Half elves fall in love chapter 680

Chapter 680: Galatia, the naked departure

After being outspoken by his daughter and assaulted by Beatrice, Captain Theo succumbs completely. He receives a brief dressing down from Hilda and curls up in his bunk and turns away.

“……Go wherever you go. After you’re gone, I’ll do as you say and go fishing for women”

“……That’s really disgusting when a parent declares something like that……”

Galatia looked dejected. Yeah. It’s definitely tough when a parent says something like that.

“You started it”

“……Well, I think you deserve to be happy now, Dad……but if you do whatever you want with her like Alan and make a name for yourself, I’ll really cut you off”

“……You’re the one who’s going with that guy, you say that?”


Galatia looked at me awkwardly……or rather, the women around me looked at me. I really couldn’t argue with this.

“……Like this guy, if you lay hands on any of them, you should act like a man and take them as your wife!”

“What’s manly about it? It’s just a bad way to start things off”

Yes, I’m sorry. I shrunk, but mainly the three dragons argued back.

“Ho. It’s like a king to have a lot of women”

“Andy-sama only takes females who come to him properly as his female slaves. And once he has a female slave, he uses her well”

“In fact, he is more than adequate to meet the needs of the women”

That’s how it works from their point of view……. Ah, but Maia, that’s not accurate, since even the women who don’t come up to me become my female slave at least once, that’s your perception. The only one I’ve ever actively caught on my own is Neia.

“No good comes from marrying a woman if you don’t have much money or power. It’s the duty of a powerful man to gather women to match his strength”

Irina, too, spoke of phallicism in a very ogre-like manner as if it were common knowledge. But you know what, Irina? I didn’t mean it that way, I just wanted to take it in turns to monopolize the girls I wanted to fuck. Gloria laughed when she heard that…….

“It’s a way of thinking that disregards the power of women to support men, isn’t it? Well, it can’t be helped if you are an elf in a male-dominated society, but I don’t think it would work too well for beastmen, would it?”

“I suppose so”

“In the Dukedom of Branbakus on the Afilm Peninsula, it is said that women are more important than men”

“It’s a different culture. Generally, we don’t ignore the power of women either. Of course, the achievements of Smithson-dono in taming dragons are included in the calculation, but the fact that there is a lot of power on the women’s side, including me, Sky Blue Aurora, and Cherry Blossom Representative Christie, is also a reason for us to get together. It’s a kind of supranational alliance with Smithson-dono at the center. If a strong and energetic person is in the center, the number of allies increases like a snowball, and both safety and profits increase”

“Supranational alliance……”

Now there’s a word that sounds a lot stronger than it is. And Irina. You just sneakily changed the nuance of power, didn’t you?

“It is one of Andy’s strengths that he is able to arrange so many noble women in a row without any top or bottom, even though it seems that he is just being wildly flirtatious with women. It’s just a consequence”

“That’s the power of a champion”

Anzeros and Aurora also defend me proudly. With his back turned, Captain Theo blurts out.

“……From the outside, it looks like I’m on some bad drugs”

“Drugs, eh……?”

“In a way, your sweet words with Andy are highly addictive♪”

What about that? Am I the kind of guy who makes drugs come out of my penis?


The next day, Galatia, the pirate’s daughter, was to depart from the Red Whale Island.

“This is what happens in the end, huh?”

“I had Galatia in my sights!”

“Don’t say something so outrageous! The captain has terrible ears!”

“You had no right to be angry with me because I didn’t touch her after all!”

As expected, the crew of the Red Whale Pirates were saddened by the departure of Galatia, who was the only daughter of the feared Captain Theo, but was the only one in red. The old crew members seemed to have noticed that Galatia had taken an interest in me.

“I thought she would at least become one of our wives……or, if not that, a female pirate captain after the captain…….”

“No, I’m not going to live my life buried under a bunch of scruffy muscle-bound bastards without a shred of finesse like you!”

“Wh, What are you talking about, you brat!”

Galatia stuck out her tongue and then hid behind Laila. At any rate, she understood that Laila was the most reliable protector.

“……We’ll go first, but I’ll leave the rest to you, Bauz”

“Yes. That was the plan all along”

Bauz will now take the drug addicts to Polka and act on his promise to me to treat them.

We’ll go back to the mainland one step ahead of him, picking up all sorts of things as we return to Polka.

“This is my first time on the mainland, but……you’re in Celesta, right? You speak the same language as us, right?”

“Basically. The accent is a little different”

Lapal is a Northwestern-speaking country. There is no shortage of languages. The difference between Trot and Celesta is more significant in terms of language.

“I, I wonder if I would be considered a countryman if I spoke the same way as they do here. Would I be embarrassed?”

“I don’t think you have to worry about that, since Celestians are, in a sense, hardly urban people at all”

“Eh……th, there are cities, aren’t there?”

“Well, there are some, but……long-lived and short-lived species, beastmen, ogres and mermen all live on their own. Cultures are not homogenized. For example, the biggest city is the capital Quica, but the elves of Claves, where there are many long-lived species, seem to think the people of Quica are country people”

“E, Eh……so which way should I follow……?”

“You can do what you want. As long as you don’t live there, that’s fine”

If you move to a new place, you need to learn the common sense of the place, but at least in Celesta, there is no one right way to do it, because people are always talking about the countryside and the countryside to each other.

“Over here, the Faral kids are the cutting edge, so you just have to know what’s trendy there……”

“Well, there’s no need to worry so much. After all, you’ve got a dragon with you. No one’s going to lay a hand on you just because you’re from the country”

“I, I see……”

We put Galatea, convinced, in the carriage and, with the pirates seeing us off, we decide to take off.

“……See you guys! Be proficient, for a change!”

Galatia, with a subtle nuance of hatred in her voice, waved to her companions from the window.

“What do you mean, just in case!?”

“You’ll miss the sea soon anyway!”

“Come back anytime! I’ll make you my wife!”

“No way! You idiot!”

Galatia raises her fist, yells loudly, and pulls herself back.

“……Damn those guys. They think I’m a child”

“I thought they treated you like an adult when they said they were going to take you as their wife”

“It’s been like that since I was a kid. If they were serious, Dad would definitely get mad, so they all say it jokingly. It’s creepy”

“Umm……I don’t know”

I think some of them were rather serious.

“I’m a female slave from now on, so it doesn’t matter”

“……Y, Yes”

“Yeah, yeah, honesty is the best, Gala-chan☆ Well, let’s make her your female slave now”


Hilda was close enough to see the faces of the pirate crew, but she already started to take off Galatia’s clothes.

“Eh, what, all of a sudden?!”

“The only people who can see her are her fellow female slaves and Andy-kun anyway, so she has to be rather aggressive in getting naked. If you have a chance, you can show your tits and spread your pussy for Andy-kun to mate with him☆”

“B, But no one but me……”

“Everyone else is giving it up☆”

No, it’s just that Hilda is trying to lead her to sex too quickly, so no one can keep up. And because she’s being held back by the word 「Giving in」, everyone is confused and can’t just let things slide and get naked. Galatia is the only one in the carriage who is made to strip by Hilda. Even if she wants to complain, she’s the one who said she wanted to become a female slave, so she can’t, so she just opens her lips in a weird way, trembles, and embraces me, her face bright red.

“You can’t just go with the flow and have an orgy time, and sometimes you can’t read the atmosphere and take off your clothes and invite someone, or you can’t be a slave for Andy’s dick☆”

“I, Is……Is that right?”

“No, that’s not true”

I argue against Hilda’s outrageous argument, but before I can finish, Beatrice also stands up and takes off her clothes.

“I, I can do it too!”

……She’s an airhead in the opposite sense of the word.

“Okay, okay. Then let’s kiss Andy’s dick together and invite him like female slaves☆”

“W, With this guy?”

“Bea-chan, Andy-kun doesn’t like female slaves fighting or being mean. Girls who can’t get along are always made to reflect on their actions and are put off as a punishment☆”

“U, Uh……”

Beatrice and Galatia. Young and rebellious, with black and blonde hair, but obedient to their body’s desires. The girls glare at each other a bit and then kneel naked on my cock, which I pull out of my pants, kissing it from side to side and begging for sex. I couldn’t help but grin at the sight of them, feeling a little left out of Hilda’s sudden and forceful instruction.

“……Ah, Andy……”

“……Shall we have sex?”

“Ah, put it in me”

……Yeah. Let’s put it in.

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