Half elves fall in love chapter 628

Chapter 628: Girls Night Portrait 3

“Well, now that I’ve done this much, I guess it’s time to finish it up. I’ve finished having the models stand, so you can look forward to the rest. ……Even if I say, I don’t know if I’ll be able to see the finished product”

Gloria-san declared the end of the project while twirling the brush on her hand. The brush has not been rinsed with water, but the paint has already been cleaned off. Apparently, being an elf, she uses a lot of magic in her painting methods and as far as I could see, many other unconvincing phenomena were occurring. It is not only that the paint, of which there are only a few colors, achieves a total natural color, but also that it dries up in no time at all. An ordinary human painter would probably need a great deal of time, art materials, and special techniques for coloring in order to complete such a painting. It may sound like cheating, but of course there are no limits to the techniques that can be used for this kind of work. As long as the finished product is good, whether it is magical or idiosyncratic, the one who has mastered it wins.

“Ooo……wow, it’s amazing, it’s me but not me……I feel a bit more accomplished when I get to fit into something like this”

“I’m naked, though”

Naris (who has the sheet cloth draped over her shoulders like a cape) is innocently impressed as Tetes teases her, while Almeida (who is completely naked and collared, not paying any attention to my gaze) looks at her with a bit of amazement.

“Naris……you tend to forget that the Red Arm is respectable enough”

“Eh, ah, no, maybe it is

“I always wondered what kind of an adventuring team would have someone as good as you following others around in a poor way. In the city, it would be splendid if you had a fighting ability as good as a regular soldier, let alone a red arm”

“Ah… I’ve never been the type to push people aside and take the lead in the first place……I don’t think ordinary adventurers are supposed to defeat monsters. The key to adventure is to find a way to avoid conflict”

“Hmm……then, is it possible to say that the gauntlet was a vocation……which could make use of Naris’s hidden talents?”

“It’s not my calling at all. I thought you’d notice that I’m usually so passive”

“I think it’s a great talent to be able to maintain that kind of skill without even bothering to work out, even if you don’t like it……”

“I’d rather live a leisurely, relaxed life with a moderate amount of cultural stimulation than kill anything. I do it because I need the money, not because I have any ambition to make a name for myself”

“I think adventurers are far from laid-back and relaxed……”

“It can’t be helped, there aren’t many places where unidentified elves can relax and enjoy themselves. I just chose the cultural stimulation”

Hearing Naris’ explanation, Tetes (wrapped in a sheet just to be safe) and Sharon (naked and collared) looked at each other.

“The more I listen to you, the more I realize that you are a slave”

“Isn’t that exactly what she was born to do?”

“You guys know that’s a terrible thing to say about a natural!”

……The description of an unidentified elf with a wandering fate as 「Suitable for slavery」 is certainly a villainous statement depending on how you listen to it. Yes.

“But even though she’s a female slave, she’s actually more like a free and easy-going chambermaid, you know?”

“Polka is a good place and Master guarantees my identity with his strong authority. I’m involved in sex myself and I sometimes visit various countries as if it were a casual outing. I think I have everything Naris wants”

“Ugu……even so, I’m not about to declare myself a slave”

Naris flinches a little, but declares the usual. Tetes put her finger to her lips.

“Hmmm, so marriage is okay?”

“……I mean, that depends……on the situation, but if it’s serious, I might consider it……”

“Soon, Master, you’ll be legally free to marry anyone you want


“What are you going to do? Are you going to keep running away from now on?”

“What do you mean, run away?”

“I think if you stay close to Master, he’ll probably marry you. I wonder if Naris will continue to say that being a soldier isn’t for her and continue to be in an awkward position forever”

Unable to bear the constant provocations of Tetes, I interrupt.

“It’s not right to say something like that and pressure her. Our relationship is not a proper one. It’s not something someone else should force into her decision”

“That’s what I say, but I feel uncomfortable with Naris-chan’ half-baked, slippery position……”

“No matter how much of a friend you are, her life belongs to her”

“That’s true

I don’t actually want to force a girl who has other options to become my female slave. Whatever the truth is, making the decision to live as my female slave is nothing but destroying other public appearances. I’m happier being immersed in sex with her than any other dream! ……I can’t say such nonsense. I’ll make the girl who made that choice as happy as I can. That’s all. So I don’t think we should drag Naris, who still has a connection to her real dream, into it as if it were an obligation.

“Besides, you’re going to return to the Gauntlet Knights’ headquarters once you’re done modeling, right?”

If they return there, 「Reality」 awaits them. I was about to end the conversation with that thought, but instead Naris ended up holding her head.

“Uh……I see, I had to leave when it was over”

“Haa……we’re going to have to say goodbye for a while, Master. Don’t forget, okay?”

“I don’t think they will let me leave for some reason for a while, but if you want to sire me……you can always come to me……♪”

“Me too. I’ll try to clear up the mess as soon as possible so I can concentrate on my work……but until then, I’ll have to come out of my way. If you’re okay with that, come over……♪”

Sharon and Almeida, both naked, appeal to me to rub up against me. Shrugging her shoulders at that, Gloria-san began to put the painting away.

“It seems like a joke no matter how many times I see it……but it’s amazing how you can get such big women knights to flirt with you so much”

Sharon and Almeida replied to Gloria-san as they each held one of my arms.

“Women who excel in martial arts are difficult for ordinary men to handle. You, my master, have taught me the joys of being a woman without fearing or denying our power”

“If I am to live as a female, it is for this male……makes me feel so naturally. It tells me as an irresistible fact that I am a 『Woman』 who delights in conceiving and giving birth to the children of the man she loves. I even think it is a trivial thing to be anything other than that”

“I get it. How shallow I was for sticking it out and living my life……I want to get rid of that way of life and get pregnant with Master’s child as soon as possible……I feel a twinge of instinct in the pit of my stomach”

Sharon and Almeida are entranced. Gloria-san is a little taken aback, but laughs vaguely to cover it up. I always think that both of you are very quick to jump to conclusions.

“I really want to get pregnant soon……”

“That’s right. Hey, Tetes, can you take off my birth control? You always avoid the question”

“I’m not dodging the question. If I’m going to take it off, I have to show it to Master. It’s better to have him admit that I’m ready to be impregnated with his seed and get him excited”

Tetes gently unwraps the sheet from around her breasts while asking me for my consent with a flushed look. What do you think? Since we’re here, why don’t we start a fight? It was as if she was saying that. I was a little concerned about Gloria-san, but then I thought about it, she is a prostitute and an erotic writer. I don’t think she would be so offended if I started without her permission. She might even take me as a reference, though. I nodded to Tetes and she took off the sheets and threw them away herself, crawling her fingers over Sharon’s belly and whispering the incantation. I glanced at Naris, who stubbornly kept her sheet-clad hands closed while her gaze wandered as if she were lost. Meanwhile, Almeida muttered to himself as he watched Tethes remove the birth control.

“Even if I and the knight chief are not impregnated by the contraceptive, it would be better if there was some kind of magic to make sure that we would get pregnant”

Hearing this, Tetes answered as she raised herself up.

“I’ve asked Hilda about the same thing and she said there was one”

“……There was one? Does that mean it doesn’t exist now?”

“Apparently, if you use it, you can get pregnant. There’s a high chance of it resulting in a deformed or stillborn baby, though”


“Apparently, it’s not the same as preventing pregnancy. ……Well, using magic to forcibly create a baby is kind of disgusting, isn’t it?”

“U, Umm”

Almeida turns a little pale. I was a little taken aback too when I heard it. But then a voice came from an unexpected source.

“I don’t do anything directly to help you have children, but……I know a spell”

It was Gloria-san. She had already put away her easel and canvas, but she had a brush in her hand. Spinning it around, Gloria-san smirked at me.

“I’ve been in the subhuman area for a long time, doing erotic things for a living. I’ve been taught spells that are passed down to the beastmen. It doesn’t have the side effects you’re talking about. It’s not a sure thing, either”

“What kind of spell?”

Gloria-san rolled up the hem of her dress and drew a strange pattern under her belly button with a brush in her hand.

“Like this. Even though the pregnancy rate is high for beastmen at the full moon, luck is still involved. They draw these patterns on the wombs of young girls during the daytime to make sure they will have children”


“That’s an interesting custom. Could you draw one for me too?”

“M, Me too. ……If we’re going to be apart for a long time anyway, I want to make sure I get pregnant now”

Sharon and Almeida come forward. Tetes smiled mischievously as she wondered how it would play out.

“Well then, I’m……no spell. I’m naturally prone to getting pregnant, so let’s go for a fair one”

“I thought you’d be more aggressive”

“It’s only a spell after all”

It is a kind of superstition based on folk beliefs, different from magic. The enthusiasm of Almeida and Sharon, who are pure-blooded elves, to try it out is very heartwarming.

“Besides……Gloria-san. I just casually drew it myself……doesn’t it look interesting?”


Tetes whispered to me, but Gloria-san overheard it.

“This……doesn’t mean you should impregnate me or anything!”

“It’s just a spell after all♪”

Tetes said, grabbing Gloria-san’s hand as she hurriedly tried to erase the pattern.


“Let’s try it out together♪ We’re all elves, so if someone gets pregnant, it’ll be effective……♪”

“Waa, I’m……a little bit, aren’t I?”

“Gloria-san’s been personally courted, so it’s not too bad, right……?”

Tetes grinned as she took off Gloria’s clothes. Almeida and Sharon, who had already drawn the pattern for each of them, also helped out and Gloria-san was completely naked in the blink of an eye.

“Wh, What’s this……so sudden!”

“It’s a thank you, thank you♪”

“You drew a nice picture for me. And this pattern. I’ll show you my gratitude by being the first to do so”

“Having someone rape me while wearing the mark of a pregnancy prayer is so tasteful♪”


Gloria-san looked dissatisfied, but after a while she sighed.

“……Well, this is the first time we’ve done it this way……I was taught this by the same person, so it’s not the first time……but it’s fine, if you can get her pregnant, go ahead and do it”

I sit down on a table and raise my legs lightly. I feel a fresh excitement. Of course, the simple act of her, Sharon and Almeida drawing unintelligible patterns on their uterus and waiting for my cock with a……no, a prayer for a child on their bodies is surprisingly exciting, even to myself.


Naris finally takes off the sheets, perhaps not wanting to be left out of the group. The two of them are now in the middle of the room and Tetes approaches them, holding up a brush lightly to show them what she’s doing.

“……Naris-chan, if you’re going to participate, you have to draw♪”

“……U, Uh……eei, it’s just a matter of mood anyway……”

Naris allows Tetes to extend her brush without waiting for a reply. ……I aimed at Gloria’s vagina with my cock as I looked at it sideways.

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