Half elves fall in love chapter 613

Chapter 613: Love Hotel 【Beatrice】

The country of Celesta, with its diverse ethnic groups, is always lively everywhere……which sounds good, but there are also aspects of chronic insecurity and many towns are ruled by indigenous violent organizations with unique rules. In the emerging town of Basson, however, there is still no such customary rule and security is supported by the legend of the crossbow corps, so it is a peaceful town that requires no special knowledge to walk around. In such a town, an inn where people are brought in is not so conspicuous. I had never been aware that there was such a shady establishment in a place like this. In general, inns are usually attached to bars. The situation where you want to get into a fight……with a random girl on the spur of the moment is taken care of there. I didn’t even know that there was a separate entrance to this Basson, an inn that goes out of its way to do erotic things. But what can I do?

“Twenty gold coins. From now until nightfall. If you want to take another half day, another 20”

“Until nightfall, that’s about three hours from now…….”

“If you are dissatisfied, come back after dark. If you are dissatisfied, come back after dark. At the very least, you can get a short-term gain by being stingy with your money, even if it lowers your mood”

The receptionist is an unfriendly old woman. I was worried about her attitude, but I didn’t have a choice to waste my time to have sex. But in fact, there is no such a thing as a stupid choice to waste time to have sex in order to have sex slowly. If I want to have a lot of fun, I’d better go back to the barracks. That is not the reason why I entered this place, because I wanted to take Beatrice’s offer right now. I dropped a coin into the receptacle with some regret and the old woman indicated the back of the room with her chin.

“Use the empty room. We are soundproofed, so you can enjoy yourself as you like without the neighbors gossiping. But be careful not to pass by other guests so that they can’t see your face. Also, I don’t recommend that you lock your door”

“Ah, yes”

Soundproofing……doesn’t look like much of a soundproof building. And an empty room……it’s poorly managed. I was a little worried, but as long as I could have sex without being disturbed, I didn’t need to worry about the details. I don’t have neighbors who would be in trouble if they found out. I held Beatrice, who was lying on her face because I didn’t understand her language, in my arms and went into the appropriate room at the inn. The room was closed, so it seems that there are a lot of people who use this kind of inn. I was thinking……that a room with a rickety bunk and an old candlestick would be enough……but then I realized that I was wrong.


It was cleaner than I expected. The bed was fluffy enough not to hurt your body if you were to do it too hard and the lamps were well polished. The wallpaper was a bit of an unflattering pink, but not filthy. There was also a mini-table with a pitcher full of water and a ceramic cup. It is rather well-maintained, to the extent that it makes the bar’s inn room seem poor.

“……I thought it was a bit pricey, but it’s not bad”

“Is it really……?”

“Hmmm, sort of”

The soundproofing is no lie and when you close the inner lock inside the room, you can’t hear anything from outside. It’s possible that all the other guests are exhausted and asleep, but I don’t think I should be so nervous about that. But it’s rather nice. I’ll let Boyd know. ……Ah, but an ogre might not be able to get in. It’s too small for that big guy.

“So……what should I do?”

“Well, let’s see……”

While I was looking around the room, Beatrice carelessly took off her clothes and scattered them around. There was nothing sexy about the way she took them off. It was like a child before taking a bath.

“H, Hey hey, Beatrice. ……If you’re just being timid, it’s a turn-off

“Eh, why……? Emm, you’re going to have sex……aren’t you?”


I sighed lightly and gathered my clothes and put them on the edge of the bed. Then I pulled Beatrice, who was standing naked, to the bed and lightly flicked her forehead, but not so much that it hurt.

“You know. Taking off your clothes is a part of sex. You have to learn how to take off your clothes in a way that won’t disappoint a guy”

“……Eh……but sex is only after you put your penis in, right……?”

“And to focus on that, you have to have an attitude that doesn’t distract the other person……well, I’ll teach you later”

I can’t preach before sex. And as I wondered what I should explain to Beatrice, who was wondering in her stupefied state, I felt like I was becoming a very old man. It’s always the old people who talk about the smallest of details that discourage me. Well, I guess I’ll just have to take the time to explain it to her after I’m done with one shot.

“As promised, I’m going to make Beatrice’s womb look pretty with my dick”

“……Y, Yes……”

I whispered in a very low voice and as I held Beatrice close and undid my belt with one hand, I felt Beatrice’s eyes focus on my crotch…….really, she’s so honest. Although she gives the impression of being a bit cheeky in some way from the first encounter, she is surprisingly unobjectionable and cooperative when it comes to sex. However, it’s a little different from the cat beast-like enjoyment of sex and there’s a fresh sense of newness, as if she’s hesitantly touching something new and unknown.

“Do you like cock that much?”

“I don’t know if I like……it or not, but……”

“You’re pretty into it, though”

“……B, Because it felt……good……”

Beatrice mumbles and shrugs as she explains.

“……I’ve never been hugged by anyone like this before……and if my nakedness pleases you so much……then that’s good enough for me, I’m happy……and if you’re so happy with my nakedness……then that makes me happy……and no one has ever told me that this is how it feels to expose everything……to someone”

“How do you feel?”

“……You have to tell me, right……? F, For fuck’s sake, let it in”

“I’m not going to let you have my dick unless you explain it to me”


She wriggles and take off my pants and shirt, caressing Beatrice’s naked body, while nagging her with words. ……Ah, I avoided nagging earlier because it smells like an old man, but before I knew it, I was nagging her again. But. But I want to make a girl like this say it. I want her to express all her innocent urges with her mouth.

“……Just thinking about you……daddy screw my dick, that’s all it takes to make my navel tingle, tingle, tingle……that sensation. It spread to my chest and echoed all the way down……and that’s all I could think about”

“Tingling, squeezing and so on, that’s not enough to convey the feeling”

“It was so sweet and sour and nice and weird……like I was getting fuzzy just thinking about it”

“Is that why you asked me out, to get a taste of it?”

“……Yes, yes. ……You know what I mean, right?”

“I’m not a girl. But, well”

Her sides, shoulders, stomach, thighs, neck. I caressed and toyed with every part of her defenseless naked body, making sure not to touch her genitals or nipples. Then she suddenly pressed my middle finger against her crotch


“I want you to taste Beatrice’s dirty pussy too”

“I can’t fuck you unless you say it like that every time……!?”

“You know it’s a dirty pussy, right?”

“That’s what I’m talking about”

“It’s a dirty cunt, isn’t it?”

“……Yeah, maybe……”

“You’re the dirty pussy that’s always wanted my cock, right?”

“How many times do I have to tell you……don’t move your fingers so violently……”

“Until Beatrice properly admits it”

“Just……dirty pussy……do it quick……papa”

Beatrice whispers in a huff as she is being gagged and dug into her vulva by me. Is it calculated or natural to add 「Papa」 to the end? Either way, it was true that it stimulated my instincts to kick in. I lay Beatrice down on the bed as if to push her off of me, then picked her up by one leg and pushed my cock into her vulva……as hard as I could.



Was I enhancing Beatrice, or was I enhancing myself? My cock, which was sticky and trembling with anticipation, slurped and licked its way through Beatrice’s vaginal folds without restraint, thrusting close to her uterus and was interrupted once by its tightening. Beatrice’s hips move with each tightened vagina. But Beatrice’s tightness cannot hold it forever as I swing my hips two or three times with vigor, and my cock soon slams into her cervix.

“Uaa♪ Aaaaa♪ Haaaa♪ Ann♪”

Beatrice screams charmingly. It’s been months since we had a confrontation in the palace, but now she loves my cock so much that she’s willing to come to the inn with me and beg me to make a baby with her. The girl, immersed to the core in female pleasure, accepts and enjoys the penetration with a shallow and dirty look on her face, despite my deep emotion. As I shake my hips, I forget my thoughts and just concentrate on devouring the young girl in front of me. And then.

“Beatrice, do you want some……seed, do you want it in you……!”


I whispered to her, feeling like an evil wizard teaching her a bad spell in a fairy tale.

“Say, make me pregnant, papa……!”

“Hungry……papa, hungry……akahyan, hungry!”

Beatrice cries out with her eyes unfocused by pleasure and I cover her with satisfaction, kissing her again and again while deciding to cum inside her.


Beatrice accepts it sweetly and accepts the semen while climaxing with her trembling tongue entangled in the invasion of my tongue. An explosive amount of semen fills her tiny vagina, very bubbling noisily out of the crevice.

After waiting for her to calm down, I pull out my cock, wipe her Beatrice with a wet hand towel I have prepared and gently tell her how to take off her clothes and how to invite her to come on.

“Even when you take off your clothes, you have to take care of the atmosphere. If it’s an orgy, that’s one thing, but if you’re going to make love one-on-one, take them off one by one while watching the other person’s reaction. Even if you want to have sex right away, don’t just throw your clothes everywhere, you have to pack them up and think about wearing them later. Also, I’m the type who wants to take off underwear with my own hands”

“……That’s picky. We both want to do it, so why not just thrust in and pound away?”

“As a man, I don’t really like it when people say things like that!”

“You’re a pain in the ass too……”

Ah, Beatrice is explicitly treating me like an uncle.

“Also, I made you say that earlier, but you have to get Hilda to examine you properly later. It’d be a problem if you got pregnant”

“Eh? Why?”


“Sex is for making babies……right?”

“……Yes, but”

Beatrice looked like she really didn’t know what I was talking about, so I rubbed my temples and wondered where to begin.

“Well……maybe in Kalwin you don’t get to choose your partner, but normally women choose who they want to have children with”

Because of Kalwin’s special circumstances, Beatrice, a brave woman, never had the chance or need to have sex in the first place. If she had time to get pregnant, she would rather be fighting demons. The people of Kalwin, who were not heroes, were gathered under certain conditions and bore children to unspecified partners. Since there is no institution of marriage and raising children is not the job of the parents, as there are separate child-rearing facilities, sex is really only an act of production for the sake of procreation. Therefore, the process of choosing a specific partner, reproducing and giving birth does not exist in Beatrice. I have a hard time explaining that. But.

“……B, Because I don’t care if I get pregnant if it’s my dad’s baby……”

“……You know”

“I’ve been trying to do that since I first got my arm healed……and even if you tell me not to get pregnant now, I’m not going to do it”

“You and……Brian were good friends, you know. If anything, if you were to have a child, you’d do that”

“I never thought of it that way”


Beatrice said with a straight face.

“I mean, Brian? What, Brian and I are going to have a baby……?”

“Why do you look so uncomfortable……?”

“Because……he’s such a little nag”


That’s how she treats him. ……I feel sorry for him, he was so worried about her. I’d like to pretend I never heard that.

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