Half elves fall in love chapter 701

Chapter 701: Unusual life 1 [Cute, others]

Lady Swallow’s transformation continued the next day. She was now a completely different person.

“Who is this……?”

“It’s you, isn’t it?”

Hilda showed her a large mirror at the inn, and Lady Swallow stroked her face and made a dubious face.

“I feel like I’m having some kind of weird dream”

Even her voice has changed from how much she has been ravaged by alcohol and cigarettes, and the only element left from the original Lady is her slightly old lady haircut. It is something that can be seen calmly when the flab is completely removed, and she is only a little taller than Aurora. In other words, she is taller than most of my female slaves. By the way, the tallest one is Laila, who is about the same height as me. Almeida is a little shorter than that, followed by Sharon, Christie and Aurora. Fennel and Hilda are about the same height, Dianne, Luna, Apple, Selenium, Savory, and Galatia are slightly different. I didn’t measure it exactly, so it’s just a feeling. Slightly lower than that are Oregano, Marone and Miril. These are the lines that feel a little small when I hold them. Naris, though not a female slave, is also in this area. And then there are Anzeros, Tetes, Beatrice, Neia, Cute, Maia and Emma, who are a little lower than that. These areas usually seem smaller. Then there is Irina, Laurier, and of course Jeanne, who is the smallest. Nord, for example, is rather tall, about the size of Almeida. The three sisters are usually in the class of Dianne and Hilda or Oregano´s group. ……Let’s leave the height thing out of it.

“Are you almost completely cured?”

“I’m sure it looks that way. But I recommend you to polish your skin a little more at the miraculous spring”

“I’m rather surprised that you haven’t become a bit dried out……I’m surprised at how much a person can change in three days. I’m surprised myself”

“Huhuhuu. I won’t forgive you for acting like an old lady at only 300 years old. That being said, I still don’t want you to live a self-indulgent life☆ Your body shape wouldn’t be like that unless you had a cursed disease, but fat people are used to a life of lack of exercise, so they’re more likely to become unhealthy even after losing weight”

“I’m not asking you to do something difficult for a businessman who can’t move because he has to sit at the store. ……Well, the store is closed for now, though”

“You should take a daily walk around Sitar. Or maybe dance or martial arts”

“It’s a field I’ve never touched, so I don’t know if it’ll work……”

Hilda is a real doctor, worrying about her life in any way. But the miraculous spring is amazing. I’m sorry to say this, but compared to a pig, the pig is more charming, and that lady is now a normal, young, beautiful woman.

“Maybe you should cut your hair younger. That tangled hairstyle is a bit much

When I suggested this, Lady made a reluctant face.

“Don’t complain so much about older people’s fashions, you little brat”

“Well, you look younger than me, so that’s not right”

“I’m not going to be asked to dress like a young girl all of a sudden. I’m Lady Swallow, remember?”

“Even if you dress like an old lady, you’ll just look like a young girl trying to act like an old lady”

“Y, You……you!”

Lady Swallow looks pissed off. But Hilda stopped her.

“Yes, yes. I know you’re embarrassed, but you should definitely dress appropriately. You can look dignified even when you’re young. Aurora-chan and my Dianne-chan can scare even the great elven elders with that outfit”

“Don’t put me in the same category as a princess……”

It seems that Lady’s remodeling project is progressing to the inner stage. I wonder what the end result will be. But……I can’t believe that that big mama body type will become a normal cool beauty.

“She’s beautiful, but the image of her previous appearance inevitably gets in the way……”

I guess I need a little more mental discipline to have ulterior motives for the reborn Lady’s body.


Summer is the busiest season in Polka. The long-distance carriages are the busiest of the year for both sightseeing and peddling. The sick and wounded who cling to the springs, as well as merchants and shepherds who are aware of the springs’ extraordinary benefits, also make the most of this time of year to make their excursions. They know that snow is the most troublesome of all. In this area of heavy snowfall, it starts early and it takes more than two weeks to reach the town on the other side of the Little Snake Mountains (the mountain crossing is particularly difficult). Therefore, people come here early in the summer to enjoy the miraculous spring to the fullest, and return in late summer.

Today, many vendors are spreading their wares in the plaza, and a market is spontaneously springing up. It is a strange thing to find a few familiar faces among the shoppers, and just spotting them is a joyous experience. Perhaps it is because I am happy to see that everyone is having fun in their own way, even when I am not looking.

“Hey, Azel, Rizel”



“Don’t call me that. In public. I’d appreciate it if you wouldn’t look at me like that”

I couldn’t help but plead with the peddlers who were staring at me with half-closed eyes. I quickly changed the subject.

“Wh, What were you looking at? Stones?”


“I heard that this kind of thing is popular in a place called Folklore”


It is a slightly transparent black-green stone that looks like a three-dimensional hexagram……but if you look closely, you can certainly tell it is soap because of its slick luster and distinctive scent.

I am impressed when Rizel shows it to me. The soap itself is not without Polka, but the method of making it is uniform and the colors are all beige. The smell is not as good, and the shape is not fashionable at all, just cut into squares.

“One piece makes 30”

“That’s quite a lot of money……”

“As you can see, it’s a very elaborate product. I couldn’t make it cheaper even if I wanted to”

The merchant smiles. I look at the soap closely. Unlike the murky beige Polka soap, the beauty of the soap is so beautiful that I am convinced for a moment that it is a gemstone.

I think it would make a pretty nice interior decoration with its scent and appearance, even if I just display it. ……Well, I’d rather pay a little more for this than a lot less.

“Okay, I buy it”

“Hey, are you cutting in line to buy it, bro? Isn’t that the one those cat beast girls over there were looking at?”

“It’s a present. Just wrap it up”

The merchant whistled as I announced this. Azel and Rizel raised their hands in joy.

“I thought you were buying. The 『Master』 is a bit in poor taste, but I’m not going to ask what the relationship is”

“I don’t think it’s that disturbing. These girls are from Celesta, as you can see. They are just a bit culturally specific”

I tried my best to sound as refreshing as I could. It wouldn’t be much use to gain favor with this merchant at this point, but……no, no, everything is done little by little. Let’s work hard to improve my image.

“Look, Rizel. ……What do you use it for?”


The peddler shakes his head at Rizel’s immediate answer.

“Oh, come on, it’s true that it could be used for that, but it’s a waste. Look, here’s the one for that”

“Eh? Isn’t soap for washing clothes?”

“No, it’s good for washing your hands, scrubbing your skin, washing your hair. That’s what its good for”

“But in Polka, even just taking a normal bath makes you sparkle”


“……Did I bring the wrong product?”

The merchant put his hand on his forehead and said, I’m sorry, I’m sorry. The effect of the spring is certainly high in the area of beauty, and most people become clean just by taking a normal bath. Polka soap is also used for washing clothes, and sometimes there are people like Hilda who bathe using soap they brought in, but it is not for removing dirt, but more like a fragrant application. In that sense, the demand may be low.

“……One for laundry. No, two”

“……Thank you”

It is not bad to do laundry with distant goods once in a while. I’ll give it to Azel and Miril.

I’ve been pretty busy for the past few days since I got back, even though I’ve just been hanging out. That’s because, of course, the girls who stayed behind kept inviting me.

“Master♪ I know this is sudden, but are you free later?”

I was having lunch at the tavern when I was approached by Savory.

“I haven’t decided on anything yet……”

“Then we’ll meet right after the seven bells♪”

A key is handed to me with a pop. ……A key.

“Hey, Savory”

“You can go in first”


I was about to ask her where we were meeting, but on second thought, there are only so many places you need a key. And seven bells is two o’clock in the afternoon, city style. That’s right after the tavern’s lunch hour ends. The only place that Savory could go right away was this neighborhood. That is, the back locker room.

……When I entered the locker room a little before the bell rang, I found Cute was just getting dressed.



I was called by Savory, and I didn’t ask her if Cute would join us. I don’t think it’s something to worry about too much, but if she wanted a one-on-one, it would be a shame to push Cute out, so here…….

“Sorry, Savory said she had something to talk to me about……sorry for interrupting you while you were changing”

I quickly apologized and waited outside. Let’s wait for Cute to get dressed and get out. I thought, but Cute’s face lit up.

“Ah, yeah, I heard you. Oregano said she’d invite you over after she’d finished cleaning up”

“I, I see……emm”

“She said I could have you cum first until then!”

Cute comes up to me naked and innocent, putting all the clothes she was about to take off with pleasure into the basket once again. When she gets to the door, she is seen from the outside. I hurriedly checked left and right. As expected, no one would come all the way to the back of the tavern, but I hurriedly shoved Cute in and closed the door. ……There are no lights and you can hardly see anything. I thought the Owner’s wife had thoroughly squashed those gaps to prevent peeping.

“I need some light……”

“Nya? Can’t you see?”


I guess it doesn’t matter if it’s dark or not, since Cute is a cat beast.

“Don’t you have a lamp or something?”

“Yes. I’m not bothered if I don’t have a lamp, and I’ll cast a spell on her when Savory changes her clothes”

“Ah……I see”

Elf’s basically have their own magic light when it’s dark. So what should I do?

“Shall I open it a little……or do it outside?”

“Nya, nyaa……♪”

Even to my bold proposal, Cute doesn’t disagree, making a clicking sound with her ears. I hold her little naked body and think a little bit about which one to……choose and give priority to the bold choice that excites me a little bit. Hey, it’s summer, so why not?  ……I can’t answer what it is because it’s summer, but it’s summer, so it’s okay. I feel like I’ll be told that after a small image-boosting campaign, this is a waste of time and energy……but, you know, it’s summer. It’s the season to be a little adventurous. Nationwide.

I’m going to make Cute go out of the locker room with her collar completely naked and just her sandals hanging off her.

“Nya……haha, I feel like I’m doing something really naughty……♪”

The sandy-haired cat-beast girl spins her naked body around in the summer afternoon sun behind the lived-in tavern. Right next to her usual workplace, she was completely naked, wearing only sandals. Even though it was the back, it wasn’t narrow, and it connected to the grassland on the outskirts without any obstructions. If someone was passing by, there would be no hiding place. If a 15-year-old girl is naked for sex in broad daylight, she has no excuse to be known. And yet Cute laughs as she blushes.

“……Master. Shall we?”

“That’s naughty. Even though a familiar customer might be wandering around nearby”

“E, Ehehee……it’s fine. I’m Master’s personal female slave”

“You’re a naughty girl. I’ll have to punish you with my dick”

I took my cock out of my pants too and went behind Cute. The tail of the same sandy color as her hair stands up and sticks up her buttocks, while breathing a little shallowly and begging to be mated. She is still very wet and excited.

“Well then……I’ll punish you for being too naughty”

“Nya, nyaa……I’m sorry……♪”

“But……being honest is a good thing. Here’s a reward for being obedient”

I can’t help but wonder what I’m saying. But Cute is pleased. I can tell by the strength of her thrusting ass and the feel of her wet meat tube that accepts and tightens around my cock. A girl with a ponytail, still young at her age, is naked and happy to be fucked by a cock a year older than hers, in the middle of the day, in the middle of the city. How immoral and perverse. I take my hands off her tiny hips and rock her with just the stick I’ve made her swallow, making her squirm and writhe, intoxicated with pleasure and a shallow sense of conquest at the same time. Then, I hear footsteps approaching.


“Look, here they come, Cute. ……You’re going to be seen. You’re going to be seen submitting so enthusiastically to a cock”

“Nyaaaa……ah, how embarrassing……nya……♪”

I agitate in the afternoon’s glorious sunshine, shaking my hips gently. In fact, those footsteps are probably Savory and the others. There aren’t that many……or maybe even any who have business in the back of the house just like this. What if it was the tavern owner or his wife? I’d be the one who would be pissed off, I’m sure. It would be really awkward if by some mistake some of those kids came to see the show. ……I was worried about myself after I had stirred up, but it was still Savory and Oregano who showed up.

“Ah, you two are bold……”

“Yoi. I’m starting ahead of you”


Oregano hurriedly entered the changing room, leaving Savory, who was blushing and staring.

“Oh, Oregano?”

While Savory was left behind and confused, Oregano immediately came out of the changing room, completely naked, wearing only a collar and sandals, just like Cute.

“This is the way it’s supposed to be♪”

“……W, Well……okay”

It’s hard to say that she only went outside because there was no light, because she was actually doing a bold blue rape. Savory saw this and gulped and spit into the locker room, as if determined……and went into the same bare sandals.

“Mou……I’m already perverted”

“Cute and I just agreed to do this, so you don’t have to shag me inside”

“……Cute is showing off that courage, so I can’t back down♪”

After all, these two seem to be the kind of people who want to enjoy the thrill. Oregano entwines her fingers in front of her chest a little shyly, while Savory leans forward with her hands clasped behind her waist as if to show off her chest. Well, her breasts are standard for elves, so they’re not that big, but that’s why they have such a delicate flavor. Above all, her erect nipples are a sight to behold.

“Wait and see. After I cum inside Cute, the next one is Oregano, then Savory”


“I’m the one who asked you to come, and you’re going to leave it till the end?”

“I can’t ignore the fact that Oregano was first in line……Cute, I’m about to put it out……I’m going to be a little aggressive”


I grab the cat girl’s tiny waist and stimulate my own glans with the cervix at the back of the narrow meat tube, ejaculating under the pressure.


“Don’t scream too loud or they’ll find you……”

Even as I say this, I do not pull my cock out of that vagina and enjoy the long ejaculation all inside the girl’s body.


After satisfying the three of them, I was walking to the hot springs to flush when I met the clear-faced Masturbation Brothers.

“10-man captain Smithson. You smell like squid”

“Eh, you’re not the one who smells like squid?”

Goto was suspicious of his partner. They are strange guys. I know it’s true that I smell squid and they smell squid. It’s hard to argue with them now.

“I mean, why do you guys look so satisfied with yourselves? Have you been playing blue sky erotic picture knee?”

“I never thought of that”

“As expected of 10-man captain Smithson”

“Aren’t you?”

“No, we’ve just recently stumbled upon some great masturbation material”

“It’s a great one-shota, isn’t it……”

The two men were impressed.

“One shota?”

“……Well, I’ll keep the details secret out of consideration for your privacy”

“Same here”

“Hey, you guys aren’t really peeking in places you shouldn’t, are you?”

The hot springs have become a tradition to a certain extent, so you can still hear excuses, but if you peek in the houses around there, you can’t complain even if you get kicked out of Polka.

“No. It’s a general condition of public access”

“Well, in the end, I pulled it out with Airi-san”

“You guys”

What’s up with Airi letting them get off so openly? Or rather, she still goes out looking like she’s getting off. I need to be careful. ……Well, I can’t be too forceful today either.

“I like the countryside, buddy”

“It’s nice. ……It’s not like this in the city”

“What did you guys really see?”

I was getting a little curious but in the end they didn’t tell me of course. ……I wonder if Airi would know.

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