Chapter 695: Panties & Petting 【Nord, others】
The three sisters, Nord-san, Galatia and Gloria. I take the six people who have never seen Polka before to the secret hot spring.
“Waa……it’s really elven-like”
Galatia gives a very vague impression, and Gloria laughs wryly.
“What do you mean, elven-like?”
“Well, it’s just……the atmosphere of the place, the air”
What Galatia is referring to is the unique sense of mystery that pervades the hot spring, which is set in a narrow clearing in the deep green forest. The indirect light from the narrow, limited sky. The stone bathtub, which is dim even in the daytime, is not old, but somehow has a narrative quality like an ancient ruin, and gives off a sense of dignity that makes it somewhat difficult to approach. The only sounds that color this space are the sound of the water overflowing, the rustling of leaves, and the distant calls of birds. If you were to wander through the forest and arrive at this place without knowing what to expect, it’s not hard to imagine that you might feel the presence of elves without any particular reason.
“I know what you mean. It really does feel like a bathing spot for forest dwellers”
Nord-san nodded and touched the wall of the changing room with her hand, and then muttered, oh, I see.
“But it’s quite new, isn’t it?”
“Well, Selenium and Jeanne are in charge of maintaining it”
“Yes, the half elf and the dwarf girl who gave birth to your childs first”
When I think about it, Nord-san doesn’t know either of them very well. I shouldn’t have mentioned their names so naturally.
“It’s a hot spring that’s been gushing out naturally from the start, and the baron was having trouble with it because of its bad location. But little by little, all of my female slaves have been working together to make it look like an open-air bath”
“It’s not that far from town, but it’s in a bad location?”
“The forest is the border between our territory and the elves’. It’s safe as long as you don’t go in too far. But if you go too far in, you never know when the elves might attack you”
“Are they that bad of friends?”
Galatia interjects from the side, looking surprised. ……Of course the pirate girl from the other side of the sea wouldn’t know about the relationship between Trot and the Elf territory.
“Not long ago, things were pretty tense. If you ventured too deep into the forest, it wouldn’t have been strange for an arrow to fly at you without warning”
“Eh, are you sure it’s okay? Won’t we get shot too?”
“A while ago, I would have been scared, but now it’s fine. You know Irina, right? She’s like the princess of the forest. There have been a few incidents, and reconciliation is progressing on a large scale, and there are a lot of elves in Polka, and most importantly, the dragons from the nearby Dragon Palace are watching. Even the elves with their stubborn heads can’t do anything outrageous”
……When I think about it, it’s pretty thorough. The existence of the Misty Palace is particularly effective.
“Well, it doesn’t matter. If it’s okay for anyone, then even I, who has been excommunicated, can relax”
Gloria begins to slip out of her clothes.
“Dark elves are fine too, right?”
“You brought us here, so of course they are!”
“Or rather, it’s a place where people won’t think it’s a problem if we make sexy noises, right? The fact that you brought us here to talk about such things means that this is the place~♪”
The three sisters also smile lasciviously and lick their lips, and then they each begin to provocatively take off their simple clothes, which were originally made for desert use. In front of the steaming hot spring in the green forest, Gloria-san’s white skin and the three sisters’ tanned skin each release a contrast and become beautiful and shiny as they are revealed.
“Please wait a moment, Gloria-san”
Gloria, who was folding her clothes lightly and putting them in a basket, stopped when she was left with only her underwear on.
“Please let me take off your underwear”
“It’s a bit fetishistic……you’re pretty honest about your desires”
Gloria-san laughs bitterly. But we’ve come this far in a situation where it’s like whether or not she’ll become my 「Mistress」. There’s nothing wrong with being honest about your desires. It’s not a bad thing to want to take off her panties.
“Then……take them off♪”
Gloria-san turns around with her hips drawing a nice curve, and she says so. The feeling of conquest that comes from having her surrender the last piece of clothing protecting her genitals. It’s nice when she gets naked without any resistance, but there’s something special about taking off her clothes with my own hands. While slowly caressing her white bottom, I peel off the cloth protecting her and make her completely naked. I make her look like she has no obstacles to sex.
“……N, are you satisfied?”
“Very much”
“Huhu. This is nice. It’s like being a princess”
“So this is what it’s like to be sexually harassed by a princess……”
“It’s like having to rely on someone else to help you get dressed and undressed. Oh, man”
“I want to be the one who gets to rub a princess’s butt and make her completely naked in the future”
“Your intelligence is dropping”
While giggling, Gloria pulls her legs out of her panties and heads for the bathtub. As I watch her go, holding her panties in my hand, I suddenly notice that the three sisters are also watching, with their breasts together. Their lower halves are all wearing just one pair of pants.
“Do you want to take off our underwear, too?”
“I’ll assign Andy-kun to be the one to massage my butt and expose it♪”
“I wonder if it’s okay to call Cima a princess……”
No, no. I think she’s a princess too.
“I humbly accept the position”
Saying this with a slight air of mock modesty, I approached the three of them while squatting down, and the three sisters put their hands on the wall and stuck out their brown, healthy butts. Mira-san’s pert, firm butt, Cima-san’s slightly larger butt, and Lukino-san’s well-toned butt. I was able to enjoy the three brown hips lined up in front of me with both hands, and I was able to pull down their panties as much as I liked. Well, they’re telling me to take them down, so I’m taking them down. I want to keep stroking the sisters’ butts, so I only take down their pants halfway on purpose, and play with their buttocks by stroking, rubbing and shaking them to my heart’s content. I never thought two years ago that I would enjoy making six beautiful sisters, including Dianne, Hilda and Nord, into sexual harassment toys like this.
“Hurry up and take off your clothes, Andy-kun♪”
“Just touching your butt won’t make you feel good, you know?”
“Why don’t we take off your clothes too♪?”
The three sisters started to get impatient with me when I kept playing around like that. I had too much fun. Besides,
“You can touch their butts as much as you want after you take a bath”
Nord, who is standing by in her underwear, waiting to be undressed, and Galatia, who is still waiting with her beautiful legs and breasts next to her, nervously wagging her tail, are also still waiting.
“It’s a shame to part with them, but then……yep, here I go”
Smoothly, smoothly, smoothly, and the three brown butts are revealed. All three are naturally hairless, and while checking with my fingers that the pleasure engines are quietly moist at the back of their well-shaped butts, which are similar but different in their own ways, I release the girls. And then.
“Finally, it’s our turn”
“Do you really like taking off people’s clothes so much……?”
Nord and Galatia are already naked from the waist up. They’re following the four girls who have already stripped off everything without any reservations, so Nord, who has a lot of courage when it comes to taking off her clothes, probably isn’t too embarrassed, but she covers her nipples with two fingers (the areolas are still showing) and shakes her hips as she walks forward in front of me, probably to provoke me. Galatia also covers her nipples with her hands, and her tail is wagging anxiously.
“Let’s take off your clothes from the front”
“Well, from the front……”
“I’ve already seen your anus, so I guess you want to take a good look at your pussy♪”
“There are all sorts of ways of wearing panties, and I think each one is wonderful”
I can’t believe myself in many ways, as I say things like that with a suspicious smile and put my hands on the girl’s panties.
“Galatia……the only one with hair is quite distinctive, isn’t she?”
“No, stop it……I think I’ll shave it off”
While the others are hairless as is usual for elves, Galatia is the only one with pubic hair, and she seems to be embarrassed by this, so she waits patiently for her panties to be lowered while saying things like that.
“There’s nothing to be ashamed of in having a distinguishing feature, you know? We’ve never had one since we were born, so we don’t know how it feels, but if you’re going to have one, why not let it grow as long as little brother doesn’t mind?”
“But, well, it’s kind of embarrassing to have one all by yourself……”
Galatia says with a troubled expression. She has no experience of sex at all, and having been thrown into a world of a different culture and race, she probably doesn’t really know what she should be proud of and what she should be ashamed of.
“Half of the children without hair are female slaves, so I want you to take care of the children that are. I like elves, but I also like beastmen, dwarves and dragons. They don’t all have to be elves”
“What about humans?”
“……If they’re cute”
No, it’s not that only the human race is ugly. Or rather, it would have been enough to say 「Any race is OK as long as they’re cute」, without having to distinguish between the different races. Finally, while taking off Nord’s panties…….I put my hands behind her waist and enjoy her perfect buttocks with the palms of my hands.
“So……I want you to take them off and touch them as much as you want while you’re taking a bath”
“If I go over there, the offense and defense will be even, but for now I want Nord to be the one being undressed and I’m the one doing the undressing”
“That’s not fair……now let me undress you too”
“Please let me enjoy you a little longer”
I thoroughly enjoy Nord’s ass and her pussy, which is drooling uncontrollably from being teased. When I finally finish taking off her panties and stand up to take off my clothes, Nord’s tanned skin wraps around my back.
“No, I’m the one who’s taking off your clothes”
“Oh, it’s no fun watching a guy take off his clothes”
“Is it not?”
There was a hint of a smile. Then……she began to undress me, caressing my whole body in a lewd way, rubbing my soft skin, my erect nipples, and my sexual fluids all over my body.
“Do whatever you like……now I’m the one who’s going to undress you, and you’re the one who’s going to be undressed. Don’t try to escape……♪”
“……That, emm……I’m going to lose my patience”
“No. Just obediently take off your clothes. I’ll let you cum”
“Wh, Where?”
“Of course……in your sister’s pussy. You don’t want to waste your load, do you? Be patient……huhu, do you want to fuck that much?”
…..I wonder if this person really is a dancer. In fact, I wonder if she’s not a more skilled prostitute than Gloria. Nord-san seems to enjoy it so much that I can’t help but suspect that she’s a prostitute, and she takes off my clothes while arousing my excitement.
And in the end, after holding back until the very last moment,
“Ahaa……I can’t take it anymore. You have to cum inside me after you’ve properly fucked me♪”
I ejaculated when my penis touched her labia, and she poked me on the forehead. Some of the ejaculation pressure went into her vagina, but this can’t be called a creampie.
“That’s a pity. Next time, inside……right♪”
“O, Of course, you’re okay with this, right?”
“What should I do? Everyone’s waiting, so I’m sorry”
“……I can’t hold back any longer”
“Uhuhuu……well, sorry, all five of you……I’ll go first♪”
……With her taking the initiative, the orgy at the hot spring began.