Half elves fall in love chapter 626

Chapter 626: Girls Night Portrait 1

“Nice place. It’s a very nice house. It’s neither elvish nor dark elvish, it’s well designed for the passage of ogres and yet it has a prestigious architectural style. It’s a real imagination-stimulator”

Gloria-san seemed to like the 「Celesta Mansion」 very much. While everyone else, including ex-drug addicts, was moving their belongings into the spacious and numerous guest rooms, Gloria-san was exploring the mansion on her own.

“It’s just a building, right?”

Correction. She is not alone. In case we don’t know what a new guest might do……Tetes and I are following her around as a guide and lookout.

“A creator can imagine a story and a scene from a single tree or a single stone. When a building is this stately, it is tempting to imagine what kind of people have lived here and what kind of scenes have been created”

“Well, it’s not like it has a great story to tell. It’s a very ordinary structure in Renesto. Until recently, it was owned by the Charmant family, a local aristocrat, but they only used it for the New Year’s Eve celebrations”

“Stop, stop. That kind of thing doesn’t matter. It’s not like I can work backwards from the object to guess real history or real people or anything like that……like fortune telling. It’s just about intuiting the right character and the right scene for this place and that’s what a creative sense is all about”


Tetes made a face as if she didn’t understand. Gloria-san sighed.

“……Well, I guess a girl like you might understand a little bit. Okay?”


“First, like this”

Gloria-san forcefully holds Tethes and slowly narrows her hands from behind into the space in front of her. She stretches out her thumbs and index fingers alternately to create a square frame. Place it about 20 centimeters in front of Tetes.

“I will make a picture of this space”

“……Y, Yes”

“Here. For example, a woman with her skirt pulled up sticking out her butt”

Wait a minute.

“A gorgeous evening gown. Her buttocks already marked with the marks of several affairs. ……Can you imagine?”

“……S, Sort of”

“As detailed as possible. ……Then the nobleman arrogantly calls out to her. 『Oh dear, you’ve made such a vulgar face that you’ve ended up soiling it. You won’t be able to wear that to the party tonight』”

Please don’t develop an erotic picture scroll space so easily. I mean, Gloria-san, does she generate erotic picture scroll ideas every time she finds an emotional landscape……? Tetes quickly raised her hand while I was astonished.

“From there, he stripped me bare with a differential and said, 『Your dress tonight is suitable for semen. You’re going to go out on the floor dressed like that』”

“That’s a sudden turn of events……and then a gang rape?”

“A situation of public humiliation and ecstasy”

“I see……you start off hot without any preliminaries, so once you get to the rushed scenes, you can slow things down”

Gloria-san nodded. I mean, it’s not that.

“I know it’s tactless, but I don’t think it’s the kind of thing two women should be discussing seriously, looking at an empty window”

“But that’s my specialty, isn’t it?”

“Isn’t that an interesting approach?”

“No, let’s get away from pornography for now. I mean, did you have a way of thinking that made everything you saw and heard so pink, Gloria-san?”

“Eh, ah, no, not that much. She’s also pretty proactive about erotic things, so I thought maybe I shouldn’t use weird, artistic examples as examples”

“Tetes is smart, so I think she’ll get the usual examples. I mean, if you start talking about erotic things with her, there’s really no limit, so please hold back. Maybe it’s because she’s young, but when she gets carried away with eroticism, she can’t stop”

“Master is terrible”

I think that’s a fair assessment.

“Ahaha, if you say she’s young, that’s true. There are people who look younger, like Irina-sama or that half-breed swordsman, so I think, 『Is that really so?』, but she’s human, so she looks as young as she looks”

“When you’re around elves, your youth doesn’t always come to your attention……come to think of it, before I came to the Dianne Special Forces, people were always amazed at how young I was, no matter what I did”

“I guess that’s true……”

I don’t know how long she’s been working, but it’s rare to see a knight at Tetes’s age. Especially in Trot and Celesta, where you have to overcome fairly formal trials. And it’s even rarer for a woman. It’s easy to forget because she’s grown up, but even Aurora is still young enough to be surprised. Furthermore, Tetes can use magic on par with or even better than an elf. To put it calmly, she’s an insanely talented child.

“I wonder why she ended up as such a perverted character when she has all that talent……”

“That’s because Master is too perverted……♪”

“Eh, you mean it’s my fault!?”

“At least until Master trained me, I never used my pussy or anus for that purpose”

“You even brought out some alcohol to try and force me into something erotic, didn’t you!?”

As Tetes and I are arguing, Gloria-san makes a dubious face. I wonder how many times I’ve seen this kind of look on her face.

“I can’t even imagine how we got used to each other……”

“Master was dazzled by my young body and one night, he groped me like a toy, playing with my ass like it was a toy, since I was not immune to sex and couldn’t resist……”

“I’m really confused, Gloria-san, so let’s not get carried away!”

I pinched Tetes’ temples between my fists and rubbed them. This girl is so. 

Once the hassle of transporting was over, it was finally time for Sharon and the Gauntlet knights to report their return.

“If I leave here, I’ll have to go back to a rough life of monster hunting for a while…”

“For some reason, Naris is the most disappointed”

“Because if I’m in this unit, I don’t have to do much. I can’t have a leisurely life in Rennesto no matter what. If I have spare time, I’ll just get more and more work”

“Maybe the life of a female slave suits you after all, Naris-chan”

“I admit that the fighting routine doesn’t suit me, but it’s not like I want to be a slave! You are so quick to try to drag people into your mess, you slut slave!”

“But Naris. How is a life in which you don’t work actively, but participate when Andy calls you to have sex with him, different from a life in which you are a female slave?”

“Well, it’s different in many ways, like attitude”

“Where’s the difference other than attitude?”

“It’s……that, you know, the style of being depraved in a dignified way……the collars……and so on”

“Isn’t that in the category of posturing?”

Naris is cornered by Almeida.

“No, I’m not particularly looking for more female slaves and I basically want you guys to take off the collars as much as possible in your lives, okay? There’s basically nothing in it for me to gain by wearing it, right?”

My argument was met with a 「Yes, yes」 response. I’ve been feeling a little uncomfortable lately. I want to make a serious appeal here. I don’t want to be a slave, but I don’t want to provoke people outside the company. ……Then Gloria sighs ruefully and gets everyone’s attention, 「You’re going away from now on, aren’t you?」 it seems to me that Gloria-san shouldn’t be disappointed, since she doesn’t have that much of a connection with the person she’s going to leave.

“I, I wish I had had time to make a sketch of them, especially since they are so good-looking”

“A sketch? I guess you mean models for paintings”

Sharon murmured and Gloria-san nodded.

“If only I had a little more time. I’ve been wanting to model for a while because it’s rare to have the chance to take up my brush with such a group of beautiful girls……”

“That’s it”

Naris pointed out.

“I’ll do it. That’s what I’d like to do. It would be a nice souvenir, wouldn’t it? We can take a couple of days”

“You really want to put it off that long, Naris-chan?”

“I mean, you don’t usually get a chance to have something as nice as a portrait painted. That might be different for nobles like Tetes and the Knight Chief, though”

“Umm……but isn’t Naris-chan a little bit too slow in coming back, don’t you think?”

“Well, well, don’t say so. Like Naris, I’m somewhat interested in being a model”

“That’s right. When I was forced to model in my hometown, it was too boring and not much fun……but if it can provide my master with some comfort while I’m away, I wouldn’t be opposed”

Surrounded by three elves who were somehow enthusiastic, Tetes reluctantly agreed.

“Haa……well, I don’t want to force myself to return to my unit too soon. That’s fine”

After getting her consent, she asked me if it was okay, and I was somewhat interested in what Gloria-san was drawing, so of course I nodded.

And then.

“Excuse me, I’ll give you a report from Berga……quickly!?”



“Don’t come in here so suddenly!?”

Since Gloria-san was going to do it, of course the condition of the painting was 「Nude woman」 and although Naris hesitated a little, the four members of the gauntlet knights ended up posing naked in one of the rooms of the mansion. And when I was looking at them, Sir Buster paid a visit in person……and opened the door in his usual friendly tone and Sharon, Tetes and Naris made a big fuss. Almeida, by the way, was not too upset. She was used to having men look at her skin after her long military life in Afilm.

“As you can see, Grand Knight Chief, we are having a painting done, so if you want to talk to us, you can do so later…….”

“Wh, What the hell, you guys are going to start selling erotic picture scrolls in Smithson’s name!”

Sir Buster shouts with his back turned.

“Nice try. You’re not far off the mark.”

The artist is an erotic scroll artist. I’m not going to sell it, but I’m going to hang it in Polka’s house.

“Are you sure you want to sell it?”


If you want to sell it, please arrange it in such a way that I can’t tell it’s them. I’m a little curious to see what would happen to an erotic picture scroll modeled after one of my relatives.

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