hundred years. You can’t spend a hundred years in the same bottle”

“That’s right. The world is a big place. And it’s good to be different and to meet different people”

“You can talk to me, special duty commander Becker”

Special duty commander Becker and Naris shake hands firmly. No, I don’t think so, either.

“Anyway, you should sober up. Hilda has some good medicine for you”

“Eh……does it smell that bad?”


Naris nodded her head immediately and special duty commander Becker scratched his head. He looks a little hurt. Well……yeah. It’s a lot to do when people say you smell like that. I’m sure many of my female slaves don’t mind the smell of my booze, or rather, they’d rather come to me.


So I spent the morning in a leisurely manner, watching Anzeros training the infantry guards, rescuing Beatrice who was being picked on (she didn’t understand what was being said since she didn’t understand the language and there were no men in Kalwin who picked on heroes in the first place) and so on.

There was no rush. We are not in a hurry to move on, because there might be some ex-drug addicts who want to settle down here. Then it occurred to me to visit my ex-subordinates to review the details of the erotic picture scroll I had heard last night.

“Hey. Is Jean-Jacques here?”

“Ah, it’s 10-man captain Smithson”

“He’s got a lot of women with him, but he’s 10-man captain Smithson who pulls out of erotic picture scrolls”

“It’s 10-man captain Smithson who cuckolded 100-man commander Dianne and 10-man captain Anzeros from our ranks at the same time”

“10-man captain Smithson, who’s independent with just his lower body”

“Did I do something to offend you guys?”

I was moved to tears by their strong sense of solidarity as usual. 

“I was going to ask you to show me that erotic picture scroll I overheard yesterday”

“Sure, but I won’t lend it to you. If you want to use it as a wank, you’ll have to get it yourself”

“No, I don’t think it’s right that this man would be using erotic picture scrolls for his own entertainment, Jean-Jacques”

“I heard that even if you just say, 『I’m bored, so suck my dick』, there are many women who will obey”

“Who are you talking about……I can’t forgive that”

“Ah, you don’t mean 10-man captain Anzeros, do you?”

“Well, I’m talking about 10-man captain Anzeros……I mean, she probably declared herself a female slave because she didn’t want other men to approach her”

Sorry. Anzeros is the one who’s most happy to do that sort of thing. I think everyone is pretty much in love with it except for Naris, Beatrice……and Emma and Neia who are not used to that kind of thing. ……I don’t say and go through with a poorly executed affectionate smile.

“I, I’m willing to put that sort of thing aside and watch it if it’s genuinely a masterpiece. ……Erotic picture scrolls are not just erotic. It also has an artistic and literary aspect, doesn’t it?”

“Mu……if you put it that way, I have to nod my head”

“Don’t be fooled, Jean-Jacques. Don’t let that bourgeoisie fool you”

“I’m sure you’re right, but should we be satisfied when 10-man captain Smithson start saying things like, 『Erotic picture scrolls are nothing but scum in the presence of the real thing』?”

“I think we should eliminate such a scumbag. Erotic picture scrolls are a world-class Celesta culture”

“I can’t look down on 10-man captain Smithson’s who still understands that”

“Ku……you have a good argument, but your feelings are……”

“If you don’t like it, that’s one thing, that’s another……that’s what a diverse society is all about”

I don’t know what’s going on here, but there’s something strangely noble about this story.

“I can’t lose sight of the splendor of the erotic picture scroll even if I lose my virginity……I can’t chase after such 10-man captain Smithson with a stone”

“……Yes……that may be true……but!”

“Hold it in. Don’t let your emotions take precedence over your pride. Don’t let your emotions undermine our pride as erotic picture scroll lovers……!”

Is it really something to debate while shaking your head with such a serious face……?

“That’s why……this is it”

……Jean-Jacques pulls out an erotic picture scroll from his pocket. He was carrying it around with him.

“This is 『The Dance of the Whore』…….”

“Actually, I’ve never seen it before”

“I thought Luckman was a loli specialist”

“I’m not a loli specialist. I just like my own kind”

“I’m surprised that Jean-Jacques doesn’t show more of his talent”

“I’m just trying to take care of them”

The scene of seven or eight men squatting and staring at the erotic picture scrolls while pushing each other around with their elbows, it was hard to believe that the average age of the girls was in their mid-twenties. However, 「The Dance of the Whore」 is quite wonderful, as recommended by……Jean-Jacques.

“The composition is bold and flesh-toned……and the small number of characters, combined with the painting style, is quite effective”

“The fact that he doesn’t use any special attributes to cover it up is also a high point”

“The fact that the cunt is so elaborately drawn and yet the overall picture doesn’t feel vulgar is a great sense of balance……”

“I guess this is what they mean when they say a hole makes you want to put it in”

“I’m not proud of it, but I’ve pulled it out hundreds of times……and if you meditate on it, you can even picture the feeling of Teal’s folds”

“No, Jean-Jacques, you’re a bit too into that”

“But these boobs are actually……you can almost feel them when you touch them”

“Luckman is talking about boobs……!?”

“I’m not talking about the same kind of boobs!”

Textures and compositions that stimulate the imagination. The story is dedicated to the extraction. This is nothing short of a……masterpiece. Jean-Jacques is not exaggerating when he says that you can’t talk about a masterpiece without talking about this.

“I surely want……to have this. Who did you buy it from?”

“Cedric, the old peddler……I guess you can’t get it around here any more……because six months ago he said he couldn’t find it in stock anymore”

“Ah……that old man……?”

I’ve had the pleasure of working with him a few times. He only brings the erotic scrolls when he’s busy with other miscellaneous goods, so he usually only has about 10 or so. If I was unlucky, when I met him, it was after all of them had been bought by other favorites. It would be hard to rely on him. He is a peddler, so I don’t know where he is now and it is impossible to catch him.

“This……I guess I’ll just have to look for it in a big town”

“If you find him, please buy one for me too”

“Me too!”

“Ah, I’ll get a spare one too”

Everyone raises their hands and says whatever they want.

“You guys were so cool earlier, you just turned us away!”

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