Half elves fall in love chapter 621

Chapter 621: Intercepting female slaves [Irina Aurora]

Feeling a little lightheaded, I passed the inn’s accounting desk, clutching an erotic picture scroll in my arms.

“Hey, brother. You haven’t checked in yet, have you?”

“Ah……well, my companion should have arrived first”

The innkeeper was a dwarf. And although he did not have much of a dwarf accent, his voice was low and hoarse. From the way Gloria said Bolton’s Hotel, I wondered if he was named Bolton. The sign only says hotel, though.

“Who’s your companion? You have to tell me the name. I can’t let you come in and out in the heat of the moment. There are idiots who come in with such an appearance and steal equipment and other things”

“Ah……whose name is he using? I wonder if it’s Irina or Aurora……”

“Irina……Irina, huh?”

The old dwarf gropes for his glasses and flips through the ledger with an unsteady hand. It’s hard to tell how old he is beyond a certain point because all dwarves look so old, but this one feels like a real old man.

“……Damn, the handwriting is so small”

“Your eyes are bad, old man”

“Don’t call me old man. I’m only 150”

“……You’re an old man”

If you wear half a pair of glasses, he’s 75. Even in Polka, which keeps you young, there is no old man who thinks he is young.

“I used to see better when I was young……but I guess I’ll have to get my glasses remade”

“So, did you have a name? I’m meeting someone, I need to go in and get changed”

“A meeting? You haven’t even checked in yet and you’re trying to bring in some whore”

“Don’t call her a whore……I’m sure she’s a prostitute”

Then I remembered what Gloria had said to me.

“……Because Gloria-san said she’d take care of me”

“Gloria……Gloria will deal with a stranger like you? Oh my god, that woman……”

“……What is it, old man?”

“……Nothing, I’ve been waiting for a month”

“You want to fuck an elf too, old man?”

“Sh, Shut up, she’s something else!”

Dwarves generally dislike elves. They often say things like, 「She’s too poor, she’s going to break my heel」 and don’t look at them as sexual partners. Of course, there are some who are more or less defensible, like Lookman. Dwarves and ogres are relatively compatible with each other and sometimes there are couples with spectacular differences in size, but that’s beside the point. ……Even an old man like him is waiting for his turn at Gloria’s.

“When is Gloria coming?”

“She said she would come after she cleaned herself up……so I guess it will take her an hour or so”

“……I, If that’s her way of telling you to go, then go ahead. I’m tired of staring at the ledger when you don’t look like this, so I’m going to trust you here”


I quietly walked to the back of the room, thinking that I would ask Hilda if she could treat me later.

I wondered where they were staying, so I called out 「Laila, Maia」 in a low voice and was surprised when several doors suddenly opened with a clang.

“Ho, what are you surprised about?”

“Andy-sama’s room, this way”

“Why didn’t you call me by my name?”

“Ah, no, Emma’s still feeling a bit like a guest, isn’t she?”

The sound of doors opening in those rooms followed. I looked around and saw that they were all my female slaves. I see. The inn rooms are usually for two people, so if you take in the number of people, you will have to take at least six or seven rooms. If we take the room for the dragons, there will be three more people. In fact, it seems that they are using the single rooms as well, so it is as if almost the entire inn is occupied by everyone in our group.

“Everyone had a difference of opinion as to what to do with Andy’s room”

“Since we’re going around anyway, I don’t think we need to settle on one place for this”

“These people are naturally talking under the assumption that 10-man captain Smithson is going to go around having sex with them……you did plenty of that during the day……”

“Yeah, don’t you want me to at least give you a goodnight smooch before you go to bed?”

“I don’t know about that kind of goodnight kiss kind of flirtation, Tetes-chan!”

“It’s nighttime. Be quiet, Naris”

“Well, well. We have the rooms around here to ourselves, so no one would hear unless it’s an elf”

Some of them had already changed into their nightclothes, while others were showing up in the hallway naked and collared without any particular intention. Or rather, Sharon and Almeida are completely naked (collars only) with a straight face. Their room seemed to be completely on the warpath.

“Ah, you know……I went to buy some of these and Gloria-san, who was just here……well, she said she would come here and serve me, you know?”

I gently shook the erotic picture scrolls I was holding and Anzeros picked up one and opened it.

“It’s different from the one I had the other day……”

“Obviously, if I had one, I wouldn’t have come here to buy it

“……You came all the way to Harmonium to buy this?”


Anzeros looked shocked and I realized I’d made a mistake. I kept it a secret that I’d come to buy this, and on the surface, we were supposed to be sightseeing.

“W, Well, you see, it’s all part of the fun, isn’t it?”

I feel everyone’s eyes on me.

“But even so, why are there so many……”

Anzeros muttered, picking up a few of the scrolls I was holding.

“Everyone wanted it. There aren’t many of these in circulation”

“I don’t care if it’s Lantz or Goto, Andy didn’t have to go to the trouble of getting his hands on this stuff for the guys in the squad……”

“Don’t call it something like this. It’s art”

“Maybe so, but it’s……”

Damn. It’s hard not to understand. You guys were the ones who got into sex the other day by using the erotic picture scroll as a topic

“Ho. If its owner, you can have a lustful hell that rivals any erotic picture scroll”

“Neither in quality nor in numbers”

Maia clenched her fists in agreement with Laila’s words. No, even so, an erotic picture scroll can mean having sex with a hundred people. ……Ah, but the cat beast colony can have up to a hundred people waiting to be impregnated. Yeah. I don’t have the time or energy to go around all of them, though. I was just about to goof off on that topic.

“Now now. The problem is not the erotic picture scrolls. If the sister who just came to serve Master…..in other words, to have a go at him, don’t you think we can’t just greet her in a daze!”

Tetes shook her fist.

“No, let’s not greet her, let’s just go to bed, Tetes-chan. Let’s leave it alone until tomorrow. We don’t need to be bothered by the fact that this man has had sex with a stranger’s sister once or twice”

No one was listening to Naris’ opinion.

“Umm……I agree. I feel like we, as female slaves, can’t show a disgraceful behavior that is inferior to the picture scroll”

“I agree. Master has to show that he is in a more luxurious situation”

Almeida and Sharon were driven by a strange sense of mission. No, I don’t think we need that.

“I wonder how she will react when she sees me serving you?”

“I’m curious……♪”

Irina and Aurora made mischievous faces and started to take off their pajamas even though they were in the hallway.

“Even so, we can’t all ambush her in bed, you know? Andy-kun has some bullets left, after all”

“Isn’t that solved?”

“It’s better now, but if he gets too excited and rapes everyone again, he might collapse from anemia”

Everyone pondered over Hilda’s words.

“We’ll just have to go with the representative”

Everyone reluctantly nodded to Laila’s suggestion and then a serious discussion began about who should be in the interception team. ……My opinion wasn’t particularly heard.

About an hour later, there was a knock at the door and it was opened. I let Laila show me outside the room which room to wait in. Then, Gloria, looking somewhat refreshed and moist, perhaps having had a light bath, quietly enters the room and stiffens…….

“W, Welcome……”

Feeling a little awkward, I give her a forced smile.

“E, Eh……ah, you guys……?”


“Rero, n, hamuu……nchu, nuu……♪”

As I sit on the bed, Irina and Aurora, completely naked and only wearing collars, happily suck on my crotch. On either side of me, Luna and Tetes, also wearing nothing but their collars, are leaning on me, waiting for her while pressing their cheeks against my chest as if they are being spoiled. The reason for this selection is that the two women sucking cock have an impact on the difference in status and Luna and Tetes are variations on their race. So as not to give the impression that I´m not popular only among elves! I’m not sure what the point is in correcting that misunderstanding.

“You’re going to make this man devour your body, aren’t you?  As you guessed earlier, there are many women who share the floor with this man besides you. You will not have all the seed juices to yourself, but, well, forgive me”

“……What are you doing, white-haired woman……sky-blue princess?”

“I and Irina are both……his female slaves…….♪

“I suck cock whenever I’m told to suck it and when I’m told to open my legs, I open my legs in front of anyone ……I feel pleasure in doing so……♪”

“……Wh, What……who, you”

Gloria looks at me, faltering and Tetes, who is serving me, answers as if she’s having a lot of fun.

“He’s a dragon rider. A real one at that……a hero who has solved many national events and has made more women happy than I can count on my fingers and toes. He’s like a living legend♪””

Luna continued.

“Everyone wants to have Andy’s baby……and you should be honored to be with him at least once”


Gloria was speechless. Of course. Yeah. She was thinking of offering a night of fun as a thank you for buying a lot of her work and then suddenly the supreme leader of the elves proudly licks the penis of the person she was with. It’s too shocking. Or rather, this production is really unnecessary, isn’t it?

“E, Emm……right”

I was lost in my lines as I tried to help Gloria recover from the shock. It’s a little too much to say, don’t worry, it’s all a lie (there’s no way a clan leader would get naked and lick someone´s dick just for the fun of it). However, it is also difficult to follow their line of thinking and say, 「I am a celebrity, as you can see and you should be happy to be held by me!」 It’s too difficult. Now, how do I explain it to her and how do I convince her? I’d like to have her take a shot at me if she can. But I don’t think I can complain even if she just runs away.

“Emm……I can’t force you, but if possible, I’d like you to keep me company……”

“……E, Ehuhh”

Gloria stares at my hand for a few seconds, then looks as if she suddenly remembers what she came here to do, clears her throat and regains her composure. She then opens her mouth, holds up her fingers and takes a slow breath as if desperately trying to clear her mind.

“Y,You’re right, I’m a professional, so……I, I have to do what I have to do”

“I, I don’t mean to force you to do it”

“I, I’m sorry, I’m just surprised. Yes, I was surprised……”

She laughs, ahahahaha and her face becomes a little hollow.

“……So this is really happening”

“I, Is this it?”

“A harem plot where the woman calls herself a female slave……”

“I don’t think it’s right to call it a plot

The way she said it, she was just plain pissed off.

“How serious are you?”

Gloria asks with a straight face, to which Irina replies while licking my dick.

“No one’s joking right now, you know?”

“Isn’t it possible that they’re trying to carry me on their backs, or that they’re being threatened or that they have some other urgent reason for wanting money?”

“There’s no way that Irina or I would unwillingly lick a dick for that reason”

Aurora’s answer made Gloria look down in bewilderment.

“……Right. It’s impossible isn’t it……because among the elves, the chief of the nine clans of the north is the greatest authority in the world……”

“Don’t be surprised to hear that. The chief of the cherry blossom clan and the princess of Arcas are also among this man’s female slaves. The two sisters of the chief of Talc are also among his slaves and……the girl there is a relative of Alex Buster of Renfangas”


Tetes smiles. The word relative is a bit vague, but I guess it’s the only way to describe her, since half-sister is a bit of a stretch in a lot of ways.

“It’s not like she’s royalty or anything……is it? I mean, even the merchant kings and Afilm emperors couldn’t afford such extravagant princesses against the elves……

“That’s right. Both I and the Sky Blue Princess are just deeply in love with this man…….with this dick. Even if you use your power to ask me to marry you off to a different race, I won’t agree”

“That’s right……n, chuu, ……nnn♪”

“I think you’re crazy that way, but that’s okay……”

Gloria-san makes a difficult face and starts to take off her clothes. Then, when she’s done with everything except her underwear, she takes a deep breath and looks up as if she’s regained her composure.

“……This is a chance to have a really valuable experience”

She started to say something strange.

“I’ve heard a lot of stories about vivid harems for procreation, but it’s hard to find a harem that’s 100% pure lewd and a picture scroll of eroticism. When you think about it, it’s good for my art”


“Let me use it as reference”

Gloria laughs. I can sense a bit of desperation in the air.

“You can use us as a reference, but we’re just the tip of the iceberg”

“Even everyone here isn’t even half of it

“……Everyone, do you mean the women you brought earlier……?”

I’m in a physical relationship with all of them. ……The female slaves affirm that in the atmosphere. Maybe I should be proud of it, but I couldn’t bear to look at Gloria’s incredulous eyes and I became small at heart.

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