Half elves fall in love chapter 619

Chapter 619: To Harmonium

The inside of the carriage is dimly lit. Although there is sunlight from the window, the window is also a so-called wooden door. It is not fitted with window panes like those of houses in the royal capital. It would be scary to put such a thing on a shaky ride if it breaks. If it were dark at night, we would hang at least a lantern from the window, but during the daytime, the main light in the carriage is provided by the open window, so it is so dark that we cannot even read the words except by the window. Having sex in the darkness is not so bad, but I personally prefer to see women’s bodies in a bright place, so I feel dissatisfied with the darkness. I want to be able to touch them even if I can’t see them, but I still want to feel visual satisfaction.

“……I think so, but is that too much?”

While holding Tetes, who first wrapped around me and with Anzeros holding my cock, I consult with Irina.

“Well, it’s not that hard to make magic light float, but……I’m going to make it work

Irina, naked, leans back over the back of the couch, grins and, while chanting the incantation, rotates her fingers in a wide circle around the back of the couch. Then, as if a curtain is being opened, the walls become transparent, allowing us to see her surroundings.

“It feels open, doesn’t it?”

“O, Ou”

The carriage, with its walls and ceiling made invisible except for the floor and chairs, is now flying through the air at high speed, held in Laila’s arms. The height of the carriage is several hundred meters. It is a little scary thanks to the altitude, where you can actually feel the ground flowing by.

“Hm. ……I’m sorry to say that Laila’s body is also a bit of a distraction from the scenery. Shall I make it transparent?”

Irina casts more magic and even Laila’s body disappears.

“Oh, come on, you can’t do that”

“She’s just going to disappear from here. Laila-dono’s body is covered by an illusion so that she cannot be seen from the ground, so she cannot use magic to interfere”

“……Does it mean that you can’t see me from the outside?”

“Yes. Well, I guess it’s enough for you to see women’s bodies in a bright place”

Irina laughs. The naked bodies of more than ten women are illuminated by the sunlight on the floorboards, gliding through the clear sky like a magic carpet from a fairy tale.

“Ahaa……this kind of thing is also nice……♪”

“One day, Andy-san……it’ll be no longer a dream to parade the ground slowly in a portable shrine filled with naked female slaves like this, not just as an illusion……♪”

Tetes and Aurora, their white skin glistening in the sunlight, licking my nipples and having terrible fantasies. What in the world would be the purpose of such an embarrassing parade with a portable shrine full of naked female slaves parading around while having sex……?

“It’s a parade that doesn’t seem necessary……”

I mutter and Sharon, who is getting under my skin, contradicts me.

“Is that so? If you go around like this, showing off your heroism at the floor, you can convince everyone why we are bowing down to you……of course, you can use me to the fullest as an example when you do so……♪”

“You actually love being watched, don’t you……”

“I don’t mind other people seeing your degrading appearance as a slave……I’m happy and proud that this filthy female body is in the way it should be……♪”

Sharon speaks euphorically while letting me rub her tits. And behind her, Naris is lightly hugging me and mumbling a complaint.

“I’m a little annoyed by the knight chief’s taste for that kind of thing, which is peculiar to people who are confident about their bodies……!”

“It’s fine, Naris. Andy still wants your body……it’s a mistake to think that breasts are everything”

“Almeida-sa´n is super comfortable with the fact that she’s better than me……!”

Naris is always concerned about her small breasts, but I think Naris’ boobs are very attractive. Well, there is no denying that it is Sharon’s big boobs that generally overwhelm men when she throws them out with a bang. But the female body is all about balance. It is not enough to have a big body, nor is it better to have a small body than a large one. It is enough if there is beauty in harmony with the whole. Naris, Almeida, Tetes, Aurora and Anzeros are all athletic and have no extra flab and their breasts and hips are all attractive enough to beguile men.

“Breasts……breasts, huh……?”

I can hear Beatrice muttering. I can’t see because the female slaves keep coming up to me, rubbing their bare skin against me, but I’m sure she’s comparing her breasts with Neia’s next to her. Beatrice’s breasts certainly haven’t grown, but they have a long way to go. No, it might be tough for her to become Neia class from here, but I think she can become as big as……Luna’s (normal size, not too big for her hands) breasts if she grows them slowly with a balanced nutritional diet and sex from now on. ……I was thinking that, when Hilda had snuck up on Beatrice before I knew it.

“Huu, huu, huu☆ Beatrice-chan, you want to make your breasts bigger?”

“Ya, what……!? It, It’s nothing……it, it’s just a nuisance if my breasts are that big……!”

“Neia-chan and Sharon-chan are strong even though they have big tits”

“Th, That’s……true, but……”

“Plus, you don’t want to lose out in terms of your presence as a woman, right? Yeah, I understand as a woman☆”

“……When you say it, it sounds so sarcastic……”

“Envy? Huhuuh. I’m a specialist in the human body. Are you interested in how to make your breasts bigger?”

Aurora, Anzeros and Tetes reacted with a jerk while sticking to me. Yeah. They haven’t given up after all. ……You guys are fine as you are. And Tetes isn’t completely out of the question, so I’m fine with the way things are now.

“……Wh, What is this……is there anything that can be done about this other than leaving it alone?”

“There are many ways……including magic and medicine. The most natural way to do it is to have more and more aggressive sex with Andy-kun……because besides the bloodline, the more aware you are as a woman, the more feminine your body will become……☆”

Hilda says as if she’s whispering in my ear. Still, it’s not a secret in a carriage full of elves. Besides, even a human like me can hear it.

“Awareness as a woman……”

“It’s not just about feelings, okay? It’s about the growth of your body, not just superficially, but to the core of your body, you have to have plenty of experiences every day that make you think, ah, I’m a woman……I’m happy to be born a woman☆”


“Like Anze-chan does, I’ll try to kiss Andy-kun’s dick……I’ll have Andy-kun dig into my pussy and asshole with his dick and he’ll make a squirting sound deep inside my stomach and cum inside me. The happiness of being loved……always be aware of it every day……☆”

“That’s not true……”

“That’s how you become a complete woman……there’s no point in only thinking about the bleak things, you know? Your life changed that day……so reaching for what feels good and makes you happy is the secret to having an attractive body as a result”


Hilda, her own dark skin nestled against Beatrice’s snowy white skin, continues to whisper seductively. Beatrice clears her throat at the sight of the women serving me.

“……Isn’t this person bad?”

I have a feeling that Naris’s muttering probably typifies the feelings of many in the carriage. How far would she go to seduce Beatrice?

“……Yes, that’s right……♪ I must serve Smithson-san……Master, I must serve……♪”

And it was Neia who was more intrigued than Beatrice. She got up from her seat and quietly approached the couch where I and the other women were entwined, holding her ample breasts in her hands as if toying with them and rubbing them against my legs. I’m already squirming in the woman’s skin and the feel of new soft skin and nipples joins……or rather, Neia squints her eyes sadly……every time she rubs her nipples against my body. ……Is this Neia masturbating her nipples on my skin?

“You’re greedy, Neia-san♪”

“Isn’t that good? It’s a pleasing tendency for a female slave”

Both Tetes and Aurora continue their tongue service to me, smiling as they watch. The women wriggle lewdly, exposing all their skin except for their collars to the sunlight. I take my time soaking in their pleasure as I run through the air. Then, with one hand rubbing Sharon’s tits, one hand stroking Aurora’s raw ass, Tetes holding me from the side, offering my knees to Neia’s nipple masturbation, and occasionally poking Neia’s pubic area with my toes while my cock is very rough in Anzeros’ mouth. Eventually, I ejaculate pleasantly, looking up at the blue sky.

“O, Ooo……!”

“Ngu, nnn……♪”

The semen spurts into Anzeros’s mouth again today, spilling over and over in an impossible-to-swallow amount, filling the air with a fishy smell.

“It’s time for a change”

“We need to be loved too”

“I’ll serve you……♪”

“Come on, Beatrice-chan☆”

“Eh, yaa……I’m not”

“Give up. Even I couldn’t bear it. Eventually……pride becomes irrelevant”

“You see, Almeida-san. You say even me, but generally speaking, you’re a very easy target, aren’t you?”

“……Wh, What are you talking about? I’ve been with you since before you knew me”

Swapping places with the previous members, Luna, Fennel and Irina pounce on me and Beatrice, Naris and Almeida join in, following behind. Their naked bodies are beautiful, shining against the blue of the flowing sky and the green of the earth. Squinting at the light of the setting sun, we continue intertwining without getting bored.


“It wasn’t as far as I thought it would be”

“Ho. It would be different if we were across the desert, but it’s not that far”

We arrived at the outskirts of Harmonium just before sunset. The grasslands to the east of the desert are wide open, but Harmonium is close to the northern edge of the desert. It was not so far from Basson, which was not surprising, since the northern legion had a base there.

“Have you been here before, Laila?”

“I used to travel here a long time ago. It’s not a new city”

“Well, I see”

The country of Celesta has a short history, but people have lived in this area for a long time. Even if there is no country, if there are people, there is a town. Shouldn’t they have come here?

“What are we going to do? Should we camp tonight?”

“Let’s look for a place to stay for now

“Hmm. I hope we can find somewhere convenient”


We tilted our heads at Laila’s mutterings.


……I immediately understood what she meant.

“Your companion is an elf, isn’t she? I don’t want to bother you, just find someone else

“What’s bothersome……?”

“We’ve always specialized in humans. Ogres, beastmen, elves and dwarves are always annoying us”

I was at a loss after three inns refused to serve other races. Some of them gently refused, but others were blunt and direct. I don’t think even Trot would hate other races to this extent. Or rather, maybe Trot has no choice but to accept other races to a certain extent because they have adapted to Celesta’s pressure.

“Laila, did you know?”

“It hasn’t changed since the old days. Around here, people of a different race are seen as troublesome outsiders

“……I wonder if we can stay here”

“I’m sure there are places to stay if you look. But where would I stay?”

“You were treated as a human being back then, weren’t you?”

“Yes. So it’s just hearsay. The terrain may have been different in those days”

With Laila in the lead, we all followed in a steady stream. On the way there, they suddenly saw an elf.

“Hey, there’s an elf here. Hey, I’ve got something I want to ask you”


It was a female elf with a languid atmosphere. She was carelessly wearing a loose robe. Her face was pretty, since she was an elf.

“What’s with all this trouble? I’m an elf. Ask a human about the town”

“No, I have a lot of elf friends. Do you know a place where elves can stay?”

“……Why did you bring an elf to a place like this? You knew it would be inconvenient”

I scratched the back of my head.

“Follow me. Sorry, but we don’t have any food that elves like”

“N……ah, thank you”

The woman had a strange way of talking, but I decided to go with her because she said she would show me around.

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