Half elves fall in love chapter 612

Chapter 612: In the hustle and bustle of Basson

In the afternoon, I went out to the town of Basson. The town, which would take me about an hour on foot, is only a few minutes away if I have dragon carry me.

“It’s not good to take it too easy……I need to run”

“That’s fine. You’ll be retiring once Dianne’s remaining duties are done, right?”

When Anzeros said that, I thought No, however. The reason for the use of dragons (even though Dianne has misrepresented it to some extent) is known to the military to the extent that they have created a privileged unit called the Special Duty Corps.

“There is a possibility that the soldiers will have to continue to serve at the corps command level or at the behest of Minister Ashton……”

“Must the rider drink such tactlessness?”

“You know, Emma. The rider’s authority has to be saved until the end of the day, otherwise it will be difficult to live peacefully. If they see you as a real danger, they might suddenly come out with an overknight or something”


“Ah, I see. Emma hasn’t seen those people……?”

General Amatsushima is also a bit of a fraud, but General Vincent, the 「Overknight of Thunder」 who is one of the strongest elecorns, is said to be on par with 「Annette of Violence」 and his attacks can easily defeat even dragons if they hit. The battle of Kalwin is often overshadowed by the impressive performance of old man Bonaparte and Dianne, but they too are undoubtedly powerful enough to be dragon slayers.

“But it’s probably something that crawls on the ground. I don’t think it’s an opponent to be seriously feared”

“No, it’s seriously awesome. Even if you flew away, you would probably be struck down by lightning or something”

“Not so much. That kind of technique doesn’t have much power against anything that isn’t on the ground”

“……Eh, really?”

I was a little surprised when Chibi Laila told me. I’m not sure if that’s how it’s supposed to work or not.

“Well, that doesn’t mean it’s something to be underestimated. But even if some big shot in the country makes excuses, Dianne won’t allow such unreasonable demands. I don’t think you need to worry about that”

“U, Umm……”

“Isn’t Andy afraid to quit being a soldier?”

“Th, That’s not true……but?”

Anzeros hits the nail on the head and Andy stutters. The truth is that there is a bit of hesitation in the idea of no longer being a soldier. I became a soldier before I became a full-fledged craftsman and I’ve been comfortable in this position all my adult life. I don’t think I can deny the fact that I was able to have fun……without being trapped because I had my original position there and craftsmanship was a one-sided job. Then people would say that I don’t have to become a craftsman……after I quit being a soldier. In fact, I feel like that’s what they want me to do. But being unemployed is a bit unlikely, isn’t it? I know. If that happens, I feel like I’d be throwing away an important part of who I am as a person in earnest. To begin with, I feel like it would be a pain to make being a dragon rider my identity. I’m not the type to devote myself to……and do something like that. People hold me up, but I’m not always a big visionary about using dragons. It’s just that in situations where a dragon would be very helpful……to lend a hand, I have that option that others don’t. I still think it’s a kind of mistake to make it your main business to give orders in that way just because it’s working. So it is right to start over as a craftsman properly. As long as I will be based in Polka from now on, it is no longer possible for me to continue being a soldier and the title of dragon rider should only be under the life style of a craftsman. I know, I know.

“It’s also true……that it’s a comfortable place to be……you have to train and you don’t usually have a lot of freedom, but……your friends are good guys. And they can be assholes”

“But it can’t go on forever. The upper echelons of Celesta are much more complicated than we think. You are no longer in a position to just innocently throw your ideas to the state. Even now, it’s a little dangerous to think of……if the kooks get a whiff of it”

“……I suppose so”

The ultimate power in Celesta is held by the head of state, known as the merchant king, who, unlike a traditional royal family, is merely a representative who is re-elected once every ten years. The various forces that are actively vying for the title of head of state have been well controlled by Dianne and Minister Ashton until now……but there is no telling when the winds will change. If I am just a member of the Celesta army and spend my time chattering away, other forces will reach out to me at some point. My future plan to settle in Polka with the backing of the elves and the baron would be much more effective in making it difficult for such forces to get their hands on me than if I stayed here as a soldier with dragons hanging around. For a man without wings, 「Distance」 is the greatest barrier. The physical distance to Polka would be as effective a defense as a castle.

“If it’s training, there’s no shortage of people to put you on, like Jeanne’s grandfather or the elven blacksmith, is there?”

“I’m not sure if I should be supplementing my training with various other styles before I can say I’ve mastered one of the best of the Sleed master styles.”

I folded my arms and said, I was hit from behind the seat by Irina’s fan.

“That’s foolish. Why don’t you follow the example of that half-ogre master who is working hard in his own style? In any case, work will help you grow”

“Th, That’s right”

I guess that’s a luxury I can’t afford.

Once in the town of Basson, all the female slaves went sightseeing. It wasn’t that long ago that this was their hometown, but they still had all kinds of stores and it made them nostalgic. Irina accompanied by Anzeros and Fennel peeked into the stalls here and there, while Aurora and Almeida went into the antiquarian bookstore. Tetes is sucked into a baked goods vendor with Sharon and Neia watches happily as thy cook in front of a deep fryer. When the food is fried, they will probably eat it from one side to the other.

“Boyd, I see you! By the way, aren’t you good at giving sightseeing tours?”

“Ge, Naris-san……”

“Did you just say 『Ge』?”

“It’s all in your head. I’m on my way to the mountains for a little hunting”

“Hunting!? Bow!? That’s great, hey Luna-chan! Let’s go hunting, Boyd-kun!”

“I’m good at it”

“N, No, what about giving tours?”

“Anything to kill time is fine”


Naris and Luna have found Boyd and are having a tangle with him. I’ll pretend I don’t see them.

“What about Laila and the others?”

“I’m going to have a drink. How about you, Hilda?”

“Well, I don’t think it’s a good idea to be out so early in the day, but☆”

“Considering that, it looks like we’ll have fun”

Laila and Hilda are turning their feet to the bar. Well, as long as Laika’s there, they’ll be fine no matter what happens. As for Maia and Emma.

“I’ll stay here. I’ll come running if anything happens to you guys

“I, I will do the same”

They decided to take up a position on a street corner and keep an eye out for anything out of the ordinary among the female slaves. Well, they’re all tough enough that no man can beat them even if they join together, so I don’t think there’s much to be wary of. I saw them off in groups of three and thought I’d take a short walk.


The fact that Beatrice is standing there alone is very worrisome. ……Ah, Neia is distracted by her appetite, I guess. Since she can’t communicate with the people around her, she has no choice but to follow Neia or rely on Tetes and Naris, but I’m not sure if they are willing to do that.



“Is there anything you want to do?”

……A vague question for me. In the first place, Beatrice has no idea what is in this town……or even before that, what the standard town of Celesta is like, I think everyone has no idea. Only if you have some knowledge can you say, 「Is there such-and-such a place?」 or 「I want to see something like this」. If all Beatrice knows about is the unexplored country and the rural Polka dots, she has too little background knowledge.

“Do you want to take a look around first? Yes, that would be good”

I forcefully decide and pull Beatrice’s hand. Beatrice made a small moaning sound like 「Ah……」 but she didn’t resist and started walking with my hand in hers.

A tourist guide for Basson. I’m not sure what kind of place I should show her. I walked along, pondering what I should show. Shared-ride carriages come and go slowly and merchants are shouting to attract customers here and there in the town. Basson is a lively town. It continues to grow as a trading center for Trot. It is fun just to walk along the main street and I am sure it is also pleasing to the eye that there are many more stores here and there that have opened in my absence, as well as a much larger number of different species than in Trot. There are three young ogres with their trio, children of beastmen, lizardman merchants, and dark elf travelers. There was also a large-burdened dwarf who looked like an adventurer. It is rare to see such a diverse group of people passing each other so naturally, except in Celeste. I walk through the crowd and look at Beatrice to see if she’s interested, but she doesn’t seem to be paying much attention to her surroundings. She stares at me holding her hand and follows me. ……She’s in some kind of trouble. I walked through the crowd, wondering what was going on, took a break in a alley and looked at Beatrice again. When I tried to let go of her hand, she hurriedly grabbed it back, her face turning a little red.



She brought her lips close to my ear. I don’t think there were many people who would blame Beatrice for what she was saying, even if she didn’t lower her voice that much. ……But when I heard what she whispered.

“……Papa. ……Emm, ……I want you to play with my womb and papa´s dick again……”


I couldn’t believe my ears. I mean, I seriously thought I must have misheard, but Beatrice blushed even more.

“……Just the two of us……alone gently, seeding each other”

“W, Wh……What?”


Beatrice groaned and my hand creaked with so much force.

“……I, I thought you said you were going to do it for me……?”

“……A, Ah”

E, Emm. ……I was only going to set up last night.

“D, Don’t you have to go see the town or……something?”

“You said you wanted to do something”

“……Eh, you want to……do that?”

“How many times do I have to tell you……?”

Beatrice is flustered. But it’s kind of cute when I hear what she wants. In an alleyway in broad daylight. Nowadays, no one can handle illusions. So…

“Well, then……so be it”

I looked to the left and right and suddenly saw……a love hotel. Given my flashy sexual history, it’s a strange place to be, but bringing Beatrice here, who is blushing and enduring the shame but still demanding sex……somehow, I’m strangely excited.

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